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Lanzhou Jiaotong University




(1) 分析了各个时期世界城市形态的发展过程,论述了网络城市的发展背景与前景;针对城市交通与城市空间结构形态的互动关系,重点对网络城市组团间客运交通流进行了分析,提出了适应网络城市发展的交通模式。

(2) 对比分析了传统城市与网络城市的交通系统特性,提出了网络城市组团间交通需求的概念及思路;深入分析影响组团间交通需求的一系列因素,进一步总结出了适宜网络城市发展的组团间交通需求预测模型。在并把该部分需求预测方法应用到了兰州网络城市组团间交通需求预测中。首次把网络城市组团间交通需求预测分为主城区间交通需求预测和主城区到郊区的需求预测两部分内容。

(3) 运用哲学中系统的观点,利用网络拓扑学原理,对城市交通网络进行分析。具体结合兰州现状交通网络进行分析。分析表明:兰州市域各组团交通发展不平衡,组团间运输通道不足等。对于这一问题,提出了适合兰州网络城市发展的组团间交通通道规划策略。




As a new urban structure, Network-city is the ultimate aim that many cities want to reach. The network city guide to the rapid formation and development of corresponding transport system, its overall competitiveness and regional influence further enhance the need to have a strong network of transportation systems support. Weak transport links between domestic and international network of urban construction for instance, the network city tour, where the key is a reasonable planning a tour of the city transport channel. Transport corridor between the groups played an important role as a subsystem of the network of urban transport system. Inter-group traffic demand forecast is the basis of the planning and construction of passenger corridor, only to determine the demand in order to better achieve the group inter-channel planning, and promote the network of urban construction.

This paper by passenger traffic characteristics between the groups of network cities, traffic demand analysis and forecasting, summed up the future road traffic demand between each group of the Lanzhou network city. To this end, are discussed mainly from the following three parts:

(1) for various periods of urban form theory, discusses the background of the network development of the city. Forms of interaction between urban transport and urban spatial structure, focusing on the passenger traffic flow between the groups of the network city analysis, the mode of transport to adapt to the network of urban development.

(2) comparative analysis of the city's transportation system characteristics of the traditional urban network traffic demand between the groups of the network city concept and ideas;-depth analysis of the traffic demand between the groups of the impact a number of factors, further summed up the appropriate network of urban development groups between traffic demand forecasting model. In the part of the demand forecast and the forecast Lanzhou network city tour traffic demand. The first time between the groups of the network of urban transport demand forecast divided into the main inter-city traffic demand forecasts and the main city to the outskirts of the demand forecast of two parts.

(3) the use of the system's point of view in philosophy, the use of the principle of network topology, analysis of the urban transport network. Specific combination of the current situation of Lanzhou transportation network analysis. Analysis showed that: Lanzhou City in groups of traffic imbalance, lack of transport channel between the groups. For this conclusion, the group between the transportation corridor planning strategy suitable for the development of the the Lanzhou network city.

Finally, the appropriate supplying mode of road traffic infrastructures on typical urban

characters and passenger transport modes are discussed.
