



在平时商务往来中,本人发现很多客户在对公司某个产品价格询盘后,我及时给予报价,但是报价后就一直没有客户的反应,没有见有订单。像这种情况下,作为一个销售人员,应该如何处理呢?应该写什么内容的邮件去给客户以求进一步跟进呢?应该在发出报价后几天内发出邮件比较合适呢? 针对这些问题,本人提出以下三个解决方法,如果哪位网友有更好地办法,不妨拿出来让大家一起参考。


Dear Hugo Chu,

Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company !

We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested was expressed you 3 catalogues for our refrigeration goods . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection .

Wish we will promote business as well as friendship!

Best wishes !


回复B:先写邮件问清情况。本人觉得先写邮件问清情况,简单的询问,如HAVE YOU RECEIVED MY P/I, IS THERE ANY QUESTION OR PROBLEM WITH YOU? 再问何时开L/C 或汇订金过来.....如客户没回复,那你应该(很有必要)打个电话过去问清情况。是价格问题还是临时发生改变? 客户是中间商,还在等最终客户的确认?还是其它问题?然后根据情况做一些措施看能否挽回这一张订单。

Dear Sir,

Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend!

For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of **** dated ** ** ** according to your relative inquiry. Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? ( You can add some words to introduce your advantage of your product or something else to attract the customer). Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on severice of you in near future.

Looking forward to your prompt response,

Thanks and best regards,

Yours Faithfully



Dear Sir,

Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with comptetitive prices as per your request.

By the way, how about your order (or business) with item ***? If still pending I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other.

Thanks and best regards,




requisite components in business letters


with the exception of the simplified and functional letter formats, business letters are always composed of the following elements:


1. letterhead 信头

2. dateline 日期

3. inside address 信内地址

courtesy title 礼貌的称呼

organization title 组织名称

4. salutation 招呼语

5. body of the letter 正文

6. signature block 签名块

complimentary close 信尾客套话

hand-written signature and signature identification 手写体签名和签名

7. i.e.d. block

initials 写信人和收信人名字的首字母

enclosures 附件

distribution list 副本或电子档副本



剑桥BEC考试(Business English Certificates)是为英语学习者提供的国际商务语言资格证书考试,它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题的能力。BEC考试适用于不同职业背景的考生,并对考生的学习深造以及求职应聘具有实用价值。

BEC考试包括BEC初级(BEC Preliminary )、中级(BEC Vantage )及高级(BEC Higher),考试都是由阅读、写作、听力、口试四部分内容组成。为帮助大家更好准备BEC口语考试,现为你们提供100句常用英语精选句型。


1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.


2 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.


3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.


4 I won’t check this baggage


5 I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.


6 I missed my train.


7 I haven’t nothing to declare.


8 It’s all personal effects.


9 I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.


10 I’d like two seats on today’s Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please. 我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。

11 We waited for John in the lobby of the airport.


12 I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead.


13 I’d like a refund on this ticket.


14 I’d like to have a seat by the window.


15 You have to change at Chicago Station.


16 We have only one a day for New York.


17 Sorry, they are already full.


18 I’d like to reserve a seat to New York.


19 The flight number is AK708 on September 5th.


20 There’s a ten thirty flight in the morning.


21 I’m looking for my baggage。


22 I’d like to make a reservation


23 The sooner, the better.


24 I’d like to change my reservation.


25 I’d like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.


26 My reservation number is 2991.


27 I made a reservation in Tokyo.


28 I made reservations yesterday.


29 I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo. 我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。

30 I always have a big wash to do on Saturdays.


31 The laundry is not dry enough.


32 I put too much detergent in the washer.


33 This stain is really stubborn.


34 I did three loads of wash today.


35 The train is comfortable.


36 I checked my baggage in the baggage section.


37 He guessed the train would come in early.


38 The stations are always full of people。


39 I hope you have a good trip.


40 You need to transfer at Central Station.


41 How long are you going to stay here?


42 Do you have anything to declare?


43 What’s the purpose of your visit?


44 What time does the ship leave?


45 When will the ship leave for Honolulu?


46 Could you please give me the departure time?


47 Do I need a reservation to go by ship?


48 How much for a one-way ticket to Shanghai?


49 When would you like to return?


50 Do you have any tickets available for that date?


剑桥BEC考试(Business English Certificates)是为英语学习者提供的国际商务语言资格证书考试,它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题的能力。BEC考试适用于不同职业背景的考生,并对考生的学习深造以及求职应聘具有实用价值。

BEC考试包括BEC初级(BEC Preliminary )、中级(BEC Vantage )及高级(BEC Higher),考试都是由阅读、写作、听力、口试四部分内容组成。为帮助大家更好准备BEC口语考试,现为你们提供100句常用英语精选句型。


1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.


2 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.


3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.


