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Documentary Collection



Bank , as entrusted by an exporter, collects payments from an importer through a foreign collecting bank upon presentation of the exporter's commercial and financial documents.


The product satisfies the needs of international trade settlement. Compared with remittance, the product provides more certainty of payment in two forms, i.e., documents against payment (D/P) and documents against acceptance (D/A).


1. Low cost. Low banking fees, help reduce financial expenses and control the costs.

2. Easy to use. Simple procedures, easy to use as compared with L/Cs.

3. Lower risk. The importer can only take delivery of the goods after acceptance or payment, which helps reduce the risks for the exporter as compared with open account sales.

Target Customers

1. Exporters know the credit status of the importers and have sufficient funds for preparation and delivery of goods;

2. In the sellers' market, the exporters are advised to choose D/P and in the buyers' market where the importers are asking for financial facility, the exporters may choose D/A.

Application Qualifications

1. The applicant shall be approved and registered in accordance with the law, and hold a business license that has passed the annual inspection or other valid certificates which fully prove its legal operation and scope of business;

2. The applicant shall have the qualification to engage in import and export trade.

Required Documents

1. The following documents are required when applying for export collection: the power of attorney for collection and the complete set of documents for documentary collection.

2. The following documents are required for first-time applications: business license (original and duplicate copies), permit for operating import and export trade, authorization letter of legal representative.


1. The exporter submits relevant documents to Bank of China for collection after preparation and delivery of goods.

2. Bank of China mails the documents for collection to the foreign collecting bank.

3. The foreign collecting bank presents the received documents to the importer.

4. The importer makes the due payment to Bank of China via the collecting bank and Bank of China pays it to the exporter.

Kind Reminder

1. In case that the importer refuses to make payment or acceptance, it would be better if you timely authorize the collecting bank to help you make arrangements for your goods;

2. You have actually extended the payment time of the importer under D/A, so you are advised to consider interest-related costs when determining price.

二.Case study




某出口公司(A公司)与中东地区进口商(B公司)签订了一批合同,向其出售衬衣,付款条件为D/P 60 days。

自93年10月至94年2月份,A公司相继委托国内某托收行(A银行)通过国外代理行(B银行)代收货款,付款条件为D/P 60 days,付款人为B公司,金额总计达USD1,556,702.67.托收委托书中注明:deliver documents against payment, due date/te nor 60 days sight,并有Subject to ICC322字句。B银行收到委托书后,陆续以承兑交单(D/A 6O days)的方式将单据放给了进口商。而到期时,承兑人一直未付款,使A公司蒙受重大损失。托收行向代收行提出质疑,要其承担擅
