

Foundation of Financial Management

Module syllabus

Teacher Name: Zhanwei Liu

School Name: Xuchang University

1. Unit description

Financial management is part of the decision-making, planning and control subsystems of an enterprise. It incorporates the treasury function, which includes the management of working capital and the implications arising from exchange rate mechanisms due to international competition, evaluation, selection, management and control of new capital investment opportunities, raising and management of the long-term financing of an entity.

The management of risk in the different aspects of the financial activities undertaken is also addressed. Studying this course should provide you with an overview of the problems facing a financial manager in the commercial world. It will introduce you to the concepts and theories of corporate finance that underlie the techniques that are offered as aids for the understanding, evaluation and resolution of financial ma nagers’ problems. This subject guide is written to supplement the Essential and Further reading listed for this course, not to replace them. It makes no assumptions about prior knowledge other than that you have completed Principles of accounting.

The aim of the course is to provide an understanding and awareness of both the underlying concepts and practical application of the basics of financial management. The subject guide and the readings should also help to build in your mind the ability to make critical judgments of the strengths and weaknesses of the theories, just as it should be helping to build a critical appreciation of the uses and limitations of the same theories and their possible applications.

On successful completion of the module, learners will be able to:

●describe how different financial markets function and estimate the

value of different financial instruments (including stocks

and bonds)

●make capital budgeting decisions under both certainty and uncertainty

●apply the capital assets pricing model in practical scenarios

●discuss the capital structure theory and dividend policy of a firm

●estimate the value of derivatives and advise management how to use

derivatives in risk management and capital budgeting

●describe and assess how companies manage working capital and

short- term financing

2. Pre-requisite units and assumed knowledge

Accounting, Economics

3. Learning aims and outcomes

Learning Outcome 1

Explain the method of financial analysis and planning


a. Explain the goals and objectives of financial management

b. Demonstrate a reasonable ability to prepare the three basic financial


c. Discuss the method of financial analysis

d. Explain the operating leverage, financial leverag

e. and combined


Learning Outcome 2

Explain the manager how to manage working capital


a. Explain the context of risk-return analysis

b. Explain the financial manager how to choose between liquid,

low-return assets and more profitable, less liquid assets Learning Outcome 3

Explain the process of the capital budgeting


a. Discuss the time value of money

b. Explain the valuation of bonds and stocks

c. Explain the cost of capital and capital structure

d. Explain the capital budgeting decision and risk-return analysis

Learning Outcome 4

Explain the long-term financing in the capital markets


a. Explain the long-term debt and lease financing

b. Explain the common stock and preferred stock financing

c. Explain the dividend policy and retained earnings

d. Explain the warrants and convertibles covered, as well as the more

conventional methods of financing

4. Weighting of final grade

Grades will be assigned on the basis of the following percentages:

5. Grading

A 100-95 A- 94-90 B+ 89-87

B 86-83 B- 82-80 C+ 79-77

C 76-73 C- 72-70 D+ 69-67

D 66-63 D- 62-60 F 59 or lower

6. Policies

Attendance Policy

Attendance in class is a very important part of your learning experience. As such, failure to attend class will reduce your grade, and may be grounds for failure in the course. If you are late to class, your attendance score may also be affected. In the event of unavoidable absences, such as serious illness, or deaths in the family, students may be requested to provide documentary evidence of the reason for their absence to their academic coordinator. You should not give these to your instructor. Students are solely responsible for the makeup of any missed classes, and for obtaining any class materials or assignments that they may miss. You are expected to come to class prepared to actively participate in class discussions.

Participation Policy

Students should participate in their chosen classes actively and effectively. The Participation Grade is related to the Attendance Grade. Students’ final attendance grade is the maximum of their participation grade.

Participation grade will be based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to taking part in class discussions and activities, completing

assignments, being able to answer questions correctly, obeying class rules, and being prepared for class, frequent visiting your instructors and chatting in English during their office hours is highly recommended.

Policy on Assignments and Quizzes

Students should finish their assignments completely and punctually. Assignment should be submitted on the date appointed by the instructor. If a student cannot hand in the assignment on time, the reasonable excuse will be needed. Late assignments will receive a maximum grade of 80. An assignment that is late for 3 days will be corrected but receive 0.

You are recommended print all your assignment in the uniform format with the heading o f Student’s Pledge of no cheating. Written assignment or printed ones without the uniform heading of pledge will receive a maximum grade of 80.

