pattern transform翻译

pattern transform翻译

"Pattern transform" 可以翻译为 "模式转换"。



1. 图像处理 (Image Processing):

- 边缘检测 (Edge detection): 将图像中的边缘转换为二值图像。 Example: The pattern transform algorithm successfully converted the image edges into a binary image.

- 图像旋转 (Image rotation): 将图像按照一定角度旋转。

Example: The pattern transform function allows the user to rotate the image by any desired angle.

- 图像缩放 (Image scaling): 调整图像的尺寸大小。

Example: The pattern transform technique efficiently scales down the image without losing significant details.

2. 模式识别 (Pattern recognition):

- 特征提取(Feature extraction): 将图像中的特征转换为可识别


Example: The pattern transform method extracts the key features from the image for effective pattern recognition.

- 模式匹配 (Pattern matching): 将输入的模式与已知的模式进行匹配。

Example: The pattern transform algorithm successfully matched the input pattern with the known patterns in the database.

3. 数据压缩 (Data compression):

- 压缩算法 (Compression algorithm): 将数据转换为更紧凑的形式以减少存储空间。

Example: The pattern transform technique significantly reduces the size of the data using an efficient compression algorithm.

- 数据解压缩(Data decompression): 将压缩的数据转换回原始形式。

Example: The pattern transform function is used to decompress the compressed data back to its original form.




测绘工程专业英语翻译 Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors (随机误差的统计学基本分析) Random errors are those variables that remain after mistakes are detected and eliminated and all systematic errors have been removed or corrected from the measured values.【eliminate】后,并且所有系统误差被从测量值中移除或修正后,保留下的那些变量【variable变量、变化n.】) They are beyond the control of the observer.So the random errors are errors the ourrence of which does not follow a deterministic pattern.确定性的】模式【pattern】而发生的误差) In mathematical statistics, they are considered as stochastic variables, and despite their irregular behavior, the study of random errors in any well-conducted measuring process or experiment has indicated that random errors follow the following empirical rules:【mathematical statistics】中,它们被当成随机变量【stochastic variable】,尽管它们的行为无规律,在任一正确的【well-conducted原意为品行端正的,这里指



ansys Workbench;菜单选项中英文对照 1、ANSYS12.1 Workbench 界面相关分析系统和组件说明 【Analysis Systems】分析系统【Component Systems】组件系统】【CustomSystems 】自定义系统【Design Exploration】设计优化分析类型 Electric (ANSYS) Explicit Dynamics (ANSYS) Fluid Flow (CFX) Fluid Flow (Fluent) Hamonic Response (ANSYS) Linear Buckling (ANSYS) Magnetostatic (ANSYS) Modal (ANSYS) Random Vibration (ANSYS) Response Spectrum (ANSYS) Shape Optimization (ANSYS) Static Structural (ANSYS) Steady-State Thermal (ANSYS) Thermal-Electric (ANSYS) Transient Structural(ANSYS) Transient Structural(MBD) Transient Thermal(ANSYS) 说明 ANSYS 电场分析 ANSYS 显式动力学分析 CFX 流体分析 FLUENT 流体分析ANSYS 谐响应分析ANSYS 线性屈曲ANSYS 静磁场分析ANSYS 模态分析ANSYS 随机振动分析 ANSYS 响应谱分析 ANSYS 形状优化分析 ANSYS 结构静力分析 ANSYS 稳态热分析 ANSYS 热电耦合分析 ANSYS 结构瞬态分析 MBD 多体结构动力分析 ANSYS 瞬态热分析 组件类型 AUTODYN BladeGen CFX


ansys Workbench;菜单选项中英文对照 1、 Workbench 界面相关分析系统和组件说明 【Analysis Systems】分析系统【Component Systems】组件系统】【CustomSystems 】自定义系统【Design Exploration】设计优化分析类型 Electric (ANSYS) Explicit Dynamics (ANSYS) Fluid Flow (CFX) Fluid Flow (Fluent) Hamonic Response (ANSYS) Linear Buckling (ANSYS) Magnetostatic (ANSYS) Modal (ANSYS) Random Vibration (ANSYS) Response Spectrum (ANSYS) Shape Optimization (ANSYS) Static Structural (ANSYS) Steady-State Thermal (ANSYS) Thermal-Electric (ANSYS) Transient Structural(ANSYS) Transient Structural(MBD) Transient Thermal(ANSYS) 说明 ANSYS 电场分析 ANSYS 显式动力学分析 CFX 流体分析 FLUENT 流体分析ANSYS 谐响应分析 ANSYS 线性屈曲 ANSYS 静磁场分析 ANSYS 模态分析 ANSYS 随机振动分析 ANSYS 响应谱分析 ANSYS 形状优化分析 ANSYS 结构静力分析ANSYS 稳态热分析 ANSYS 热电耦合分析 ANSYS 结构瞬态分析 MBD 多体结构动力分析 ANSYS 瞬态热分析 组件类型 AUTODYN BladeGen CFX Engineering Data