4 I won’t check this baggage


5 I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.


6 I missed my train.


7 I haven’t nothing to declare.


8 It’s all personal effects.


9 I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.


10 I’d like two seats on today’s Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please. 我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。

11 We waited for John in the lobby of the airport.


12 I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead.


13 I’d like a refund on this ticket.


14 I’d like to have a seat by the window.


15 You have to change at Chicago Station.





出口信贷 export credit

出口津贴 export subsidy

商品倾销 dumping

外汇倾销 exchange dumping

优惠关税 special preferences

保税仓库 bonded warehouse

贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade

贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade

进口配额制 import quotas

自由贸易区 free trade zone

对外贸易值 value of foreign trade

国际贸易值 value of international trade

普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP

最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT


价格术语trade term (price term)


单价 price


总值 total value

卸货费landing charges

金额 amount

关税customs duty

净价 net price

印花税stamp duty

含佣价price including commission

港口税port dues

回佣return commission .

装运港port of shipment

折扣discount, allowance

卸货港port of discharge

批发价 wholesale price

目的港port of destination

零售价 retail price

进口许口证import licence

现货价格spot price

出口许口证export licence

期货价格forward price

现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price

国际市场价格 world (International)Market price

离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board

成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight

到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight





租船charter (the chartered ship)

交货时间 time of delivery

定程租船voyage charter

装运期限time of shipment

定期租船time charter

托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor


班轮regular shipping liner


舱位shipping space


报关clearance of goods

陆运收据cargo receipt

提货to take delivery of goods

空运提单airway bill

正本提单original B\\\\L

选择港(任意港)optional port

选港费optional charges

选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers’ account

一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment

一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.

一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment

在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment during....in two lots

在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during....in two equal lots

分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments

分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments

立即装运 immediate shipments

即期装运 prompt shipments

收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C

允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable


订单 indent

订货;订购 book; booking



Joining sentences

Ideas in writing can be connected in three different ways:

1. By using a conjunction:

Time: and, before, after, while, when

Reason, cause or consequence: and, because, so that, so……that, such a ……that

contrast: but, although

I called her back so that I could confirm one or two details.

The consignment was delivered while we were very busy.

The goods were repacked so quickly that we had no time to inspect them.

2. By using a linking adverbial phrase (often starting a new sentence):

Time: Before that, After that, And then, During this time

Reason, cause or consequence: Because of this, This is why, As a result,Consequently

Contrast: Nevertheless, However

I wanted to confirm one or two details. That is way I called her back.

The consignment was delivered on Friday. During this time we were very busy.

The goods were repacked at once. Consequently there was no time to inspect them.

3. By using a preposition:

Time: before, after, during

Reason, cause or consequence: because of, due to

Contrast: in spite of

I called her back because of the need to confirm one or two details.

The consignment was delivered during a very busy time.

Due to our prompt repacking procedure, the goods were not inspected.



name 姓名

alias 别名

pen name 笔名[商务英语写作]个人简历词汇大全(四)

