


第一部分:听力 (共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)


1. A) Meeting with Mark.


2. C) This week.


3. B) Borrow her car.


4. A) They think it is unnecessary.


5. C) It is a big challenge for them.


6. B) He will call Dave.


7. A) Listen to the weather forecast.


8. C) A trip to the countryside.


9. B) She was too late for the registration.

解析:题干中提到Lucy說"I missed the deadline",可以确定正确答案为B。

10. C) By giving examples.


11. A) Buy some clothes.


12. B) He is waiting for a train.


13. C) They are almost the same.


14. A) Buy a new bicycle.


15. B) Read a book.


16. C) He is disappointed.


17. B) Renew the contract.


18. C) A survey about students' opinions on the library.


19. A) The weather will be perfect.


20. B) The wet weather makes hiking dangerous.


21. C) Issue a new timetable.


22. A) The professor's lecture was boring.


23. B) Environmentally friendly.


24. A) It is quite heavy.


25. B) Visit a museum.


第二部分:阅读理解 (共25小题,每小题2分,满分50分)


Passage 1

26. B) They are professional caregivers.

解析:根据文章第一段第一句"The people who work in nursing homes are not caregivers",可以确定正确答案为B。

27. D) Lack of care and attention.

解析:根据文章第一段第二句"People in nursing homes often lack ... care and attention",可以确定正确答案为D。

28. C) Find out what goes on in nursing homes.

解析:根据文章第二段第一句"We need to get beyond ... in nursing homes",可以确定正确答案为C。

29. A) It is a legal requirement.

解析:根据文章第二段最后一句"A camera has to be ... being videotaped or photographed",可以确定正确答案为A。

30. B) It can enhance the quality of the care.

解析:根据文章第三段最后一句"cameras hold people accountable ... improving the situation",可以确定正确答案为B。

Passage 2

31. C) They were looking for gold.

解析:问题对应的是文章第二段第一句"During the eighteenth century...searching for gold"。

32. A) It was the first of its kind in America.

解析:问题对应的是文章第三段最后一句"It was the

first paper mill in America...location in 1710"。

33. D) A series of wars between Great Britain and France.

解析:问题对应的是文章第四段第一句"The revolution

that occurred ...extricate itself from the problems"。

34. B) Its monopoly on manufacturing paper for American colonies.

解析:问题对应的是文章第五段第一句"While British

mills imported West ... against the British"。

35. A) Political tensions.

解析:问题对应的是文章第六段第一句"One of the major factors...stimulate the paper industry"。

Passage 3

36. B) Atomic energy.

解析:根据文章第一段第一句"...Fusion is the

process ... principle behind the atomic bomb",可以确定正确答案为B。

37. D) Attempts to achieve nuclear fusion.

解析:根据文章第三段最后一句"In laboratories all over the ... impossible by current technology",可以确定正确答案为D。

38. C) Temperature and pressure.

解析:根据文章第四段最后一句"The challenge has been ... create and contain plasma",可以确定正确答案为C。

39. A) Success in creating net energy from fusion.

解析:根据文章第六段第一句"With the breakthrough

at ... power between 2023 and 2025",可以确定正确答案为A。

40. C) Fusion reactions occur at extremely high temperatures.

解析:根据文章第七段第二句"Fusion reactions can ... four times the temperature of the sun",可以确定正确答案为C。

第三部分:完型填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


41. D) happy


42. A) within


43. C) if


44. B) another


45. D) explanation


46. C) so


47. A) ordering


48. D) when


49. B) because


50. C) the


51. A) in


52. B) mental


53. D) possible


54. C) Unfortunately


55. A) break


56. B) how


57. D) resilient


58. B) experiences


59. A) fulfilled


60. C) other


第四部分:写作 (共两篇,第一篇15分,第二篇10分,满分25分)


第一篇: 书信写作

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my deep concern over the recent increase in plastic waste in our community. It has come to my attention that the excessive use of single-use plastic products, such as plastic bags and bottles, has been causing serious environmental problems.

