





possible; schedule 2. organizing (organising); campaign 3. climb through 4. suit; wore 5. turn off


6—10 CDABB

11—15 ACBCD


16—20 ACBAD

21.16(th) June / June 16(th) 22. volleyball; basketball / basketball; volleyball 23. fifty / 50 meters (metres) 24. reception; telephone / phone / phoning / calling 25. student; Wednesday(s)


I援Knowledge and Usage(知识与用法)(共20小题;26—35小题每小题0.5分,36—45小题每小题1分,计15 分)

26. rebelled 27. dependent 28. droughts 29. brought up 30. turned; down 31. possessing 32. faith

efficiently / effectively 34. gives off 35. hand in

36—40 BDBAD 41—45 CDACA


46.joined 47. engaged 48. thinking about 49. given up 50. hours

51. difficulties 52. to 53. does 54. else 55. determined 56. between 57. before 58. making 59. which 60. Finally

Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题;61—65小题每小题1分,66—80小题每小题2分,计35 分)

61—65 BDADC

66—70 CBGDE

71. Four / 4. 72. They belch their fumes in the air. 73. Because they / people don’t think about others (at all). 74. Over th e hedge. 75. Yes they are. / Yes.

76. depend 77. stay / be / keep awake 78. electric device s / an electric device 79. carried out / done / performed 80. six/ 6 hours’ sleep Translation(翻译)(共6小题;81—82小题每小题1分,83—86小题每小题2分,计10分)



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83. This kind girl made a good impression on the old woman.

It occurred to me that he might be interested in the problem we had studied.

I would rather tell him the truth now than keep it a secret forever.

Please review the important / key points discussed in class as well as any points (that / which) you

feel confused about.

Error Correction(短文改错)(共10处错误;每处错误1分,计10分)

Dear Mr Brown,

I am writing for the School Association which meets In every other week for a meal at your

restaurant. We were very disappointing with the last meal we had. The food was cold and was not

which we had ordered. I made the booking myself, and I asked for hot pumpkin soup followed by a

choice of meat or fish or vegetable. The person take my booking said that menu was

available. When we arrived, we 夷offered salad and dessert. When I asked to see the

manager, the waiter said that there was nobody for help me. He was quite rude when I insist,

and refused to tell me his name. Late we found the name “Mike” on the bill. We do not wish to

return to your restaurant since changes are made. Please let me know if you will be able to

return to your previous good menus, provide food as ordering, and teach your staff courtesy.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Lincoln

President, School Association

87—96: ]n; disappointed; what; taking; were; to; insisted; Later; unless / until; ordered

IQ Test(智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

The toast reads “May you be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you are dead.” To decode th e message, read the last letter of every group of three letters in order, then the second letters of every group of three, then the first letters. Alf Muggins. If it was Jack Vicious, the statements of Alf Muggins and Jim Pouncer would be true. If it was Sid Shifty, the statements of Jack Vicious, Alf Muggins and Jim Pouncer would be true. If it was Jim Pouncer, the statements of Sid Shifty and Alf Muggins would be true. Therefore it is Alf Muggins, and only the statement of Jim Pouncer is true. 爬得越高,摔得越重。

101. The missing symbols are: ■ ■ . Reading vertically, alternate lines have the same symbol.


One possible version:

The chart gives information about the different types of accommodation that tourists stay in when they visit Casuarina Beach. As is seen from it, the largest percentage, 34 percent, stay in the town’s local hotels. Guest houses are the next most popular type of accommodation, where 24 percent of tourists stay. Besides, international hotels are also popular, with 22 percent of tourists choosing to stay there. The youth hostel and the campsite accommodate nine percent and eight percent of tourists respectively. A further three percent stay in other types of accommodation. Overall, more visitors stay in hotels than use any other kind of accommodation.

(103 words)

One possible version:

Scientists claim that in 50 years’ time, there’ll be computers that are likely to be even more intelligent than humans. This is a fascinating idea, but I don’t believe it’ll reall y happen.

It’s true that computer scientists have made fantastic inventions over the last few years. They have developed computers that can understand things people say, and can now give meaningful responses. They have built computers that have really big memory capacities.

But human intelligence is more than having a good memory. It may be possible to build computers that can remember a lot more than the human brain. But humans can do a lot more. They laugh and cry, they enjoy a good film or an interesting book.

To conclude, I would like to say that computer science is a fascinating subject. In 50 years,time, we will probably have computers that can do things that today we cannot even dream of. But I believe human intelligence will always be higher than artificial intelligence.

(168 words)


本题总分为30分:(A) 10分;(B) 20分。按四个档次给分。





第四档(很好)(A) 9—10分;(B) 16—20分


第三档(好)(A) 6—8分;(B) 11—15分


第二档(一般)(A) 3—5 分;(B) 6—10 分


第一档(差)(A) 1—2 分;(B) 1 一5 分





I. Sentences

Please listen to the following five sentences. There’re several missing words in each sentence. Fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear with. Each sentence will be read twice.

