Stylistics 中文

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A. The police are investigating the case of
murder. B. The police are looking into the case of murder. (Lexically, Latin, French, Greek words are generally used in formal style; Words from old English are mostly used in informal style.)
voice has been artificially reprocessed for
stereo effect and reincarnated in half-speed remasterings and on digital compact-disc. The spare-parts that make this possible are housed in a proliferating number of noninvasive environments in London, where they may be viewed (fingered, sniffed, listened to ) by appointment. 3. Identify the prepositions in the following text and consider their purpose. Already it was deep summer on roadhouse roofs
4. 表达因果关系时, 正式文体常用on account of , accordingly, thus, hence, consequently, owing to ( the fact that…)等词或词组,且较经常地运用 分词短语、独立主格结构等;非正式文体 常用 so , because 或其他形式的表示原因的重句。 IF: Since the weather had improved, we decided to go swimming. F: The weather having improved, we decided to go swimming. IF: As he was a man of fixed views, he refused to listen to our arguments. F: Being a man of fixed views, he refused to listen to our arguments.
IF: She cooks turkey the way her sister does. F: She cooks turkey in the way her sister does . IF: He prevented me going to the dance. 12.使用呼语(vocatives) 时, 在对方的姓名前加 Mr.或Miss等正式;Good morning (afternoon, evening), How are you? How do you do? 比Hi 正 式些。 It’s been nice meeting you 比 Good-bye, bye-bye, see you, so long, cheerio 显得正式些。 Expectoration Is Forbidden! Please don’t spit!
1. Hale knew, before he had been in Brighton three hours, that they meant to murder him. (Brighton rock , Graham Green)
2. 1. My old man has kicked the bucket. 2. My dear father has passed away. 3. My father has died. 4. My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir.

IF: A wolf, after all, is a wolf though it has artful disguises. F: A wolf, after all, is a wolf in spite of (despite) it ha来自百度文库 artful disguises.
3. IF: He tried to prevent the marriage but it took place all the same. F: He endeavoured to prevent the marriage ; however, they married notwithstanding. 3. 非正式文体常用副词做状语;而正式文体常 用由介词和与该副词同根的词够成的介词短 语: IF: He spoke confidently. F: He spoke in a confident manner. F: He spoke with confidence.
F: I wish I were ten years younger. IF: If I had known, I would have told you earlier. F: Had I known before, I would have told you earlier. IF: He looks as if he was (is) ill. F: He looks as if he were ill. 8. It 起始的句子(It is said that …)多见于正式文 体: IF: The number of books in the library has been going down. F: It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly.
5. 构成目的状语时,用so as to 一般具有非正式色 彩;用in order to 则显得正式些,而 in order that …出现于正式文体中。 IF: He left early so as not to miss the train. F: He left early in order not to miss the train. F: He left early in order that he would not miss the train. 6. 问句: F: When are you going to do it? IF: When
3. I ‘m finding out that a lot of what I thought
had been bonfired, Oxfam-ed, used for land-fill, has in fact been tidied away in sound archives, stills libraries, image banks, memorabilia mausoleums, tat troves, mug morgues. It’s an odd experience to find yourself catalogued, card-indexed, museumised, a speck
1. 主格—宾格 (f-if) IF: Bill speaks French more fluently than me. F: Bill speaks French more fluently than I. 2. Yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of (despite), notwithstanding 表让步概念时,常 用于正式文体。 But, anyway,all the same, though, although (although 比 though 更正式
F: Whom are you talking about? IF: Who are you talking about? F: With what did you write it? IF: What did you write it with? 7. 虚拟语气: IF: If he was my friend, I would ask him for help. F: If were my friend, AI would ask him for help. IF: If it was to rain tomorrow, I would not go there. F: If it were to rain tomorrow, I would not go there. IF: I wish I was ten years younger.
Syntactically, more verb phrases are used in
informal style while single verbs of equivalent meaning are used in formal style. IF : The criminals finally turned themselves in. F: The criminals finally surrendered. IF: I can’t put up with your bad manners. F: I cannot tolerate your bad manners. IF: He tried to make good use of his abilities in the new job. F: He endeavoured to utilize his abilities in the new position.
9. 表请求某人做某事时, 被动语态多具有正式文 体色彩。 IF: Please gather at the gate of school. F: The students are requested to gather at the gate of the school. 10. 不定代词 IF: Everybody should look after themselves. F: Everybody should look after himself.
of data for the information professionals to
bounce around It seems that as long as you’re in print or on film or a name on a buff envelope in an archive somewhere, you’re never truly dead now. You can be electonically colourised, emulsified, embellished, enhanced, coaxed towards some state of virtual reality. You can be reactivated reembodied;simulated and hologrammed. In just the last two years my
IF: Everyone should do their best. F: Everyone should do his best. IF: I’m surprised at John (him) making the mistake. F: I’m surprised at John’s (his) making the mistake. IF: There’s two patients waiting outside. F: Two patients are waiting outside. 11. 简洁是现代英语的发展趋势之一。省略关系 代词、连词、介词等多见于非正式文体。 IF: I took no notice of him so he flew into a rage. F: I took no notice of him so that he flew into a rage.