


()1.A. he B. my C. our

()2.A. my B. he C. she

()3.A. neck B. tail C. short

()4.A.my B.you C.our

()5.A.windows B.chair C.table

()6.A.clean B.up C.write

()7.A. our B. we C. your

()8.A. this B. those C.these

()9.A.teacher B. cousin C. cook

()10. A. big B. autumn C. small

()11.A.neck B.tail C.short


()1. _______ dad is a worker.


B. my

C. My

( )2.This is my uncle. _______ is a teacher.


B. She

C. I

( )3.My mum ______ a nurse.


B. is

C. are

( )4.—— What _____ are these?

—— They’re ______ .

A.is; oranges

B. are; orange

C. are; oranges ( )5.Look! That monkey a long tail.

A. has

B. have

C. are

( )6.-Have some juice, please. -_____.


B. Thank you.

( )7.--A cupcake,please.--__________.


B. Thank you.

( )8.This sandwich _____ yummy.



( )9.These sandwiches ______ yummy.



( )10.What ____ these?—— They’re _______ .

A.is; oranges

B. are; oranges

( )11.We like _________.

A.an orange


( )12.I like ____.

A.pear B. pears

( )13. This is _____ mum. _____is a cook.

A.my, He B.I, She C.my, She

( )14. I’m a doctor dressed in _______.



( )15._______ is a worker.



( )16._________ a cook.




( )1. 当你想说他是一位老师时,你可以说:

A.She’s a teacher.

B. He’s a teacher.

( )2. 当你想夸你的朋友干得好时,你可以说:

A. Well done!

B. Thank you!

( )3.你想请别人擦一下门,你可以说:

A.Open the door, please.

B. OK.

( )4.当你想说你们今天去上学时,你可以说:

A.We go to school every day.

B.We got to school today. ( )5. 当别人送你礼物时,你应说:_____

A. I like it. Thank you.

B. What's this?

( )6.你告诉妈妈你喜欢那个橘子,你会说:_____

A.I like oranges.

B.I like that orange.

( )7.当别人问你父亲做什么时,你应该回答_____

A.He's a farmer.

B. This is my father.

( )8..当你想说你们今天去上学时,你可以说:

A.We go to school every day.

B.We got to school today.

( )9.当你想让杨玲擦窗户时,她可以说:

A.Clean the window,please.


( )10.当你让王兵擦椅子时,你可以说:

A.Clean the chair,please.



1.①please ②the ③window ④Clean (⑤,⑥.)


3.①yellow ②pear ③This ④is (.)


4.①This, ②yummy, ③tart,④is(.)


5.①sing , ②at, ③dance, ④I, ⑤and ,⑥school(.)


6.①Have ②juice ③orange ④some (.)


7.①teacher ②a ③Mr ④is ⑤Green (.)


8.①doctor ②is ③ dad ④My ⑤a (.)


9.①tail ②long ③has ④a ⑤It(.)


10.①giraffe ②at ③the ④ Look(.)



易错题 时间:60分钟满分:100分 一、填空。(每空2分,共24分) 1.一个三位小数精确到百分位是 2.35,这个小数最大是(),最小是 ()。 2.一个三角形的两条边分别是6cm和8cm,这个三角形的第三条边最长是 (),最短是()。(边长为整厘米数) 3.小明把7×(m+4)错写成了7×m+4,他的计算结果与正确答案相差 ()。 4.根据18.7-16.4+★=18.7+★-16.4=20-16.4=☆,得出★=(),☆ =()。 5.两个加数的和是18.3,如果其中一个加数减少2.4,另一个加数减少3.12,那么 和变为()。 6.被减数、减数与差的和是120,减数是差的2倍,那么减数是(),差 是()。 7.1000张A4纸的厚度约是8cm,一座高16m的教学楼,相当于()张A4 纸的厚度。 后,再把小数点向右移动两位,得到42.7,原来的 8.一个小数缩小到原来的1 10 数是()。 二、选择。(共18分) 1.笔记本和尺子的总价保留一位小数后是20.6元,笔记本的价格是 15.87元,尺子的价格不可能是()元。 A.4.69 B.4.75 C.4.77 D.4.67