Plastic waste not only pollutes our rivers and oceans, but it also poses a threat to wildlife. Countless marine animals are injured or killed by ingesting plastic debris,

and this issue is a major concern for environmentalists worldwide. Moreover, the production and disposal of plastic products contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating the problem of climate change.

In order to tackle this pressing issue, I propose several measures that can be implemented in our community. Firstly, there should be stricter regulations on the production and use of single-use plastics. Many countries have already adopted policies to ban or reduce plastic waste, and we can learn from their experiences. Secondly, it is crucial to promote awareness among the public about the negative impacts of plastic waste. This can be done through educational campaigns, public exhibitions, and workshops. Lastly, we should encourage the development and use of alternative materials, such as biodegradable plastics or reusable containers, to replace single-use plastic products.

I believe that by taking these measures, we can greatly reduce the amount of plastic waste and protect our environment for future generations. I urge you to consider my suggestions and take immediate action to address this urgent issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

第二篇: 读图写作

The bar chart above illustrates the percentage of energy production from different sources in a country from 2000 to 2010. Overall, it can be observed that the production of coal and oil decreased, while renewables, nuclear, and gas increased over the period.

In 2000, coal was the largest source of energy production, accounting for nearly 40%. Oil followed closely with a little over 30%. Nuclear and gas each contributed around 15%, while renewables had the lowest contribution at approximately 5%.

However, by 2010, there were significant changes in energy production. Coal production dropped to just below 30%, and oil production decreased to around 25%. Conversely, renewables experienced the greatest increase, reaching nearly 15% of energy production. Nuclear and gas also saw slight increases, with both reaching 20% in 2010.

In conclusion, the country witnessed a shift in energy production from coal and oil to renewable sources, nuclear, and gas over the ten-year period. This shift is likely a response to the growing concern for environmental sustainability and the need to diversify energy sources. It

is expected that this trend will continue in the future as renewable energy becomes more accessible and affordable.



专八试卷真题及答案解析 在每年的6月和12月,中国的英语学习者们都会迎来一场重要的考试——英语专业八级(英语专八)考试。作为中国英语专业水平的高级考试,专八考试对学生的英语综合能力、语法、阅读理解、写作以及口语表达能力都有较高的要求。考生们在备考过程中经常会找一些专八试卷真题和答案进行练习和复习。本文将为大家提供一些专八试卷真题及答案的解析。 一、阅读理解 阅读理解是专八考试的难点之一,而其中的长篇阅读理解尤为考生头疼。下面是一道关于心理学的长篇阅读理解。 In the 1960s, a new movement emerged in the United States called the "human potential movement." There were different branches of this movement, but they had a common goal: to help people reach their full potential. In theory, this involved developing the mind, body, and spirit. One of the most influential branches of the human potential movement was transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal psychology explores the spiritual aspects of human experience, including mysticism, meditation, and altered states of consciousness. It rejects the idea that psychology should only focus on the normal and healthy aspects of human behavior, and instead looks at the whole range of human experience.


专八英语真题答案及解析 专业八级英语考试,简称专八,是中国大学英语教学指导委员会主办的一项考试,旨在测试考生的英语综合应用能力。本文将对专八英语真题的答案和解析进行详细介绍,帮助考生更好地理解考试内容和要求。 第一部分:听力 (共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分) 听力部分是专八考试的第一部分,主要测试考生的听力理解能力。下面是2019年专八英语听力真题的答案与解析。 1. A) Meeting with Mark. 解析:题干中提到"Mark",可以确定正确答案为A。 2. C) This week. 解析:题干中询问的是"Tom"何时开始写作业,对应的答案为C。 3. B) Borrow her car. 解析:题干中询问的是"Mary"想要借什么,对应的答案为B。 4. A) They think it is unnecessary. 解析:题干中询问的是两个同学如何看待阅读书籍的重要性,对应的答案为A。

