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During exam time, it tells students what preparations __________ should be made. At the end of school year, it helps give messages __________ from students to their close teachers friends and ____________. songs It plays __________ including songs sung by _______. students
It was started by Mr Owen ___________________. Members meet on the last Friday Poets of the next _______________ of every month poems to talk about __________and generation poets _________. poems Members select _________, read them aloud and talk about them.
4. We often play songs sung by students. We often play songs which are sung by students.
1). The girl who is standing in front of the gate is Kate. standing The girl _________ in front of the gate is Kate. 2). The trees which were planted last year are growing well now. planted The trees _________last year are growing well now.
Language points
1. It is great because it is run by the students for the school. run vt “管理;操作”
He has no idea of how to run a business.
2. He approved the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member. approve v. 批准, 赞成, 同意, 称许 approve of 赞同
in charge 负责,看管 (用作表语或后置定语, 主语是人) 1) 玛丽负责照顾这些孩子。 Mary is in charge of the children. 2) 这家工厂由我父亲负责。 The factory is in the charge of my father. 3) 负责人是琼斯。 The person in charge is / was Jones.
football stamp-collecting basketball
photography painting
English speech
Read the first passage and answer the questions.
1. Who started the radio club? Kate Jones, the writer. 2. When was the radio club started? Two years ago. 3. Why was the radio club started?
Two school clubs two It was started _______years ago. It’s run by the __________ for the school. students music It informs the students of ________, __________, _______________and some The weather recent news special messages from the ___________ and teachers Radio club events such as __________and outings school plays _____________.
4). From the passage, we can conclude that ________. A A. the radio club is very helpful. B. The hosts can play anything they like. C. “Poets of next generation” is a music club. D. the host read poems during break time. 5) which of the following is not true? C A. the radio club is run by the students. B. the headmaster approved Kate’s suggestion. C. the radio club has nothing to with exams. D. “Poets of the next generation” can help students.
Playing baskeБайду номын сангаасball
Playing football
Different clubs
Reading club
Radio club
If you have a chance to start a school club with your schoolmates, what club would you like to have? why?
5. I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that l soon stopped worrying. ( line 26-28) 手提箱那么重,我无法把它提到楼上去。 The suitcase was so heavy that I couldn’t carry it upstairs. 他跑得那么快我们跟不上。 He ran so quickly that we couldn’t keep up with him. 他是那么小的孩子以至于我不能伤害他。 He is such a little child that I can’t hurt him. (He is so little a child that ...)
5.When I attended the first meeting , I was required to write a poem and I had to read it to the club. ( line25-26 ) ▲ require vt. 需要,要求 (1)require 十 n. (2)require 十 doing (3)require 十 sb. + to do (4)require 十 that...(从句中用 (should) +V.) ①他们需要我们的帮助。They require our help. ②这墙需要修。 The wall requires repairing. ③全部会员均应出席会议。 All the members are required to attend the meeting. ④法院下令他缴付罚款。 The court required that he (should) pay the fine.
Unit 1 Project
Starting a new school club
1.What’s your school life like? 2.How can you make your high school life more interesting?
Different activities
Check the preview:
D 1)The radio club ________. A. was started by Mr Owen B. is opened every Friday C. is run by Kate Jones D. was started 2 years ago B 2) The radio Club does all the following except ________. A. playing music B. reading poems C. helping the students prepare for exams D. giving messages to friends and parents. 3) When Bob attended the first meeting of “ poets of the next C generation”, he_____. A. selected a poem and read it. B. wrote a song and sang it. C. wrote a poem and read it. D. collected some massage and broadcast them.
The government approved the building plan.
We don’t approve of smoking in public.
be in charge of 负责, 主管 (主语是人)
be in the charge of 由……管理 (主语是物)
To play music during break time.
Read the second passage and answer the questions.
1. What is the name of the school club? Who started it? Poets of the Next Generation. Mr. Owen, the English teacher. 2. When do the members of the school club meet? On the last Friday of every month. 3. What do the members of the school club do? They talk about poems and poets they like, select poems and read out aloud, discuss and write poems.
3. Our club is much more than just music.
1) more than “不仅仅;不只是...” Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. 2) “more than+数词” “超过” I have known David for more than 20 years. 3)“more than+形容词” “很;非常” I am more than glad to help you. 4)“more...than...”中,“是…而不是…” “与 其说是B…不如说是A” He is more lazy than stupid.