2.下面都是由4个相同的正方体拼成的物体,从前面、左面看到的图形都是@的是 ()。 3.在一个等腰三角形中,如果一个角的度数是50°,那么另外两个角的度数分别 是()。 A.50°、80° B.65°、65° C.50°、65° D.50°、80°或65°、65° 4.有4根长度分别是2.6cm、2.9cm、5cm、7.6cm的小棒,从中选择3根小棒,能围成 ()个不同的三角形。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 5.把一张正方形纸按下面的步骤进行操作,最后展开得到的图案是()。 6.下面是四(2)班四个小组开展课外活动的时间统计图,虚线所在的位置能反映 出各小组开展课外活动的平均时间的是()。


易错题 Unit5 Topic1 1.You new watch ______ (look) very nice! 2.Oh, come on! It’s time_____ going to school. 3.They usually go to school on ________(feet). 4.In my class, forty of _______(we) go to school by bike. 5.The early bird ______ (catch) the worm. 6.Kangkang often _____ (ride) a bike to the park. 7.What time _____ (be)school over? 8.It’s time ____you to get up. 9.We often _____ books in the morning. 10.Jill’s friends like ______(study) in our school. 11.Mr. Wang teaches ______(we) English. 12.How about ______(go) out with me? 13._______ do you go shopping with your mother? A. How soon B. How far C. How often D. How much 14.What time do you usually get up _____ weekdays? 15.He ______ busy, so he has no time to play with us. A. is always B. seldom is C. always is D. often is 20. Let’s go______(boat). 21. It’s time to have breakfast. (同义句) ______________________________________________________. 22. Michael often rides a bike to school. (同义句) ______________________________________________________. 23. I always go to work on foot. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________________________. 24. My mother goes shopping twice a week. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________________________. 25. Mary always reads books in the library. (反义句) ______________________________________________________. 26. He usually does his homework at school. (否定句) ______________________________________________________. 27. They often go to school by bus in the morning. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________________________. 28. Jane seldom watches TV on weekdays. (改为一般疑问句) ______________________________________________________. 29. He usually has lunch at home. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________________________. 30. Li Ping often goes to work on foot. (同义句) ______________________________________________________.


八年级上册英语期末复习易错题整理训练 一、单项选择 1. There were a lot of people in the park. We had _________ to take a rest, so we got very tired. A. everywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. anywhere 2. ---How are you today, Tom? ---I'm even ______________. I don't think this medicine is good for me. A. worse B. bad C. better D. well 3. I fell off the bike on my way to school ____________, I wasn't hurt. A. Luckily B. Unluckily C. Sadly D. Unhappily 4. There is no way he can make a ____________ when he leaves school now, I think. A. alive B. living C. live D. lives 5. ---Excuse me, how can I get to the Tiger Hill? ---Oh, ________ of these buses will take you there. You can only take a taxi. A. all B. both C. none D. nothing 6. ---Why were you late, Jack? ---The traffic was heavy. What’s Worse, my car halfway and I had to walk to the office. A. broke down B. took action C. looked through D. calmed down 7. He is really _________ excellent football player. He can also play ________ violin very well. A. an; a B. an; the C. the; a D. a; the 8. ________six years old, Millie took a train to Beijing ________ the first time. A. In; at B. Of; at C. At; for D. At; of 9. ---How do you find this kind of newspaper? ---Good indeed. It many news stories around the world. A. shows B. covers C. writes D. says 10. ______ animals are in danger and there will be ______ living space for them if we don’t protect them. A. More and more; fewer and fewer B. Fewer and fewer; less and less C. More and more; less and less D. Less and less; more and more 11. Most of us like to ___________ photos of famous stars on the walls of our bedrooms. A. put in B. put up C. put on D. put away 12. ---Can you tell me how to make my questions___________, Mrs. Green? ---To ask a question ________, you should begin with “Excuse me”. A. more polite; more polite B. more politely; more politely C. more polite; more politely D. more politely; more polite 13. They will protect their families if there's__________. A. dangerous B. in danger C. in dangerous D. danger 14. Nancy worked very hard at all her lessons. ________, she became the top student in her class. A. In order to B. As a result C. As usual D. For example 15. “Sandy became very popular in the school.” The main structure of the sentence is____________. A. S+V+P B. S+V+DO+OC C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V 16. ---Could you show me how to make a fruit salad? ---Sorry, I ____________. I will go shopping with my grandma. A. can't B. couldn't C. needn't D. mustn't 17. ---Hello! How are you today? ---Hi. I'm feeling very ________. I just had a test and I'm not sure how well or how badly I did. A. bored B. surprised C. excited D. nervous 18. ---I heard Mr. Chen sing pop songs next door just now. What a beautiful ___________! ---Yes. We all think his songs ___________ very beautiful. A. voice; sound B. voice; voice C. sound; voic D. noise; sound 19. ---There is a smile on Tom’s face. He must be ___________ that his answer is right. ---I think so. No one did as___________ as him in our class. A. uncertain; well B. certain; good C. uncertain; good D. certain; well 20. ---Simon had a car accident this morning and hurt his leg badly. ---_____________


