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There will be hell to pay.
Pay attention to the variety of the style of writings:
Formal: 禁止张贴/ Posters Forbidden (affirmation) Oral: 不许张贴/ No Posters, Please (negation)
赞美之辞能够化解日常交往中的种种摩擦。这一点在婚姻生活中表现得最为真 切。可惜的是,家庭也许恰恰是最不重视赞美的价值的地方。
Realistically kids are going to drink, but we can teach them responsible ways to drink and teach them ways to minimize harm on themselves and others.
Keanu Reeves is quiet and introverted. He attends almost no Hollywood parties and spends much of his free time playing base guitar with his bar band Dogstar when he might be promoting his movies. “I don’t want to be superfamous,” he said. “That would be awful.”
严禁吸烟! 非请莫入! 少儿不宜。 请勿倒置! 甜而不腻。 无霜冰箱 请勿践踏草地! 油漆未干! 市区通道,严禁停车。 易燃物品,切勿近火。
Some of the English words or phrases are negative in meaning, but they have no negative words within. These words or phrases belong to covert negation. I dare him to jump. You are telling me! Keep it dark! She bears her age well. For all I care! It’s anyone’s guess. Your question beats me. 我量他也不敢跳。 这事还用你说? 这事不可泄露出去! 她一点也不显老。 这事我才不管呢。 这事谁也不清楚。 你这个问题令我迷惑不解。
We are quite ignorant of what he has in mind.
No smoking! Admission by Invitation Only. Adults only. Keep Upright! Agreeable Sweetness. A frost-free refrigerator Keep off the lawn! Wet paint! Urban clearway. inflammables– keep away from fire.
不让孩子们喝酒是不现实的,不过我们可以教给他们理智的方法,让他们在喝 酒时尽量不要伤害到自己和他人。
Animals’ Rights
1) The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless. 2) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans or with no consideration at all. 3) This is a false choice. 4) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice. 5) Any regard for the suffering of animals is seen as a mistake – a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly be directed to other humans. 6) But the most elementary form of moral reasoning is to weight others’ interests against one’s own. 7) To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy. 8) When that happens, it is not a mistake, it is mankind’s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.
基努•里维斯性格文静内向,几乎不在好莱坞聚会中露面。他大部分的业余时间 不是用来推销自己的影片,而是和他的酒吧乐队“天狼星”一起弹奏低音吉他。 “我不想当超级名人,”他说,“那太吓人了。”
Praise helps to rub off the sharp edges of daily contact. Nowhere is thus truer than in marriage. Yet it is perhaps in the home that the value of praise is less appreciated than elsewhere.
Formal: 毋庸置疑/ it is beyond doubt that (negation) Oral: 的的确确/ indeed (affirmation)
The Chinese astrologers have been saying that I should stay away from those Boars, Cocks, Dragons, and Rats.
六 正说反译、反说正译法 Antonymic Translation
Purpose: to adapt to the aesthetic interest, habit and value of the target language so as to make it more natural and fluent. French: C’est une valeur déjá ancienne. → Affirmation: It is an already old value.
Negation: It is by no means a new value.
Self-service bookstand (affirmation, subjective action)
无人售书处 (negation, objective situation)
And that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.