

Shanghai 2010 is going to attract the world’s attention, as the World Expo is going to be held there. Is Shanghai travel on your schedule[时间表] yet? Have you planned what to do in this highly cosmopolitan[世界性的] financial city of China?

As a Chinese who travels to Shanghai frequently, here is my suggested list of the top ten things to do in Shanghai.

“Shanghai at Night”is famous in China and worldwide.

The Bund[外滩] is the most famous and attractive sight there. The best time to admire the Bund is after dark when all the buildings are lit up, creating an extremely colourful and breathtaking[激动人心的] scene. There are 52

blocks[大楼] –comprised[由……组成] of banks, hotels,

MNC[即multinational corporation,跨国公司] headquarters –of different

architectural[建筑的] styles including Gothic, Baroque,

Romanesque, Classicism and the Renaissance. The

stunning[极漂亮的] views there attract not only visitors but film producers as well. There are two ways to admire the Bund.




Admire the Bund by Cruise [航行]


There are lots of sightseeing cruises that let you view the beautiful Bund every night. Make sure to go on one of these cruises.


Admire the Bund on the West Bank of the Huangpu River


Take a relaxing walk on the walking corridor[走廊] along the Bund. Or you can drive along the Huangpu river bank and stop by the end of the Bund near the Russian Consulate[领事馆] where you can overlook[远眺] the Oriental[东方的] Pearl TV Tower on the opposite bank. You are not able to take good photos on board a cruise, so this is the best spot for you to take plenty of beautiful photos of Shanghai.



Xin Tian Di新天地

Enjoy a cup of high tea at Shanghai Xin Tian Di at Puxi. It is a fashionable pedestrian[行人的] street composed of Shikumen注and modern architecture. It retains the antique[古时的] walls, tiles[瓦片],

and exterior[外部的] of the Shikumen housing of old Shanghai. However, its interior[内部的] embodies[包含] a totally

different world of international galleries, bars and cafes, boutiques[专卖流行衣服的小商店] and theme restaurants.



City God Temple 城隍庙

This is one of the most remarkable

landmarks in Shanghai. You must go there to taste the authentic[真正的], world-famous Shanghai Nanxiang Juicy Bun. There are also plenty of traditional Chinese restaurants and souvenir[纪念品] shops, alongside Starbucks.


Nanjing Road南京路

Even if you are not a shopaholic[购物狂], please spare an hour to visit Shanghai’s premier[首要的] shopping street –Nanjing Road. There are upscale[高级的] department stores within 1920s-style buildings, along with world-famous brands and restaurants. This place is ideal to shop for authentic Shanghainese snacks and souvenirs. If you don’t want to walk, a trackless sightseeing train only costs three yuan. After dark, flashing

neon[霓虹灯] signs illuminate[照亮] the magnificent buildings and make Nanjing Road shine.


Maglev Train 磁悬浮列车

Take the Shanghai Maglev Train from Pudong

International Airport to the Lujiazui financial

district. The Maglev has a regular service speed of 430 km/h and is the fastest railway system in

commercial[商业的] operation in the world. This 30km ride takes about eight minutes and 50 yuan one way, and 80 yuan for a round trip.



Jin Mao Tower


Get a good aerial view of Shanghai from the observation deck[瞭望台] on the 88/F of Jin Mao Tower. The second tallest building in China, Jin Mao Tower is located in the centre of the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Districts in Pudong. This building includes modern offices, the Grand Hyatt Hotel, exhibition halls and banquet[宴会] halls.





Hairy Crabs (Seasonal in Autumn)


Do a crab feast[盛宴]! Food hunting is important for most travellers. Shanghai’s cuisine is famous and hairy crabs are what you must eat there. However, hairy crabs are seasonal. If you go between

September and November, it is the best time to not only enjoy hairy crabs, but a crab feast.


World Expo 2010

2010 年世博会

Attend Expo 2010 in Shanghai. This international event will provide a platform for

participants[参与者] to share their experiences, discuss advanced ideas on cities, and explore new approaches[方法] to eco-friendly lifestyles under the theme of “Better City, Better Life.”Don’t miss it.


Rowing Boat –Water Village Tours


Take a rowing boat trip at one of the water villages near Shanghai. These villages are Wu Zhen, Zhujiajiao, and Zhou Zhuang, featuring river bank

village houses and beautiful bridges –very picturesque[如画的].