高二下英语期末复习错题集 1. A pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ as the plane was making a landing. A.to be seating B.seating C.seated D.Seat 2. The plan,which they found hardly ________,was finally changed for a new one. A.subscribe B.subscribing to C.subscribed to D.subscribed 3. More forests are being destroyed. As a result, a lot of good earth ________ each year. A. is being washed away B. is washing away C. are washing D. are being washed away 4. Are there any difficulties that have _________ from the change of the plan? A. raised B. rose C. found D. arisen 5. The idea for the new plan came to his mind, ______ to his experiment in the lab. A.while devoting B.while devoting himself C.while he was devoted D.while devoted 6. —Was it under the tree ______ you went away talking to a friend? —Sure. But when I got back there, the bike was gone. A. that B. when C. where D. while 7. ______ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains gave him a sense of peace. A. If walking B While walking C. Walking D. When he was walking 8. The large number of donations from China to the earthquake suffers ______ the Chinese people’s unselfishness and internationalism. A. let out B. gave out C. brought out D. took out 9. “My Heart will Go on” is once again popular among young people, ______ were often heard singing it at parties. A. who B. which C. they D. that 10. —Last night Ted was late for the party again. —You know, ______. A. a good beginning is half done B. Honesty is the best policy C. a leopard can not change its spots D. a work ill done must be twice done 11. With a large amount of work _______, the chief manager couldn’t spare time for a holiday. A. remained to be done B. remaining to be done C. remained being done D. remaining to do 12. Not only _________ interested in basketball but __________ beginning to show an interest in it. A. the teacher himself is; all his students are B. the teacher himself is; are all his students C. is the teacher himself; are all his students D. is the teacher himself; all his students are 13. --- I hear Tom is addicted ________ playing video games recently. --- __________ no wonder that he often falls asleep in class these days. A. to; there is B. in; there is C. to; it is D. in; it is 14. My elder brother is well tall. The little bed won’t __________ for him. A. suitable B. fit C. do D. make 15. ---- Mum, can I play computer games for a while after I finish today’s homework?