英文版PS6.0的界面翻译 一、 File (文件) : New (新建); Open(打开);Open Recent (最近打开文件);Close(关闭);Save(存储);Save As(存储为);Save for Web(存储为Web所用格式);Revert(恢复);Place(置入);Import(输入);Export(输出);Manage Workflow (管理工作流程);Automate(自动);File Info(文件简介);Print Options (打印选项);Page Setup(页面设置);Print(打印);Jump to(跳转到);Quit(退出) 二、Edit(编辑): Undo Rectangular Marquee(还原);Step Forward(向前);Step Backward (返回);Fade(消褪);Cut(剪切);Copy(拷贝);Copy Merged(合并拷贝);Paste(粘贴);Paste Into(粘贴入);Clear(清除);Fill(填充);Stroke(描边);Free Transform(自由变换);Transform(变换);Define Brush (定义画笔);Define Pattern(定义图案);Define Custom Shape(定义自定形状);Purge(清理);Color Setting(颜色设置);Preset Manager(预设管理器);Preferences(预设) 1、Purge(清理) Undo(还原);Clipboard(剪贴板);Histories(历史记录);All(全部); 2、Transform(变换) Again(再一次);Scale(缩放);Rotate(旋转);Skew(斜切);Distort (扭曲);Perspective(透视);Rotate180°(旋转180°);Rotate90°CW (顺时针旋转90°);Rotate90°CCW(逆时针旋转90°);Flip Horizontal (水平翻转);Flip Vertical(垂直翻转); 三、Image(图像): Mode(模式); Adjust(图像调整); Duplicate(复制); Apply Image (应用图像); Calculations(运算);Image size(图像大小); Canvas size(画布大小);Rotate Canvas(旋转画布);Crop(裁切);Trim(修整);Reveal All(显示全部); Histogram(直方图); Trap(捕色设


Dictionary Work Unit 1 1.insight: the capacity to gain an accurate and deep instinctive understanding of a situation洞 察力 2.checkered tablecloth: tablecloth that has a pattern consisting of alternating squares of different colors 3.chew the cud: think reflectively沉思 4.gnome: (in legends) a little old man who lives underground and guards the earth’s treasures 土地神; a small ugly person侏儒 5.melancholy: (adj.) sad, gloomy, depressed忧郁的;悲伤的;令人消沉的 6.berate: scold or criticize angrily痛骂;申斥;严厉指责 7. a perverse streak: an obstinate quality顽固的;难治的;固执的;不顺从的 8.ruefully: regretfully悔恨地;沮丧地;悲伤地;怜悯地 9.drag: (slang) a boring thing; nuisance损害;讨厌的人或事;公害 10.immortality: never-ending life or endless fame不朽的 Unit 2 one’s heels: be forced to wait; be kept waiting等下去 2.attest to: testify to; serve as an evidence to affirm/to be proof of作为或提供某事物的明证 3.apocalyptic: foreboding imminent disaster or final doom天启的;预告未来灾祸 4.proconsul: an administrator in a colony usually with wide powers地方总督;总督;代理领 事 5.ruminate: go over in the mind repeatedly and often slowly反刍;沉思 6.nattering: chattering; hence, noisy瞎扯;抱怨;唠叨 7.echelon: rank, level指挥阶层 8.fortify: encourage; support加强;坚固 9.reappraisal: re-evaluation再评估;再考虑 10.academe: the academic community; academics专门学校,大学校 11.shrink: psychoanalyst or psychiatrist精神分析学者;心理分析专家 12.subliminal: existing or functioning outside the area of conscious awareness潜意识的 13.truism: an undoubted or self-evident truth公认的道理,老生常谈 14.mellow and marinate: to mellow is to become ripe or fully developed, and to marinate is to steep(meat, fish) in a savory sauce to enrich its flavor; here, ripen and mature Unit 3 1.tangible: substantially real; material确实的;实质的 2.custom: business patronage; regular support given to a tradesman by those who buy his goods主顾;捧场 3.impregnable: unassailable, unattackable; sturdy不可攻破的;坚固的;不动摇的 trust in a person’s ability and intention to pay at a later time for goods, etc. supplied 信用;存款 5.dash: vigor in style and action冲撞;突进 6.flair: ingenuity and vitality天才;本领 7.invulnerability: freedom from harm or attack刀枪不入;无懈可击,position: arrangement into proper proportion or relation and especially into artistic