It is mandatory to have weekend assignment every week. Any weekend assignment should be submitted on first class of next week. It is mandatory to have holiday assignment on the public holidays. Any holiday assignment should be submitted on the first day on returning to school. Students are required to do a multitude of presentations during the course.

Plagiarism and Copying

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work or ideas as your own without giving them proper credit or copying someone else’s work a nd presenting it as your own.There has a very strict plagiarism policy and will not tolerate academic cheating in any form. Penalties can be as severe as expulsion from the university. At the very least, no one will receive any credit for assignments that appear to be copied from another student. To avoid plagiarism, do your own work, or cite the work of others appropriately. You can refer to the course catalogue for more information about plagiarism policy.

If you cheat on the homework, I can guarantee you that you will fail the class. Every exam I give has several problems that require you to submit journal entries, create financial statements in proper form, or to create schedules

showing certain details that you have to calculate. If you do not practice doing these things by doing the homework yourself and correcting your own work in class, you will lose a significant number of points on the exams.

Classroom Policies

●No eating, cellular phones, electronic dictionaries, smoking, chatting or

drowsing in class.

●Please speak in English rather than Chinese in class.

●Students are not allowed to attend class without textbooks.

●Stand up when answering questions.

●Respect classmates’ ideas, opinions, and questions of your classmates.

●You are welcome to visit the instructor’s office in his/her office hours.

●Take good care of the laboratory facilities. Do not splash water on the


●When each class is over, hang the earphone on the hanger. Put the trash

into the trash-bin.

●All your classroom involvement, performance and after-class

communications with instructor will affect your participation score.

7. Texts and other recourses

The primary textbook:

Stanley B.Block. Foundation of financial management, 14th ed.

The supplementary textbook:

Richard A. Barealey et al(2011) fundamentals of corporate finance(6th ed.).

Renmin university of China press


Teaching methods

Discussions and Homework

8. Session Plan


第二章 财务管理的基础知识 教学目的:通过本章学习,掌握风险衡量的方法,掌握资金时间价值和本量利的计算;理解资金时间价值的含义;了解风险的种类、投资风险和投资报酬的关系,了解本量利的基本概念、基本关系式和前提条件。 教学难点:投资的风险和报酬;本量利分析 教学重点:资金时间价值的计算 教学课时:12 教学内容与过程: 导入图片和案例: 第一节 资金时间价值 一、资金时间价值的含义 (一)概念 (二)产生的条件 (三)表示方法 ()???一次性收付款项的终值、现值的计算 重点:资金时间价值的计算非一次性收付款项年金和混合现金流的终值、现值的计算 注:资金时间价值的计算,涉及两个基本概念,即现值和终值,P16 对于一个特定的时间段而言,该段时间的起点金额是现值; 该段时间的终点金额是终值。 二、一次性收付款项的终值和现值 (一)单利的终值和现值 (二)复利的终值和现值 1 .复利终值 例:若将1000元以7 %的利率存入银行,则2年后的本利和是多少? 注:i ↗, F ↗;n ↗, F ↗. 2.复利现值:即倒求本金 注:i ↗,P ↙; n ↗, P ↙. 注:复利现值系数与复利终值系数互为倒数 3.复利利息的计算:I =F-P 注:财务管理考试中,若不特指,均指复利。 企业再生产运动中,运用资金一次循环的利润,应投入下一次循环中,这一过

