

The Basics of FEA Procedure有限元分析程序的基本知识

2.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the spring element, especially for the purpose of introducing various concepts involved in use of the FEA technique.


A spring element is not very useful in the analysis of real engineering structures; however, it represents a structure in an ideal form for an FEA analysis. Spring element doesn’t require discretization (division into smaller elements) and follows the basic equation F = ku.

在分析实际工程结构时弹簧元件不是很有用的;然而,它代表了一个有限元分析结构在一个理想的形式分析。弹簧元件不需要离散化(分裂成更小的元素)只遵循的基本方程F = ku We will use it solely for the purpose of developing an understanding of FEA concepts and procedure.


2.2 Overview概述

Finite Element Analysis (FEA), also known as finite element method (FEM) is based on the concept that a structure can be simulated by the mechanical behavior of a spring in which the applied force is proportional to the displacement of the spring and the relationship F = ku is satisfied.

有限元分析(FEA),也称为有限元法(FEM),是基于一个结构可以由一个弹簧的力学行为模拟的应用力弹簧的位移成正比,F = ku切合的关系。

In FEA, structures are modeled by a CAD program and represented by nodes and elements. The mechanical behavior of each of these elements is similar to a mechanical spring, obeying the equation, F = ku. Generally, a structure is divided into several hundred elements, generating a very large number of equations that can only be solved with the help of a computer.

在有限元分析中,结构是由CAD建模程序通过节点和元素建立。每一个元素的力学行为类似于机械弹簧,遵守方程,F =ku。一般来说,一个结构分为几百元素,生成大量的方程,只能在电脑的帮助下得到解决。

The term ‘finite element’ stems from the procedure in which a structure is divided into small but finite size elements (as opposed to an infinite size, generally used in mathematical integration).“有限元”一词源于一个结构分为小而有限大小元素的过程(而不是无限大小,通常用于数学集成)

The endpoints or corner points of the element are called nodes.


Each element possesses its own geometric and elastic properties.


Spring, Truss, and Beams elements, called line elements, are usually divided into small sections with nodes at each end. The cross-section shape doesn’t affect the behavior of a line element; only the cross-sectional constants are relevant and used in calculations. Thus, a square or a circular cross-section of a truss member will yield exactly the same results as long as the cross-sectional area is the same. Plane and solid elements require more than two nodes and can have over 8 nodes for a 3 dimensional element.


A line element has an exact theoretical solution, e.g., truss and beam elements are governed by their respective theories of deflection and the equations of deflection can be found in an engineering text or handbook. However, engineering structures that have stress concentration points e.g., structures with holes and other discontinuities do not have a theoretical solution, and the exact stress distribution can only be found by an experimental method. However, the finite element method can provide an acceptable solution more efficiently.


Problems of this type call for use of elements other than the line elements mentioned earlier, and the real power of the finite element is manifested.

这种类型的问题要求使用前面提到的行元素以外的元素。有限元法能真正的来体现证明。In order to develop an understanding of the FEA procedure, we will first deal with the spring element.


In this chapter, spring structures will be used as building blocks for developing an understanding of the finite element analysis procedure.


Both spring and truss elements give an easier modeling overview of the finite element analysis procedure, due to the fact that each spring and truss element, regardless of length, is an ideally sized element and does not need any further division.


2.3 Understanding Computer and FEA software interaction -

Using the Spring Element as an example


In the following example, a two-element structure is analyzed by finite element method.


The analysis procedure presented here will be exactly the same as that used for a complex structural problem, except, in the following example, all calculations will be carried out by hand so that each step of the analysis can be clearly understood. All derivations and equations are written in a form, which can be handled by a computer, since all finite element analyses are done on a computer. The finite element equations are derived using Direct Equilibrium method.


Two springs are connected in series with spring constant k1, and k2 (lb./in) and a force F (lb.) is applied. Find the deflection at nodes 2, and 3.



For finite element analysis of this structure, the following steps are necessary:

Step 1: Derive the element equation for each spring element.

Step 2: Assemble the element equations into a common equation, knows as the global

or Master equation.

Step 3: Solve the global equation for deflection at nodes 1 through 3





Detailed description of these steps follows.


Step 1: Derive the element equation for each spring element.


First, a general equation is derived for an element e that can be used for any spring

element and expressed in terms of its own forces, spring constant, and node deflections,

as illustrated in figure 2.2.


Element ‘e’ can be thought of as any element in the structure with nodes i and j, forces f i and f j, deflections u i and u j, and the spring constant k e. Node forces f i and f j are internal orces and are generated by the deflections u i and u j at nodes i and j, respectively.