A E C S4特效部分的中英翻译(包涵插件) 1.3D C h a n n e l三维通道特效 2.--3D c h a n e l e x t r a c t提取三维通道 3.--D e p t h m a t t e深度蒙版 4.--D e p t h o f f i e l d场深度 5.--E x t r a c t o R 6.--F o g3D3D雾化 7.--I D M a t t e I D蒙版 8.--I D e n t i f i e r 9.A u d i o音频特效 10.--B a c k w a r d s倒播 11.--B a s s&t r e b l e低音和高音 12.--D e l a y延迟 13.--F l a n g e&c h o r u s变调和合声 14.--H i g h-l o w p a s s高低音过滤 15.--M o d u l a t o r调节器 16.--P a r a m e t r i c E Q E Q参数 17.--R e v e r b回声

18.--S t e r o m i x e r立体声混合 19.--T o n e音质 20.B l u r&S h a r p e n模糊与锐化特效 21.--B i l a t e r a l B l u r 22.--B o x b l u r方块模糊 23.--C C R a d i a l B l u r螺旋模糊 24.--C C R a d i a l F a s t B l u r快速的放射模糊 25.--C C V e c t o r B l u r向量区域模糊 26.--C h a n n e l b l u r通道模糊 27.--C o m p o u n d b l u r混合模糊 28.--D i r e c t i o n a l b l u r方向模糊 29.--F a s t b l u r快速模糊 30.--G a u s s u a n b l u r高斯模糊 31.--L e n s b l u r镜头虚化模糊 32.--R a d i a l b l u r径向模糊 33.--R e d u c e i n t e r l a c e f l i c k e r降低交错闪烁 34.--S h a r p e n锐化 35.--S m a r t b l u r智能模糊 36.--U n s h a r t m a s k反遮罩锐化 37.C h a n n e l通道特效


1、ANSYS15 Workbench界面相关分析系统和组件说明【Analysis Systems】分析系统【Component Systems】组件系统【CustomSystems】自定义系统【Design Exploration】设计优化分析类型说明 Electric (ANSYS) ANSYS电场分析 Explicit Dynamics (ANSYS)ANSYS显式动力学分析 Fluid Flow (CFX) CFX流体分析 Fluid Flow (Fluent)FLUENT流体分析 Hamonic Response (ANSYS)ANSYS谐响应分析 Linear Buckling (ANSYS) ANSYS线性屈曲 Magnetostatic (ANSYS) ANSYS静磁场分析 Modal (ANSYS) ANSYS模态分析 Random Vibration (ANSYS)ANSYS随机振动分析Response Spectrum (ANSYS) ANSYS响应谱分析 Shape Optimization (ANSYS) ANSYS形状优化分析 Static Structural (ANSYS)ANSYS结构静力分析Steady—State Thermal (ANSYS) ANSYS稳态热分析Thermal—Electric (ANSYS)ANSYS热电耦合分析Transient Structural(ANSYS)ANSYS结构瞬态分析 Transient Structural(MBD)MBD 多体结构动力分析Transient Thermal(ANSYS)ANSYS瞬态热分析 组件类型说明 AUTODYN AUTODYN非线性显式动力分析 BladeGen 涡轮机械叶片设计工具 CFX CFX高端流体分析工具 Engineering Data 工程数据工具 Explicit Dynamic(LS-DYNA)LS-DYNA 显式动力分析Finite Element Modeler FEM有限元模型工具 FLUNET FLUNET 流体分析 Geometry 几何建模工具 Mechanical APDL机械APDL命令 Mechanical Model 机械分析模型 Mesh 网格划分工具 Results 结果后处理工具 TurboGrid 涡轮叶栅通道网格生成工具

2020届人教版高考英语艺考生复习知识点及典例训练:第27课 Peoms(学案,含答案)

第27课时Peoms(Unit2, Book6) 回归课本: 一、词汇识记(记其形、明其义) 1.pattern n.模式;式样;图案 2.eventually ad v. 最后;终于 3.transform v i. & v t. 转化;转换;改造;变换 4.appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的 n. 交换;交流;互换v t. & v i. 调换;交换6.sponsor n. 赞助人;主办者;倡议者v t. 发起;举办;倡议7.scholarship n. 奖学金;学问;学术成就 8.load n. 负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的) 9.tick v t. 给……标记号 10.convey v t. 传达;运送 11.nursery n. 托儿所 12.concrete adj. 具体的 13.diamond n. 钻石;菱形 14.flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 15.tease v i. & v t. 取笑;招惹;戏弄 16.minimum n. 最低限度;最少量;最小数 17.forever ad v. 永远 18.section n. 部分;节;切下的块 19.blank n. 空白adj. 空白的;茫然的 20.contradictory adj.引起矛盾的;好反驳的→contradict v.反驳;否认;与…… 抵触/矛盾 21.salty adj.含盐的;咸的→salt n.盐 22.Endless adj.无穷的;无止境的→end n.& v. 终止;结束→ending n.结尾,结局 23.translation n.翻译;译文→translate v翻译→translator n.译员,翻译家


