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二、贸易价格术语 (5)

三、贸易保险、国际组织术语 (8)

四、贸易价格术语 (11)




1、merce the activity of buyingand selling, especially

on a large scale贸易

2、Export Declaration A form to be pleted by the exporter or

their authorized agent andfiled in tripli

cate by acarrier with the United StateCol

lector of customs at thepoint of exit、


3、importto bring or carry in from an outside source, espe

cially to bringin(goods or materials)from a f

oreign countryfor trade or sale 进口

4、import licence A certificate, issued bycountries ex ercising import controls, thatpermits importat

ion of the articles stated in the license、The

issuance ofsuch a permit frequently is conn

ected with thereleaseof foreign exchang

e needed to pay for the shipment forwhich

theimport license has been requested、进口许口

5、export licence A document secured from a go

vernment, authorizing an exporter to export a

specificquantity of a particularmodity

to a certain country、An export license is

often required if a government has placeembargoes

or otherrestrictions upon exports、 See

General Export License、出口许口证

6、inquiry an act ofasking for information询盘

7、deliveryan item or items delivered on a particular occa sion、交货

8、order a thing made,supplied, or served as a result

of such a request订货

9、Bill ofLading Adocumentthat establishes the te rms of a contractbetween a shipper and a tra

nsportation pany under which freight is to

be moved between specified points for a specified

charge、Usually prepared by the shipper on forms

issued by the carrier,it serves as a document of

title, contract of carriage, and a receipt f

or goods、 Alsosee Air Waybill and OceanBi

ll of Lading、提单

10、Endorsement in Blankmonly used on a bank check,

an endorsement in blankis an endorsement to

the bearer、 It contains only the nameof thee

ndorser and specifies no particular payee、 Al

so, a monmeans of endorsingbills oflading

dawn to the order of the shipper、 The bills are

endorsed ”For、、、" (see Bill ofLading, Orde


11、endorsedsign(acheque or bill of exchange) on the

back to make it payable to someone other than t

he stated payee orto accept responsi

bility for paying it背书

12、cargo receiptIs a receipt of cargo for shipment by

a consolidator (used in ocean freight)、承运


13、catalogue a publication containing details and oftenphotographs of items for sale商品目录

14、Red Clause Letterof Credit A letter of credit that

allows the exporter to receive a percentage of

the face value of the letter of credit in advanceof

shipment、This enables the exporter to purchas

einventory andpay other costs associat

ed with producing andpreparing the expo

rt order、红条款信用证

15、export subsidy An economic benefitgranted by a government to producers of goods or servic