Is it possible to see a copy of the train schedule?

Who’s responsible for organizing the advertising campaign next month?

Because he had lost his keys, Daniel had to climb through the window.

I love this suit; the last time I wore it was the day I got married.

I forgot to turn off the coffee maker in the kitchen yesterday morning.


Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.

W: Good morning. Would you check to see if there’s any mail fo r me, please? Room 421.

M: Good morning, madam. These two letters and a postcard are for you.

W: One of the letters is for someone else. Is there a parcel for me?

M: Sorry. That’s all there is.

Q: What did the woman receive?

M: Hi, Mom. I’m going to be late. I’ve just missed the 7:15 train and I have to wait for the next one.

W: What time is that? Is there one at 7:45?

M: There should be. So Ill get back at 12:25. Can you still pick me up from the station?

W: OK. Ill be there. See you later.

Q: What time will the woman meet her son?

M: I have to go to the bank now—I’ve got an appointment at 3. Why don’t you do some more shopping or go

to the park? You don’t need to come with me.

W: I think Ill look around a few more shops. I want to get a new pair of shoes. Where shall I meet you?

M: I’ll wait for you in the restaurant across from the bank. Ill be there at about 3:30.

W: OK. See you there.

Q: Where will they meet?

W: You know we need to rent a car for our vacation? Well, I got some prices from the Internet. The cheapest

one is £110 but it could be too small. There’s a bigger car for £130.

M: We paid about £100 last year and the car was fine. I think we should get the cheaper one.

W: OK, I agree.

M: Shall I reserve it then? I can do that this afternoon if you give me the information.

Q: How much will they pay for renting the car?

M: Hi, Jodie. I’m looking for someone to play in my new band. Do you still play the guitar?

W: Oh, I gave that up a long time ago. I take lessons on the drums, though. I practice every day so I,m getting quite good.

M: That sounds great but I play the drums myself. If you know a keyboard player or a guitarist, tell them to come to our practice. We meet on Tuesdays at 7 in the garage behind my house.

W: OK.

Q: Which musical instrument is the woman learning to play?

Please listen to the following dialogue. The dialogue is followed by five questions. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. The dialogue and questions will be read twice.

W: Hi, Josh. I just saw you having your driving lesson. How did it go?

M: It was OK. Im getting better—on most things anyhow. I had to do some parking at the end and I kept getting that wrong. It’s so difficult.

W: I’m sure it’s all hard. My sister just learned to drive but I decided to leave it for another year or two. I don’t think Im old enough really. I don’t want the responsibility and I know Id get nervous.

M: I know what you mean, but I hate to keep asking my parents to drive me places. It would be easier for them

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if I could drive.

W: Yes, but what about your test? Are you ready to take it soon?

M: I’m not sure. I think I need more lessons. If I took the test next week, I wouldn’t do well.

W: Well. I’m sure you,I’ll pass your driver’s test when you’ve had more lessons. Will you get your own car after passing the test?

M: My parents have said they,ll get me one. They know I can,t afford it and don’t mind helping.

W: You,re lucky. Do you plan to drive to college every day then, or is that too expensive?

M: I’ve thought about it, but I think gas would cost too much and there’s nowhere to park. Ill keep taking the bus.

W: Yeah, the bus would be cheaper. Well, good luck with the lessons.

M: Thanks. See you soon.


What’s the most difficult thing for the man t o learn?

Why doesn’t the woman want to learn to drive now?

When’ll the man take the driving test?

Who’ll buy a car for the man in the future?

How will the man go to college every day?


Please listen to the following passage. The passage is followed by five questions. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage you hear. The passage and questions will be read twice.

Many things that make life easier for us were invented by women. The dishwasher, for example, was invented by a woman in 1886. She was a wealthy American who gave a lot of dinner parties. But she was annoyed that her servants used to break plates and glasses when they were washing them after the party. So, Josephine Cochrane decided to try and invent a machine which could wash plates and glasses safely. Today the dishwasher is used in homes and restaurants.

Another fantastic invention that improved the lives of millions of people was disposable diapers. They were invented by Marion Donovan in 1950. Anybody who has a small baby understands what a big difference her invention made. Today more than 55 million diapers are used every day.

A few years later, in 1956, Bette Nesmith Graham, an office secretary, invented something to help her fix her typing mistakes. In those days, if you made a mistake, you had to get a new sheet of paper and start typing again from the beginning. Graham’s brilliant idea was to use a white liquid to paint over mistakes. Her invention is called white-out today.

