英语口语自学教程 unit 1-2

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[ɔ:] [ ɔ] [u:] [ u] [ə:] [ə ]
第一部分 音标练习
[i:] [i] [e] [æ] [ɑ:] ɑ [ʌ] ʌ
Me Is Bed Apple Car Bus
See big Desk At Ask Cup
[ɔ:] ɔ [ɔ] ɔ [u:] [u] [ə:] [ə]
Door Not Blue Look Her Again ball Knock Food Good Turn About
1. sentences and words 2. the point to master 3. sentences from the dialogue 4. practice
Reading loudly
1. It is a way of being polite. 2. It is also a way of starting a conversation. 3. A greeting is usually followed by small talk. 4. You’re certainly looking brown and healthy. 5. I’ve got some shopping to do. 6. See you later.
Practice in class
Read the text loudly for 5 minutes personally. Read the dialogue D in pairs.
Unit 2 Intr源自文库ductions
There are some social rules we should observe when we make introductions: 1. Introduce a man to a woman 2. A young person to an older person 3. Those in lower position to those in higher position.
Read the sentences [i:]
1. Chinese people like tea. 2. Do you feed these dogs with meat? 3. Let’s keep in touch. 4. Peter reached the beach. 5. Please believe me. 6. Keep it secret , please.
From Dialogues
1. 2. 3. 4. I went swimming. She went jogging. I went climbing. He went shopping.
Sentences for you
1. When we meet someone we know for the first time during a day, we usually greet him or her. 2. This sounds like a question about a person’s health, but we do not expect the person to tell us about their health when they reply.
He has a very happy family. I am as happy as you. She has three hats and four maps. The fat cat ran after the rat.
The bee is seeing the sea and feels very happy. He eats an apple every year. She gives the pig a fish for breakfast. Her desk is on the ship and his pen is in the bag. The bus is coming for us.
['kɔmplikeitid] ɔ
['di:teil, di'teil]
Bill is very rich. English is taught in his country. It is difficult to buy the ticket.
I will never forget this lesson. It is my pleasure to help you. Ted slept on a red bed. I have a test.
[e] Health Expect
[ i: ] Greeting Feeling [i] Situation Opinion
Necessary Concerned Relationship Buses Formal Formality Polite Backache Though Enough
bee big bed map car bus
[ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u] [ə:] [ə]
tall box food look her China
小组1: 小组 :朗读并判断每行发音
Dream City Sister Leave meat film pity green read milk image field
上册) 英语口语自学教程 (上册) 主编: 主编:余志远 北京外国语大学 出版社: 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
教材特点: 教材特点: 重视语言基本功的训练 提供循序渐进的练习题 注重语言的交际功能 每一课都设有专属话题
1. Introduction 背景知识或文化差异 2. Dialogues 由浅入深, 由浅入深,引导模仿 3. Key Structures 常用句型分类, 常用句型分类,便于学习掌握 4. Fluency Practice 机械练习, 机械练习,发现提高 5. Further Practice 熟练掌握, 熟练掌握,灵活运用
3. Whether a true answer is needed depends on the relationship between the people concerned, and whether the person asking is really interested. 4. Small talk means the little things we talk about at the start of a conversation. 5. People usually agree about the weather , so it is a safe topic for small talk.
Free practice
Thank you Very well How are you ? what’s the weather like today?
Horse or house Fail or feel Feast or fist See and say
[ i:] [I] [ e] [æ] [ɑ:] [ ʌ]
How is Mr. Li? How is your family? How is everybody in the school?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It’s really nice to see you again. It’s really nice of you to come. In Rome do as the Romans do I could do with a beer. Couldn’t be better. Could be better. Just so-so
小组2 小组 朗读并判断每行发音
Family Egg Sad Red black help hand west bad letter rabbit enter
小组3 小组 朗读并判断每行发音
Person Mother Sir Accident earth sugar purse actor turn support service against
[i:] he [i] fish me big Chinese these pig swim
[e] bed let pen desk [æ] bag dad hat map 单词归类 bee, apple , pick, hat, next, sea
[i:] [i] [e] [æ] [ɑ:] [ʌ]
Rule Relaxed Consider Details Status Colleagues Previous Basis Complicated Extend Grasp Gesture
['dʒestʃə] ʃ
['kɔli:g] ɔ
20个单元,13次课 个单元, 次课 个单元 本学期期末成绩构成: 本学期期末成绩构成: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 出勤 朗读录音 个人Presentation 个人 小组表现 学期末口语测试 20分 分 10分 分 20分(至少 次) 至少2次 分 至少 10分 分 共40分 分
学期末口语测试,共 分 学期末口语测试 共40分
1. 2. 3. 朗读单词 20’ 朗读课文(来自课本Lesson 1-15)10’ 朗读课文(来自课本 ) 回答问题 10’
If you have any difficulty, I can share it and help you. Any difficulty should be clear in time and in advance. Co-operating and communicating are the best way in my class. 小型英汉字典必备! 小型英汉字典必备!
1. 自己选材(一篇英文文章或诗歌或 ) 自己选材(一篇英文文章或诗歌或…) 2. 制作成 PowerPoint or Word, 全班 演示讲解( 演示讲解(in English) ) 3. 如完成 有困难,也可提供给每人一 如完成2 有困难, 份打印稿,然后现场英文讲解。 份打印稿,然后现场英文讲解。 4. …
How are you? Informal: Hi, how are you doing / keeping? Hello, how’s everything with you? Formal : Good morning, How are you today?
How are you?
小组4 小组 朗读并判断每行发音
Bar Duck Star Bus car jump laugh color fast luck arm study half run far money
小组5 小组 朗读并判断每行发音
Cool Book Noodle Push food cook tooth wood noon foot two pull school good fruit sugar
小组6 小组 朗读并判断每行发音
Boss Door Hot Force cost corn bottle also dog for stop law watch draw what horse
Read it loudly
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Feel sleepy In the field In the tree Leave the room Sweet dreams Eat pizza