程与复利计算的原理一致。因此,按复利制计算和评价资金时间价值要比单利制更科学。所以,在长期投资决策计算相关指标时,通常采用复利计息。 课堂练习: 1.某人现在存入本金2000元,年利率为7%,5年后可得到多少? 2.某项投资4年后可得到40000元,按利率6%计算,现在应投资多少? F = 2000 × (F/P,7%,5)= 2000 × 1.4026 = 2805.2 (元) P = 40000 × (P/F,6%,4) = 40000 × 0.7921 = 31684 (元) 知识链接:有关复利的小故事 富兰克林的遗嘱 你知道本杰明·富兰克林是何许人吗?富兰克林利用放风筝而感受到电击,从而发明了避雷针。这位美国著名的科学家死后留下了一份有趣的遗嘱: 一千英磅赠给波士顿的居民,如果他们接受了这一千英磅,那么这笔钱应该托付给一些挑选出来的公民,他们得把这些钱按每年5%的利率借给一些年轻的手工业者去生息。这些款过了100年增加到131000英磅。我希望那时候用100000英磅来建立一所公共建筑物,剩下的31000英磅拿去继续生息100年。在第二个100年末了,这笔款增加到4061000英磅,其中1061000英磅还是由波士顿的居民来支配,而其余的3000000英磅让马萨诸塞州的公众来管理。过此之后,我可不敢多作主张了!” 同学们,你可曾想过:区区的1000英磅遗产,竟立下几百万英磅财产分配的遗嘱,是“信口开河”,还是“言而有据”呢?事实上,只要借助于复利公式,同学们完全可以通过计算而作出自己的判断。 德哈文的天文债权 十年前,美国人德哈文(J.Dehaven)的后代入禀美国法院,向联邦政府追讨国会欠他家族211年的债务,本利共1416亿美元。事情的经过是:1777年严冬,当时的美国联军统帅华盛顿将军所率领的革命军弹尽粮绝,华盛顿为此向所困之地的宾州人民紧急求援,大地主德哈文借出时值5万元的黄金及40万元的粮食物资,这笔共约45万美元的贷款,借方为大陆国会,年息为6厘(相当于6%)。211年后的1988年,45万美元连本带利已滚成1416亿美元,这笔天文数字的债务足以拖垮美国政府,政府当然要耍赖拒还了。 45万美元,变成1416亿美元,代价是211年6厘的复利,此故事足以说明复利增长的神奇力量。 朋友们可能会想,别说211年了,就算50年,我都老了,要钱干什么?是啊,我想反问一句又有几个人能做到几十年如一日的坚持呢!如果能坚持到最后,你一定会成功! 三、年金的终值和现值(非一次性收付款项的终值和现值)


第一章 1 CORRECT Which of the following are microeconomic variables that help define and explain the discipline of finance? D A) risk and return B) capital structure C) inflation D) all of the above Feedback: All of the above are relevant in explaining finance. 2 CORRECT One primary macroeconomic variable that helps define and explain the discipline of finance? C A) capital structure B) inflation C) technology D) risk Feedback: Technology is very important in explaining the field of finance. 3 CORRECT The money markets deal with _________. B A) securities with a life of more than one year B) short-term securities C) securities such as common stock D) none of the above Feedback: The money markets are concerned with short-term securities, those with a life less than one year. 4 CORRECT The ability of a firm to convert an asset to cash is called ___A_________. A) liquidity B) solvency C) return D) marketability Feedback: Liquidity also means how close an asset is to cash. 5 CORRECT Early in the history of finance, an important issue was: A A) liquidity B) technology C) capital structure D) financing options


第一节财务管理基础知识(一) 财务与会计的关系 财务与会计的内涵 1.会计 会计工作主要是解决三个环节的问题: 会计凭证 会计账簿 会计报表 财务不是解决对外报告的问题,而是要解决企业内部资金运作过程中的一系列问题,涉及到预测、决策、控制和规划。 财务所要解决的是如何筹集资金,筹集资金以后如何进行投资,项目投资完成以后,在经营

过程当中营运资本如何管理,以及最后盈利如何分配的问题,它包括筹资管理、投资管理、经营活动的管理和分配活动的管理。 1.理论上财务和会计的关系 过去理论上对财务和会计的关系有三种看法: (1)大财务:财务决定会计; (2)大会计:会计决定财务; (3)平行观:财务和会计是一种平行的关系,不存在谁决定谁的问题。 2.实务上财务和会计的关系 实务上这三种观点不可能同时存在。在我国会计实务中,只有一种观点,即:财务决定会计,财政决定会计,同时财政还决定财务。 所以在实际工作中,财务和会计的关系就是一个大财务的思想。大财务的思想实际是计划经济的思想。 为什幺会出现这样一种局面,它有什幺弊端? 在计划经济的条件下,我们实际上遵循的是一个大财务的思想,甚至到目前为止,在我们国家的管理体制当中基本还是这样一个思想,如果把财政这个因素考虑进来,那幺实际上是财政决定财务,财务决定会计,也就是说我们的财务制度和会计制度到现在为止都是由财政部门制订和

