
2018年3月第42卷第3期 Vol.42No.3Mar.2018

DOI :10.11973/j x g ccl201803010




上海市高强激光智能加工装备关键技术产学研开发中心,上海201620)摘 要:通过显微硬度计二拉伸试验机二扫描电镜和X 射线衍射仪等研究了激光填丝焊接6mm 厚6061铝合金接头的显微组织和力学性能.结果表明:焊缝中心区域的显微组织为等轴晶,由

α-Al 固溶体组成,无β(M g 2Si )

强化相析出,近熔合区的焊缝组织为柱状晶;焊接接头焊缝的硬度最低,约为73HV ,母材的硬度最高,约为110HV ,随着距焊缝中心距离的增大,热影响区的硬度先呈波浪式增大,在距焊缝中心2.2 3.8mm 处有所下降,

此外为热影响区软化区,在距焊缝中心3.8 4.4mm 处又快速增大;

焊接接头的抗拉强度为234MPa ,约为母材的71%,高于熔化极惰性气体保护焊接接头的;焊接接头均在焊缝处断裂,接头与母材均为韧性断裂.


激光焊接;显微组织;力学性能中图分类号:TG146.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-3738(2018)03-0052-05Microstructure and Mechanical Pro p erties of 6061Aluminum Allo y Joint b y Laser Weldin g with Filler Wire

JIANG Yishuai 1,YANG Shan g lei 1,2,WANG Yan 1,YANG Zhihua 1

(1.Colle g e of Materials En g ineerin g ;2.Shan g hai Research &Develo p ment Center for Ke y Technolo g ies of Ultra-intense Laser Processin g ,Shan g hai Universit y of En g ineerin g Science ,Shan g hai 201620,China )Abstract :6061aluminum allo y with thickness of 6mm was welded b y laser weldin g with filler wire.The microstructure and mechanical p ro p erties of the welded j oint were studied b y micro-hardness and tensile testers ,scannin g electron microsco p e and X-ra y diffractometer.The results show that the microstructure of weld center was e q uiaxial g rains com p osed of α-Al solid solution and no β(M g 2Si )stren g thenin g p hase was found.The microstructure of the weld near fusion zone was columnar g rains.The hardness of the weld in the welded j oint was the lowest of 73HV and that of base metal was the hi g hest of 110HV.With the increase of the distance from the weld center ,the hardness in heat affected zone increased first in a wave mode ,then decreased at the p osition located at 2.2-3.8mm from the weld center ,namel y the softenin g zone in heat affected zone ,and finall y increased ra p idl y at the p osition located at 3.8-4.4mm from the weld center.The tensile stren g th of the welded j oint was 234MPa ,71%of that of the base metal and hi g her than that of metal inert-g as weldin g j oint.The welded j oint both fractured at the weld and both the j oint and base metal fractured in ductile mode.Ke y words :aluminum allo y ;laser weldin g ;microstructure ;mechanical p ro p ert y

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1-5].6061铝合金属于Al-M g -Si 系铝合金,其主要强化相为β(M g 2Si )相,在高铁列车车身结构件中得到大量应用.目前,铝合

金的焊接方法有熔化极惰性气体保护(MIG )焊二钨极氩弧焊二搅拌摩擦焊二激光电弧复合焊等[6-10],其中MIG 焊的应用范围最广,但该焊接工艺的焊接热输入大二焊接速度低,导致焊接热影响区宽,同时焊接过程中镁二硅等合金元素的蒸发使β强化相的数