10、李阿姨买了一只手表,除了按照售价支付外,还需要支付售价的20%的消费税,她一共花了7200元,他买这只手表缴纳了(1200)元的消费税。 11、小王把1000元存入银行,两年后取出,本息共有1042元,年利率是(2.1)%。 12、妈妈每月工资2000元,如果妈妈把半年的工资全部存入银行,定期半年,如果年利率是 1.30%,到期后她可以取回(12078)元。 13、小新和妈妈看见商场的衬衣正在做第二件半价促销的活动,于是一人买了一200元的衬衣,相当于每件打(七五)折 14、某商场做促销,推出“每满100减50”的活动,比如某顾客 购买了240元的商品,只需要付款140元,若再该商场购买550元的商品,只需要支付(300)元,若用360元可以买到标价为(660)元或者(710)元的商品。 15、有两堆沙,第一堆比第二堆重25%,那么第二堆比第一堆轻(20)%。 16、爸爸买了一个随身听,原价160元,现在只花了九折的钱,比原价便宜了(16)元。 17、苏宁家电商场周年店庆高促销销售豆浆机,采用“折上折”方式销售,即先打七折,在此基础上再打九五折。国美商场购物满 150元减65元现金。如果两家豆机标价都是380元,在苏宁家电 应该付(252.7)元,在国美商场应付(250)元。 18、一件商品随季节变化降价出售,如果按现价打九折,仍可获利100元,如果打八折,就要亏损80元,这种商品的进价是(1520)元。

19、少先队员在山坡上栽的松树是柏树的25%,松树比柏树少150棵,柏树有(200)棵。 20、三个中队的少先队员拾废钢铁,第一中队拾的占总数的25%,第二队拾的与第三中队的千克数的比是7:8,第一中队比第三中队少拾45千克,第三中队拾了多少千克? 第二中队:(1-25%)÷(7+8)×7=35% 第三中队:(1-25%)÷(7+8)×8=40% 一共:45÷(40%-25%)=300(千克) 第三中队:300×40%=120(千克) 21、一件商品随季节变化降价出售,如果按现价打九折,仍可获利100元,如果打八折,就要亏损80元,这种商品的进价是多少元? 原价:(100+80)÷(90%-80%)=1800(元) 进价:1800×90%-100=1520(元) 22、某地区房地产价格今年售价比去年同期增加了一成二,今年每平方米售价8064元,去年每平方米价格是多少钱?今年每平方米比去年增加了多少钱 去年:8064÷(1+12%)=7200(元) 增加:8064-7200=864(元) 23、某小镇去年共产稻谷5160吨,其中下半年比上半年增产一成五,上半年产稻谷多少吨? 设上半年产量为:“1” 下半年产量为:1×(1+15%)=1.15 量率对应:5160÷(1+1.15)=2400(吨)即为上半年的产量

牛津译林版 英语 七年级下 期末复习 易错题--- 单选(含答案)

牛津译林版英语七年级下期末复习易 错题--- 单选(含答案) 1.正确答案为B,应改为:“一年有四个季节。冬天是第 四个季节。” 2.正确答案为B,应改为:“你是第一百个顾客,真幸运。这里有一个免费礼物送给你。” 3.正确答案为D,应改为:“我认为今天公园里有成千上 万的人。” 4.正确答案为B,应改为:“你的梦想之家是什么样子的?” 5.正确答案为A,应改为:“Smart是一辆相当不错的车。 但它太小了,我父亲不能进去。” 6.正确答案为B,已无需改动。 7.正确答案为A,应改为:“你在单词‘across’中漏掉了一 个‘s’。” 8.已无明显错误,无需改动。 9.We were surprised to see that the classroom was empty except for the open windows. 10.XXX.

11.The farmers are all looking forward to rain because it is much too dry. 12."Isn't your uncle a fan of drama series?" "He isn't。but he still watches the program." 13."Would you please bring me the menu?" "Sure。Here you are。Take your time。I will come back for your order." 14.I was born in a town not far away from our city。In fact。there isn't much difference een the town and the country. 15.It's true。I saw it with my own eyes. 16.They are all in Class 1.Grade 7 this year. It is XXX 10:15am. 25.The teacher asked the students to ______ the homework before class. A。hand inB。hand outC。hand overD。hand off 17."Mr。Green。where should I sit?" I asked。"I think you can sit at Jim's desk。He is currently occupying it," Mr。Green replied. 18."I think there are thousands of people in the park today," I said to my friend.