颁布的,财政部门始终是从国家的利益、国家的立场上来制订各种财务制度,进而通过财务的各种标准来制约会计核算,所以财务决定会计它的根源实际上是一种大财政的思想。 还有税务的问题。财会工作经常打交道的一个部门就是税务部门,但是税务部门和财政部门也有关系,实际上在我们国家财政还决定税务,税务再影响会计。所以会计核算受到很多因素的制约,到目前为止都是从国家的角度来对这些制度加以规范的。然而,在市场经济的条件下,再去强调大财政的管理,强调财政决定财务和财务决定会计的管理体制是不适宜的,是不适应市场经济条件下企业发展要求的。 3.还财务本来面目 在市场经济条件下,财务和会计是两项内容各异的工作,二者是平行的关系。市场经济环境下我国的企业应该注重和加强财务管理。 财务绝不仅仅是一个制度的问题,还是一个方法和思路的问题。我们学习财务管理,实际上是一个方法和思路的问题,而不是财政部财务规定的问题。财务应该是企业自己的财务。 对现行财务制度的简单评价 从计划经济延续下来,我国一直是国家规定财务制度,国家通过财务制度来约束国有企业行为。1993年,在从计划经济体系向市场经济体系过渡的过程中,国家颁布了“两则两制”。所谓两则就是指《企业的财务通则》和《企业的会计准则》。财务通则属于财务制度范畴;会计准则属于会计制度范畴。所谓两制就是指《13个大行业的财务制度》和《13个大行业的会计制度》。13个行业包括工业、农业、商业、金融业、建筑业等。“两则两制”的执行标志着我国财会制度开始从计划经济向市场经济过渡。 在市场经济初期,企业执行财政部门颁布的财会制度还是可行的,但是随着市场经济的深入发展,财会制度的负面影响逐渐暴露出来。

最新版微观经济学精品习题英文版 (with answer) (9)

Chapter 9 Application: International Trade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _ __ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. _ __ 1. Nations would gain from trade if a(n) ________ exists. ( c ) a.absolute advantage b.specialization https://www.360docs.net/doc/357572223.html,parative advantage d.infant industry 2. If Canada has a comparative advantage over Denmark in the production of wood, this implies that ( b ) a.it requires fewer resources in Canada than in Denmark to produce wood. b.the opportunity cost of producing wood in Canada is lower than in Denmark. c.Denmark does not benefit by trading with Canada. d.Canada should buy wood from Denmark. 3. Domestic producers gain from the opportunity to export goods to foreign countries because ( a ) a.the free-trade price of the good is higher than the domestic price in the absence of trade. b.producers are able to reach a wider market. c.although the free-trade price is lower than in the absence of trade, producers are able to sell a greater quantity. d.production rises, although there is no change in the price of the good compared to the no-trade situation. 4. If at the world equilibrium price the U.S. quantity demanded is greater than the U.S. quantity supplied, then ( a ) a.the United States will import the good. b.the United States will export the good. c.the world price will fall. d.the world price will ris e.


UNDERSTANDING CANADIAN BUSINESS CHAPTER # 1 notes chater1 MANAGING WITHIN THE DYNAMIC BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 动态商业环境下的管理 Business and Entrepreneurship: Revenues, Profits, and Losses 事业和企业家能力:收益,利益和损失 Business: Any activity that seeks to provide goods and services to others while operating at a profit. 事业:寻求当在一笔利润操作时向其他人提供货物和服务的任何活动。 Profit: The amount a business earns beyond what it spends for salaries and other expenses. 利益:一种商业在它为了薪金和其他话费所话费的以外赚的量 Entrepreneur: A person who risks time and money to start and manage a business. 企业家能力:冒险用时间和金钱开始和管理一种商业的一个人 Revenue: The total amount of money a business takes in during a given period by selling goods and services. 收益:一种商业在一段特定的时间期间通过出售商品和服务获得的金钱 Loss: When a business’s expenses are more then its revenue. 失去:当一种商业的花费超过其收益时 Risk: The chance an entrepreneur takes of losing time and money on a business that may not prove profitable.风险:一个企业家浪费了时间和金钱在事业上,却无利可图的机会 Responding to the Various Business Stakeholders 对各种各样的傻瓜也既得利益者作出反应 Stakeholder:All the people who stand to gain or lose by the policies and