Recommendation of Tourist Attractions Below is just the recommendation of tourist places about Suzhou & Shanghai . Tourist Attractions(景点) Suzhou(苏州) 1.Humble Administrator's garden (拙政园) The Humble Administrator's Garden (Chinese: 拙政园; pinyin: Zhuōzhèng yuán; Suzhou Wu: is a Chinese garden in Suzhou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most famous of the gardens of Suzhou. The garden is located at 178 Dongbei Street (东北街178号). At 51,950 m2, it is the largest garden in Suzhou and is considered by some to be the finest garden in all of southern China. See the pictures as below: Learn more from Website or Wikipedia. 2.The Lion Grove Garden (狮子林) The Lion Grove Garden (simplified Chinese: 狮子林园; traditional Chinese: 獅子林園; pinyin: Shī Zǐ Lín Yuán; Suzhou Wu: Sy tsy lin yoe is a garden located at 23 Yuanlin Road in Pingjiang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. The garden is famous for the large and labyrinthine grotto of taihu rocks at its center.


上海旅游攻略英文版 Revised by Jack on December 14,2020

DearDerke, ThefollowingistheShanghaitravelguidesandmattersneedingattentionforyou,youcanasreference: 'sTemple(城隍庙) Shanghaigod’stemple,it’s theancientChinesepalacearchitecture,Consistsofninepalaces. Therearealotofnativedeliciousfood,feeltheShanghailocalculture. Address:. Bus:11,42,64,66,64,945,911,926road,. (外滩) Thebundlikeasarecenthistoryofchina,sohavetogovisitit,Hasthesenseofhistoryandculture,TheBu ndhasdozensofhistoricalEuropeancolonialbuildingsliningagainsttheHuangpuriverthatoncehous ednumerousbanksfromBritain,France,USA,Russia,Germany,Japan,TheNetherlandsandBelgiu m. (东方明珠塔) TheOrientalPearlTowerisaTVtowerShanghaiOrientalPearlTowerislocatedatthetipofLujiazuiint hePudongdistrict,bythesideofHuangpuRiver,. Transportation:Bus870,871,872,bus81,82road, Tunnel:3,4,5,6lines, metroline:2 Opentime:8:00am–9:00pm 4,Nanjingroadwalkstreet(南京路步行街) NanjingRoad(南京 路)isthemainshoppingstreetofShanghaiandoneoftheworld'sbusiestshoppingstreets.S hanghaiist hemostlively,themostprosperouscommercialstreetItextendsfromTheBundtothePeople'sSquare.


上海旅游景点的好去处推荐 东方明珠塔仅次于加拿大多伦多电视塔和俄罗斯的莫斯科电视塔。东方明珠电视塔选 用了东方民族喜爱的圆曲线体作为基本建筑线条。主体有三个斜筒体,三个直筒体和11 个球体组成,形成巨大空间框架结构。筒体内有6部电梯,其中一部是可载50人的双层 电梯,还有一部在上球体和太空舱间运行。塔体可供游览之处有:下球体、中间球体及环廊、上球体及太空仓等。下球顶高118米,设有观光环廊和梦幻太空城等;上球顶高295米,有旋转茶室、餐厅和可容纳1600人观光平台。上下球之间有5个小球,是5套高空 豪华宾馆;太空仓供外宾观光。灯光在电脑操纵下可以根据天气变化自动调节,产生1000 多种变化。电视塔的灯光效果也令人叹为观止。乘上东方明珠塔的电梯,只需四十秒钟, 便可到达263米高的观光球上,在这里,极目远眺,上海景色尽收眼底,原来的高楼大厦,现在都显得矮小了许多,蜿蜒的黄浦江上,巨轮如梭,连绵入海。分列两边的两座大桥, 如两条巨龙,腾飞于黄浦江上,与中间的东方明珠一起,巧妙的组合成一幅二龙戏珠的巨 幅画面。入夜,巨大的球体在五彩灯光的装饰下,光彩夺目,群星争辉,更显得晶莹剔透。与浦西外滩的灯光建筑-相辉映,展现出现代化大都市的迷人之夜。此塔与扩大至15.5万 平方米的浦东公园融为一体,园内还有大小不同15个球体,烘托电视塔的二个巨大球体,故有"东方明珠"之称。附近还有娱乐中心、商业中心,将是浦东大型多功能旅游景点。现 已成为"90年代上海十大新景观"和"十佳旅游景点"之一。 豫园位于上海市老城厢的东北部,北靠福佑路,东临安仁街,西南与上海老城隍庙毗邻,是著名的江南古典园林,闻名中外的名胜古迹和游览胜地,为全国重点文物保护单位。 豫园原是明代的一座私人园林,始建于嘉靖、万历年间,距今已有四百余年历史。园 主人潘允端,曾任四川布政使。其父潘恩,字子仁,号笠江,官至都察院左都御史和刑部 尚书。潘家是当时上海的望门大族。明嘉靖三十二年1553年,长达九里的上海城墙建成,使及东南沿海的倭患逐渐平息,二十余年来生命财物经常受到威胁的上海人民稍得安定, 社会经济得到恢复并开始繁荣。士大夫们纷纷建造园林,怡情养性,弦歌风月。潘恩年迈 辞官告老还乡,潘允端为了让父亲安享晚年,从明嘉靖己未年1559年起,在潘家住宅世 春堂西面的几畦菜田上,聚石凿池,构亭艺竹,建造园林。经过二 龙华寺是上海地区历史最久,规模最大的古刹,距今已有1700多年历史,寺名来源 于佛经上弥勒菩萨在龙华树下成佛的典故。现今龙华寺的殿宇大部分属清同治、光绪年间 的建筑,并保持了宋代伽蓝七堂制的格式,依次为弥勒殿、天王殿、大雄宝殿、三圣殿、 方丈室和藏经楼。 天王殿侧钟楼高3层,悬有清光绪20年铸造的青龙铜钟,高约2米,直径达1.3米,重5吨余,“龙华晚钟”也是昔日的“沪上八景”之一。藏经楼上收藏着各种版本的大藏经,佛教经籍及各种珍贵文物,其中包括被称为龙华寺“镇寺三宝”的明万历年间敕赐大 藏经718函;范金千叶宝莲毗卢遮那佛一尊;御赐金印一枚。