1.recent adj. 最近的;近代的 2.populate vt. 居住于;构成人口 3.knit v.编织;结合 4.knot n.结vt.打结Chinese knot 中国 结 5.develop vt.开发;进步;养成;形成 6.development n.发展;开发;发育 7.pattern n.模式;图案;样品 8.independent adj.独立的;单独的 9.depend vi.依赖,依靠;取决于 10.dependent adj. 依靠的;从属的 adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的 n.专家; 12.expect v.期待 13.except conj./prep 除了 14.perhaps adv.或许也许;可能 15.afterwards adv.后来;然后 16.settle down 定居;安定下来;专心于 17.settled adj.稳定的,固定的 18.industrialization n.工业化 19.industry n.产业;工业 20.spread vi. 传播;伸展;散布 21.universal adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙 的,pulsory adj. 义务的;必修的,pulsory education义务教育 24.exam-oriented education 应试教育 (test-oriented education) 25.especial adj. 特殊的,特别的 26.globalization n.全球化 adj. 全球的;总体的;球形的 28.globe n.地球;地球仪;球体,munication n.通信;交流 30.decade n. 十年,十年期 31.cause n.原因;事业;目标v t.引起;使 遭受 32.cause sth./sb. to do 33.dominant adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配 的,统治的 34.increasingly adv. 越来越多地;渐增地 35.take over接管;接收 present 目前,现在 37.distribution n.分配,分发,分送 38.distribute vt. 分配;散布;分开 39.uneven adj.不均匀的;不平坦的 40.even adv.甚至;偶数的;平坦的 41.general adj.一般的,普通的;综合的n. 一般;将军,上将;常规 42.generally adv.通常;普遍地 43.generally speaking 一般来说 n.地带;地区 45.relative adj.相对的n.亲戚;相关物 46.Europe n.欧洲 47.European adj.欧洲的;欧洲人的n. 欧 洲人 48.Africa n.非洲, n.亚洲 50.pacific n.太平洋adj. 和平的;温和 的 51.account for (比例)占;对…做出解释; 说明……的原因 52.mere adj. 仅仅的;只不过的merely adv. adj. 全部的;完全的 54.extinction n. 灭绝;消失 random 胡乱地;随便地;任意地 56.remaining adj. 剩下的,剩余的 57.survive vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比... 活得长 58.survival n.幸存,残存; 59.survivor n.幸存者 60.arrive-arrival 到达(动词转换成名词) 61.approve -approval 同意(动词转换成名 词) 62.refuse-refusal 拒绝(动词转换成名词) 63.infer v t. 推断;推论 64.similar adj. 相似的 similar to 与…相似 66.powerful adj. 强大的;强有力的 67.power n. 力量,能力;电力,功率,plex adj. 复杂的; 69.advanced adj. 先进的;高级的 70.create vt. 创造,创作; 71.creator n.创造者 72.creation n. 创造,创作 n.生活方式 74.reflect vt.反映;反射,照出; 75.result in 导致,结果是 76.result from起因于;由……造成 77.lead to 导致;通向 78.geography n. 地理;地形 79.determine v.(使)下决心 80.evolution n. 演变;进化论 Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers,


