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阴历lunar calendar

阳历solar calendar

春节Spring festival

元宵|V Lantern Festival

清明节Qingming Festivid, Tomb-sweeping day, All Souls' Day, Pure brightness day

端午节Dragon boat festival

中秋节Mid Autumn Day

重卩H节double ninth day, Height Ascending Festival

春联Spring Couplets

剪纸Paper cuts

财神The God of Wealth


年糕Sticky Rice Cake

红包Red Packets

压岁钱gift money

十二生肖Chinese Zodiac

舞龙dragon dance

舞狮lion dance

踩高跷walking on stilts

庙会Temple fairs

正月十五the fifteenth day of lunar January

福到了up・sided FU

大年初一the first day of the lunar year ; Lunar New Year's Day






四方哲学家Western Philosophers:苏格拉底Socrates,柏拉图Plato,亚里士多徳Aristotle 小吃snack 红烧肉:braised pork with brown sauce

糖酯排骨spare ribs with sweet and sour sauce

夫妻肺片Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce

油条deep-fried twisted dough sticks


馒头mantou; steamedbun

春卷spring roll

汤圆sweet soup balls

北京烤鸭roast(ed) Beijing duck

丿l大菜系Eight Cuisines Throughout the country there is a great diversity of cuisine・ China's vast territory and long history have given birth to distinct regional cuisines・ Sichuan (丿l|) Shandong (鲁)Cantonese (粤)Hunan (湘)Jiangsu (苏)Zhejiang (浙)Fujian (闽)Anhui (徽)Western food serving order: starter (Appetizer), soup, main course, dessert, drinks

牛排做法:how do you like the steak cooked? Steak: well-done 100%; medium well 70%; medium

50%; medium rare 40%; rare 30%

针灸Acupuncture & Moxibustion






神农氏Shen Nong tasted hundreds of grass and found herbs

黄常The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine

华佗Hua Tuo was famous for surgical operation and ma fei san(a kind of narcotic made of herbs).He created a body building exercise called five animals exercise, it is based on the movements of tiger,deer,bear,ape(猿)and crane (鹤)・

扁鹊Bian Que: The four diagnostic methods(望闻问切)was created by him.

孙思邈Sun Simiao is the king of medicine (药王)Jived in Tang Dynasty.He finished the book Golden Prescriptions for Emergencies《备急千金方》,it was the earlist clinical medicine encyclopedia(临床医学百科全书)in China.

张仲景Zhang Zhongjing finished the famous medical monograph Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease《伤寒杂病论》.

五脏Five Zang-organs: heart 心liver 肝lung 帥spleen 脾kidney 肾

六腑Six Fu-organs: gall 胆stomach 胃 bladder 膀胱large intestine 大肠small intestine 小肠three warmers ------ u p, medium and down 三焦


西方建筑风格Ancient greek architecture; Ancient roman architecture; Byzantine architecture ; Gothic architecture; Baroque architecture ; Rococo architecture

唐装The Tang Costume

旗袍Chinese cheongsam, mandarin gown, Qi pao

中山装Chinese tunic suit

汉服Han Fu, The Han Costume

京剧Beijing Opera


文厉四宝tour treasures of a study (i.e・ paper, brush, ink stick and ink stone slab)o

Writing tools:笔Brush 墨ink stick 纸paper 砚ink slab/ink stone

绘画Chinese Painting

书》去Chinese Calligraphy

《水浒传》Water Margin (also known as Outlaws of the Marsh)

《西游记》The Journey to the West

《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《红楼梦》Dream of Red Mansions (also known as The Story of the Stone)

《史记》Records of the Historian

《诗经》The Book of Songs; Book of Odes Shi Ching

《三宁经》(Three-Character Chant) (a Classic Chinese Primer)

四书五经:《四书》The Four Books:《大学》The Great Learning; Ta Hsueh,《论语》Confucius Analects; Analects of Confucius《中庸》The Way of Medium; Doctrine of the Mean;