The most comprehensive industrial and commercial city Ranking No.1 in population and population density A sea port, science and technology center, and business center Fastest Growing Financial City Main tourist attractions: Yu Garden, Jade Buddha Temple, Shanghai Museum, The Bund, TV Tower of Oriental Pearl, Nanjing Road Area:6,341.5 sq km Population:13 million Nationalities : Han, Hui, and Manchu

Skyline, Shanghai

The Bund, Shanghai It is along the bank of the Huangpu River in the east, about 1.5 kilometres long

The Bund, Shanghai The 52 buildings in the west are in the architectural style of various countries, such as France, Britain, Spain and Greece. They become the symbol of Shanghai.


上海旅游概况 上海是我国的优秀旅游城市,历史文化名城,我国最大的经济中心城市之一。 上海旅游,可以用“都市”两个字作为其旅游特色的缩写:“都市风光”,“都市风光”“都市商业”,即是以人民广场和浦江两岸为中心的城市观光、商务、购物旅游圈;以公共活动中心和社区为主的环城都市文化旅游圈:以佘山、淀山湖、深水港、崇明岛等为重点的远郊休闲度假旅游圈。 上海的建筑也是上海的一大景观,外滩,石库门房子以及各种海派建筑,现代设施,汇聚古今中外的各种建筑风格,是上海本土文化和外来文化想结合的产物。 上海素有“购物天堂”“东方巴黎”之美称。旅游者到了上海除了领略大都市的风光外,还能充分享受购物的乐趣,中华商业第一街——南京路,高雅商业文化街——淮海路,四川北路是一条工薪阶层的购物街,另外摩登的徐家汇商业城,具有民族特色的豫园商城,上海火车站出口的嘉里不夜城都是上海购物的中心地段。 上海在饮食方面可称得上是中华美食的大观园:京帮、扬帮、四川、广帮和上海本帮成为上海的主要菜系。同时,在住宿,交通,娱乐,休闲等方面,更是体现出上海作为一个国际化都市应有的特色。 上海的旅游,是一直随着上海城市内容的丰富而丰富的。近两年来,上海举行的国际性大活动也是巨大的旅游资源。上海旅游节、上海国际艺术节、F1汽车方程赛、上海大师杯网球赛、田径黄金联赛、上海国际马拉松赛等,已成为上海最能体现城市精神的赛事节庆活动,对于国内外游客,特别是上海周边地区的游客来说,到上海亲身参加这些盛事成了一种新的旅游休闲方式。 把体育,文艺赛会纳入上海大旅游的视野,是上海旅游发展的新方向,新动力,四方来客真正能因为这些活动而在上海玩得开心。 上海“申博”成功后,各项工作均已启动。世界既给中国一份幸运,上海必将给世界添一片异彩,上海已经迎来新一轮发展的好机遇,上海人民衷心欢迎海内外旅游客的光临! Brief Introduction of Shanghai Tourism Shanghai, China’s outstanding tourist city and a famous historical and cultural city, is one of the largest economic and trade centers in the country. The word “city”can represent Shanghai tourism’s characteristic:City Scenery,City Culture and City Commerce.Shanghai has formed the City Sightseeing,Business and Shopping Tourism Circle centered by the People’s Square and two banks of Huangpu River,the City Culture Tourism Circle composed by public activity centers and communities and the Rural Leisure Vacation Tourism Circle such as sheshan Moutain,Dianshan Lake,Deep Sea Harbour and Chongming Island. Shanghai’s architecture is another unique scenery line,The Bund,Shikumen Buildings(hourses with soten-frame doors)together with other various Shanghai Style buildings and modern facilities present different architecutre style at all times and in all over the world. It is a fruit of the combination of Shanghai local and foreign culture. Shanghai is an ideal “paradise for shoppers” and known as “Oriental Paris”.When visitors come to Shanghai,they will not only experience the metropolitan views but also enjoy the shopping happiness.There are commercial streets and shopping areas like China No.1 Commercial street Nanjing Road,the elegant commercial culture street Huaihai Road,Sichuan North Road,a shopping road for wage earners.And the modern Xujiahui Commerce City,the national charactored Yuyuan Commerce City and the Kerry Ever Bright Commercial City at the exit of Shanghai Railway Station are central Shopping areas in shanghai. Shanghai is also the paradise for Chinese gourmets.The major style of food in Shanghai include Beijing,Huaiyang,Sichuan,Guangdong and local cuisines.Moreover, Shanghai also shows its international metropolis’charactors in accommodation.transportation and entertainment sides. In recent two years, the international festivities hostedy by Shanghai become the huge tourism resources.Shanghai Tourism Festival,Shanghai China International Art Festival,Formula I chinese Grand Prix, Tennis Masters Cup ,hanghai Golden Grand Pix and Shanghai international Marathon have already become the festivities that reflect the city spirits.To experience these wonferful activities in Shanghai has also become a new approach of leisure travel for the visitors from home and abroad especially those from Shanghai’s surrounding area. It is the new orientation and new motivity for Shanghai tourism development to bring sports games,art and literature activities to the visual field of Shanghai Big Trouism that make all the guests enjoy their time in Shanghai. Since Shanghai succeeded in winning the bid for the sponsorship of World Expo 2010,all sectors of preparation work have started and are in progress. The world has given China a share of luck and shanghai will add more splendors to the world.Shanghai is ushering in excellent opportunities for development. People of shanghai warmly welcome visitors from home and overseas.


