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3.巩固there be句型和就地点、颜色等问答的句型。




( )1.thank A. friend B. fine C. English D. nice

( )2. his A. desk B. boys C. books D. sorry

( )3. of A. family B. wife C. seven D. four

( )4. think A. these B. their C. thank D. brother

( )5. where A. we B. who C. whose D. over

二、用冠词a, an, the填空,不需要处划×:

1. ____old man in ____car is _____old teacher.

2. Can you see _____dog over there? It’s my dog.

3. I can see _____boy and ____woman in ____picture. _____boy is Jim and _____woman is Miss Gao.

4. There’s ____“x”and _____“u”in the word “excuse”.

5. Lucy can play _____piano, but she can’t play ____football.


1. Mr King is _________(Lucy and Lily) father.

2. Today is _______(children) Day.

3. Miss Li is those ______(girl)Chinese teacher.

4. Which of the two coats _____(be) yours?

5. How much money ______(be) there in your purse? There _____(be) twenty yuan.


( )1. Look at your new clothes. Please________.

A. put it on

B.put on it

C. put them on

D. put on them

( )2. “Aren’t you American?” “_____. I’m English.”

A. No, I am.

B. Yes, I’m not.

C. No, I’m not.

D. Yes, I am.

( )3.Tom looks ______Jack. They’re twins.

A. at

B. after

C. up

D. like

( )4. “____ that at the school gate? ” “I think _____Mr Wang.”

A. Where’s, she’s

B. What’s, I’m

C. Who’s, it’s

D. How’s, you’re

( )5. The sweater _____our Chinese teacher is old.

A. with

B. on

C. in

D. under

( )6.I have a ______.

A. twin sister

B. twin’s sister

C. twin sisters

D. twins sisters

( )7. They’re _______. They aren’t______.

A. Americans, Englishes

B.American, Englishes

C. Americans, Englishen

D. Americans, Englishs

( )8. The boys ______a football. It’s new.

A. there are

B. there is

C. there have

D. there has

( )9.“Can’t you help me now?”“____, I can’t now.”

A. Yes

B. No

C. Ok

D. Sorry

( )10. Which is your pen? _____?

A. A red one and a blue one

B. A red one or a blue one

C. The red one and the blue one

D. The red one or the blue one


1.What’s that in your hand now? (回答问题)_____ ______ ______ ______.

2. There’s a man teacher in the room. (划线提问)

______ _______ _______ ______ ________ _______in the room?

3. The boy in the black coat is my brother. (划线提问) _____ ______ ______ ______brother?

4. You don’t speak Chinese, do you?(回答问题)_____,______ _______.

5.I don’t think the answer is right. (同义句)I ______the answer _____ ______.


一、1. C 2.B 3. C 4.C 5. A

二、1. The, the an 2. the 3. a, a, the, The, the 4. an, a 5. the, ×

解题指导:在本项5道题中设计到了不定冠词a, an 和定冠词the 的用法如下:a, an泛指,the 特指,the 用于复述上文提到过的人或事物。在演奏乐器时,乐器名称前加the, 球类运动名称前不加冠词。

三、1. Lucy and Lily’s 2. Children’s 3. girls’ 4. is 5. is is

解题指导:1~3题设计到了名词所有格的用法:表示两者共同拥有,只在第二人后加’s,不规则名词复数的所有格在词尾加’s,以s结尾的复数名词的所有格直接加’。4~5题考查动词be的使用。Which表示两件大衣中的一件。代表单数,所以应填is,money是不可数名词,应用there is表示。

四、1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. D

解题指导:2. 此句意思是“你不是美国人吗?”“是的,我不是美国人,我是英国人。”对于这种否定疑问句的回答,应避免汉语影响,yes后不能带not, no后必须带not.

3.通过They’re twins. 判断,Tom和Jack长得很像,应表达为look like,应选D。

5.表示“某人身上的衣服”时要用on, 即衣服在前,人在后,应选B。

7.American 做名词时,复数要加s, English表示为名词形式后要加man,此句主语为第三人称复数,故改为Englishmen, 应选C。

8.此句不是there be句型,而是“某人拥有某物”的have, has句型。There做后置定语,修饰boys, boys为第三人称复数,要接have, 应选C。



五、1. It is a pen. 2. How many men teachers are there in the room? 3. Which boy is your brother?

4. Yes, I do.

5. I think the answer is wrong.
