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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Welcome to Come To Live English Terminal Show. Welcome to Come To Live English Terminal Show.

I’m the host Yoyo; I’m Jerry; I’m Arthur; I’m Lily. I’m the host Yoyo; I’m Jerry; I’m Arthur; I’m Lily.

Y:晚上好朋友们,欢迎大家来到Come To Live English Y:晚上好朋友们,欢迎大家来到Come To Live English


J:Tonight,it’s so happy for us to get together and enjoy J:Tonight,it’s so happy for us to get together and enjoy

the wonderful show given by all the students, sharing the wonderful show given by all the students, sharing great fun of English. great fun of English.



L:Now please allow me to introduce the participants of L:Now please allow me to introduce the participants of Our show tonight, they are: students from Level1 to Our show tonight, they are: students from Level1 to Level6 and their dearest parents; Level6 and their dearest parents;



L:Our respectful headmaster: Sandy; L:Our respectful headmaster: Sandy;


L:Our dear English teacher: Jessie L:Our dear English teacher: Jessie


L:And teachers from Book City Training Center. L:And teachers from Book City Training Center.


Y:Now let’s welcome our headmaster Sandy to give us Y:Now let’s welcome our headmaster Sandy to give us

a speech. J:下面让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎孙校长致辞。 a speech. J:下面让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎孙校长致辞。

Y:Thank you Sandy. I can’t wait to see the wonderful show. Y:Thank you Sandy. I can’t wait to see the wonderful show. J:Sure Yoyo. What’s your favourite story? J:Sure Yoyo. What’s your favourite story?

Y:I like Little Red Riding Hood. Y:I like Little Red Riding Hood.

J:哦,原来你喜欢小红帽的故事,那么今天你可以大饱J:哦,原来你喜欢小红帽的故事,那么今天你可以大饱眼福了,我们四级班同学将给大家上演这个有趣的故事眼福了,我们四级班同学将给大家上演这个有趣的故事Y:Great! Now let’s welcome students from Level4 to Y:Great! Now let’s welcome students from Level4 to

give us the story: Little Red Riding Hood give us the story: Little Red Riding Hood


A:Wow, that’s fantastic. I love the wolf. It’s so funny! A:Wow, that’s fantastic. I love the wolf. It’s so funny!

L:是啊,感谢4级班同学给我们演绎了如此生动的故事L:是啊,感谢4级班同学给我们演绎了如此生动的故事A:Lily,do you like English idioms? A:Lily,do you like English idioms?

L: Yep, I like it. It’s so interesting. L: Yep, I like it. It’s so interesting.

A:英语文化多姿多彩,其中,英语俚语就是非常有趣的A:英语文化多姿多彩,其中,英语俚语就是非常有趣的L:Now let’s enjoy students from Level6 to give us an L:Now let’s enjoy students from Level6 to give us an idiom show. idiom show.


J:Hey, Yoyo. This is the first time I’m being a host. I’m so J:Hey, Yoyo. This is the first time I’m being a host. I’m so Nervous. I wanna go bananas. Nervous. I wanna go bananas.

Y:哇,Jerry,你真行,还现学现卖啦!你说你是第一次当Y:哇,Jerry,你真行,还现学现卖啦!你说你是第一次当主持人,我觉得你做得很棒啊,不至于go bananas吧!主持人,我觉得你做得很棒啊,不至于go bananas吧!J:Haha,听了6级班同学给我们上完的一课,接下来,J:Haha,听了6级班同学给我们上完的一课,接下来,我们轻松一点,来欣赏一下一级班同学给我们带来的我们轻松一点,来欣赏一下一级班同学给我们带来的歌舞表演。Y:Let’s welcome. 歌舞表演。Y:Let’s welcome.