5. C) It is a big challenge for them. 解析:题干中询问的是对话中年轻人们面对的困难,对应的答案为C。 6. B) He will call Dave. 解析:题干中询问的是John打算做什么,对应的答案为B。 7. A) Listen to the weather forecast. 解析:题干中询问的是她打算做什么,对应的答案为A。 8. C) A trip to the countryside. 解析:题干中询问的是他们最终计划去哪里,对应的答案为C。 9. B) She was too late for the registration. 解析:题干中提到Lucy說"I missed the deadline",可以确定正确答案为B。 10. C) By giving examples. 解析:题干中询问的是作者写这篇文章时主要使用了什么方法,对应的答案为C。 11. A) Buy some clothes. 解析:题干中询问的是她打算做什么,对应的答案为A。


2012 31. The Maori people are natives of A. Australia. B. Canada. C. Ireland. D. New Zealand. 32. The British monarch is the Head of A. Parliament. B. State. C. Government. D. Cabinet. 33. Americans celebrate Independence Day on A. July 4th. B. October 11th. C. May 31st. D. September 6th. 34. Canada is bounded on the north by A. the Pacific Ocean. B. the Atlantic Ocean. C. the Arctic Ocean. D. the Great Lakes. 35. Who is the author of The Waste Lana? A. George Bernard Shaw. B. W.B. Yeats. C. Dylan Thomas. D. T.S. Eliot. 36. Which of the following novelists wrote The Sound and the Fury? A. William Faulkner. B. Ernest Hemingway. C. Scott Fitzgerald. D. John Steinbeck. 37. "The lettuce was lonely without tomatoes and cucumbers for company" is an example of A. exaggeration. B. understatement. C. personification. D. synecdoche. 38. In English ifa word begins with a [l] or a [r], then the next sound must be a vowel. This is a (n) A. assimilation rule. B. sequential rule. C.deletion rule. D. grammar rule. 39. Which of the following is an example of clipping? A.APEC. B.Motel. C.Xerox. D.Disco. 40. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to a particular type of" situation is called A. register. B. dialect. C. slang. D. variety. 31: new Zealand 32: state 33: July 4th 34: the Arctic Ocean 35: T.S.Eliot 36: William Faulkner 37: personification 38: sequential rule 39: Disco 40: register 2011 31. The northernmost part of Great Britain is _______. A. Northern Ireland B. Wales C. England D. Scotland 参考答案:D TIP:选D。英国最北端是苏格兰。 32. It is generally agreed that _______ were the first Europeans to reach Australia's shores. A. the French B. the Germans C. the British D. the Dutch 参考答案:D TIP:选D。1606年,荷兰航海家Willem Janszoon在约克角西岸登陆澳洲。1770年,英国人库克船长登上澳洲大陆并宣布它为英国领土。 33. Which country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf? A. Canada. B. New Zealand. C. Great Britain. D. The United States of America. 参考答案:A TIP:选A。加拿大被誉为“枫叶之国”。 34. Who wrote the famous pamphlet, The Common Sense, before the American Revolution? A. Thomas Jefferson. B. Thomas Paine. C. John Adams. D. Benjamin Franklin. 参考答案:B


2009年英语专八真题与答案解析 TIME LIMIT: 195 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Writing Experimental Reports I.Content of an experimental report, e.g. --- study subject/ area --- study purpose --- ____1____ II.Presentation of an experimental report --- providing details