上海市旅游景点 风景名胜新外滩 | 东方明珠电视塔 | 浦江二桥 | 内环高架 | 南北高架人民广场 | 古北新区 | 虹桥经济技术开发区 |新锦江大酒店 地铁一号线 | 八万人体育场 | 松郡九峰 | 水乡古镇 古迹 豫园 | 秋霞圃 | 汇龙潭 | 醉白池 | 曲水园 | 古猗园 | 上海古城墙徐光启墓 | 孔庙 | 马桥遗址 | 崧泽遗址 纪念馆 中共一大会址 | 鲁迅墓 | 鲁迅纪念馆 | 宋庆龄墓 中山故居 | 团中央旧址 | 唐经幢 | 龙华烈士纪念地 周公馆 | 韬奋故居 博物馆 上海博物馆 | 上海自然博物馆 | 上海历史博物馆 | 上海图书馆 宗教寺庙 佛教 -- 玉佛寺 | 龙华寺 | 静安寺 | 真如寺 | 沉香阁 道教 -- 城隍庙 | 白云观 | 钦赐仰殿 伊斯兰教 -- 小桃园清真寺 | 松江清真寺 天主教 -- 佘山天主堂 | 徐家汇天主堂 基督教 -- 国际礼拜堂 游乐场所 环球乐园 | 美国梦幻乐园 | 锦江乐园 | 野生动物园 | 植物园 共青森林公园 | 大观园 | 东海影视乐园 | 大世界游乐中心 东平国家森林公园 休闲渡假村 佘山国家旅游渡假区 | 太阳岛旅游渡假区 白玉兰滨海渡假区 | 上海国际高尔夫球场 民族风情 民族文化村 -------------------------------新外滩 位于外白渡桥至南浦大桥的黄浦江西岸,全长4公里,是九 十年代上海十大新景观和十佳旅游景点之一。 外滩西侧矗立着各种风格迥异的中西建筑物,有哥德式、巴 洛克式、罗马式、古典主义式、文艺复兴式、中西合壁式等,号 称“建筑博物馆”。是人类历史的文化遗产。晚上巍峨的大厦在


