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2014 年高考英语写作模板-必背句型 英语的开头和结尾是最关键的,尤其是开头。基本上,不跑题,遵守题目要求, 一个漂亮的开头,一个还过得去的结尾,2-3 个高级词汇,1-2 个漂亮的句子, 加上整齐的字迹,作文的分就不会低了。 As is described in the picture...
The purpose of the picture is to show us that... We can deduce form this picture that... The picture indicates / conveys the meaning that More and more people have come to realize... Now it is commonly held that... but I doubt whether... As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship
between... and ... No wonder most see the problem of... as that of ... rather than that of...
Anyone with the least common sense knows that... There is much discussion today about... Thanks to..., more and more... As more and more people..., much attention should be placed on... If such measures were not taken, the problem of... would have been more serious. On the surface/At first thought it may seem a sound /an attractive/ suggestion /solution / idea, but careful weighing on the mind /on closer
analysis / on second thought, we find that ... Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that ... Unless there is a common realization of ..., it is very likely that ... No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of ..., but the common recognition of the necessity of ... might be the first step towards
change in the right direction.
2014 高考英语作文常见题型模板
1、观点类:表达自己的观点 (1)Different people have different views on _______. Some people think that ______, while others argue that _______. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the _____ opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe_______. For another___________. Just think of _______ who _______. Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that _________. Only if _______ can we ________., just as the saying goes _________. (2)As we all know, the general public has been debating whether __________ is a blessing or a curse. Scientists have made advances in ________, so some people support ________, saying ________. Other people

oppose ________, saying _______. Personally speaking, I approve of _______ only if it is placed under strict control. For one thing ________. For another _________. Only when we exercise extreme care over this delicate matter can we be sure to put it on the right track. 2、提问类:一般疑问句做题目 (1)______ is such a common matter that every one of us may meet it from time to time. People hold different views towards ________. Some people _______ Others laugh at them, they think ________. Personally, I agree with the ____ group of people. Just as ____ once said __________.I think he is right. From now on I will not ________. On the contrary, I will ________. (2)Some people take it for granted that ___________. Nevertheless, other people claim that such a brief is subjective and unreasonable even at the first sight. To begin with ________. What makes matters worse _________. I firmly believe that _________. Only when __________. 3、选择类:题目中含有 or (1)Whenever people ________, they will come across the problem of whether they should ________or _______, and it is natural for different opinions to arise. Some people think we should ________. They say that _______. Further more,_________. Therefore, we should ________. But other people think otherwise. The argue that in an age when _______ we should not only ______but also ______. Only when we _____ can we keep up with the pace of social development. In my opinion, we should combine _______with ______. First__________. Second _________. Only in this way can we _____________. (2)When it comes to ________ some of people will choose _______,while others want to _____________. Those people who decide to _______ argue that _______. Further more __________. Those people who prefer _______ maintain that _________. In my opinion, I should _______ whenever ______. To begin with_________. Furthermore____________. 4、批驳类: 批驳现象、观点、做法。 (1)Today more and more people _________. They argue _____ has several advantages. First __________. Second _________. For example, ________. I am afraid I can not agree with their opinions. To begin with, although you may feel___________, it doesn't mean _________. In the second place , _________. Finally, as to ___________. From the above analysis, we may arrive at the conclusion that ________ is not a wise choice.
