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1. 我对各种户外活动感兴趣,如踢足球、溜冰和游泳。(be interested in, such as)

2. 医生们已经成功的救了那个病人。(be successful in)

3. 每个人都应该保护环境。(be supposed to)

4. 他的英语口语和我的几乎一样差劲。(no better than)

5. 在所有的语言中,英语是被最广泛使用的。(be…used)

6. 在中国北部,树木和草都应该被种植。(not only…but also…)

7. 记日记是一种练习写作的好方法。(good way, practice)

8. 毫无疑问,汉语是最多人讲的。(no doubt, spoken)

9. 你的作业必须按时上交。(hand in)

10. 你要么乘公交车,要么步行去那儿。(take, either…or…)


( ) 1. -We have never been to the Great Wall. -_________.

A. So I have

B. So have I

C. Neither I have

D. Neither have I

( ) 2. —Have you finished your report yet? —No, I’ll finish in _________ ten minutes.

A. another

B. other

C. others

D. the other

( ) 3. I’ve never seen __________ match before.

A. such an exciting

B. so an exciting

C. such an excited

D. so an excited

( ) 4. I think he must be in the office now, __________?

A. don’t I

B. mustn’t he

C. isn’t he

D. can’t he

( ) 5. -How many people were there at the meeting? -_________.

A. Nobody

B. No one

C. None

D. Nothing

( ) 6. ________ of us felt very tired but quite happy after ________ sports meeting.

A. Everyone, a two days’

B. Every one, the two days

C. Every one, the two-day

D. None, a two-day

( ) 7. My CD doesn't work well.I'll go and ________ this evening.

A.have them repaired B.to repair C.have it repaired D.have it repair

( ) 8. If an excellent Chinese novel is translated into English, ______means many more people in the world can enjoy it.

A. as

B. which

C. what

D. that

( ) 9. -Are your shoes expensive?

-No, I only _____five dollars on them.

A. took

B. cost

C. spent

D. paid

( ) 10. It’s not so _______as y esterday, so there are _______ people sitting in the square.

A. cold; fewer

B. warm; more

C. cold; more

D. cold; less

( ) 11. Mr. Green asked us to stop ______.So we stopped _____to him at once.

A. talking, listening

B. to talk, listening

C. talking, to listen

D. to talk, to listen

( ) 12. -Would you mind putting out the cigarette?


A. Yes, I do

B. No, it doesn’t matter

C. Sorry, I’ll do it soon

D. Sorry, I won’t do it again. ( ) 13. We can see _____full moon on the evening of August ______fifteenth every year.

A. the, a

B. a, a

C. a, the

D. the, the

( ) 14. Bob, there ____ a football match on TV this afternoon.

A. will have

B. has

C. is going to be

D. is going to have

( ) 15.—Your mother isn’t at home. Where is she?

-She ____to Beijing. She _____for over 4 days.

A. has been, has left

B. has gone, has left

C. has gone, has been away

D. has been, has been away

( ) 16. -Is there ____in today’s China Daily?

-No, there’s _____. It’s too boring.

A. anything special, nothing unusual

B. anything special, something unusual

C. something special, nothing unusual

D. nothing special, anything unusual

( ) 17. Everyone in our school _____English but _______of us like math.

A. like, a few

B. likes, few

C. likes, most

D. like, little

( ) 18. There isn’t a bridge ______the river. We have to go there by boat.

A. under

B. over

C. on

D. above

( ) 19. I won’t go to his party _____I am invited.

A. if

B. unless

C. until

D. because

( ) 20. There will be no giant pandas in the world if we _____them.

A. doesn’t protect

B. don’t protect

C. didn’t protect

D. wouldn’t protect

( ) 21. I don’t know ______deal with it.

A. what to

B. how to

C. what can I

D. how can I

( ) 22. Although David failed again, his father encouraged him have _____ fourth try.

A. the

B. /

C. a

D. another

( ) 23._______of the students in this school is about two thousand, and ________of them are from Fuqing.

A. The number, one third

B. A number, three quarters

C. A number, half

D. The number, two second

( ) 24. —Peter, what’s your plan after the exam?

-I’ll join the sports club and do more sports since I have ____holiday.

A. a two months

B. a two-months

C. a two-month

D. a two months’

( ) 25. It’s kind _______to help us.

A. of he

B. for he

C. for him

D. of him


1. The books on those _______________(shelf) are very interesting.

2. Mike draws _______________(well) in our class.