Static ['stætɪk]静力 Dynamic [daɪ'næmɪk]动力 Explicit[ɪk'splɪsɪt]∙显示adj. 明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的∙Time period ~ ['pɪrɪəd]n. 周期,期间;时期;月 经;课时;(语法学)句点,句号 时间长度 Nlgeom 几何非线性 Include adiabatic heating effects ∙~(adiabatic[,ædɪə'bætɪk]adj. [物] 绝热的;隔 热的)['hitɪŋ]~ 包括绝热效应 Incrementation ∙(increment['ɪŋkrɪm(ə)nt]n. [数] 增量;增加;增 额;盈余) 增量 Automatic['ɔtə'mætɪk]自动 Stable increment estimator ∙['steɪb(ə)l]稳定~['estɪmeɪtə]n. [统计] 估计量;评价 者 稳定增量步数 Unlimited[ʌn'lɪmɪtɪd]无限制的 Use scaled mass and “throughout step”definitions ∙(throughout[θrʊ'aʊt]整个,adv. 自始至终,到处; 全部;prep. 贯穿,遍及 ∙definition [defɪ'nɪʃ(ə)n]n. 定义;[物] 清晰度; 解说) 使用前一分析步的缩放系数和“整个分析步”定义 Contact['kɑntækt]接触 Tangential behavior [tæn'dʒenʃ(ə)l][bɪ'hevjɚ] 切向行为Normal behavior['nɔrml]~法向行为 Frictionless[f'rɪkʃnles] ∙(friction['frɪkʃən]n. 摩擦,[力] 摩擦力) 无摩擦 ∙Penalty['pen(ə)ltɪ]n. 罚款,罚金;处罚罚 Friction formulation ∙(formulation[fɔːmjʊ'leɪʃn]n. 构想,规划;公式 化;简洁陈述) 摩擦公式Directionality[daɪrɛkʃə'næləti]方向性 Isotropic[,aɪsə'trɑpɪk]各向同性 Anisotropic[,ænaɪsə'trɑpɪk]各向异性 Use slip-rate-dependent data ∙(rate[reɪt]n. 比率,率;速度;价格;等级 ∙Dependent[dɪ'pɛndənt]adj. 依靠的;从属的;取决 于…的) 使用基于滑动率的数据


UNIT 1 PASSAGES OF HUMAN GROWTH (I) 1 A person‟s life at any given time incorporates both external and internal aspects. The external system is composed of our memberships in the culture: our job, social class, family and social roles, how we present ourselves to and participate in the world. The interior realm concerns the meanings this participation has for each of us. In what ways are our values, goals, and aspirations being invigorated or violated by our present life system? How many parts of our personality can we live out, and what parts are we suppressing? How do we feel about our way of living in the world at any given time? 2 The inner realm is where the crucial shifts in bedrock begin to throw a person off balance, signaling the necessity to change and move on to a new footing in the next stage of development. These crucial shifts occur throughout life, yet people consistently refuse to recognize that they possess an internal life system. Ask anyone who seems down, “Why are you feeling low?” Most will displace the inner message onto a marker event: “I‟ve been down since we moved, since I changed jobs, since my wife went back to graduate school and turned into a damn social worker in sackcloth,” and so on. Probably less than ten percent would say: “There is some unknown disturbance within me, and even though it‟s painful, I feel I have to stay with it and ride it out.” Even fewer people would be able to explain that the turbulence they feel may have no external cause. And yet it may not resolve itself for several years. 3 During each of these passages, how we feel about our way of living will undergo subtle changes in four areas of perception. One is the interior sense of self in relation to others. A second is the proportion of safeness to danger we feel in our lives. A third is our perception of time—do we have plenty of it, or are we beginning to feel that time is running out? Last, there will be some shift at the gut level in our sense of aliveness or stagnation. These are the hazy sensations that compose the background tone of living and shape the decisions on which we take action. 4 The work of adult life is not easy. As in childhood, each step presents not only new tasks of development but requires a letting go of the techniques that worked before. With each passage some magic must be given up, some cherished illusion of safety and comfortably familiar sense of self must be cast off, to allow for the greater expansion of our own distinctiveness. Pulling Up Roots 5 Before 18, the m otto is loud and clear: “I have to get away from my parents.” But the words are seldom connected to action. Generally still safely part of our families, even if away at school, we feel our autonomy to be subject to erosion from moment to moment. 寻求自立 6 After 18, we begin Pulling Up Roots in earnest. College, military service, and short-term travels are all customary vehicles our society provides for the first round trips between family and a base of one‟s own. In the attempt to separate our view of the wo rld from our family‟s view, despite vigorous protestations to the contrary—“I know exactly what I want!”—we cast about for any beliefs we can call our own. And in the process of testing those beliefs we are often drawn to fads, preferably those most mysterious and inaccessible to our parents. 7 Whatever tentative memberships we try out in the world, the fear haunts us that we are really kids who cannot take care of ourselves. We cover that fear with acts of defiance and mimicked confidence. For allies to replace our parents, we turn to our contemporaries. They become conspirators. So long as their perspective meshes with our own, they are able to substitute fo r the sanctuary of the family. But that doesn‟t last very long. And the instant they diverge from the shaky ideals of “our group”, they are seen as betrayers. Rebounds to the family are common between the ages of 18 and 22. 8 The tasks of this passage are to locate ourselves in a peer group role, a sex role, an anticipated occupation,an ideology or world view. As a result, we gather the impetus to leave home physically and the identity to begin leaving home emotionally.