去上海旅游的英语作文 去上海旅游的英语范文【一】 On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. 去上海旅游的英语范文【二】 Tom is a boy of https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e5154375.html,st week,it was his first trip in Shanghai.Although he only traveled Shanghai for one day,but he was very happy at all.First,he played in Changfeng Park.He had photos with dolphins and seals.Then he visited Yu Garden.It is a traditional place.He bought many small articals.After that,he traveled the most highest building—Oriental Pearl Tower.It is also ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


上海周边旅游 上海都市风光一日游 游浦东新区、东方明珠(蹬塔263米)、南浦大桥、浦江游船、城隍庙、外滩、黄浦公园、南京 路步行街,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价:235元/人。 网友优惠价:140元/人 苏州园林一日游 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险。 假山王国—狮子林、世界文化遗产—耦园、船游东方威尼斯小桥流水人家、观世遗会会址、盘门三景、江南丝绸风采、千年古刹寒山寺、江南第一高塔北塔寺、观东方比萨斜塔虎丘、参观紫砂工艺或太湖淡水珍珠。结束愉快行程离团! 合计价:215元/人。 网友优惠价:118元/人 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险 杭州西湖一日游 船游西湖、灵隐飞来峰、黄龙洞、品茶文化、花港观鱼、岳王庙,参加江南丝绸风采,结束愉 快行程。 合计价310元/人 网友优惠价:138元/人 提供标准:景点门票、优秀导游服务,旅行社责任险。 周庄水乡一日游 游沈厅、张厅、双桥、全福寺、澄虚道院、迷楼、富安桥、观全福塔,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价格:200元/人。 网友优惠价:98元/人 提供标准:景点门票,优秀导游服务、旅行社责任险

乌镇古镇一日游 游矛盾故居、修真观、古戏台、中栅、东栅的沿河景色、逢源双桥、翰林院、蓝印花布、江南 木雕馆、林家铺子,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价格:210元/人。 网友优惠价:118元/人 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险 鼋头渚、太湖三山仙岛、坐豪华游船观水浒三国城、蠡园、唐城,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价格:218元/人。 网友优惠价:148元/人 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险。 行程安排: D1、早7:00分前上海大剧院集合发车(约1小时45分钟到苏州)游览:狮子林(约50分钟)、耦园风情水上游(约1:10分钟)、江南丝绸风采(约50分钟)、寒山寺(约40分钟)、北寺塔(约60分钟)、虎丘(如进门票自理、约1:00分钟、不进约5分钟))、参观紫砂工艺或太湖淡水珍珠(约50分钟)、午餐(约40分钟)结束后约17:30左右,乘约18:00大巴,约20:30分左右到杭州住:杭州 D2、早8:00游船游西湖(约45分钟)、观西湖第一胜境“三潭印月”、游花港观鱼(约30分钟)、沿途欣赏杨公堤美景、灵隐飞来峰(约60分钟)(香火卷自理)、黄龙洞(约30分钟)、品茶文化,虎跑泉(约40分钟)、参加江南丝绸风采,午餐(约40分钟)。结束愉快行程大约17:30分,返程大巴或火车硬座18:00左右,抵达上海约20:45分钟左右 供应标准:空调旅游车,景点门票,优秀导游服务(餐费自理) 行程安排: D1、早7:00分前上海大剧院集合发车(约1小时45分钟到苏州)游览:狮子林(约50分钟)、耦园风情水上游(约1:10分钟)、江南丝绸风采(约50分钟)、寒山寺(约40分钟)、北寺塔(约60分钟)、虎丘(如进门票自理、约1:00分钟、不进约5分钟))、参观紫砂工艺或太湖淡水珍珠(约50分钟)、午餐(约40分钟)结束后约17:30左右,乘约18:00大巴,约20:30分左右到杭州住:杭州 D2、早8:00游船游西湖(约45分钟)、观西湖第一胜境“三潭印月”、游花港观鱼(约30分钟)、沿途欣赏杨公堤美景、灵隐飞来峰(约60分钟)(香火卷自理)、黄龙洞(约30分钟)、品茶文化,虎跑泉(约40分钟)、参加江南丝绸风采,午餐(约40分钟)。结束愉快行程大约17:30分,返程大巴或火车硬座18:00左右,抵达上海约20:45分钟左右 供应标准:空调旅游车,景点门票,优秀导游服务(餐费自理) D1、早7:00分前上海大剧院集合发车(约1小时45分钟到苏州)游览:狮子林(约50分钟)、耦园风情水上游(约1:10分钟)、江南丝绸风采(约50分钟)、寒山寺(约40分钟)、北寺塔(约