网友常用标签(共0个):independent 有主见的

industrious 勤奋的

ingenious 有独创性的

initiative 首创精神

have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的

intelligent 理解力强的

inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的

kind-hearted 好心的

knowledgeable 有见识的

learned 精通某门学问的

liberal 心胸宽大的

logical 条理分明的

loyal 忠心耿耿的

methodical 有方法的

modest 谦虚的

motivated 目的明确的

objective 客观的

open-minded 虚心的

orderly 守纪律的

original 有独创性的

painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的

precise 一丝不苟的

persevering 不屈不挠的

punctual 严守时刻的

purposeful 意志坚强的

qualified 合格的

rational 有理性的

realistic 实事求是的

reasonable 讲道理的

reliable 可信赖的

responsible 负责的

self-conscious 自觉的

selfless 无私的

sensible 明白事理的

sincere 真诚的

smart 精明的

spirited 生气勃勃的

sporting 光明正大的

steady 塌实的

straightforward 老实的

strict 严格的

systematic 有系统的

strong-willed 意志坚强的

sweet-tempered 性情温和的

temperate 稳健的

tireless 孜孜不倦的


objective 目标

career objective 职业目标

employment objective 工作目标

position wanted 希望职位

job objective 工作目标

position applied for 申请职位

position sought 谋求职位

position desired 希望职位

for more specialized work 为更专门的工作

for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途

for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任

for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭

due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满

offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会

sought a better job 找到了更好的工作

to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会

to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作



date of birth 出生日期

birth date 出生日期

born 出生于

birth place 出生地点

age 年龄

native place 籍贯

province 省

city 市

autonomous region 自治区

prefecture 专区

county 县

nationality 民族,国籍

citizenship 国籍

duel citizenship 双重国籍

address 地址

current address 目前地址

present address 目前地址

permanent address 永久地址

postal code 邮政编码

home phone 住宅电话

office phone 办公电话

business phone 办公电话


sex 性别

male 男

female 女

height 身高

weight 体重

marital status 婚姻状况

family status 家庭状况

married 已婚

single/unmarried 未婚

divorced 离异

separated 分居

number of children 子女人数

none 无

street 街

lane 胡同,巷

road 路

district 区

house number 门牌

health 健康状况

health condition 健康状况

blood type 血型

short-sighted 近视

far-sighted 远视

color-blind 色盲

ID card No.身份证号码

date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职

membership 会员,资格

president 会长

vice-president 副会长

director 理事

standing director 常务理事

secretary general 秘书长

society 学会

association 协会

research society 研究会

转自 https://www.360docs.net/doc/381229688.html, (免费英语资源)


education 学历

educational background 教育程度educational history 学历

curriculum 课程

major 主修

minor 副修

educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程

courses completed 所学课程

special training 特别训练

social practice 社会实践

part-time jobs 业余工作

summer jobs 暑期工作

vacation jobs 假期工作

refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动

social activities 社会活动

rewards 奖励

scholarship 奖学金

"Three Goods" student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部

student council 学生会

off-job training 脱产培训

in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制

academic year 学年

semester 学期(美)

term 学期(英)

president 校长

vice-president 副校长

dean 院长

assistant dean 副院长

academic dean 教务长

department chairman 系主任

professor 教授

associate professor 副教授

guest professor 客座教授

lecturer 讲师

teaching assistant助教

research fellow 研究员

research assistant 助理研究员

supervisor 论文导师

principal 中学校长(美)

headmaster 中学校长(英)

master 小学校长(美)

dean of studies 教务长

dean of students 教导主任

dean of students 教导主任

teacher 教师

probation teacher 代课教师

tutor 家庭教师

[商务英语写作]个人简历词汇大全(三) 网友常用标签(共0个):

organize 组织

originate 创始,发明

overcome 克服(困难等)

participate in 参加

perfect 使完善;改善

perform 执行,履行

plan 计划

position 职位

professional history 职业经历professional 职业经历

profit 利润

promote 生产,制造

promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等provide 提供,供应

raise 提高

reach 达到

realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润)receive 收到,得到,接受

recognize 认清(职责等)recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿reconstruct 重建

recorded 记载的


rectify 整顿,调整

redouble 加倍,倍增

reduce 减少,降低(成本等)

refine 精练,精制

reform 改革

regenerate 更新,使更生

registered 已注册的

regularize 使系统化

regulate 控制(费用等)

rehandle 重铸;重新处理

rehash以新形式处理(旧材料)reinforce 加强

reckon 计算(成本等)

renew 重建,换新

renovate 革新;修理

repair 修复,修补

replace 接替,替换representative 代表,代理人research 调查,研究

resolve 解决

responsibilities 职责

second job 第二职业

set 创造(纪录等)

settle 解决(问题等)

shorten 减低......效能

show 显示,表明

significant 重要的,有效的simplify 简化,精简

solve 解决

sort out 清理

specific experience 具体经历speed up 加速

sponsor 主办

spread 传播,扩大

standard 标准,规格

streamline 把......设计流线型strengthen 加强,巩固


succeed 成功

supervise 监督,管理

supply 供给,满足(需要) systematize 使系统化

target 目标,指标

test 试验,检验

top 头等的,最高的

total 总数,总额

translate 翻译,转化

travel 旅行

unify 使成一体,统一

use 使用,运用

useful 有用的

utilize 利用

valuable 有价值的

vivify 使活跃

well-trained 训练有素的

work experience 工作经历

work history 工作经历

work 工作,起作用

working model 劳动模范

worth 使......钱的,有......价值的


able 有才干的,能干的

active 主动的,活跃的

adaptable 适应性强的

adroit 灵巧的,机敏的

aggressive 有进取心的

alert 机灵的

ambitious 有雄心壮志的

amiable 和蔼可亲的

amicable 友好的

analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的

aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的

careful 办事仔细的

candid 正直的

charitable 宽厚的

competent 能胜任的

confident 有信心的

conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的

constructive 建设性的

contemplative 好沉思的

cooperative 有合作精神的

creative 富创造力的

dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的

devoted 有献身精神的

dependable 可靠的

diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的

discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的

dynamic 精悍的

earnest 认真的

well-educated 受过良好教育的

efficient 有效率的

energetic 精力充沛的

enthusiastic 充满热情的

expressive 善于表达


forceful (性格)坚强的

frank 直率的,真诚的

friendly 友好的

frugal 俭朴的

generous 宽宏大量的

genteel 有教养的

gentle 有礼貌的

hard-working 勤劳的

hearty 精神饱满的

honest 诚实的


英文邀请函及回复范文 邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 ;一种是非正式格式。下面小编为大家带来了英文邀请函及回复范文,欢迎阅读。 邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。 例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.” 1. 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon Dear : Will you come to luncheon on , at My niece is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! will be here, and perhaps we can after luncheon. Do say you’ll come! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的:

您能在来吃午饭吗 我侄女正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴的!也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能,说好,一定得来呀! 2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐Inviting friends to supper with the strangers Dear : I know you are interested in , so I’m sure you’ll be interested in ! They are coming here to supper , and we’d like you and to come, too. are that very charming couple we met in last summer. They have a wonderful collection of ; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on . I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company. We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the ! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的: 我知道您对是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/381229688.html,)/条据书信/信函范例 英文回复函范文 dear sir, we are very glad to receive your fax inquiry. since it is the first time we contact, we would be highly appreciated if you could provide us your bank name and address. we realize the types of ic you need, but we do not know the specification you require for that ic such as the voltage current. could you please tell us the purpose of this ic? the fax you send us is not very clear for the wording part. therefore, please fax it again (no need for graph ).we wish we could provide the best services to you . sincerely yours. 参考译文: 您好:

敝公司对贵公司传真询问,非常感激,因为与贵公司为首次接触,可否请贵公司惠予示之贵公司交往的银行或公司行号名称,地址。 敝公司了解贵公司所需集成电路之型态,但不明了所需之规格,如电压,电流等等资料,是否能告知此集成电路的用途。 贵公司所传真过来的部份字体不十分清楚,希望能重新传真,但无须传真图片。 盼望能为贵公司提供最佳的服务。 范例二 dear sir, firstly, we’d like to apologize for the late reply due to the problem of our computer network. we have repaired the machine and mailed back to you. do you receive it ? the repair charge is us$ 1500, and the receipt will be based on the us$1200 as you requested. after the confirmation, please transfer us$1500 repairing charge to the following a/c : to show our sincerity, we are willing to reduce price of rs10000 to the lowest us $114,000 . besides, regarding to the 3 items you request, we will mail to you by express .


发完报价后1-2天没有回复-----跟进邮件1(确认是否收到),有条件的最好发完邮件后直接电话询问如果仍旧没有回复----一周后跟进邮件 2或者电话询问原因仍旧无回复,十天,半个月去邮件联系---跟进邮件 3 跟踪客户没必要非得要求形式,重要的是内容和跟进的点找准。 并非一定要死缠烂打,前提是让客户记住你,还能对你不厌烦;否则你就成了推销保险的了。跟进邮件 1 模板A Dear ***, Wish you have a nice day! May I ask whether you have received my quotation? Now I am sending it again, if you have any other ideas. Please feel free to contact me. We will do much better if you can give any advices to us. I am waiting for your reply ASAP. Best regards Winnie. 模板B Hope you are fine, my friend. I haven't received any information from your side. My last quotation email is attached to avoid you missing it. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. As we don't want to lost a good customer like you! If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you. 如果客人还没有回信,一周后再问客人不回信的原因. 不同的情况做不同的回复。有客户电话号码的,最好能电话询问。有很多情况是客户出差或者休假,也要看下当地近期有没有什么节日。 跟进邮件2 模板A Glad to contact you again! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! Sorry that we still don't receive any information from you. Your any comment about our offer will be appreciated, including price, quality, service. No matter if it is positive answer, It will be great help for us to meet your requirement. Waiting for your reply soon! 模板B Wish everything well with you and your company ! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested to expressed you 3 catalogues for our refrigeration goods . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you to make selection. We send the quotation to you on Aug 11, any questions for our quotation. Hope to get your reply asap. Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Best wishes ! Kevin 如果客户仍旧没有回复,并且电话也无法联系,有可能这个客户休长假,也很有可能客户找到了其他合适的供应商,或者是客户自己的订单没有谈妥。在之后的日子里, 不建议一直纠结原先的报价来问客户。可以把该客户作为潜在客户做维护,一个月或者两个月联系一次。可以就新设计问问客户的建议, 或者是发一些行业知识。重点是让客户记住你,知道你们公司是做什么产品的。同时又不会把你的邮件拉到垃圾箱去。如果客户之后有回复,也可以问问之前报价的情况。 跟进邮件3 Dear Sir, Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend! For several days no news from you. These days our new design of ceramic mug D-123 produced much favourable comment from European market. What do you think about it for your market? We will do much

2. 如何让客户回复邮件10步走

1. 客户不回邮件? 作为一名新手,客户不回你的邮件,会受打击。做为有经验的业务,客户太多,一个个的跟进,费神,累人。 刚给客户报价了之后一定要做到勤跟进。在第一个月最好能够跟进到十次以上,后续就客户情况可以放缓步伐了。 报完价后第一件事情就是询问客户对于我们报价的看法,评价,并且要问几次。很多人都知道,有一部分客户在这个时候就会给你回复了的。 一.询问客户对报价的看法 Dear xxx, Hope everything goes well with you! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It is regret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company. Best regards 二.追问客户的评价,求回复 Dear xx How are you recently? Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx? Fully understand that you are too busy to reply us. But we are still await for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance. Many thanks and best regards.