元素“e”可以被认为是结构中的任何元素节点i和j,组合fi和fj,变位ui和uj,弹簧常数k e。节点fi和fj和由变位生成ui和uj节点i和j。

For a linear spring f = ku, and对于一个线性弹簧f = ku,

fi = k e(uj – ui) = - k e(ui-uj) = - k e ui + k e uj

平衡方程:fj = -fi = k e(ui-uj) = k e ui - k e uj

-fi = k e ui - k e uj

- fj = - k e ui + k e uj

Writing these equations in a matrix form, we get


Element (元素)1:



f1 = -k1(u1 – u2) f2 = k1(u1-u2)

f2 = -k2(u2 – u3) f3 = k2(u2-u3)


Note that f3 = F (lb.). This will be substituted in step 2. The above equations represent individual elements only and not the entire structure.

请注意,f3 = F(磅)。这将是在步骤2中代替。上面的方程表示仅单个元素,而不是整个结构。

Step 2 : Assemble the element equations into a global equation.


The basis for combining or assembling the element equation into a global equation is the equilibrium condition at each node.


When the equilibrium condition is satisfied by summing all forces at each node, a set of linear equations is created which links each element force, spring constant, and deflections. In general, let the external forces at each node be F1, F2, and F3, as shown in figure 2.3. Using the equilibrium equation, we can find the element equations, as follows.


The superscript “e” in force f n(e) indicates the contribution made by the element number

e, and the subscript “n” indicates the node “n” at which forces are summed.


Rewriting the equations, we get,重写方程,我们得到,

k1 u1 – k1 u2 = F1

- k1 u1 + k1 u2 + k2 u2 – k2 u3 = F2 (2.1)

- k2 u2 + k2 u3 = F3

These equations can now be written in a matrix form, giving

k1 -这些方程可以写成矩阵形式,代入k1 -

This completes step 2 for assembling the element equations into a global equation. At this stage, some important conceptual points should be emphasized and will be discussed below.这将完成组装的步骤2元素方程为全局方程。在这个阶段,一些重要的概念点应该强调,将在下面讨论。

2.3.1 Procedure for Assembling Element stiffness matrices


The first term on the left hand side in the above equation represents the stiffness constant for the entire structure and can be thought of as an equivalent stiffness constant, given as a single spring element with a value K eq will have an identical mechanical property as the structural stiffness in the above example.


The assembled matrix equation represents the deflection equation of a structure without any constraints, and cannot be solved for deflections without modifying it to incorporate the boundary conditions. At this stage, the stiffness matrix is always symmetric with corresponding rows and columns interchangeable


The global equation was derived by applying equilibrium conditions at each node. In actual finite element analysis, this procedure is skipped and a much simpler procedure is used.


The simpler procedure is based on the fact that the equilibrium condition at each node must always be satisfied, and in doing so, it leads to an orderly placement of individual element stiffness constant according to the node numbers of that element.


The procedure involves numbering the rows and columns of each element, according to the node numbers of the elements, and then, placing the stiffness constant in its corresponding position in the global stiffness matrix. Following is an illustration of this procedure, applied to the example problem.


Element 1:元素1


Structure and function of the MCS-51series Structure and function of the MCS-51series one-chip computer MCS-51is a name of a piece of one-chip computer series which Intel Company produces.This company introduced8top-grade one-chip computers of MCS-51series in1980after introducing8one-chip computers of MCS-48series in1976.It belong to a lot of kinds this line of one-chip computer the chips have,such as8051,8031,8751, 80C51BH,80C31BH,etc.,their basic composition,basic performance and instruction system are all the same.8051daily representatives-51serial one-chip computers. An one-chip computer system is made up of several following parts:(1)One microprocessor of8(CPU).(2)At slice data memory RAM(128B/256B),it use not depositting not can reading/data that write,such as result not middle of operation, final result and data wanted to show,etc.(3)Procedure memory ROM/EPROM (4KB/8KB),is used to preserve the procedure,some initial data and form in slice. But does not take ROM/EPROM within some one-chip computers,such as8031, 8032,80C,etc..(4)Four8run side by side I/O interface P0four P3,each mouth can use as introduction,may use as exporting too.(5)Two timer/counter,each timer/ counter may set up and count in the way,used to count to the external incident,can set up into a timing way too,and can according to count or result of timing realize the control of the computer.(6)Five cut off cutting off the control system of the source. (7)One all duplexing serial I/O mouth of UART(universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter(UART)),is it realize one-chip computer or one-chip computer and serial communication of computer to use for.(8)Stretch oscillator and clock produce circuit,quartz crystal finely tune electric capacity need outer.Allow oscillation frequency as12megahertas now at most.Every the above-mentioned part was joined through the inside data bus.Among them,CPU is a core of the one-chip computer,it is the control of the computer and command centre,made up of such parts as arithmetic unit and controller,etc..The arithmetic unit can carry on8persons of arithmetic operation and unit ALU of logic operation while including one,the1 storing device temporarilies of8,storing device2temporarily,8's accumulation

