中考英语 句型专题

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father his work ,but when he is free ,he

. 6. 他年龄太小了,不能自己购

物。He is shopping by himself. 7. 过去那里有一棵大树。There

be a big tree. 8. 咱们一起去公园怎么样?going to the park together? 9. 他一到加拿大就把电话打了过

来。 He called us Canada. 10. 他对集邮很感兴趣,以至于为此花费了大量的时间。He is collecting stamps

too much time on it. 11. 为什么不和我们一起去帮助别人呢?join us to help others? 12. 电梯坏了, 让我们走着上楼吧。

the lift. Let’s walk upstairs. 13.提高我们的英语写作能力要花很长时间。

our English writing skills. 14. 作为一名北京青少年,了解如何把北京精神与我们日常生活联系起来是很必要的。As a teenager in Beijing, connect Beijing Spirit with our daily life. 15. 当我们与别人意见不能达成一致时,我


点。We our own opinions when we can’t reach an agreement. 16. 该看脱口秀节目了。

watch the Talk Show. 17. 苏格兰有许多的湖泊和山脉,以美丽的乡村景色而著名。Scotland, with its lakes and mountains,

beautiful countryside. 18. “一夜成名”不像我们想得那么容易。An overnight success is we think. 19. 为了提高英语水平,请多花些时间读英语故事好吗?To improve your English,

? 20. 许多人被清华“励志修车哥”所感动,决定像他那样坚持梦想,并努力使之成为现实。Many people are

“the guy with courage” in Tsinghua like him. 21. 电影院很近,我们步行去吧。The cinema is very near. there on foot. 22. 妈妈很


Mom Man and Nature on TV. 23. 快毕业

了,你最好别浪费时间。We’ll graduate from middle school. waste your time. 24. 不要怕犯


because it’s very common. 25. 学生们抱怨作业多,睡眠不足。The students complain that they have

. 26. 你看上去很疲惫,

为什么不好好休息呢?You look so tired.

have a good rest? 27. 快点儿,该跑步了。Hurry up, please. run. 28. 北京的春天与夏天一样美丽。Spring is

summer in Beijing. 29. 为了节能我们应该人走灯灭。In order to save energy, we

should . 30. 青少年在成长过程中,既要学会面对各种问题,还要竭尽全力解决他们。 Teenagers need to

when they grow up. 二、段

落改错I want have a paintbrush with magic power. It can make whatever I draw to become a reality. With the paintbrush, I can drew

a new earth. There will have no pollution on it. The rivers will

clean and the sky will blue. With the paintbrush, I also want to draw a nice home which people can live happy together like a big family. I want to have the magic paintbrush to draw a beautifully new world.

didn’t visit the museum yesterday. 18. I was so nervous in my English test that I failed. / I was very nervous in my English test, so I failed. 19. When we walk together with friends, we share something interesting so that we know each other better. / We walk together

with friends and we share something interesting, so we know each

other better. 20. We didn’t give up, and we worked harder. / Instead of giving up, we worked harder. 21. Swimming can help lose weight, and is good for health. / Swimming can not only help lose weight, but also benefit our health. 22. We have much homework, so we have no time to exercise. / We have so much homework to do that we have no time to exercise. 23. Get up early, or you’ll be late. 24. Not only Lily but also Lucy can go to Beijing. 三、复合句25. 第二句中 is 前加 it 26. things 后加which 或that 27. 改为Sometimes, the things you see online is not the same as the ones you get back. 28. 改为You can buy some good quality things on the

Inter / You can buy some things which are of good quality on the

Inter 29. thought 改为thinks, she 去掉30. 去掉 so 31.

Five percent of students aren’t sure whether they’re happy or not.

32. I don’t think he told the truth. 33. When you fail the exam or are misunderstood, don’t be sad and smile. 34. Some students don’t