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 1

1 Chapter 1 Ten Principles of Economics Multiple Choice 1. The word that comes from the Greek word for "one who manages a household" is a. market. b. consumer. c. producer. d. economy. ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 2. The word “economy” comes from the Greek word oikonomos , which means a. “environment.” b. “production.” c. “one who manages a househol d.” d. “one who makes decisions.” ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 3. Resources are a. scarce for households but plentiful for economies. b. plentiful for households but scarce for economies. c. scarce for households and scarce for economies. d. plentiful for households and plentiful for economies. ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Resources, Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 4. Economics deals primarily with the concept of a. scarcity. b. poverty. c. change. d. power. ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Definitional 5. Which of the following questions is not answered by the decisions that every society must make? a. What determines consumer preferences? b. What goods will be produced? c. Who will produce the goods? d. Who will consume the goods? ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economies MSC: Interpretive 6. The overriding reason as to why households and societies face many decisions is that a. resources are scarce. b. goods and services are not scarce. c. incomes fluctuate with business cycles. d. people, by nature, tend to disagre e. ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 7. The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that a. most economies’ production methods are not very good. b. in most economies, wealthy people consume disproportionate quantities of goods and services. c. governments restricts production of too many goods and services. d. resources are limited. ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive


rkets WHAT’S NEW IN THE SIXTH EDITION: There are no major changes to this chapter. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: the link between buyers’ willingness to pay for a good and the demand curve. how to define and measure consumer surplus. the link between sellers’ costs of producing a good and the supply curve. how to define and measure producer surplus. that the equilibrium of supply and demand maximizes total surplus in a market. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 7 is the first chapter in a three-chapter sequence on welfare economics and market efficiency. Chapter 7 employs the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. These concepts are then 7 CONSUMERS, PRODUCERS, AND THE EFFICIENCY OF MARKETS


财务管理基础知识点整理 1. 财务管理:企业财务管理是企业对资金运作的管理。 2. 企业财务管理活动:①企业筹资。②企业投资。③企业经营。④企业分配。 3. 企业财务关系: 4. ①企业与投资者。这种关系是指投资者向企业投入资本,企业向投资者支付投资报酬所形成的经济关系。 ②企业与受资者。是指企业对外投资所形成的经济关系。企业与受资者的财务关系是体现所有权性质的投资与受资的关系。 ③企业与债权人。是指企业向债权人借入资金,并按合同按时支付利息和本金所形成的经济关系。企业与债权人的财务关系在性质上属于债务债权关系。 ④企业与债务人。是指企业将资金购买债券、提供借款、或商业信用等形式,借给其他的企业和个人所形成的经济关系。企业与债务人的关系体现的是债权与债务关系 ⑤企业内部各单位之间。是指企业内部各单位之间在生产经营各环节中相互提供产品和劳务所形成的经济关系。这种在企业内部形成的资金结算关系,体现了企业内部各部门之间的利益关系。 ⑥企业与职工。是指企业向职工支付劳动报酬过程中所形成的经济关系。 ⑦企业与政府。这种关系体现了一种所有权的性质、强制和无偿的分配关系。 ⑧企业与经营者。同企业与职工之间的财务关系一样。另有经营者年薪制问题、股票期权问题;知识资本问题。 5. 企业财务管理特点:①综合性强。②涉及面广。③灵敏度高。 6. 企业财务管理原则:(1)系统原则 ①整体优化 ②结构优化 ③适应能力优化 (2)成本与效益均衡原则 (3)平衡原则 (4)风险与收益均衡原则 (5)利益关系协调 原则 (6)比例原则。 6.财务管理环节:①财务预厕 ②财务决策 ③财务预算 ④财务控制 ⑤财务分析 7.企业目标:(1)生存目标—要求财务管理做到以收抵支、到其偿债。 (2)发展目标—要求财务管理筹集企业发展所需的资金。 (3)获利目标—要求财务管理合理有效地使用资金。 8.企业财务管理的目标:①利润最大化 ②股东财富最大化 ③企业价值最大化 9.财务管理目标的协调:(1)所有者与经营者利益冲突及协调 ①监督 ②激励 ③市场约束 (2)所有者与债权人的冲突与协调 ①增加限制性条款 ②提前收回债权或不再提供新债 权 ③寻求立法保护 (3)财务管理目标与社会责任的关系及协调 ①保证所有者权益 ②维护消费者权益 ③保 障债权人权益 ④保护社会环境。 10.财务管理环境:(1)外部环境:①经济环境(经济周期、经济发展状况、经济政策、通货膨胀)②法律环境(企 业组织法规、税法、财务法规)③金融环境(金融机构、金融市场、金融工具、利息率) (2)内部环境:①企业组织形式(个人独资企业、合伙企业、公司制企业)②销售环境 ③采购 环境 ④生产环境 ⑤企业文化 11.资金时间价值(1)单利终值:F=P*(1+i ,n) (2)单利现值:P=F/(1+i ,n) (3)复利终值:F=P(F/P ,i ,n) (4)复利现值:P=F(P/F ,i ,n) (5)普通年金终值:F=A(F/A ,i ,n) (6)普通年金现值:P=A(P/A ,i ,n) (7)即付年金终值:F=A[(F/A ,i ,n+1)-1] (8)即付年金现值:P=A[(P/A ,i ,n -1)+1] (9)递延年金终值:P=A[(P/A ,i ,m+n)-(P/A ,i ,m)]=A(P/A ,i ,n)(P/F ,i ,m) =A(F/A , i ,n)(P/F ,I ,m+n) (10)永续年金现值:P=A/i 12.贴现率计算方法:内插法 13.计息期短于一年的资金时间价值的计算:k=(1+i/m)m -1 14.风险的特征:①风险是客观存在的 ②风险与收益和损失密切相关 ③风险具有潜在性 ④风险具有可测性 15.风险的种类:①系统风险与非系统风险 ②经营风险和财务风险 16.标准离差: i n i i P E)(x δ?-=∑=21 ,标准离差率:ρ=V=δ/E ,Rr=b*V (Rr 应得风险报酬率,b 风险报