人教版七年级下册期末复习Unit 4-6 易错题整理(蓝色为答案)

Unit 5 -6 错题 1.Not only my friends but also I am looking forward to having a long vacation. 不仅是我的朋友们,而且我也正盼望着一个漫长的假期. (be) 2.We’ll never give up the experiment, no matter how difficult it is. (be) 无论多么困难,我们都不会放弃这项实验。 3.Two fifths of the land in our city is covered with trees and grass. (cover) 我们城市五分之二的土地都覆盖着草木。 4.The music festival takes place in this country in April every year. 在这个音乐节每年4月在这个国家举行。 5.The flowers were picked by hand in the early morning. 这些鲜花是清早手工采摘的。(pick) 6.It takes a long time to master it, so please be patient. (take) 掌握它需要很长时间,所以请耐心。 7.No matter what difficulties we meet, we should face them bravely. 无论我们遇到什么困难,我们应该勇敢面对他们。 8.Or are you always buying umbrellas and leaving them (they) home when it rains ? 9.They are certainly (certain) bad for health as well as the environment. 10.The umbrellas will send a warning to your smartphone if it is left (leave) behind. 11.You may wonder how you can get the intelligent umbrella. Well, it will be sold on line. 12.-All the money in Mary’s wallet was stolen, but her ID card C__. --But she remained __ as if nothing had happened. A.remained; happily B.was remained; happily C.remained;happy D.was remained; happy 13.I also learned that not all great ideas _A__. A.work B.fail https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e19256652.html,e D.send 14.-Changchun has been building its subways since 2012. -Yes. It’ll be more convenient for people to go out after they’re all _D__. A.processed B.created C.protected https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e19256652.html,pleted 15.-Can I go out to play football, Mom ? -Look, your bedroom is in a mess. You can’t go out until it _C_. A.cleans B.has cleaned C.is cleaned D.will be cleaned 16.-Hi, Pam ! __ this pair of gloves yours ? -No, but the scissors on the desk _A_ mine. A.Is;are B.Is;is C.Are;is D.Are;are


【期末复习】人教版五年级数学上册易错题(附答案) 01填空题。(分) 1、1.25×0.8表示()。 2、去掉0.25的小数点,就是把这个数扩大();把50.4的小数点向左移动两位,就是把它缩 小到原来的()。 3、两个因数相乘,一个因数扩大10倍,另一个因数扩大3倍,积会()。 4.一个不为0的数乘以0.8,它的积比这个数()。一个自然数乘以0.01,就是把这个自然数()。 5、把“2.58×0.03”中的0.03扩大为3而使积不变,另一个因数2.58的小数点应(),积保留两位 小数是()。 6、56÷11的商用循环小数表示是()精确到百分位是()。 7、3÷11的商用循环小数的简便写法记作()商保留一位小数是()。 8、9.97÷4.21的商保留两位小数是()保留整数是()。 9、在“”中,最小的是(),最大的是()。 10、两个因数的积是3.4,如果把两个因数同时扩大10倍,积是()

11、三个2.5连乘得积是()。 12、3x=6.9的解是()。 13、水果店运来香蕉x千克,运来的桃子是香蕉的2.5倍,香蕉和桃子一共运来()千克。如果 x=5,桃子比香蕉多()千克。 14、35dm2=()cm2;7.4m2=()dm2;7.5m2=()cm;2350m2=()公顷;500平方米=()公顷;3平方米70平方分米=()平方米;3小时15分=()小时;1.8时=()时()分;2.15 小时=()分钟;7.6米=()米()厘米。 15、把一个平行四边形木框拉成一个长方形,周长(),它的高和面积都会() 16、把一个长方形木框拉成一个平行四边形,周长(),它的高和面积都会()。 17、把一个平行四边形沿高剪开,重新拼成一个长方形,它的高和面积(),周长()。 18、一张边长是20厘米的正方形纸,从相邻两边的中点连一条线段(如下图),沿这条线段剪 去一个角,剩下的(阴影部分)面积是()cm2。 19、一个三角形和一个平行四边形底相等面积也相等。平行四边形的高是10cm,三角形的高是 ()。 20、一个梯形的上底增加3厘米后就变成一个边长6厘米的正方形(如下图),这个梯形的面 积是()平方厘米。 21、把一个小数的小数点向右移动两位,得到一个新数,与原数相差44.55,原数是()。 22、一个直角三角形的三条边分别是3cm、4cm和5cm,这个三角形的面积是(),斜边上的高 是()。 23、一个小数有两位小数,保留一位小数它的近似值是10.0,这个数最大是()最小()。 24、三个连续自然数,中间的数是n,另外的两个数分别是()和()。 25、125缩小到它的()是0.125;()扩大到它的100倍是0.3。 26、一个两位数,它的个位上的数字是b,十位上的数字是a,那么这个两位数可写成()。 27、一个等腰三角形的底是16cm,腰是a cm,高是b cm。这个三角形的周长是()cm,面积