外贸函电 邮件回复 模板!!

开头: Mr. Hemant, 先生 Have a nice day Good day Thanks for your email Thank you very much for your email Thank you for your reply Thanks for your kind support to me first. Thank you for your inquiry. Thank you very much for your kind enquiry to us. Thank you for your order No.2012001 结尾: Your favorable reply will be highly appreciated. We are at your service at all times. Should you have any questions, pls feel free to contact us. Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your prompt reply We look forward to hearing from you soon. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you. We hope to hear from you soon we will be waiting for your confirmation We appreciate your comments and looking forward to working together with you soon. I f you have any enquiry and need our help, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your further comments soon. 附件: Enclosed is our quotation sheet Enclosed is the proforma invoice, please confirm. The latest catalog enclosed Attached Attachment 报价: your enquiry is having our immediate attention and we hope to make you an acceptable offer in a few days. 我们正在研究你方的询盘几天便可以给你合适的报盘 our best offer is given below We''ll let you have the official offer next Monday. 下星期就给您正式报盘。 还价: this is our rock-bottom price, we cannot make any further concessions 这是我们的最低价,我们不能再让了 Moreover, We''ve kept the price close to the costs of production. 再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。 our price is fixed at a reasonable level我们的价格定的很合理


General inquiry Dear __________, We are interested in your product of __________in a quantity of __________. Please send us details of your product specifications and price terms for shipment to the port of __________ by the way of__________. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Reply to supplier's quotation Dear __________, Thank you for your message dated__________ Please send us details of your product specifications and price terms for shipment to the port of __________ by the way of __________. We are looking forward to your reply. Sincerely, __________ General Quotation Dear__________, We understand from your information posted on https://www.360docs.net/doc/381229688.html, that you are in the market for __________. We are a __________company specializing in exporting__________. We accordingly make the following offer: 1. Product Name: __________ 2. Packing: __________ 3. Quantity: __________ 4. Price: __________ 5. Payment: __________ 6. Shipment: __________ If any of our products are of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Reply to buyer's inquiry


刚给客户报价了之后一定要做到勤跟进。在第一个月最好能够跟进到十次以上,后续就客户情况可以放缓步伐了。 报完价后第一件事情就是询问客户对于我们报价的看法,评价,并且要问几次。很多人都知道,有一部分客户在这个时候就会给你回复了的。 一.询问客户对报价的看法 Dear xxx, Hope everything goes well with you! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It is regret that I haven't received any information fro m your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company. Best regards 二.追问客户的评价,求回复 Dear xx How are you recently? Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx? Fully understand that you are too busy to reply us. But we are sti ll await for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance. Many thanks and best regards. 三.本着小强精神,保证客户收到了报价,重发报价 Hello, xxx, Wish you have a nice day! May I ask whether you have received my quotation? Now I am sending it again, if you have any other ideas. Please feel free to cont act me. We will do much better if you can give any advices to us. Waiting for your favorable reply soon! Best wishes 四:利用报价的有效期给客户一点压力 Hello, xxx, Hope everything goes well! It’s Judy. We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX . pls kindly check whether price is workable ? Because price will be invalid on xxxx. Wish we will promote business. Best regards 五:最后一次寻求客户对所询价产品的意见,附上产品目录表 Good day! My friends, Judy again. My quotation of xxx you might have received and considered. Could you kindly advise your comments at your earliest convenience ? Enclosed is the E-catalog of Kington, please kindly check! If there is any item you are in need of, please contact me! I’ll be more tha n pleasure to offer the information you want. Thanks… I am of service at any time! BR 这个时候差不多半个月过去了,我们要学着挖掘客户的其他订单需求了。 六:待客户在目录表中发现适合他们市场的产品 Hello, my friends, Have u received and checked the E-catalog send in my last email? Hope they are workable for your market! If you find some product really attractive to you, please feel free to contact us. We are more than pleasure to offer you with more information that you want. If you want to estimate the products show, yes, sample can be sent for your reference! We hope can establish a good business relatio nship with you in the near future. Best regards 七:时不时的问下是否有新的询盘或者订单 Dear xx I hope you are doing good. Have you got any new orders ? pls keep me posted if yes, i will send you our updated price for your review. Best regards.


