Biography of father

Biography of father
Biography of father

Biography of father

My father was born in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province in 1963. He has six siblings and he is the youngest son of the family. At that time, the pressure of the six children in the family was very large, so my father kept a good habit of diligence and thrift since childhood and has remained unchanged till now. My father was quite naughty when he was a child and he was a poor student at school. Therefore, he dropped out of school when he did not finish reading. At the age of 19, my father decided to become a soldier in order to serve the motherland. In the four years he was a soldier, he changed from an ordinary citizen to a Jagged man. When he was 24 years old, he retired from the army and married my mother. After he retirement, my father did a lot of careers, including farmers, porters, etc. In the end he chose the profession of the chef because during the time in the army, he worked in the task force and my grandfather was also a chef. My father is a tall man and slightly fat. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his friends and some strangers whom he does not know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I do not like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile and the world needs warm hearts.

My father loves my family and loves his work even better. In the restaurant, he is called workaholic. He spends most of his time working and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed. As a result, he does not enjoy good health.My father has a bad habit that he likes smoking very much. However, I hate it when I seethe house is full of smoke that I know it is bad for his health as well as mothers and mine.I advise him to give up smoking.I am sure he will follow my advice someday.Such is my father and I am proud of having such a good father.