And finally ... policemen, soldiers and politicians all over the world are protected by a substance which was invented by a woman. In 1966 Stephanie Kwolek invented a special material which was very light but incredibly strong, much stronger than metal. This textile is used to make bullet-proof vests. Her invention has probably saved thousands of lives.


What are the women mentioned in the passage?

What happened after Josephine Cochrane’s parties?

How many disposable diapers are used every day now?

What was Bette Nesmith Graham’s job?

When did Stephanie Kwolek invent the special material?

Please listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks according to the passage you hear with ONLY ONE WORD. The passage will be read twice.

It,s almost finished! The sports center will be open to the public next week on June 16th—for sports and swimming. The fitness center isn’t finished, however, and won’t be open until August 21st. The fitness center looks out over the lake and has one of the best views in the area. So we’re all looking f orward to that.

What can you do in the sports center? There’re facilities for indoor sports—that’s volleyball, basketball and table tennis—and outdoor sports like football and tennis.

There’s also our new swimming pool. It’s 50 meters long—twice the size of the old pool. And for those of you who want to get fit, you can book an appointment with a fitness advisor who’ll help you decide which equipment to use and which classes to join.

If you want to reserve a place in a class, go to the reception desk or pho ne the sports club. There’re fitness classes, exercise, yoga and dance classes.

Our prices are in line with other sports and fitness centers in the region. You pay an annual fee and then an entrance fee per visit on weekends. It,s a good idea to book as it’ll get very busy on Saturdays and Sundays. Students pay only half-price fees on Wednesdays.

Check out our website or call this phone number ...




)Sentences (句子听写)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

1.copy; available

2. smoking; reduce

3. Besides; challenge

4. divided into

5. as though

)Dialogues (对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

(A)6—10 BACCD

(B)11—15 DBCAB

)Passages (短文理解)(共10小题;16—20小题每小题1分,21—25小题每小题2分;计15分)II.16—20 ACBBD

II I.21. its students 22. east part 23. half of 24. No experience 25. shoes; gloves


)Knowledge & Usage (知识与用法)(共20小题;26—35小题每小题0.5分,36—45小题每小题1分;


84.26. firmly 27. means / way / method 28. peaceful 29. carry out 30. In addition 31. touched / patted

(A)crowded / filled 33. danger / risk / probability 34. right away 35. escaped from

85.36—40 DCBAB 41—45 CBACD

)Cloze (完形填空)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

1.46. importance 47. repeated 48. Soon after 49. catch up with 50. highly

2.51. Actually 52. come 5

3. invention 5

4. to 5

5. including 5

6. how 5

7. a 5

8. general 5

9. them 60. more )Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)(共20小题;61—65小题每小题1分,66—80小题每小题2分; 计35 分)

(A)61—65 BDCAC

(B)66—70 DACEG

(C)71. No, it i sn’t. 72. Her friend (really) comforts her. 73 Keep their lips sealed. 74. 15 / Fifteen

(qualities). 75. To show the importance of having friends / To describe what a friend does or is.

(D)76. local cultures 77. appropriate / appealing 78. affect 79. different concepts 80. successful / a

success )Translation (翻译)(共6小题;81—82小题每小题1分,83—86小题每小题2分;计10分)


82. —个人如果想要真正了解中国文化,就必须花大量时间研究/钻研。


3. I quickly got used to the hot weather there.

Do you know where the strange noise came from?

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How wonderfully the athletes of our school performed at / during the sports meeting!

I t’s Mike that / who has been taking care of / looking after the old lady since 2010.

)Error Correction (短文改错)(共10处错误;每处错误1分,计10分)

If you live in the United States, the law says you c a n,t have 八full-time job until y o u’r e 16 years old. At

14 or

you can work part-time after school or in weekends. And during summer holidays you can work 40 hour each week. Do all that mean if y o u,r e younger than 14, you c a n’t make your own money? Of course no!

Kids in the United States where are between the ages of 10 and 13 can earn money by doing lots of things. For example, Valerie, 11, told us that she made money by cleaning up w ith other pe ople’s yards.

Some students think that asking for money is a lot easy than earning it. However, when you make your own money, you d on’t have to depend on someone else. The five dollars that you earn will probable make you feel much better than the twenty dollars you asking for.

87—96: a / jobs; at/on / during; hours; Does; not; who; w ith; easier; probably; ask

(F)IQTest (智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)


A doorbell.

Because it was a man-eating tiger, but Mrs Brown was a woman.



)Writing (写作)(共2题;A题满分10分,B题满分20分,计30分)

One possible version:

Dear Tony,

I’m glad that y ou’ll take a one-day trip to my hometown. Now let me tell you about the plan for your trip.

In the morning, w e’ll visit the City Art Museum. Y o u’ll learn something about some Chinese artists and see some famous paintings. I hope y o u,ll enjoy them. At noon, w e’ll have a get-together at my home, with my parents. To let you know more about our traditional food customs, w e’ll prepare dumplings and noodles as the main food. And then we can play computer games in my room. In the late afternoon, my father will drive us to the train station to see you off. What do you think of the plan? And what else would you like to do?