如何跟进客户的邮件? 通过邮件与客户取得联系,是做外贸的最主要的途径。 一. 跟进客户的邮件中要注意哪些问题? 1.简洁:客户上班时间要处理很多事情。80-100个单词,不能太少,也不能太多。最简单的句式表达最明确的意思。突出重点。 2. 专业:英语用词要专业。专业词汇给对方的感觉就是做我们这一行的。如果什么都不懂,这个缩写需要解释,那个也需要,那客户会选择你吗?另外,我们要把产品了解清楚,在邮件中体现出你的专业度。有问必答, 重点突出,意思明确, 思路要清晰。 3. 真诚:回复客户的邮件要注意语言用辞,表示出对客户的尊敬,对待客户一定要真诚,表达出自己以及公司的合作诚意。 4. 及时:回复客户邮件要及时提供给客户准确的产品信息。当天的邮件一定要当天回。如果不能回复,一定要给客户一个回应,告诉他目前不能回的原因和什么时候能够回复客户。注意各国时差,欧洲客户一般下午3点前回复就可以了。美国客户上午一上班或者下午下班前发。 5. 规范:规范的格式(字母大小写,段落,单词拼写,语法检查。)主题:点睛之处;问候语;落款。内容较多时,注意分段或者分序号。 8. 与客户合拍:顺应客户的习惯,使用客户的一些专业词汇表达方式,客户的格式。按客户的格式提供产品资料或者报价。 9. 语气委婉:多用连接词,如As you know, to be honest, frankly, etc. 10. 细心:注意检查是否忘记添加附件,添加后要记得打开再仔细检查一遍。 二.报价后如何跟进? 一般客户会在第一封邮件中要求提供报价及一些产品详细资料。报价根据不同市场,不同需求推荐不同的产品,价格一般不能太高,也不能太低。给客户报价后,一般分为以下几种情况: 1.报价后,根本无回复。 1. 这时,可以考虑隔1天或2天再给客户重发一次,或者直接发邮件询问客户是否收到报价,是否有任何问题? (1)通过客户网站或者询盘信息,如果认为该客户为目标客户。多重发几次,重点强调我司产品的独特优势。也可以尝试推荐给客户其他款式的产品,让客户知道我们还有其他很多的款式,询问客户是否对其它款式感兴趣?如果客户再无回复,通过介绍公司新产品,市场动态,行业动态,吸引客户眼球,在节假日的时候及时给客户发问候,争取获得客户的好感,继续跟进,获得客户回复的机率就更高。(2) 如果不是此行业或者询盘内容比较泛,信息不全面,查不到公司网站的客户,建议重发几次,如果还无回复,就可以放弃了。 2. 报价后,客户有回复,但是反映价格太高,或者说现在采购的价格很低。 做为一个业务员,我们经常给客人报完价后,一般客户都会收到客人说价格高,毕竟谁去买东西,都想买到价格便宜,质量好的产品,自己去买东西的时候,同样也会有这样的想法。价格高,这个都是一般客人的第一反应,关键看我们怎么去引导客人,让他觉得你这个产品就值得这个价钱。因为当客户说“你们的价格太高了”时,我们看到的应该是一个可以马上促成的“积极信号”。因为在他的眼里,除了“价格太高”之外,实际上已经接受了除这个因素之外的其他各个方面。 那么面对这样一个问题,我们应当采取何种策略呢? (1)必须先做自我的心理调整。 (2).运用同理心,肯定对方的感受,充分理解客户。


英文邮件回复函格式及范文 当我们收到邮件时,需要写回复,那么要怎么用英文写回复函呢?本文是学习啦小编整理的英文邮件的回复函格式范文,仅供参考。 英文邮件回复函格式及范文1 dear sir or madam, it is a pleasure to know of your continued interest in our products. the samples you have requested are now available and will be sent free of charge. we have sent the package via fedex,with airway bill number180-8713-0983. we hope you find these samples your killing.we would like to reiterate that we accept customization of products to suit your requirements. plesse do not hesitate to contact us for any further clarification.we look forward to doing business with you. with best withes, hillary 英文邮件回复函格式及范文2 dear sir or madam, it is a pleasure to know of your continued interest in our products.the samples you have requested are now available.samples are free of charge,but according to


英语电子邮件的格式怎样写 英语电子邮件的格式 英文电子邮件的基本要素是主题、称谓、正文、结尾用语及署名。 电子邮件最重要的部分是主题,假设我们都是很忙的人,在打开邮箱阅读邮件时,第一眼看到的就是邮件的主题。所以,主题应当做到言简意赅并突出邮件重要性。英文邮件的主题需要注意不超过35个字母,将位于句首的单词和专有名词首字母大写。比如:Some questions about C++.在比较正式的格式中,需要把每个单词的首字母大写(介词、冠词除外)。 称谓如果是第一次给对方写信,那么称谓最好用Dear+全名,这样会让人感觉比较正式。如果对方以非正式口吻来信,我们也可以类似非正式地回复。比如:Hello/Hi Lillian 。在实际通信中可能遇到不知道对方姓名,可以用Dear+对方头衔,如Dear President ,或者Dear+Sir/Madam 形式。英国人习惯在称呼后加,,美国人习惯在称谓后加:,有时也可以不加任何标点,是具体情况而定。 在书写正文时,把最重要的事情写在正文最前面或者邮件内容较长时写在第一段。为了让收件人阅读邮件比较舒服,我们需要注意邮件正文结构的美感,邮件段落最好控制在两三段之内。如果一封电子邮件涉及多个信息点,我们可以采用分条目的方法,如符号、小标题、编号来使得邮件想要表达的内容层次清晰。邮件内容应注意单词的拼写、大小写、标点、语法等。所谓以小见大。 结尾语在正文之后添加。注意一般结尾语中只有第一个单词首字母大写而剩余单词都小写,此处与称呼不同。 一般电子邮件: Sincerely,