六上期末复习常错易(Yi)错题填(Tian)空 1.()千(Qian)克是(Shi)80千克(Ke)的,()千(Qian)克比(Bi)80千克(Ke)少. 2.把:化成最简整数比是(),比值是() 3.两个质数的倒数和是,则这两个质数的和是 ();一道数学题,全班同学中40人做对,10人做错,全班同学做这道题的正确率是();4.一个圆与一个长方形的面积相等,圆的周长是12.5厘米,长方形的长是4厘米,宽是()厘米;5.增加它的是();6.把2.5%去掉百分号后就扩大到原来的()倍 7.如右图,A是圆心,正方形的面积是10平方分米,则圆的面积为()平方分米 8.两个连在一起的皮带轮,大轮直径是3分米,小轮直径是1分米2厘米,大轮转1周,小轮转()周 9.9÷()=0.75==():24=()% 10.新华商店在一次清仓活动中,一件衣服标价180元,比原价降了25%,原来这件衣服()元 11.60千克的40%是(),()千克的40%是60千克 二,判断 1、a,b,c都是非0自然数,若a×a ( ) 2.第一车间昨天出勤50人,缺勤2人,缺勤率是4% () 3.圆的半径增加2厘米,周长就增加12.56厘米,面积也就增加12.56平方厘米() 4.甲数和乙数的比是4:5,表示甲数比乙数少() 5.分母是100的分数都是百分数() 6.既可以表示份数,也可以表示一个比() 7.甲数比乙数多10%,乙数就比甲数少() 8.含盐率为0.8%,表示盐占水的0.8%() 9.化简比3:0.5=(3×10):(0.5×10)=30:5=6() 三、选择 1.已知a>0,下面各式中,积最大的是()A a× B a× C a×0 2.25米增加20%后,再减去20%,结果是() A 25 B 24 C 23 D 20 3.六年级体育达标的有100人,没有达标的有25人,达标率是()A.25% B.3.3% C.80% D.100% 4.圆的周长是2,那么半圆的周长是()A. D.无法确定 5.圆的半径有3厘米增加了6厘米,圆的面积增加了()平方厘米 A.27 6.一个半径是2分米的半圆,它的周长是()A.16.56分米 B.10.28分米 C.12.56 分米 7.给3:4的前项加6,后项(),比值不变。A.加上6 B.加上4 C.加上8 D.乘上6 8.一个比的比值是,后项是,它的前项是()A.0.2 B. C. 四.计算 1.能简算的要简算 (1)()(2)((3)128×

人教版数学五年级上册期末复习- 易错题(含答案)