2021年英语专八试卷真题及答案 PART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A TALK Language is used for doing things. People use it in everyday conversation for transacting business, planning meals and vacations, debating politics, and gossiping. Teachers use it for instructing students, and comedians use it for amusing audiences. All these are instances of language use - that is activities in which people do things with language. As we can see, language use is really a form of joint action. What is joint action? I think it is an action that is carried out by a group of people doing things in coordination with each other. As simple examples, think of two people waltzing, or playing a piano duet. When two dancers waltz, they each move around the ballroom in a special way. But waltzing is different from the sum of their individual actions. Can you imagine these two dancers doing the same steps, but in separate rooms, or at separate times? So waltzing is, in fact, the joint action that emerges as the two dancers do their individual steps in coordination, as a couple. Similarly, doing things with language is also different from the sum of the speaker speaking and the listener listening. It is the joint action that emerges when speakers and listeners, or writers and readers, perform their individual actions in coordination, as ensembles. Therefore, we can say that language use incorporates both individual and social processes. Speakers and listeners, writers and readers, must carry out actions as individuals, if they are to succeed in their use of language. But they must also work together as participants in the social units I have called ensembles. In the example I mentioned just now, the two dancers perform both individual actions, moving their bodies, arms, and legs, and joint actions, coordinating these movements, as they create the waltz. In the past, language use has been studied as if it were entirely an individual process. And it has also been studied as if it were entirely a social process. For me, I suggest that it belongs to both. We cannot hope to understand language use without viewing it as joint actions built on individual actions. In order to explain how all these actions work, I'd like to review briefly settings of language use. By settings, I mean the scene in which language use takes place, plus the medium - which refers to whether language use is spoken or written. And in this talk, I'll focus on spoken


英语专业八级阅读考试试题及答案 A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink.以下是为大家搜寻整理的2023年英语专业八级阅读考试试题及答案,盼望能给大家带来帮忙!更多精彩内容请准时关注我们! Federal Governments Help Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960’ s when the Small Business Administration SBA began making federally guaranteed loans and government-sponsored management and technical assistance available to minority business enterprises. While this program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to form new businesses, the results were disappointing, since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations, and capital shortages led to high failure rates. Even 15 years after the program was implemented, minority business receipts were not quite two percent of the national economy’s total receipts. Recently federal policymakers have adopted an approach intended to accelerate development of the minority business sector by moving away from directly aiding small minority enterprises and


英语专八考试翻译真题及参考答案 英语专八考试翻译真题及参考答案 英语专业八级考试,全称为全国高校英语专业八级考试。自1991年起由中华人民共和国教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生。下面为大家带来了英语专八考试翻译真题及参考答案,欢迎大家参考! 1997年E-C原文: Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are inevitably the province(范围) of the rich unless we abdicate(退位、放弃) society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera and other expensive forms of culture, accessible(易接近的,可达到的) to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? No body denies the imperatives(必要的)of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, man-kind stretched out a hand of not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse(冲动) towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation(表述、陈述)is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment(完成、成就) in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones(标准、试金石) for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire(立志、追求目标、渴望); they carry the most profound (深厚的、深刻的)messages that can be sent from one human to another. 参考译文: 欣赏歌剧是一种奢侈:你必须为此支付昂贵的票价。然而,享用昂贵的东西并不完全是富人的特权,除非我们放弃社会选择的权利。我们有权利使歌剧和其他昂贵的文化形式面向大众,面向那些个人没


2019年专业英语八级真题及答案(翻译) 2016年英语专业八级翻译参考译文: 他们发现无论是潺潺小溪,还是浩荡大河,都一去不复返,流逝 之际青年变成了老翁而绿草转眼就枯黄,很自然有错阴的紧迫感。流 逝也许是缓慢的,但无论如何缓慢,对流逝的恐惧使人们必须用“流逝”这个词来时时警戒后人,必须急匆匆地行动,给这个词灌注一种 紧张感。 They realised that both the babbling brook and the mighty river would flow on, and that their waters would never return. They found that as time passed by, young men would become old and the green grass would turn yellow and wither in almost the blink of an eye. A sense of urgency naturally arose over the elusiveness of time. No matter how slowly time flowed, the very fear of its transiency compelled people to use the word “passage”to warn the coming generations of the necessity of taking prompt action; thus instilling the word with a sense of tension.