Sincerely yours, 私人电子邮件: Regards, Best wishes, Best regards, With best wishes, Wish best regards, Yours, Cheers, As ever, With love, Affectionately, ...... 在正文最后需要署名,可以写全名,也可以只写名字。需要辨明性别时可以在姓名后面注明(Mr./Ms.)。对于咱们中国人,为了区分姓和名,可以把我们的姓的字母全部大写,例如XIONG Lillian.如果写信人代表的是一个组织或部门,应在名字下一行写上自己的职位、所属部门。 邮件中常用词汇: 附件attachment I am attaching the report.我把报告放在了附件中 转发forwarded I ve forwarded your e-mail to Alice.我已经将你的邮件转发给Alice 保持联系stay /keep in touch


外贸函件:商务英语回复函写作范例 范例一 Dear Sir, We are very glad to receive your fax inquiry. Since it is the first time we contact, we would be highly appreciated if you could provide us your bank name and address. We realize the types of IC you need, but we do not know the specification you require for that IC such as the voltage current. Could you please tell us the purpose of this IC? The fax you send us is not very clear for the wording part. Therefore, please fax it again (no need for graph ).We wish we could provide the best services to you . Sincerely yours. 参考译文: 您好: 敝公司对贵公司传真询问,非常感激,因为与贵公司为首次接触,可否请贵公司惠予示之贵公司交往的银行或公司行号名称,地址。 敝公司了解贵公司所需集成电路之型态,但不明了所需之规格,如电压,电流等等资料,是否能告知此集成电路的用途。 贵公司所传真过来的部份字体不十分清楚,希望能重新传真,但无须传真图片。 盼望能为贵公司提供最佳的服务。 范例二 Dear sir, Firstly, We’d like to apologize for the late reply due to the problem of our computer network. We have repaired the machine and mailed back to you. Do you receive it ? The repair charge is US$ 1500, and the receipt will be based on the US$1200 as you requested. After the confirmation, please transfer US$1500 repairing charge to the following a/c : To show our sincerity, we are willing to reduce price of RS10000 to the lowest US $114,000 . Besides, regarding to the 3 items you request, we will mail to you by express . Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you success in your business. P.S.: We are the SMT Machine manufacturer, and we only produce the new machines.Since we do not carry on the sales of used machines, we are unable to provide you the related information. 参考译文: 您好: 首先,我们必须向您致歉,由于敝公司计算机网络的问题,以致信件延迟至今才能回复您,请您见谅。 您送修的机器已经修理完成且已寄回,不知您收到没?修理的费用是1500美元,发票开立如您所要求1200美元,如果确认无误,请贵公司将修理费用1500美元汇至下列账户:为了表示我们的感谢,我们会将S10000的价格降至最低114,000美元。另外您要的三项东西,我们会用快递寄去给您。


建议英文商务邮件范文英语商务邮件写法 Dear all,(顶格写) (空一行) We are going to have a meeting about the arragement of our pany's opening ceremony. The details are as below:(第一句话清晰明了的交代事件,不多说一句浪费任何人的时间。) (分段再空一行,还是顶格写) 1.时间 2.地点 3.主持及参加人员 (重要信息这样分点写可以大大节约你在工作中的同事们的时间,又交代得很清楚) Thanks and Best Regards(这样的祝语任何人通用)

姓名 部门 ___ (注:格式上没行都是顶格写,分段就空一行,内容应简洁明了,表达到位。) 如果你只是抄送给其中一个人的话,那你就写主要收件人的名字。如果是两个人的话,可以把两个人的名字都写上去.例如 dear XX and XX或者你可以直接写 dear all。 在一定程度上可以,但需要注意的是,抄送相对于直接发送本身,约束力会小很多。抄送会给对方产生“我”可以答复也可以不答的印象。 如果公司人想通过抄送来引起上司的重视,自己心里应该掂量一下抄送的事情本身是否足够敏感,能否引起重视。其实,直接发送邮件或者走到对方办公桌前进行面对面的交流,效果会更好。 抄送示例