人教版数学五年级上册易错题 一、填空。 1.计算0.45×31时,先计算( )×( )的积,再从积的( )边起数出( )位点上小数点。 2.张阿姨家离单位有3.5km,每天中午下班后她要回家给5个月大的宝宝哺乳,然后再返回单位。这样一来,她每周(按5天计算)上下班一共要走( )km。 3.有一根长15m的绳子,蒋老师准备把它剪成0.55m长的小短绳,4根这样长的绳子最多可以剪成( )根小短绳。(绳子不拼接)4.甲数除以乙数等于2.2,( )是( )的2.2倍。 5.68÷32=2……( ),6.8÷3.2=2……( )。 6.爷爷走m km用了P小时,爷爷平均走1km花了( )小时,爷爷平均每小时走了( )km。 7.岚岚和亮亮在教室的位置分别用数对(2,3)和(4,5)表示,(2,3)中的3表示第3排,2表示( );(4,5)表示亮亮坐在第5( )第4( )。 8.爸爸把钱包里面值为1元、5元、10元和100元的纸币共8张放在一个不透明的盒子里,小兰随意从中取出一张,如果取到5元纸币的可能性最大,取到1元纸币的可能性最小,取到10元和100元纸币的可能性相等,那么爸爸有( )张10元的纸币。 9.一个等边三角形的周长是12.6dm,某条底上的高是3.64dm,这个等边三角形的面积是( ),与它等底等高的平行四边形的面积

是( )。 10.聪聪在练习口算,他做完前40道题花了2.4分钟,当他做完100道题时,一共花了6.6分钟,后面的60道题平均做每道题花了( )分钟。 11.学校的一条公共通道长144m,为了迎接教师节,学校打算在通道两边每隔3m摆一盆鲜花,且在通道两边的首尾各放一盆大型绿色植物,那么一共要准备( )盆鲜花。 二、判断。 1.小刚购买的电影票上的座位用数对表示是(12,6),那么小刚的正前方有12个观众。( ) 2.两个数相乘,若将其中一个因数扩大到原来的10倍,另一个因数也扩大到相同的倍数,那么积就扩大到原来的20倍。( ) 3.28.4÷12.5×8=28.4÷(12.5×8)( ) 4.根据等式的性质,如果3.5x=14,那么3.5x÷0.5=28。( ) 5.面积相等的两个三角形,一定能拼成一个平行四边形。( )三、选择。 1.一张正方形纸的周长是64cm,把它沿对角线对折后形成的三角形的面积是( )cm²。 A.32 B.48 C.128 D.256 2.校园里有一个圆形的金鱼池,池边每隔0.25m竖着一根护栏,一共竖着100根护栏。绕着这个圆形金鱼池走两圈,共走了( )m。 A.24.75 B.25 C.25.25 D.50

牛津英语4B 期末复习之 错题集 M1整理

4B 期末复习错题集整理----M1 一般现在时与现在进行时的用法辨析 I. 主要用法不同 1. 一般现在时的主要用法有三点: ①表示人或事物的特征、状态。如: He is tall. 他很高。 ②表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如: I go to school at seven every day. 我每天七点钟上学。 ③表示客观真理。如: Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播快。 2. 现在进行时的主要用法有两点: ①表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。如: I am reading now. 现在我正在读书。 ②表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但讲话时动作未必正在进行。如: They are planting trees these days. 这些天他们在植树.(说话时未必在植树。) II. 句型结构不同 1. 一般现在时的句型结构有两种: ①be动词:主语+be (am, is, are)+其它。如: I am a teacher. 我是一名老师。 ②实义动词:主语+实义动词+其它。如: We speak Chinese. 我们讲汉语。 注意:当主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,要在实义动词后加"-s"或"-es"。如:He likes English. 他喜欢英语. 2. 现在进行时的句型结构只有一种:主语+be (am, is, are)+动词-ing + 其它。如: I am watching TV. 我正在看电视。 写出与划线部分同类的单词 1.I have a friend .She’s my shadow. She often goes with me. Sometimes she ___________with me .Sometimes she __________in front of me. 2.Look! The pupils are walking,_________and _________on the play ground. 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.I can ________(see) a big tiger in the zoo. ________(it)tail is long. 2. My name is Alice Lang. I have three _________(knife) 3.Listeb! The boys ____________(sing) in the hall. 4._________(who) bookshelf is this? It’s ______________(his sister) 5.____________ (there be) any sand in the bottle. 6.Here is _______(a) old woman. 7.What ______(have) your son got? 8.There are three _______(knife) in my box. 9.______ they ______(like) to eat chicken? 10.There ______(be) any water in the bottle.


