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31. Holiday DIY

Words Storm

backpacker 背包客

youth hostel 青年旅社

B&B 含早餐家庭旅馆

car parking available 有停车位

wheelchair friendly 残疾人专用

linen included 有床上用品

credit cards accepted 接受信用卡

security lockers 保险箱

luggage storage 可存行李

24 hour reception/check in 24小时总台服务/可入住

no curfew 没有宵禁

no lockout 不锁门

age restriction 年龄限制

free internet access 可免费上网

destination 目的地

domestic 国内的

scenic spot 名胜

to freeze to death 冻死人

to fry an egg on the sidewalk 热到可以煎鸡蛋

historic heritage 历史遗迹

jet-setter 空中飞人

to be tricked 受骗

to broaden one’s horizon 增长见识

to one’s heart’s content 玩得尽兴

weather forecast 天气预报

winter/summer break 寒暑假

rating 评级

vacancy 有空房

in a scenic spot 看看风景

eat to one’s heart’s content 大吃一顿

facility 容易, 简易, 灵巧, 熟练, 便利

entire 全部

lobby. 大厅

Ava: So what do you think we should do for our anniversary? Should we stay in a hotel or go backpacking in a park?

Ethan: I’m too old to go backpacking. Let’s stay in a B&B in a scenic spot.

A: Since the weather is supposed to be nice, why don’t we stay at a hotel with an outdoor swimming pool? E: That’s a good idea. I know of a reasonably priced hotel with a swimming pool that’s just a stone’s throw away from Hyde Park.

A: That’s an excellent location! It must be one of the only hotels with an outdoor swimming pool in the heart of London.

E: Th ey’re also known for their huge breakfasts that keep you going all day.

A: We can eat to our heart’s content in the morning and then spend the rest of the day in the pool.

E: Should I call them to make a reservation then?

A: Yes might as well see if they have any vacancies. Do they take credit cards?

E: Let me just check their website to find out.

A: Well?

E: Let’s see. It’s says that breakfast is included, car parking is available, taxes are included in the price, there’s free internet access, and yes, credit cards are accepted.

A: Fantastic. Let’s book it for Saturday night then. And find out what time we can check in so we can make as much use of the pool as possible!

E: I’ve booked the room for Saturday night

A: What time can we check in?

E: We can check in at 2:00 in the afternoon.

A: What about check-out?

E: Check out is at 11:00 a.m., but you can request a late check-out for an extra & 10. Should we do that?

A: Why not? Then we can sleep in and relax by the pool before we head back home.

E: Lockers are also available for luggage near the pool facilities, so we could spend the entire afternoon at the pool, even after check-out.

A: In that case, we won’t need to pay for a late check-out.

E: Let’s just wait and see how we feel. We might want to sleep in o n Sunday morning.

A: That’s a good deal. They only offer free internet and WiFi access in the lobby.

E: That’s alright. We won’t really need it anyway, will we?

A: No, I think we’ll manage going without internet access for a night!

E: How are we going to get there? Should we take bus?

A: Since they offer free parking, let’s just drive.

E: Ok. What time do you think we should hit the road on Saturday?

A: If we leave by noon, we should be able to get there by 2:00. What do you think?

E: Maybe we should leave at 11:00. That way, we’ll have time to stop for lunch before we get to the hotel. A: 11:00 it is then! Go pack your bags!

32. Going abroad

Words Storm

boarding card 登机牌

excess baggage 超重行李

hand luggage 手提行李

non-settlement form 非定居(签证)表

marital status 婚姻状况

transit 过境中转

landing 着陆

travel insurance 旅行保险

aircraft crash 空难

discount tickets 打折机票

luggage reclaim 取行李处

duty-free 免税

customs 海关

arrivals 到港

departures 离港

declare 报关

shuttle 机场大巴

queue here 在此排队

Barcelona 巴塞罗纳(西班牙东北部港市)

Spain 西班牙
