

Holidays and Travel

A: Hello! You looked so happy, what happen to you?

B: I have finished the last final examination,Now the winter hoilday is coming ,I can relax myself .How about you ?

A:I am fine,The spring festival is coming sonn. Hh?

B: Oh, yeah. That’s my favorite festival. When I was a child, I could get toys, different kinds of snack food and gift money.

A: Me too. But do you have any plan for a travel in the winter holiday?

B: yeah, I want to go to Hong Kong, the city calleded as “the Pearl of the Orient” Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

A: Not yet. A great pity.

B:Do you know, Hong Kong has a natural attraction to visitors like me. In particular the story of Suzie Wong and the legacyof superstars like Bruce Lee have long captured my curiosity.

A: It seems you know pretty well about Hong Kong. Hong Kong has also had a reputation as a Shopper’s Paradise。

A: Yeah.This is the reason why I choose HongKong for travel.I will buy a present for my mum,Her birthday is coming soon.

B:Oh,That’s great.What time do you start your trip?

A:Next weekend.What about you?Do you have any travel plan in the holiday?

B:yeah,Harbin is the best place for me to trivel.

A: I see. Harbin Was rated as the most suitable for tourism city in in winter holiday .

B: Yes.With 190-day freezing season and its bittly cold winters,the harbin is know as a ‘coty of ice’.But the bittly cold never cools the local people ‘s enthusiasm for enjoy the winter’s scenery and all kinds of winter activities. Harbin is best known for its appealing winter landscape,stimulating winter sports and various dazzling ice and snow art works.

A:I know harbin is the Ice and snow world in the winter.

B:yeah, Its very beauitiful.

A: Wow, it sounds so great. I hope that you’ll enjoy yourself in the coming Spring Festival.

B: The same to you!


A: Hello! You looked so happy, what happen to you?

B: I have finished the last final examination,Now the winter hoilday is coming ,I can relax myself .How about you ?

A:I am fine,The spring festival is coming sonn.It’s time to go home for


B: Yeah.I have bought the ticket for home ,but the I am still worried the triffic situation . What do you think about the transport system in Beijing? A:Nowadays, with people’s need for transport facilities increasing, the transport network in Beijing is far from adequate. Traffic problems have become a serious headache for residents and the municipal(/mju'n?s?pl/) government. B: How do you think the transport system in Beijing could be improved?

A: I think that the public transport system could be made simpler. I never know where the bus routes actually go.

B:Well, in my opinion, the road-construction inBeijing has failed to keep up with the sharp increase in the number of cars. What we need do is just building more roads. Then there would be more space for cars to drive and we’d have fewer traffic jams.

A: But in Beijing, most of the important political, commercial and cultural locations are concentrated in the area within the Fourth Ring Road, which is also a root cause of today’s heavy traffic load. Maybe we should focus more on the rational layout of the traffic network.

B: Yeah, that’s right.Besides, I think we should also discourage people from using their private cars.

A: how would you do that?

B: I think we could do lots of things. Such as improving public transport, charging people who use their private cars in the city centre, restrict the number of cars in the roads, and so on.

A:T hat’s a good point.The air wouldbe also cleaner if there were fewer cars being used in Beijing.

B:Oh. It’s time for class.see you

A:See you.


Low-carbon life

A:What a cold day today!

B: Indeed. You’d better to wear more clothes to keep you warm.

A:Thank you for your concern. Actually, I think it is much warmer this year than it is last year.

B: Iagreewithyou.Our Environmental condition is becoming worse. Global warming, ice melting and the rise of sea level make coastal lowlands submerged/s?b'm?:d?/ threats.

A:This also damage human’s health.A scarbon dioxide is increasing, the ozone/'?uz?un/layer which can ease the ultraviolet/'?ltr?'vai?lit/ radiation is reduce. What’s worse, the ozone layer over the earth's poles appeared empty.

B: And the emission of carbon dioxide which scientists say is a major cause of global warming.

A:Nowadays,Low-carbon life is becoming a popular topic.

B:Right, Low-carbon life encourages people to minimize energy use and greenhouse gas emission. What do you think about this?

A:Yes,there are some actions which create a certain amount of carbon dioxide. All those activities can put strains on the environment and lead to a worsening climate change.

B:I really agree with you. That’s why low-carbon lifestyle is advocated. And that’s why low-carbon lifestyle is also called environment-friendly lifestyle.

A:In your opinion,how can we lead a low-carbon life?

B:Well, firstly, choose public transport instead of private cars. Secondly, switch your computers, air conditioners, and other electronic appliances to energy-saving mode.

A:Right! Find out what the recycling options are in your area. Then use reusable bags, cups, chopsticks as more environmentally-friendly alternatives instead of disposable commodities.

B: As long as we try, we can make it

A:yes,Let’s do it together!


A: Hello, Jean.

B: Hi, Judy. What are you doing?

A:Well! My teacher asks me to write an article about “my ideal graduate English teaching”. I’m preparing for it. Do you have any ideas?

B:Um… I think graduate English teaching aims at training students’ practical competence effectively at a higher level. So it should highlight the practical application. Only in this way can those graduates be comprehensively improved.

A: Yes. You are right. In my mind, the student-centered teaching method should be put to use. Because it can not only improve the students’ English skill, but also strengthen the interaction between students and teachers.

B: In addition, it can also foster the students' spirit of cooperation and the ability of innovative. And I think the number of each class should be controlled in 30. Then students will be much accounted of and can communicate well with their teachers.

A:I can’t agree with you more. What’s more, would you like more advanced English courses be opened besides the existing courses such as basic reading and speaking?

B: Good idea! For example,translation of science and technology, Overview of British and American culture, English film appreciation, English practical writing, etc.

A: Yeah! By the way, many universities have already established English language Practice Centers. Do you think that will be more and more

popular in the future?

B: Yes, I do. It can provide us with all sorts of study resource and more personalized study method guidance. Since our university has no one yet, I always dream to have an English language Practice Center in our university.

A: The same to you. Ok! You have give me a lot of inspiration about my ideal graduate English teaching. Thank you!

B: That’s all right. I will call you later. See you later.

A: See you.


A:Good morning! How are you ?

B:I’m fine,thank you.How about you?

A:Good ,thanks.I can see by your resume here that you studied business administration.

B : That’s right.

A: Now,please tell me about yourself.

B:I graduated from the BIT.During those years ,I also took some major courses in university.And I have achieved good grades in my courses. A: How would you describe your personality?

B : I am willing to make friends with people ,and I like to know what they need and help solve their problems.I once worked in student union as the chairperson of students.

A:What are you doing in your sparetime?

B: I like excise in the mornig every two days .And sometimes I maybe go shoppimg with my good friends or stay at home to do housework and watch TV.