上海旅游十大必去景点 (到沪不到这些景点,游上海等于白游) 上海海洋水族馆 水族馆占地面积约1.3万平方米,总建筑面积超过2万多平方米,是号称“世界第二、亚洲第一”的水族馆。 “通过水的世界跨越五大洲”,这是上海海洋水族馆的展示主题。馆内有28个大型主题生物展示区,分亚洲、南美洲(亚马逊)、澳洲、非洲、冷水、极地、海水、大洋深处八大展区。展出了来自五大洲、四大洋的300多个品种、1万余条珍稀鱼类及濒临绝种的稀有生物。其中最有特色的是毒箭蛙、水母、翻车鱼、叶海龙、帝王企鹅、白化尖吻鲈等。 水族馆中还有4条堪称世界之最的海底隧道,总长达168米。特有的自动步行海底隧道、180度和270度的全方位景观视窗,让游客有身临其境之感。 交通:地铁二号线、85、81、797等 开放时间:9:00~17:30(黄金周和夏季延长至20:30) 门票:成人120元/人,儿童80公分—1.4米以下80元/人,70岁以上老人门票70元。 上海豫园 豫园(Yu Garden)位于上海老城厢东北部,北靠福佑路,东临安仁街,西南与老城隍庙、豫园商城相连。它是老城厢仅存的明代园林。园内

楼阁参差,山石峥嵘,湖光潋滟,素有“奇秀甲江南”之誉。豫园始建于明嘉靖年间,原系潘氏私园。豫园始建于一五五九年,距今已有四百余年历史。它原是明朝一座私人花园,占地三十余亩.园内有穗堂、大假山、铁狮子、快楼、得月楼、玉玲珑、积玉水廊、听涛阁、涵碧楼、内园静观大厅、古戏台等亭台楼阁以及假山、池塘等四十余处古代建筑,设计精巧、布局细腻,以清幽秀丽、玲珑剔透见长,具有小中见大的特点,体现明清两代南方园林建筑艺术的风格,是江南古典园林中的一颗明珠。 交通:11、126、926、66等公交车黄浦区安仁街132号 开放时间:9:00-17:00 门票: 普通:40元,1.4米以下儿童及70岁以上老人:10元 上海环球金融中心 漫步在474米高的观光天阁,有如云中漫步。俯瞰上海,浦江两岸美景尽在眼底,可以平视东方明珠的尖顶,能够感觉金茂大厦的屋顶就在脚下。97层观光天桥的玻璃幕顶可以打开,一旦天气条件允许,游客可直接抬头看到蓝天白云,真正达到天人合一。 环球金融中心之“最” 1、屋顶高度世界第一:492米,超过了目前屋顶高度世界第一的台北101大楼(480米)。


Shanghai 2010 is going to attract the world’s attention, as the World Expo is going to be held there. Is Shanghai travel on your schedule[时间表] yet? Have you planned what to do in this highly cosmopolitan[世界性的] financial city of China? As a Chinese who travels to Shanghai frequently, here is my suggested list of the top ten things to do in Shanghai. “Shanghai at Night”is famous in China and worldwide. The Bund[外滩] is the most famous and attractive sight there. The best time to admire the Bund is after dark when all the buildings are lit up, creating an extremely colourful and breathtaking[激动人心的] scene. There are 52 blocks[大楼] –comprised[由……组成] of banks, hotels, MNC[即multinational corporation,跨国公司] headquarters –of different architectural[建筑的] styles including Gothic, Baroque, Romanesque, Classicism and the Renaissance. The stunning[极漂亮的] views there attract not only visitors but film producers as well. There are two ways to admire the Bund. 世博会开幕在即,2010年的上海必将受到世界的关注。你将游览上海列入日程表了吗?在中国这个世界级金融中心里,你打算做些什么呢?作为一名经常到访上海的中国人,我推荐以下十件最值得做的事情。 “夜上海”中外驰名。外滩是那里最出名、最吸引人的景点。欣赏外滩的最佳时间是天黑以后,这时所有建筑物都亮起了灯,营造出一片色彩斑斓、引人入胜的景象。这里有52幢大楼——包括银行、酒店和跨国企业总部——建筑风格各异,有哥特式、巴洛克式、罗马式、古典式和文艺复兴式等风情。外滩壮观的景色不仅吸引了游客,还吸引了众多电影人前来取景。 游览外滩的方式一般有两种。 Admire the Bund by Cruise [航行] 乘船游览外滩 There are lots of sightseeing cruises that let you view the beautiful Bund every night. Make sure to go on one of these cruises. 这里每晚都有很多观光游船让你欣赏外滩的美景,记得去坐坐这些游船哦。 Admire the Bund on the West Bank of the Huangpu River 在黄浦江西岸欣赏外滩 Take a relaxing walk on the walking corridor[走廊] along the Bund. Or you can drive along the Huangpu river bank and stop by the end of the Bund near the Russian Consulate[领事馆] where you can overlook[远眺] the Oriental[东方的] Pearl TV Tower on the opposite bank. You are not able to take good photos on board a cruise, so this is the best spot for you to take plenty of beautiful photos of Shanghai. 沿着外滩走廊轻松自在地散散步吧。或者沿着黄浦江驾车游览,在接近外滩尽头的俄罗斯领事馆附近停下来,远眺对岸的东方明珠电视塔。在游船上很难拍到好照片,所以这里是让你拍到大量漂亮照片的