文献综述 英文

文献综述 大学生时间管理研究——以郑州大学西亚斯国际学院为例 姓名:代永寒学号:20091211205 专业:工商管理班级:工本2班 史蒂芬?柯维的《要事第一》 “要事第一”,顾名思义是指重要的主要的事情要放在第一时间去完成。而在实际工作中我们往往是将认为急迫的紧要的事情放在第一时间完成; 本书通过四个象限来告诉我们如何区分事情的紧急性与重要性,从而告诉我们在平常的工作中应怎样去区分事情属轻属重,以及造成事情紧急性的原因,在平常工作中要注意哪些方面以避免出现紧急事件的情况。 第一象限包括四点:A危机 B 急迫的问题C最后期限迫近的项目 D 会议准备工作等。第一象限显得紧迫与重要,但我们要知道形成第一象限的紧迫与重要主要是因被延误及没有进行计划与预测及计划所致。第二象限包含准备工作、预防、价值、筹划、建立关系、真正的再创造与赋予能力。第二象限属于质量象限,属于重要但不紧迫的事情,但我们必须要去做,因只有这样才能避免出现第一象限包含的情况。第三象限包含干扰、电话;邮件、报告;某些会议;很多临近、急迫的事情及很多流行的活动。第三象限包括“紧急但不重要的事情”,而事实上它易给人造成假象,从而形成第一象限情况。第四象限包含琐事、打发时间的工作、某些电话,解闷,“逃避”行为、无关紧要的邮件及过多地看电视;第四象限属于既不紧急也不重要的事情,它是浪费象限,第四象限中的行为是堕落行为。这四个象限告诉我们如果在办事过程中不是以重要性而是以紧要性为出发点,就会出现第一第三甚至第四象限的情况,在平常的工作中,我们要加以区分,日常工作生活中往往事情越是紧迫,反而说明事情越不重要!像最近存货系统因急着想能早日上线,在运作过程中被卡住,故一心想着去解决软件中存在的问题,而忽略了与其他人员的沟通协调,存货上软件固然重要,但与公司整体运作相比就稍显其次,没合理分配其他人员手头事项,这样会导致其他问题的增多,从而会出现第一第三象限甚至于第四象限的浪费情况。 “要事第一”,告诉我们在日常的工作与生活中要从以下方面着手加以区分、


外文文献: Knowledge of the stepper motor What is a stepper motor: Stepper motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agency. Popular little lesson: When the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to set the direction of rotation at a fixed angle (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time you can control the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes. What kinds of stepper motor sub-: In three stepper motors: permanent magnet (PM), reactive (VR) and hybrid (HB) permanent magnet stepper usually two-phase, torque, and smaller, step angle of 7.5 degrees or the general 15 degrees; reaction step is generally three-phase, can achieve high torque output, step angle of 1.5 degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. 80 countries in Europe and America have been eliminated; hybrid stepper is a mix of permanent magnet and reactive advantages. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: two-phase step angle of 1.8 degrees while the general five-phase step angle of 0.72 degrees generally. The most widely used Stepper Motor. What is to keep the torque (HOLDING TORQUE) How much precision stepper motor? Whether the cumulative: The general accuracy of the stepper motor step angle of 3-5%, and not cumulative.


at89c52单片机简介 中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述 A T89C52 Single-chip microprocessor introduction Selection of Single-chip microprocessor 1. Development of Single-chip microprocessor The main component part of Single-chip microprocessor as a result of by such centralize to be living to obtain on the chip,In immediate future middle processor CPU。Storage RAM immediately﹑memoy read ROM﹑Interrupt system、Timer /'s counter along with I/O's rim electric circuit awaits the main microcomputer section,The lumping is living on the chip。Although the Single-chip microprocessor r is only a chip,Yet through makes up and the meritorous service be able to on sees,It had haveed the calculating machine system property,calling it for this reason act as Single-chip microprocessor r minisize calculating machine SCMS and abbreviate the Single-chip microprocessor。 1976Year the Inter corporation put out 8 MCS-48Set Single-chip microprocessor computer,After being living more than 20 years time in development that obtain continuously and wide-ranging application。1980Year that corporation put out high performance MCS -51Set Single-chip microprocessor。This type of Single-chip microprocessor meritorous service capacity、The addressing range wholly than early phase lift somewhat,Use also comparatively far more at the moment。1982Year that corporation put out the taller 16 Single-chip microprocessor MCS of performance once