抄送的意思就是收到的人可回(邮件)可不回(邮件),可看可不看的邮件,也就是说你的邮件可以发给多人,让多人同时收到你的邮件! 例如: 你想发邮件给一位老师,抄送给一位同学 可以在收件人一栏填写老师的电子邮件地址 在抄送一栏填写同学的电子邮件地址 这样两人都能收到邮件了! 参考资料: 二.给领导的邮件怎么写: 1.范例 Subject: Presentation skills course


报价过后怎么追踪客户 客户询价后,跟进客户是必不可少的步骤。根据我多年的经验,能在第一次拜访中就能做成生意的比例只占5%。也就是说跟进成了销售中最主要的工作。 当然,永远和你不做生意的潜在客户也只占5%,这就需要一个优秀的销售人员,在日常的工作中,不断的掌握跟进方法和技巧,不断累积潜在的客户资源,达 到销售越做越大的结果。 销售员朋友们一定要明白,跟进一定是建立在第一次预约和第一次拜访的基础上的。没有第一次的判断,在跟进过程中就很难非常快的取得成绩。很多销售员也很勤奋,天天的拜访客户,天天的给客户打电话,却总是得不到准确的客户信息和情况,结果造成没有准确的判断,也就不知根据不同的情况来跟进。要主动的提出签约的请求,为的就是让客户给你一个明确的态度,让需要的客户一次就能和你签约,而不能签约的客户也要找理由来拒绝你。我们很多的销售人员由于害怕被拒绝,不敢要求客户签约,结果是能签约的单签不到,出了门或者放下电话还不知道这个客户到底需不需要自己的产品。举一个小例子,有一个销售网络电话的女业务员,通过贸易通和我聊了一个多月,也曾让我了解她的产品,可就是没直截了当的和我提出买她的产品,结果她公司的一个新来的男业务员,第一次就让我帮他买一部,并明确告诉了一个月能为我省多少钱,我答应他的拜访。结果是女业务员和男业务员一起到我公司,我看了产品就安装了一部。之后,女业务员说: 黄总,我和你联系了一个月你都没有向我购买,为什么你就答应他了?我说: 你没有说你要向我卖产品,我还以为你只是和我聊聊天呢!通过这个例子我想告诉大家的是,销售有时很简单,你只要搞清楚客户为什么不要你的产品?他的理由是什么?然后用什么方法来说 服客户。这就是你制定跟进方案的依据。 我往往针对不同的客户情况把跟进分成三类,


关于跟踪客户的方法 跟踪,骚扰! 让客户记着你,这次不合作,至少下次再采购的时候能够想起你,给你一个报价,参与竞争的机会。 事实证明,大部分的客户都是通过不断地跟踪得来的,至少我的大部分客户都是如此。 关键问题在于一部分外贸业务员不知道如何跟踪,一旦发出去的价格石沉大海,便束手无策了。尝试以下几种跟踪方法: 1、报价时,信息比较全面,本身就给客户留下比较专业,比较诚恳的印象,客户会比较愿意跟专业的供应商合作。 2、有效期话题:例如你的有效期20天,在最后的几天,我们可以借有效期为题通知客户,若要下单请在有效期内!再或者,你就通知客户,现在市场价格已经开始上涨,但是我们的有效期还可以适应,请尽快通知我们!这样个客户留下了比较守承诺的印象。 有效期内,客户未答复,则可以在有效期结束的第二天,就要通知客户,我们的有效期已经失效,但是如果再需要,请来信咨询,我们还会提供比较合适的价格给您。 3、事件营销:节日等等 4、交货期跟踪:在价格有效期内,可以利用交货期做文章,例如询问客户到底什么时候要,是否比较急,如果您不能及时下订,我们其他订单排在前面,可能会影响您的船期。 5、重复报价:这招比较常用,估计很多人都在用。只要价格调整了,就发价格给客户,即便是本身价格未变,但是由于海运费,汇率等因素的影响,还是会变化,告知客户。 6、询问需求法,这个方法也可以常用,例如说,不知道你最近是否有订单,请即时通知我,我给你报一个价格,参考一下。 7、同行刺激法,这个方法不能常用,但是我曾经用这个方法让客户很感兴趣,最终拿到过订单,就说是,最近您所在的地区需求量非常大,我们连着发了几批去那边的货,我记着您也是需要这批货的,不知道你最近有没有需求?(这个要特别小心使用,万一客人说你把你现在客人的名称告诉,你确实没有就有傻了) 还有很多,上面七条都是我常用的,虽然并不是每一个客户都能拿下来,至少,我没有让客户忘记我,对方有需求的同时,至少还会告诉我,寻求报价,经过谈判也曾经拿下了好多客户! 这就是一个好的开始,如果进入不了实际的谈判阶段,你的产品再好,价格再有优势,也是白搭!
