


考试形式:闭卷考试时间: 150 分钟满分: 100 分



(1) A random process may be viewed as a _______________________, with time t as a parameter.

(2)When the autocorrelation function of the random process X(t) varies only with time difference , and the mean

is a constant, X(t) is said to be ____________________.

(3)A white noise is applied to a linear time-invariant system; the output process is __________________.

(4) The autocorrelation function defines how much a signal is _________ a time-shift version of itself. White noise is known to correlate only with an exact replica of itself.

(5) If X(t) has a periodic component, then __________________ will have a periodic component with the same period.

(6) A random process X(t) is ergodic if all of its statistics can be determined from _______________of the process.

(7) According to Wiener-Khinchin Theorem, the autocorrelation function of a wss process and its _________________ constitute a Fourier transform pair.

(8) For a Gaussian process X(t), If it is stationary in the wide-sense, it is also __________.

(9) For a detection problem, the observation is ___________ which is generated according to some probability law.

(10) X(t) is called ____________ process if its PSD is concentrated a small frequency band and the frequency band is much less than center frequency.

(11)The decision problem in the case of two hypotheses essentially consists in partitioning _______________ Z into two regions Z0 and Z1.

(12) The estimate to minimize the mean square error is called _________________.

(13) Decision tests based on several optimum criteria fall into the general class of________________. But thresholds will , in general, be different for the different criterion

(14)For nonrandom parameter estimation problem, if an efficient estimate exists, it must be ________________.

(15) For a linear mean square error estimate, __________ is orthogonal to the observation.

(1) Consider a detection problem. Assume the decision rule can be expressed as

Then, the false alarm probability can be written as

(a) ;

(b) ;

(c) ;

(d) ;

( )

(2) For an estimation problem, the posteriori density can be expressed as

Then, the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

( )

(3) The autocorrelation function of the random process X(t) is given by

Then, the mean and the variance of X(t) are

(a) 5, 9 (b) 25, 3

(c) 25, ±3 (d) 25, 9

( )

(4) Suppose that X(t) is a Gaussian random process with zero mean and autocorrelation function

. Then the third order PDF at time is , where the covariance matrix is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

( )

(5) The state transition diagram of Markov chain is shown as following figure. Then, the state transition matrix of this Markov chain is given by

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

( )

得分三、(10分)A discrete time process is represented by the following difference equation,

Where and are constants; is a sequence of IID Gaussian with zero mean and variance . Find the autocorrelation function and power spectral density (PSD) of .

得分四、(15分)Consider a random signal as follows

Where is a known constant; is a random variable that has a magnitude of +1 and -1 with equal probability, and is a random variable that is uniformly distributed between 0 and 2p. Assume that random variables A and are


(1) Find the mean, variance and autocorrelation function of X(t). Is X(t) a wide-sense stationary? Why?

(2) Find the power spectral density (PSD) of X(t).

五、(15分)A white noise process with autocorrelation

function is applied to a filter with impulse

response .

(1) Determine the power spectral density (PSD) of the output


(2) Determine the autocorrelation function of the output process.

(3) Determine the first-order probability density function (PDF) of

output process.

(Hint: )


Consider a binary hypothesis testing problem,

Where m (m>0) is a known constant; is a Gaussian white noise with zero mean and

variance (known). We assume the prior

probabilities and are known.

The costs are also known.

(a) Find the decision expression for Bayes criterion

(b) Find the false alarm probability, the miss probability and the detection probability.

(c) If , and , find the total probability of error .

得分七、(15分)Consider following estimation problem. The N independent observations are

Where is a Gaussian white noise with zero mean and variance (known).

(1) Find the ML estimate of A;

(2) Is unbiased estimate? Is an efficient estimate? Why?

(3)What is the variance of .



(1) random variable (collection of random variable)

(2) wide-sense stationary

(3) Gaussian process

(4) similar to (correlated to )

(5) autocorrelation function

(6) a sample function

(7) power spectral density

(8) strictly stationary

(9) a random variable

(10) a Narrow-band

(11) the observation space

(12) the minimum mean square error estimate (MMSE) )

(13) likelihood ratio test

(14) maximum likelihood estimate

(15) the error of the estimate


(1) (a)

(2) (c)

(3) (a)

(4) (b)

(5) (d)



Method 1:

(1 point)

(1 point)

(2 points)

(2 points)

(2 points)

(2 points)

Method 2

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

( 1 point)

(2 points)

(2 points)

(2 points)



(1) (2 points )

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(2 points)

Since the mean is a constant; the autocorrelation function is only dependent on the time difference; X(t) is a wide-sense stationary (1 points)

(2) (1 point)

(3 points)



(1) (1 point)

(1 point)

(2 points)

(1 point)


(1 point)

(4 points)

(3) Since input process is a white noise and system is a linear time-invariant system, the output process is a Gaussian process. (1 point)

The mean of the output y(t) is zero and the variance of the output y(t) is

. (2 points)