I06公司理财讲义★讲师简介 许经长 ☆中国人民大学商学 院教授、博士 ☆长盛基金治理公司 董事 ★课程对象 ——谁需要学习本课程

★国有企业高层治理者 ★国有企业中层治理者及基层主管 ★民营企业高层治理者 ★民营企业中层治理者及基层主管 ★人力资源部、培训部经理及职员 ★国家机关以及事业单位的领导者与一般工作人员★任何希望系统学习最新的工商治理知识的人士 ★课程目标 ——通过学习本课程,您将实现以下转变 1.了解财务与会计的内涵 2.熟悉现金流量表的结构与内容 3.了解财务治理的目标、内容与职能

4.掌握财务分析的要紧内容与方法 5.掌握财务预测的方法 6.掌握本量利分析法 7.掌握筹资的要紧形式与方法 8.掌握现金和有价证券、应收账款和存货、利润分配活动的治 理方法 9.熟悉现代企业财务治理体系的要紧构成要素 ★课程提纲 ——通过本课程,您能学到什么? 第一讲 1.财务与会计的内涵 2.财务与会计的关系 3.评价现行财务制度 4.如何认识会计工作(一)

第二讲 1.如何认识会计工作(二) 2.会计等式与会计报表 第三讲 1.现金流量表 2.财务治理的目标 3.财务治理的内容 4.财务治理的职能 第四讲 1.财务分析概述 2.流淌性分析 3.资产治理分析 4.长期偿债能力分析 5.盈利能力分析 6.上市公司财务分析 第五讲 1.财务预测(一) 2.财务预测(二)

第六讲 1.财务预测(三) 2.本量利分析 3.财务预算 4.作业成本与作业预算 5.一般股筹资 第七讲 1.负债筹资 2.营运资金政策 3.资本成本 4.财务杠杆 5.资本结构 第八讲 1.三种投资分类方式 2.投资中考虑的因素 3.项目投资决策基础 4.长期投资决策方法(一)第九讲


微观经济学关键概念中英文对照 CHAPTER 1 scarcity稀缺性 economics经济学 efficiency效率 equity平等 opportunity cost机会成本 rational people理性人 marginal changes边际变动 incentive激励 market economy市场经济 property rights产权 market failure市场失灵 externality外部性 market power市场势力 productivity生产率 inflation通货膨胀 business cycle经济周期

CHAPTER 2 circular-flow diagram循环流向图production possibilities frontier生产可能性边界 microeconomics微观经济学 macroeconomics宏观经济学 positive statements实证表述 normative statements规范表述 CHAPTER 3 absolute advantage绝对优势 opportunity cost机会成本 comparative advantage比较优势 imports进口 exports出口 CHAPTER 4 market市场 competitive market竞争市场 quantity demanded需求量 law of demand需求定理 demand schedule需求表 demand curve需求曲线

normal good正常物品 inferior good低档物品 substitutes替代品 complements互补品 quantity supplied供给量 law of supply供给定理 supply schedule供给表 supply curve供给曲线 equilibrium均衡 equilibrium price均衡价格 equilibrium quantity均衡数量 surplus过剩 shortage短缺 law of supply and demand供求定理 CHAPTER 5 elasticity弹性 price elasticity of demand需求价格弹性 total revenue总收益 income elasticity of demand需求收入弹性cross-price elasticity of demand需求的交叉价格弹性price elasticity of supply供给价格弹性


