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Section A

Directions: This section is to test how many words you know.Please translate english into Chinese.(1*1())

1. _______________________ Veh

icle body __________________

3. ____________________________ s

teering system ________________ 5. ___________________ camshaf

t ______________________

7. i nlet valve _____________

9. _____________________ cylinde

r ______________________ 2. b rake system __________ 4. _____________________ dash board ________________________

6. A utomatic Transmission __________ 8. t iming belt __________ 10. _______________________________ e lectronic controller _______________

Section B

Directions: This section is to test how many words you know.Please translate Chinese into english .(1*10)

1. ___________________ 底盘 ________________________________ 2后悬架 ・

3. 转向盘_


7活塞 _

9手动变速器 二、阅读与理解(20题,每题2分,共40分)

Part 1

The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move ・ The automobile engine is an internal combustion engine because the fuel (gasoline) is burned inside it. The burning of gasoline inside the engine produces high pressure in the engine combustion chamber .This high pressure forces piston to move, the movement is carried by connecting rods to the engine crankshaft. The crankshaft is thus made to rotate: the rotary motion is carried through the power train to the car wheels so that they rotate and the car moves.

1. What do we see from the first paragraphs? (


A. The engine is source of power for a car.

B. The engine can not make wheels go around.

C. The engine is resource of oil. 4发动机_ 6油底壳_ 8轴承 ____ 10冷却系统

2.Which one Statement is true according the above first paragraph? ( )

A.The automobile engine is an international combustion engine.

B.The automobile engine is an external combustion engine.

C.The automobile engine is an inner combustion engine

3.What do we see from the second paragraphs? ( )

A.High pressure is source of power inside a engine.

B.Crankshaft is rotated without any force.

bustion chamber is not a part of the engine.

4.Which one Statement is true according the above second paragraph? ( )

A.The movement of piston is carried by connecting rods to the engine crankshaft.

B..This lower pressure forces piston to move.

C.Both of A and B are true.

5.Which one Statement is true according the last sentence in the article?( )

A.The power train is required for a car moving.

B.The rotary motion of crankshaft is enough for a car moving.

C.Both A and B are false.

Part 2

The engine also needs a cooling system; the combustion of the air-fuel •The mixture in the engine creates a very high temperature (as high as 2000°C to 2700°C). The cooling system takes heat away from the engine by circulating a liquid coolant (water mix with antifreeze) between the engine and a

radiator .The coolant gets hot as it goes through the radiator. Thus, the coolant continually takes heat away from the engine, where it could do damage, and delivers it to the radiator .Air passing through the radiator takes heat away from the radiator.

6.What do we see from above paragraph? ( )

A. a cooling system is must for the engine .

B.The engine don't need a cooling system

C・ The engine might need a cooling system.

7- How much will be created the temperature of the mixture in the engine?( )

A.As high as 2000°C to 2700°C.

B.As high as 1300°C to 2000°


C.Not higher than 2000°C.

8.What is liquid coolant? ( )

A.water mix with antifreeze