Therefore, the PDF of y(t) is

(2 points)




(1 point)

(1 point)

(2 points)

(3points) (2)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(3) , (1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)




(2 points)

(1 point)

Let , we obtain (2 points)

(2) Since, so is an unbiased estimate. (2 points)


So, the condition for the bound to hold is satisfied. (2 point)

Therefore is an efficient estimate. (1points) (3) Method 1

Since is an efficient estimate, the variance of equals the CRLB. Or

(1 point)

But (2 points)

Therefore (2 points) Method 2

(2 points)

(3 points)


2009学年第二学期五校期中考试六年级数学试卷 (时间90分钟,满分100分) 一、填空(2分×14=28分) 1. 比标准重量重8千克记作+8千克,则比标准重量轻5千克记作千克。 2. 531-的倒数是。 3. 数轴上表示数2-的点与表示数3的点之间的距离为。 4.若3-a 的相反数是4,则a 。 5.比较大小: 35- 431- (填“<”、“>”、或者“=”)。 6.若()223+-=-b a 则________=+ab b a 。 7. 2010年上海世博会参观总人数预计可达7000万人,为历届世博会最多人次, 7000万用科学计数法表示为。 8.计算: __________)413()25.0(=---。 9.计算:___________)1()52(812010=-÷-?。 10.若关于x 的方程3)1(21=-x 与方程2)6(41=-ax 的解相同,______=a 。 11.某件商品,把进价提高后,标价为220元,为了吸引顾客,再按9折出售,这件商品仍可盈利10%,这件商品进价为多少元?若设商品进价为x 元,那么可以列方程为。 12.一个长方形的游泳池,周长为88米,长比宽的2倍少1米,则该游泳池的长 为米,宽为米。 13.用不等式表示:y 的一半减去3的差是负数 。 14.如果b a ≤,则b a 211______211--(用不等号表示)。 二、选择题(2分×4=8分) 学校 班级 学号 姓名 ……… …… …… ……………… … 密○…… …… …… …… … …… … … … … … 封 ○ … … … … …… …… …… …… … ○线……………… …… ……… …… …


驾驶员考试科目二内路(场地考试)九选四技巧 注意安全带(刚上车就系上)、转向灯(3处:启动时、侧方位停车时、坡道起步时)!!! 3月30号(下午) 坡道定点停车和坡起(必考): 1脚刹车坡道起步:踩住离合和脚刹车,缓慢松离合至半联动状态(车抖动),稳住离合,松脚刹,车辆起步,起步后 行走一段距离后再缓抬离合至完全松开。 2定点停车:车头右侧1/3处(大约是保险杠转弯的地方)与右侧路边内侧重合,看右侧头部小后视镜,当小后视镜 过定杆一小段距离(三圈宽、也可注意雨刷距离)后, 迅速踩下离合和刹车(同时踩下)。用力拉手刹,缓抬脚 刹,看车是否往后走,不往后走的话可以完全松开。 3手刹车坡道起步:打左转向灯,踩离合,加油至(10~20)x100r/min以上,稳住油门,右手放在手刹上,缓 抬离合,当发动机声音变小时,稳住离合,松手刹,起 步。行走5米左右后再慢慢松开离合。 直角转弯:车头右侧1/3处(大约是保险杠转弯的地方)与右侧黄线内侧重合,车头顶住前方黄线内侧时迅速向右打两圈半。S形路:车头右侧1/3处(大约是保险杠转弯的地方)与右侧路

边内侧重合,车头大部分盖住前方线时向左打一圈,完 全盖住时再向左打一圈,到达右转弯处后,左脚离线大 概1/3车头宽回两圈,车头一半盖住时再向右打两圈(不 要太快,柔和着打),注意回轮。 4月1号(下午) 侧方位停车(必考,车速越慢越好): 微调左右车距使车右后视镜距离右杆大约一个后视镜的宽度(即车身距离右杆大约两个后视镜的宽度、窄了也没关系,但是千万不能宽),将车开到从后窗右档杆与前杆重合时停车。挂倒档,缓抬离合,看后窗,当车尾过前杆时向右打两圈。看左后视镜,当车身距离后杆两人宽时向左回两圈轮,继续看左后视镜,当左后车轮压线时向左打两圈半轮,车头左缝过前杆后停车。打左转向灯,停顿7、8秒左右,挂1档,缓抬离合至半联动,当车头中间过前杆时向右回半圈轮,继续向前,当右小镜距离前杆大概20厘米时向右打三圈轮(不要打太宽,1秒打1圈即可),然后看右后视镜,如果距离宽再向右加半圈,当前杆从右后视镜中露出来时向左回半圈,观察前杆与车身距离(如果距离减小,则车轮回直,然后等距离回来后向右打一圈),看右后视镜,等后杆露出后,看地上白线,把车回正。 4月5号(全天) 单边桥:使车头左棱中间对准左桥,微调上桥,后轮上桥后慢慢


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