上海市区旅游景点游玩线路攻略 A线上海中心城区一日游(东南区景点介绍) 1 人民广场(市人民政府、大剧院、美术馆、上海城市规划展示馆、上海博物馆、广场鸽逗趣、迪美地下名品街) 2 外滩(上海大厦、外白渡桥、黄浦公园、人民英雄纪念塔、浦西滨江大道、陈毅广场、外滩观光隧道、万国建筑博览群[北京路~延安路段]、旧上海天文台、上海自然博物馆、浦江游览码头) 3 南京东路步行街(第一百货、茂昌眼镜公司、新雅粤菜馆、第一食品、永安公司、第一医药、伊都锦、曼哈顿广场、老凤祥银楼、置地广场、朵云轩、王开摄影公司、上海书城南京东路店、上海集邮公司、冠龙照相器材公司、惠罗商厦、和平饭店) 4 福州路文化街(上海旅行社、百新文化用品公司、王宝和酒楼、大众书局、上海书城、上海古籍书店、上海外文书店、杏花楼、上海科技书店、亚光中小学教辅书店[广东路] 5 豫园(福佑路小商品市场、豫园商城、南翔小笼店、老城隍庙、豫园、九曲桥湖心亭、上海梨膏糖商店、宁波汤圆店、绿波廊餐厅、松月楼素菜馆、老城隍庙美食小吃世界、上海老街、古城公园、上海古城墙遗址[大镜阁、白云观]、文庙、董家渡布料市场、南浦大桥、上海音像制品交易市场、三山会馆、世博园区[浦西段])

B线上海中心城区一日游(中南区景点介绍) 1 南京西路商业街(新世界商城、国际饭店、黄河路美食街、人民公园、五卅纪念碑、大光明电影院、仙乐斯广场、上海电视台大厦、吴江路小吃街[小杨生煎包、香烤八爪鱼和鸡翅、广州荔湾褒仔饭]、王家沙点心店[蟹粉小笼包、老虎爪子]、毛泽东故居、凯司令咖啡馆、梅龙镇广场、中信泰富广场、恒隆广场、上海商城、上海展览中心、静安寺) 2 延中绿地、淮海路商业街(大世界游乐中心、云南南路美食街、上海音乐厅、淮海路商业街、东台路古玩市场、大上海时代广场、上海广场、淮海公园、香港广场、新天地石库门风貌、中共一大会址、太平桥绿地、邹韬奋纪念馆、雁荡路休闲街、红星眼镜公司、复兴公园、长春食品商店、新锦江大酒店、国泰电影院、二百永新、百盛购物中心) 3 名人休闲街、创意园区、鞋城、大桥(思南路名人休闲街[周公馆、孙中山故居]、南昌路科学会堂、8号桥创意园区、泰康路艺术街、上海鞋类批发商城、卢浦大桥、江南造船博物馆、世博园区[浦西段]、现代二手电子市场、卢工邮币卡市场、云洲邮币卡市场、二医大、上医大)C线上海中心城区一日游(西南区景点介绍) 1 徐家汇商圈(上海图书馆、宋庆龄故居、衡山路酒吧街、国际礼拜堂、徐家汇公园、东方商厦、港汇广场、太平洋百货、六百公司、汇金百货、美罗城、百脑汇、太平洋数码广场、徐家汇天主大教堂、交通大学、上海影城、光启公园[徐光启墓])


一次上海的旅行A,Trip,To,Shanghai,英语作文_上海旅行英语作文 I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday. 感谢您的阅读!


