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a very great degree; much
a great deal
to a very great degree
Lazy sheep sleeps a great deal. Thus, a great deal of his work isn’t finished. But he eats a great deal faster than others.
the government is doing . (3)He will not steal my money ; I have C _____in him .
A. credit B. trust C. faith
D. fame
3、consequently adv 所以,结果(相 当于as a result )
7、evident adj . 明白的,明显的, 显而 易见的 n. evidence 明白,明显 搭配:It be evident (to sb. )that … (对某人来说)……是显而易见的 be evident in / from … 从……来看是明显的 她收藏了大量的唱片。显然她是爱好音乐的。 She has a large collection of CDs. is evident It _____________ to everyone that she loves music .
Discovery 5:
尝试,试 attempt n. 图 make an attempt at doing 尝试做某事 at one’s first attempt 某人的第一次尝试 vt. attempt to do 试图做某事
attempted to The baby ________________ collect herbs.(摘菜)
B (3)The project ______ helping young unemployed people .
A. aims at C. aims to B. is aimed at D. for the purpose of
(4)The workers worked day and night , C _______ finishing the task on time .
have ownership
Sam was in possession of the car Bumblebee(大黄蜂)which was once in the possession of a worker.
Discovery 3: possess v.
possession n. 为…所占有 in the possession of(主语为物)
2 3
5 4
7 8
Completion (介词填空) 答对得一分,组内成员可以讨论完成, 若答题错误其他组成员可抢答。
at the door. He aimed the gun ___
at I passed my driving test ___ the first attempt. in the possession The ball was ___ of Kobe. to They needed to appeal ___ his sense of humor.
aiming to do? What is the angry bird _______ aim at the pigs. It is taking ____ aim some exercises To achieve its _____, aimed at improving skills. are ______
in good faith
(1)我对她很有信心,她不会让我失望的。 have great faith in I ______________________ her .She won’t let me down .
2)公众对政府的所作所为失去了信心。 have lost faith in The public _____________________what
in possession of(主语为人)
a. possessed 疯狂的;着魔的
Have a try
Who was ________________the in possession of boat “the Black Pearl”? The boat was __________________ in the possession of Captain Jack.
组内成员可以讨论完成,若答题错误其 他组成员可抢答。
---How did you like Nick’s performance last night? ---To be honest, his singing didn’t ____ to me much. (2010 北京) A.appeal B. belong C. refer D. occur
C It rained that day and _____ , the baseball was called off .
A. however B. still C. consequently D. so A项表转折关系不能与连词and 连用; B项 意为“仍然”; D 项虽然也表结果,但它本 身是连词,不与and 连用; 只有C项既表结 果又为副词,可以与连词and l连用。
The advertisement aims at appealing to people not to smoke. The government makes an appeal for people’s health. Does the idea of it appeal to you?
It is typical of sb. to do sth. 某人一向…… (1)这幅画是他是期作品中典型的代表作。
is typical of his early work. This painting ____________ (2)他一向都是对此很生气。 is typical of him to get angry about it . It___________________
Discovery 1: aim a. aimless aim to do/aim at doing be aimed at achieve one’s aim take aim at doing
the advertisement…
urgent request
Welcome to our sunny English world
Words and
Part 1:单词连连看
Match the words according to the pronunciation!
peal ssess
sp ty ai pr ad sh fi
The famous film Harry Potter was adapted _______ from J.K. Rowling’s books, in which a adopted an orphan who young couple ________ __________ Harry possessed _____________magic. a great deal of didn’t _____ adapt to his new life, so he attempted _______to escape. much
Part 4 单词魔法师
Fill in the blanks
• • • • • aim possess appeal attempt adopt
aim less possess ed appeal ing attempt ed adopt ed
小组竞赛:每个礼物 的背后都有一道练习, 小组抢答抽取任一数 字,限时答题,答对 者为本组加1-2分
She was forced to have her baby adopted. 1 Our school has adopted a new teaching 2 method.
adapt vt. 改编,使适应
Part 3 影视天堂
Watch the film and fill in the blanks
A. aimed at C .aiming at
B. aiming to D. aimed to
6、typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的 typically adv.典型地 咱们去一家典型的意大利咖啡馆吧。
Let’s go to a typical Italian cafe,. 搭配: be typical of sb. / sth. 是典型的……
choose and follow
Peter attempted to adopt Angelina’s advice to adopt babies.
Discovery 6:
adopt vt. 1) take into one's family
a. adopted
2) choose and follow
Error correction(改错,句中只有一处错) 答对得两分,组内成员可以讨论完成, 若答题错误其他组成员可抢答。
He studied hard, aimed to pass the exam. aiming 开始计时
Lucky! No exercise!
1 point
<高考链接> 2 points
Discovery 2: a. appealing 1) attract 2)call on
appeal v.
This film doesn’t appeal to me. 1 Our school is appealing to everyone to 2 donate money to Sichuan. 对某人有吸引力 appeal to sb. 呼吁某人去做某事 appeal to sb. to do sth.
Error correction(改错,句中只有一处错) 答对得一分,组内成员可以讨论完成, 若答题错误其他组成员可抢答。 attempted He managed to escape from the prison, but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.
pical adow
ecific opt edict
Part 2
Discover the rules by yourself
2、faith n. 信任,信念,信心, faithful adj. 忠心的,忠诚的 faithfully adv. 忠实地,忠诚地 搭配:have faith in 信赖…… lose faith in
Discovery 4:
例句告诉我们:a great deal 可以修饰
_____ 动词 ,___________ 形容词比较级 ,
不可数名词 a great deal of 只能修饰____________.
[即学即用]a great deal of/a great number of
a great deal of sleep, The girl wanted ____________ but she had to take part a great number of activities. in________________
make an effort; try
They attempted to attend the Olympic Games. They made an attempt at passing the exam, but it was so difficult that they passed it at the fifth attempt.