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1 ___I _ (I/He) am Peter. 2 ___H_e(He/ She) is a tall boy. 3 That isn’t a cat. __It__ (It/ They) is a dog. 4 Do you like music? Yes, _w__e_ (we/you) do. 5 _H__e_ (I/He) doesn’t have any brothers. 6 _Y_o_u_ (We/You) are a student.
人称 I 代词 主格
we you you he she it they
Leabharlann Baidu
人称 me us you you him her it the
中文 我 我们 你 你们 他 她 它 他们
主格人称代词在句中作 主语。
位置:在陈述句中位于动词前面,在疑问句 中位于be、can、助动词和实义动词之间。 1 I am a teacher.
3 Look at those boys. _T_h_e_yare from America. Most of t_h_e_m_ can’t speak
Chinese very well.
4. Does ____ like running? ( he, him, you ) 5. ___ didn’t watch TV last night. ( They, Them, Him ) 6. The girl gave ___ a guitar. ( he, his, him )
-- OK, Mum. ____I (I/Me) am opening _th_e__m
(they/them) now.
4 Dad, can you let _u_s__ (we/us) watch TV for a
while (一会儿)?
5 Look at h__e_r_. _S_h_e_ is wearing(穿着) a
1 Give me an orange, please. Mary’s mother is telling her a story. Let us go to help them.
2 Listen to me, boys and girls. Peter is sitting behind me. These apples are for them.
1 Are those books for t_h_e_m_ ? (they/them)
2 Mike is Mary’s deskmate. _H_e__ (He/Him) is sitting next to _h_e_r_ (she/her).
3 -- Mary, please open the windows.
beautiful dress. (she/her/She/Her) .
根据句意,用所学代词的适当形 式填空。
1 __I__ am thirsty(渴). Is the water for _m_e__?
2 Tom’s father bought _h_i_m_ a watch. Now ____ hhaes a new watch.
You like music. He is playing football. 2 Does he like sports? What is she doing now? What can we do with a racket?
宾格人称代词在句中作 宾语。