上海旅游介绍英文导游词介绍 上海市我国一个热门的旅游景点之一,明年都会有大量的外国游客去旅游,这时候,导游们就需要用英语向外国人介绍上海。下面是学习啦小编整理的上海旅游介绍英文导游词,希望对大家有帮助。 上海旅游介绍英文导游词:S h a n g h a i T r a v e l a n d T o u r s G u i d e L o c a t e d a t t h e c e n t e r o f t h e m a i n l a n d s c o a s t l i n e,S h a n g h a i h a s l o n g b e e n a m a j o r h u b o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n s, t r a n s p o r t a t i o n, a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l e x c h a n g e. T h e m u n i c i p a l i t y c o v e r s a n a r e a o f 6,341 s q u a r e k i l o m e t e r s a n d h a s a p o p u l a t i o n o f m o r e t h a n 13.5 m i l l i o n. S h a n g h a i i s C h i n a s l a r g e s t e c o n o m i c c o m p r e h e n s i v e i n d u s t r i a l b a s e,a n d a f a m o u s h i s t o r i c a l a n d c u l t u r a l c i t y. T h e c i t y c o n s i s t e n t l y a t t r a c t s i n v e s t m e n t a n d i s s e e n a s a n i d e a l v e n u e f o r b u s i n e s s g a t h e r i n g s. I t i s a l s o a m u s t o n a n y a g e n d a d u r i n g a t o u r o f C h i n a.S h a n g h a i h a s f o s t e r e d a c o m p r e h e n s i v e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n n e t w o r k t h a t i n c o r p o r a t e s l a n d, s e a,


上海著名旅游景点大汇总 一: 上海动物园位于上海市西南端,生态环境优美,是上海市区最佳的生态园林之一。现动物园内饲养展出珍稀野生动物600余种、6000 多只(头),包括大熊猫、金丝猴、华南虎等我国特产珍稀野生动物,以及黑猩猩、长颈鹿、北极熊、袋鼠等世界各地的代表性动物。 上海市动物园环境优美,园林风光自然、舒适。大草原与大乔木所构成的绿化景观与动物展区内外环境的相互协调,形成“精、特、野”的自然生态动物园特色景观。 另外,上海动物园内的巴西狼生态展区、天鹅湖、企鹅池、孔雀苑、蝴蝶馆等也都各具特色,令人流连忘返。 景点旅游提示: 门票:30元/人;身高 1.2米以下儿童免票;70岁以上老人凭优待证享受7折优惠。 到达方式:上海市内乘坐57路、48路、91路、519路、709路、739路、748路、806路、807路、809路、911路、925路、936路、938路、941路、945路、旅游4号线、共佘线、莘北线、沪青线、中卫线、徐梅线均可到达。 开放时间: 11月到2月:07:00至17:00 3月、10月:07:00至17:30 4月到9月:06:30到17:30 饮食:动物园内开设有天鹅轩、竹园村、天鹅亭、烧烤屋等餐饮场所。 旅游注意事项:

1、雨天凭票免费提供一次性雨衣; 2、租借童车、轮椅、雨伞,但需付费; 3、请勿私自投喂动物。 二: 上海佘山国家森林公园,位于上海西郊松江区境内,占地401公顷,距市中心35公里,是上海唯一的自然山林胜地。 东佘山园位于佘山东峰,海拔74米,树木参天,林木葱茏,翠色满园。丰富的植被资源之中,尤以竹笋最具名气。东佘山出产的竹笋有兰花之幽香,当年清康熙帝南巡至此,品赏后即御书“兰笋山”三字,并赐名此笋为“兰花笋”。同时,园内自然景色也不逊色:遂高园、白石山庄、眉公钓鱼矶、森林百鸟苑、万蝶馆、旱地雪橇等众多景点让人留连忘返,充分享受自然所带来的乐趣。 西佘山园位于佘山西峰,海拔97.2米,植被丰富,挺立的树木尤有原始气息,自然风光幽邃。然而真正让西佘山园名声斐然的是它那卓越的人文景观。著名的圣母大殿为东南亚第一大教堂,其建筑精致、雄伟,壁画细腻、圣洁,可谓是佘山的标志性建筑。位于山腰的秀道者塔,塔身修长,七层八面,玲珑剔透,为佘山著名古迹之一,平添佘山神秘气息。 天马山、凤凰山、小昆山上也是景色卓绝,北峰观日、云碧听泉、琵琶月夜等八大景观在佘山之中堪称罕见,其间更有恬美的月湖稳坐于旁,共同构造了佘山和谐、秀美的胜景华章。 景点旅游提示: 门票:70元/人 到达方式:上海市内乘坐南佘专线、旅游一号线、共佘旅游专线、天梅线、西佘旅游专线、沪陈线、沪佘昆公交车以及上佘线均可到达,交通十分便利。 开放时间:08:00到17:00