Chapter 1 – Introduction to Management and Organizations True/False Questions The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. True (easy) Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs. False (moderate) Efficiency is often referred to as "doing things right." True (moderate) When managers meet organizational goals, they are efficient and effective. False (difficult) According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the informational role involves receiving, collecting, and disseminating information. True (moderate) Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management. True (moderate) The systems perspective underscores and emphasizes the fact that organizations are different, face different circumstances, and thus may require different ways of managing. False (moderate) Multiple Choice _____________ are organizational members who integrate and coordinate the work of others. a. Managers (easy) b. Team leaders c. Subordinates d. Operatives e. Agents Typically, in organizations it is the _____________ who are responsible for making organizational decisions and setting policies and strategies that affect all aspects of the organization. a. team leaders b. middle managers c. first-line managers d. top managers (easy) e. subordinates _____________ distinguishes a managerial position from a nonmanagerial one. a. Manipulating others b. Concern for the law c. Increasing efficiency d. Coordinating and integrating others' work (moderate) e. Defining market share Which of the following is NOT an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg? a.spokesperson (moderate) b.entrepreneur c.disturbance handler d.resource allocator e.negotiator Which of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organization’s work? a.human skills b.technical skills (easy) c.conceptual skills d.empirical skills Understanding building codes would be considered a _____________ skill for a building contractor. a. human b. technical (easy) c. conceptual

曼昆的《微观经济学原理》课业笔记 英文版

Ch 1 Ten Principles of economic ?Scarcity: the limited nature of society’s resources ?Economics: the study of how society manages its scarce resources, e.g. ?There are 10 principle of economic which are needed to be remember throughout. ?People face trade-off 1. Individual(time,money) and society(efficiency vs equality). ?Cost of something is what your give up to get it.\ 1. The opportunity cost of any item is whatever must be given up to obtain it. ?Rational people thinking at margin(effect of one additional item) 1. This principle assume that everyone is rational people(made their decision base on their interests) this was addressed on Adam Smith's Wealth of Nation. ?People respond to incentives(诱惑物) 1. This statement reveals that human psychology is a important feature in economic study. ?Trade can make everyone better-off 1.Ex: trade of agricultural product and technology between Japan and America, it will break the law of PPF. It involved absolute advantages(low input) and comparative advantage(low opportunity cost win) ?Markets are usually a good way to organize economy activity. 1.Markets can balance the price. ?Government can sometime improve market outcome. ? A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services. ?Price rise when government print too much money.