专八真题听力原文及答案解析 听力是英语考试中的重要组成部分,对于提高听力能力以及提高 考试得分有着至关重要的作用。准备专八考试的考生不可忽视掌握的 重要性。本文将为大家提供一些专八真题听力原文及答案的解析,希 望能够给大家带来帮助。 1. 学术演讲: 原文:The speaker discusses the development of modern science and how it has changed our lives. He mentions different areas of scientific research and technological advancements that have had significant impacts on society. He highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in solving complex problems and encourages young scientists to pursue their passion for discovery. 答案解析: 这篇学术演讲讨论的是现代科学的发展以及它对我们生活的影响。演讲者提到了不同的科学研究领域和技术进步对社会产生的重大影响。他强调了跨学科的合作在解决复杂问题中的重要性,并鼓励年轻科学 家追求他们对探索的热情。 2. 新闻报道: 原文:The news report covers the recent increase in carbon emissions and its impact on global climate change. It discusses the various sources of carbon emissions, including


2021年英语专八听力真题和原文答案 PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN] 2021英语专八真 题音频.mp3 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section, you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, please complete the gap-fulling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work. Current Challenges Confronting U.S. Higher Education

Section B Interview This is the end of Part Two of the interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard. Question 6, what did Maureen think about socializing with writers? Question 7, what was Maureen's view about a community for poets? Question 8, why did her sections have concluding stanzas? Question 9, what did Maureen think about her way of poetry reading? Question 10, what is the interview mainly about? This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard. Question 1, what is Maureen McLean, according to the interviewer? Question 2, when did Maureen first begin to read poetry? Question 3, who were the most important teachers to Maureen? Question 4, which of the following did Maureen feel more strongly about when she returned to teach at Harvard? Question 5, why did Maureen bring recordings to class? 答案解析和原文 1、MINI-LECTURE录音原文 Current Challenges Confronting U.S. Higher Education Good morning, everyone. In our last lecture, we discussed challenges that face universities and colleges worldwide. Today, we'll take a special look at U.S. higher education and see what challenges U.S. higher education is facing. OK, let's get started. The first challenge we are examining in today's lecture is the force of the marketplace on higher education. Many people believe that the marketplace has overtaken state government as the dominant external force, shaping and reshaping American higher education, even for public colleges and universities. You may ask, why is it so? Well, as is always the case, government support is not keeping pace with educational expenditures. So, in many ways the market is having more bearing on higher education than government. In order to create more flexibility, many public


全国英语专八阅读理解试题及答案 The Result of the Falling US Dollar Like a ticking time bomb, the falling dollar has grabbed the attention of Japan and West Germany, forcing them to consider adopting economic polices the United States advocates. The U.S. government wants the dollar to fall because as the dollar declines in value against the yen and Deutsche mark, U.S. good es cheaper. U.S. panies then sell more at home and abroad, and U.S. trade deficit declines. Cries for trade protection abate, and the global free-trade system is preserved. Then, the cheaper dollar makes it cheaper for many foreign investors to snap up U.S. stocks. That prompts heavy buying from abroad—especially from Japan. Also, if the trade picture is improving, that means U.S. panies eventually will be more petitive. Consequently, many investors are buying shares of export-oriented U.S. panies in anticipation of better profits in the next year or so. But that is a rather faddish notion right now; if corporate earnings are disappointing in interest rates, the stock market rally could stall. I mproving U.S. petitiveness means a decline in another’s petitiveness. Japan and West Germany are verging on recession. Their export-oriented economies are facing major problems. Japan is worried about the


全国英语专八阅读试题及答案详解 The Relationship between Brain Process with Mental Experience By 1950, the results of attempts to relate brain processesto mental experience appeared rather discouraging. Suchvariations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitationthreshold, and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cellsremained negligible in significance for any possible correlationwith the manifold dimensions of mental experience. Near the turn of the century, it had been suggested by Hering that different modes of sensation,such as pain, taste and color, might be correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervousenergy, However, subsequently developed methods of recording and analyzing nerve potentialsfailed to reveal any such qualitative persity. It was possible to demonstrate by other methodsrefined structural differences among neuron types; however, proof was lacking that the quality ofthe impulse or its conduction was influenced by these differences, which seemed instead toinfluence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits. Although qualitative variance amongnerve rigidly


