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I. 独立主格结构

1.Agriculture is the country's cliief source of wealth, wheat ________ b y far the biggest cereal


a. is

b. been

c. be

d. being TEM-4 2003

2.Time _____ , the celebration will be held as scheduled・

a. pemiit

b. pemiitting

c. pennitted

d. pennits TEM-4 2003

3.There ___ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.

a. to be

b. to have been

c. being d・ be 2000

4.___ no cause for alann, the old man went back to his bedioom.

a. There was b・ Since c. Being d. There being 1996

5.The country's cliief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars ________ the most important of


a. have been b・ are c. being d・ are being 1994 Answers: d b c d c

II. 定语从句

1.Above the trees are the hills, ________ magnificence the river faithfiilly reflects oil the surface.

a. where b・ of whose c. whose d. which 2003

2.They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time,

____ is something we had not expected・

a. wliich

b. it

c. that

d. what 2003

3.He is quite woni out from years of hard work. He is not the mail _________ lie was twenty

years ago.

a. wliich b・ that c. who d. whom 2003

4.We've just installed two ak-conditioners in our apartment, ________ should make gieat

difierences in our life next summer.


5.Have you ever been in a situation ______ you know the other person is nght yet you camiot

agree with liim?

a. by which b・ that c. ill where d. where 2002

6.Finns that use computers have found that the number of staff _________ is needed for quality

control can be substantially reduced・

a. whose

b. as

c. what

d. that 2000

e never been to Lhasa, but thafs the city _________・

a. Pd most like to visit b・ which I like to visit mostly

c. where I like to visit

d. Pd like much to visit 1999

8.She remembered several occasions in the past ______she had expei'ienced a similar feeling.

a. wliich

b. before

c. that

d. when 1998

9.The physicist has made a discoveiy _______ o f great importance to the progi'ess of science and


a. I think wliich is b・ that I think is c. which I think is d. I think that is 1997

10.1have never been to London, but that is the city ________ ・

a. where I like to visit most

b. Pd most like to visit

c. wliich I like to visit mostly

d. where I'd like most to visit 1997

11 ・ Tliis company has now introduced a policy ______ ay rises are related to peiionnance at work ・

a. wliich

b. where

c. whether

d. what 1996

12.Only take these clothes ______ really necessaiy.

a. as were b・ as they are c. as they were d・ as are 1994

13.____ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion

produced no concrete proposals.

a. That

b. It

c. Tliis

d. As 1994


1-5: c a b a d6-10: d a c c b ll-13:bbd

III. 状语从句


1.______ I like economics I like sociology much better.

a. As much as b・ So much c. How much d・ Much as 2003

2.Fool _______ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing・