财务管理基础知识答案 单选:1~5:ACCDC 【答案解析】:1.利润最大化的缺点是:(1)没有考虑资金时间价 值;(2)没有反映创造的利润与投入资本之间的关系;(3)没有考虑风险问题;(4)片面追求利润最大化,可能导致企业短期行为,与企业发展的战略目标相背离。选项BCD 都考虑了风险因素 2. 本题是计算普通年金终值的问题,5年后的本利和=10×(F/A,2%,5)=52.04(万元)。 3. 企业以一定代价、采取某种方式将风险损失转嫁给他人承担,以避免可能给企业带来灾难性损失的对策是转移风险,采取投保的方式就是将风险转移给保险公司承担。 4.建立的偿债基金=20 000/(F/A,2%,5)=3 843.20(元)。 5. 即付年金现值系数=普通年金现值系数×(1+i), 4.387=普通年金现值系数×(1+7%),普通年金现值系数=4.387/(1+7%)=4.1。 6~10:BDBAD 【答案解析】:6.本题是计算即付年金终值的问题,5年后共支付房款=40 000×(F/A,2%,5)×(1+2%)=212 323.2(元)。 7. 衡量资产风险的指标主要有收益率的方差、标准差和标准离差率等,收益率的方差和标准差只能适用于预期收益率相等情况下资产风险大小的比较,而标准离差率可以适用于任何情况。 8. 预期收益率并不能用于评价风险的大小,所以C错误;在预期收益率不同的情况下,应当使用收益率的标准离差率衡量风险的大小,且根据本题条件能够计算两项目的标准离差率。在本题中,甲项目收益率的标准离差率=10%/8%=1.25,乙项目收益率的标准离差率=12%/10%=1.2,由于甲项目收益率的标准离差率大于乙项目,所以甲项目的风险大,选项B正确,A选项与D选项不正确。 9. P=50×(P/A,10%,7)-50×(P/A,10%,2)=156.645(万元) 10. (1)先求出递延期末的现值,然后再将此现值调整到第一期期初。 P=500×(P/A,10%,5)×(P/F,10%,2)=500×3.7908×0.8264=1 566(万元)(2)先求出7期的年金现值,再扣除递延期2期的年金现值。 P=500×[(P/A,10%,7)-(P/A,10%,2)]=500×(4.8684-1.7355)=1 566(万元)。11~14:CDCD 【答案解析】:12.本题符合普通年金现值公式:20 000=4 000×(P/A,i,9),(P/A,i,9)=5,用内插法求解: 用下面数据减上面数据确定比例关系: i=13.72% 13.求本利和有两种方法:方法一,先由名义利率r求出实际利率i,再求本利和。F=1 0 00×(1+8.24%)5=1 486(元);方法二:每季度利率=8%÷4=2%,复利次数=5×4=20,F=1 000×(1+2%)20=1 486(元)。


财务管理基础知识习题 一、名词解释 财务管理:企业对资金的筹集、使用、分配的管理以及正确处理与之相关的财务关系。 财务关系:企业在组织财务活动过程中与各方面发生的以价值表现的经济关系。 财务活动:以现金为主的企业资金收支活动的总称。 现值:未来一定数额的货币或一系列支付额在既定利率下折算到现在时点上的价值。 终值:用以描述现在的一笔资金未来一个时期或多个时期以后的价值。 年金:在相同的间隔期收到(或付出)等额的款项。 二、简答题 1、你认为应如何处理企业财务关系? 由于财务关系是在财务活动中形成的,财务关系也将主要通过对各项财务活动的计划与控制而得到合理的调节。 2、为什么说“股东财富最大化”是企业财务管理的最优目标? 1)股东是企业的风险最大承担; 2)考虑了资金的时间价值和投资的风险价值; 3)反映了对企业资产保值增值的要求; 4)有利于克服经营管理上的片面性和短期化行为; 5)有利于社会资源的合理配置; 3、简述所有者与经营者之间的矛盾及如何协调? 经营者的利益和目标是:(1)增加报酬;(2)增加闲暇时间;(3)避免风险;(4)物质和环境享受。J经营者的目标与股东不完全一致,经营者有可能为了自身的目标而背离股东的利益,这种背离表现在:(1)道德风险,经营者为了自己的目标,不是尽最大努力去实现所有者的目标,即企业财务管理的目标;(2)逆向选择,经营者为了自己的目标而背离股东的目标。 目前治理的方法是:激励和监督(控制),另外可以利用竞争使经理市场化 4、什么是风险?风险有哪些种类?风险量化的步骤有哪些? 风险是指某一行动有多种可能的结果,而且人们事先估计到采取某种行动可能导致的结果以及每一种结果出现的概率,但行动的真正结果不能事先确定。 从个别理财主题的角度来看,可以分为市场风险和企业特别风险;从公司内部看,分为经营风险和财务风险。 风险与概率是直接相关的,风险的衡量需要使用概率和统计方法:(1)概率分布(2)期望值(3)离散程度。 5、后付年金与先付年金有何区别和联系? 后付年金指收到(或付出)发生在每期期末的年金,而先付年金是指收到(或支持)发生在每期期初的年金。 四、单项选择题 1、财务管理是企业组织财务活动,处理与各方面(D )的一项经济管理工作。 A、筹资关系 B、投资关系 C、分配关系 D、财务关系 2、在协调企业所有者与经营者的关系时,通过所有者约束经营者的一种方法是(A )。 A、解聘 B、接收 C、激励 D、提高报酬 3、企业与政府的财务关系体现为(B )。 A、债权债务关系 B、强制和无偿的分配关系 C、资金结算关系 D、风险收益对等关系 4、某人拟存入银行一笔钱,以备在5年内每年年末以2000元的等额款项支付租金,银行的