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Wang Lin

(105 words) One possible version:

Working Independently or Working in a Team T he r e’re basically two ways to get work done. One is to work independently. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to

start work and how to do it. Wh a t’s more, th ey’ll be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.

Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to

share my experience with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. And learning how to work well in a team can help me get bigger success.

(143 words)


本题总分为30分:(A) 10分;(B) 20分。按四个档次给分。





第四档(很好)(A) 9—10分;(B) 16—20分


第三档(好)(A) 6—8分;(B) 11—15分


第二档(一般)(A) 3—5 分;(B) 6—10 分


第一档(差)(A) 1—2 分;(B) 1 一5 分




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Please listen to the following five sentences. There蒺re several missing words in each sentence. Fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. Each sentence will be read twice.

We,ll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available.

Giving up smoking can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Besides, these schools must meet the challenge of new technology.

The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three types.

It sounds as though you had a good time in the countryside this summer.


Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.

W: Morning, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Thanks. Id like to buy a phone for my father as a birthday present.

Q: What would the man like to buy for his father?

W: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?

M: Go down this street and walk about three minutes. Y o u’r e sure to find it on your right.

Q: Where does the woman want to go?

M: Oh, no! The 12:00 train to London is delayed for up to half an hour.

W: Take it easy, dear. Anyway, we have an hour for lunch.

Q: How will they go to London?

W: A football game between China and Australia is going to be held in our city. How about going with me?

M: Of course! It must be an amazing game. When is it?

W: Next Tuesday, on November 21. I’m sure we’ll have a good day.

Q: Whe n’ll the football game be held?

M: Susan, you look tired and sleepy. Wha t’s wrong?

W: Well, I stayed up all night to finish the report for t od ay’s meeting. You know, i t,s very important for me. M: Yes, but I think you should have a short rest before the meeting.

Q: Why does Susan look tired and sleepy?

Please listen to the following dialogue. The dialogue is followed by five questions. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. The dialogue and questions will be read twice.

M: Hi, Lily. This is Mike.

W: Oh, hi, Mike.

M: Well, Im calling you for a favor.

W: Yes?

M: My roommate and I are going to take a holiday in Hong Kong, and Im wondering whether you could keep an eye on the house. We,r e leaving the day after tomorrow.

W: How long will you stay there?

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M: Just come over every day and give my pet dog some food. The cans of dog food are in the fridge. W: No problem. What about the plants in the room? I need to water them every day. Right?

M: That would be great! I,l l bring the key to you tomorrow morning. Thanks.

W: Y ou,r e welcome. See you tomorrow.

M: See you tomorrow.


Where will Mike and his roommate spend their holiday?

How long will they stay there?

Which animal does Mike keep as a pet?

What does Lily need to water every day?

Whe n’ll Mike give the key to Lily?


Please listen to the following passage. The passage is followed by five questions. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage you hear. The passage and questions will be read twice.

W: Good morning, boys and girls! I,m glad that y ou’ve become the freshmen in our school this year. Im Mary Brown, the head nurse of our school hospital. Ill say a few words about the hospital. Please keep quiet and pay attention to what Ill say.

Our school hospital is in North Building. I t,s open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. Our nurses and doctors are always ready to help you. T he re’s a number you can call anytime—6195568. Of course, I hope that none of you will get sick, but in case you do, I want you to know what to do. For example, if you have a really bad cold, i t’s a good idea to come and see a doctor. Last year, twelve students didn’t take this seriously and became seriously ill. If you don’t feel well, come to see the doctors in the school hospital. Any questions? If not, you can move to the playground to do morning exercise. Have a nice and healthy day.


Wha t’s Mary Brown?

Whe r e’s the school hospital?

Whe n’s the school hospital open?

How many students developed a serious illness from a bad cold last year?

What will the boys and girls probably do next?

Please listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks according to the passage you hear with one word for each blank. The passage will be read twice.

M: Good morning, this is Morning Our City. Im John Smith on the air. If y o u,ve got nothing to do today, why not go to the east part of the city and do some digging?

T ha t’s the message from Maria Miller High School, which is organizing a tree planting event near Moon Mountain. To improve the environmental education of its students and gain pe op le’s attention, the school will plant over the next few days a total of 1,400 trees paid by the government. T hey,r e hoping to plant half of the trees today and they’r e looking for volunteers to come along and help. No experience is necessary. T her e’ll be experts to give directions. Equipment will be provided. Everyone is welcome to come anytime between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. I d on’t think you need my advice on what sort of shoes or clothes to wear, but take work gloves to protect your hands. So it would be a nice day out for all the


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