2021年英语专八阅读题附答案 2021年最新英语专八阅读题附答案 Exploration on the Origin of Continents The origin of continental nuclei has long been a puzzle.Theories advanced so far have generally failed to explain the firststep in continent growth, or have been subject to seriousobjections. It is the purpose of this article to examine thepossible role of the impact of large meteorites or asteroids in theproduction of continental nuclei. Unfortunately, the geologicalevolution of the Earth’s surface has had an obliterating effect onthe original position and structure of the continents to such an extent that further terrestrialinvestigations have small chance of arriving at an unambiguous answer to the question ofcontinental origin. Paradoxically, clues to the origin and early history of the surface features of theEarth may be found on the Moon and planets, rather than on the Earth, because some of thesebodies appear to have had a much less active geological history. As a result, relatively primitivesurface features are preserved for study and analysis. In the case of both the Moon and Mars, it isgenerally concluded from the appearance of their heavily cratered surfaces that they have beensubjected to bombardment by large meteoroids during their geological history. Likewise, it wouldappear a reasonable hypothesis that


2022英语专八改错真题答案及解析 Long ago there was a prince who unwisely confided the media that while tending his loved garden, he often talked to his plants. —2— He also warned his future subjects about losing touch with theirnatural surrounding and their rich cultural heritage. But the people _3—scoffed and said it was the fuddy-duddy Prince and was out of _4― touch. And they shook heads at the madness of the Prince, s forebear, King George III, who famously talked with a tree he hadmistaken the King of Prussia. —5— These days Britain s Prince of Wales is still considered a tad eccentric. But increasingly, Charles Philip Windsor is winning applausefor his campaign to combat that he calls the wanton destruction _6― that has taken place with the name of progress. For 30 years _7—


专业英语八级阅读理解专项强化真题试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. (1)Some of the advantages of bilingualism include better performance at tasks involving “ executive function”(which involves the brain’s ability to plan and prioritize), better defense against dementia in old age and—the obvious—the ability to speak a second language. One purported advantage was not mentioned, though. Many multilinguals report different personalities, or even different worldviews, when they speak their different languages. (2)It’s an exciting notion, the idea that one’s very self could be broadened by the mastery of two or more languages. In obvious ways(exposure to new friends, literature and so forth)the self really is broadened. Yet it is different to claim—as many people do—to have a different personality when using a different language. A former Economist colleague, for example, reported being ruder in Hebrew than in English. So what is going on here? (3)Benjamin Lee Whorf, an American linguist who died in 1941, held that each language encodes a worldview that significantly influences its speakers. Often called “Whorfianism”, this idea has its sceptics, but there are still good reasons to believe language shapes thought. (4)This influence is not necessarily linked to the vocabulary or grammar of a second language. Significantly, most people are not symmetrically bilingual. Many have learned one language at home from parents, and another later in life, usually at school. So bilinguals usually have different strengths and weaknesses in their different languages—and they are not always best in their first language. For example, when tested in a foreign language, people are less likely to fall into a cognitive trap(answering a test question with an obvious-seeming but wrong answer)than when tested in their native language. In part this is because working in a second language slows down the thinking. No wonder people feel different when speaking them. And no wonder they feel looser, more spontaneous, perhaps more assertive or funnier or blunter, in the language they were reared in from childhood. (5)What of “crib” bilinguals, raised in two languages? Even they do not usually have perfectly symmetrical competence in their two languages. But even for a speaker whose two languages are very nearly the same in ability, there is another big reason that person will feel different in the two languages. This is because there is an important distinction between bilingualism and biculturalism. (6)Many bilinguals are not bicultural. But some are. And of those bicultural bilinguals, we should be little surprised that they feel different in their two languages. Experiments in psychology have shown the power of “priming”—small unnoticed factors that can affect behavior in big ways. Asking people to tell a happy story, for example, will put them in a better mood. The choice between two languages is a huge prime. Speaking Spanish rather than English, for a bilingual and bicultural Puerto Rican in New York, might conjure feelings of family and home. Switching to English might prime the same person to think of school and work. (7)So there are two very good reasons(asymmetrical
