七年级下册英语unit 3 how do you get to school作文辅导

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1. 开头,客套问候 2. 离开家 3. 交通方式 4. 花费的时间 5. 路程多远 6. 旅途感受 7. 结束语
How are you? Thanks for your last email.
Let me tell you how I get to school.
• The bus ride is interesting because I always talk to my classmates.
• My bus ride is really boring.
1. How are you? Thanks for your last e-mail.
2. Let me tell you how I get to school.
3. I usually leave home at 6:50 in the morning.
4. First, I walk to the bus stop.
5. Then I take the No. 611 bus to school.

6. It takes me about half an hour to get to school. 文
• The bus ride takes about 10 minutes.
My school is about 2 kilometers from
my home.
I live about 2 kilometers from my
• My trip is interesting because I usually meet many friends.
• I usually leave home at 6:50 in the morning.
• I ride my bike to school. • First, I walk to the bus stop. • Then I take the No. 611 bus to school.
• It takes me about half an hour to get to school.
Thank you very much!
_I_t_u_s_u_a_l_ly__ta_k_e_s__m_e__a_b_o_u_t_h_a_l_f_a_n__h_o_u_r_t_o_ _g_e_t_t_o_s_c_h_o_o_l_. _I_u_s_u_a_l_ly__m_e_e_t_m__a_n_y_______ _f_r_ie_n_d_s_._S_o__m_y__t_ri_p__is_i_n_t_e_r_es_t_in__g_._______ Peter
11. My bus ride is really boring.
12. What about you? How do you get to school?
A sample(范文): Dear Tom, _H_o_w__a_r_e_y_o_u_?__T_h_a_n_k__y_o_u__fo_r__y_o_u_r_l_a_st__e-__ _m_a_i_l.__N_o_w__l_e_t _m_e__te_l_l_y_o_u__h_o_w__I_g_e_t_t_o____ _sc_h_o_o_l_._I_u_s_u_a_l_ly__le_a_v_e__h_o_m_e__a_t_h_a_l_f _p_a_s_t __ _se_v_e_n_._F_i_r_s_t,_I__w_a_l_k_t_o_t_h_e_s_u_b__w_a_y________ _st_a_t_io_n_._T__h_e_n_I_t_a_k_e__th_e__s_u_b_w_a_y__to________ _sc_h_o_o_l_. _M__y_s_c_h_o_o_l_i_s _a_b_o_u_t_t_e_n_k__il_o_m_e_t_e_r_s_ _fr_o_m__m__y_h_o_m__e_._______________________
7. The bus ride takes about 10 minutes.
8. My school is about 2 kilometers from my home.
9. I live about 2 kilometers from my home.
10. My trip is interesting because I usually meet many friends.