1.仓库里有30吨粮食,第一次运走总数的1/5,第二次运走9/2吨,两次共运走了多少吨? 2.一款计算机,今年1月份降价10%,6月份又降价20%,现在售价6300元,这款计算机去年12月份的价格与现在的价格相差多少元? 3.甲、乙两艘轮船从相距645千米的两个码头同时相向出发,4小时以后还相距185千米,甲船每小时行55千米,乙每小时行多少千米? 4.修一条路,第一个月修了它的25%,第二个月修了它的1/3,第三个月修了4500米,刚好修完,这条路全长多少米? 5.有一块铜锌合金,铜与锌重量的比是2:3,现在掺加6克锌,共得新合金36克,求新合金内铜与锌重量的比。 1.淘气要把一个如下图所示的空包装箱的各个面都贴上彩纸,至少需要多少平方厘米的彩纸?(单位:cm) 2.用同一种原材料做一个如下图的抽屉,至少需要多大面积的材料?(单位:cm) 3.用一根彩带捆扎一种礼物盒(如下图),如果结头处要用彩带25cm,一共需要彩带多少厘米?

4.做一个长60cm、宽50cm、高100cm的洗衣机包装箱,至少需要多大面积的硬纸板? 5.制作一个棱长为8cm的正方体无盖玻璃鱼缸,至少需要多大面积的玻璃? 1.求下面圆柱的表面积。 (1)底面半径是5分米,高是4分米。 (2)底面直径是8厘米,高是直径的1.5倍。 2.一个圆柱的底面周长是12.56厘米,高是3厘米,这个圆柱的表面积是多少平方厘米? 3.把一个棱长是2分米的正方体木块切削成一个最大的圆柱,这个圆柱的体积是多少立方分米? 4.工地上有一个圆锥形沙堆,它的底面周长是12.56米,高是1.5米。把这些沙子铺在长4米、宽2米的长方体沙坑内,可以铺多厚?


◆典型错题1 把5米长的铁丝平均截成6段,每段长( )米,每段是这根铁丝的( )。 1:把1米长的钢管平均截成3段,每段占全长的( ),每段长( )米 。 2:把3块饼平均分给4个孩子,每个孩子分得( )块,每个孩子分得的是这些饼的( )。 3:一块2公顷的菜地,平均分成8份, 3份是( )公顷,3份占这地的( )。 4:小明29分钟走了2千米路,平均每分钟行( )千米,每分钟行的占总路程的( )。 ◆典型错题2 把5米长的钢筋平均截成9段,每段的长度是( )。 1. 把3米长的彩带平均分给7个小朋友,每个小朋友分到( )米,每人分到总数的( )。 2.小红去学校,15分钟到学校,刚好行了500米,平均每分钟行( )米,每分钟行的路程是全程的( )。 ◆典型错题3 5公顷土地要平均分成3天耕完,每天耕地( )公顷,每天耕这片土地的( ) 1. 一根绳子长2米,平均剪成8段,每段长( )米,每段是1米的( ),每段是这根绳子的( )。 X k B 1 . c o m 2.小明做语数英三课家庭作业要2小时,做数学用了21小时,做英语用了4 1小时,做语文用了( )小时。 3.小明做语数英三课家庭作业要2小时,做数学用了所有时间的21,做英语用了4 1,做语文用了全部时间的( )。 ◆典型错题4 题目:一根绳子,第一次截去52米,第二次截去绳子的5 2,( )截去的多。 A .第一次 B .第二次 C .一样多 D .无法确定 对比练习: 1.两根同样长的绳子,第一根截去 52米,第二根截去绳子的5 2,( )截去的多。 A .第一根 B .第二根 C .一样多 D .无法确定 2.一根绳子,第一次截去72米,第二次截去绳子的52,还有剩余,( )截去的多。 A .第一次 B .第二次 C .一样多 D .无法确定