MCS-51系列单片机 中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述 Structure and function of the MCS-51 series Structure and function of the MCS-51 series one-chip computer MCS-51 is a name of a piece of one-chip computer series which Intel Company produces. This company introduced 8 top-grade one-chip computers of MCS-51 series in 1980 after introducing 8 one-chip computers of MCS-48 series in 1976. It belong to a lot of kinds this line of one-chip computer the chips have, such as 8051, 8031, 8751, 80C51BH, 80C31BH,etc., their basic composition, basic performance and instruction system are all the same.8051 daily representatives-51 serial one-chip computers. A one-chip computer system is made up of several following parts: (1) One microprocessor of 8 (CPU). ( 2) At slice data memory RAM (128B/256B),it use not depositing not can reading /data that write, such as result not middle of operation, final result and data wanted to show, etc. (3) Procedure memory ROM/EPROM (4KB/8K B ), is used to preserve the


Title :Magnetic motor shell stamping process and die design Author:yu Department of Materials "Magnetic motor shell stamping process and die design" literature review Abstract摘要 By read these references and documents, in-depth understanding of the contemporary mold of advanced manufacturing technology and metal forming technology, a number of instances of mold design and the understanding and learning, to further study the method of stamping die design, die design and thus have a directionalguidance.As used in this design and drawing die punching die and so on, through the design of the book related to mold in-depth study, this drawing die and the punching die and so the design methods have shape.These references and documents, the design of low-cost high-accuracy die with directional guidance. Keywords: Mold advanced manufacturing technology Mold Manufacturing Trends Drawing Punching CAE Die Materials Prices Preface前言 As China's economic integration with the world economy, the rapid development of basic industries, mold manufacturing industry is also developing fast.In the current economic situation, people pay more attention to efficiency, product quality, cost, and new product development capabilities.The innovation and development of mold manufacturing concern. 1.1 The history of the development of mold Archaeological discoveries in China, as early as 2,000 years ago, China has been used to make bronze stamping dies to prove that in ancient China stamping die stamping and achievements to the world's leading.In 1953, the Changchun First Automobile Works in China for the first time established a stamping plants, the plant began manufacturing cars in 1958, cover mold.60 years of the 20th century began producing fine blanking dies.In walked a long path of development temperature, the present, China has formed more than 300 billion yuan (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan statistics) the production capacity of various types of stamping dies. 1.2 Development Status and Trends Die Since reform and opening, with the rapid development of the national economy, the market demand of mold growing.In recent years, the mold industry has been the growth rate of about 15% of the rapid development of industrial enterprises in the ownership of the mold components also changed dramatically, in addition to professional mold factory outside of state-owned, collective, joint ventures, wholly-owned and private has been a rapid development.


The finite element analysis Finite element method, the solving area is regarded as made up of many small in the node connected unit (a domain), the model gives the fundamental equation of sharding (sub-domain) approximation solution, due to the unit (a domain) can be divided into various shapes and sizes of different size, so it can well adapt to the complex geometry, complex material properties and complicated boundary conditions Finite element model: is it real system idealized mathematical abstractions. Is composed of some simple shapes of unit, unit connection through the node, and under a certain load. Finite element analysis: is the use of mathematical approximation method for real physical systems (geometry and loading conditions were simulated. And by using simple and interacting elements, namely unit, can use a limited number of unknown variables to approaching infinite unknown quantity of the real system. Linear elastic finite element method is a ideal elastic body as the research object, considering the deformation based on small deformation assumption of. In this kind of problem, the stress and strain of the material is linear relationship, meet the generalized hooke's law; Stress and strain is linear, linear elastic problem boils down to solving linear equations, so only need less computation time. If the efficient method of solving algebraic equations can also help reduce the duration of finite element analysis.


利用单片机的定时器 6.1 前言 这一章包含一个描述的定时器系统微控制器,包括通用定时器,该定时器,和看门狗。 6.2 总体结构和功能,计时器系统 时间是必不可少的操作微控制器系统,可以生成信号的精确确定的期限,或外部事件计数。这原因,定时器子系统,是目前所有的微控制器的实现,和涵盖的范围广泛的功能包括: ?生成精确的时间间隔 ?测量时间的外部事件 ?计数外部事件。 多数微控制器提供专用定时器,或使用通用计时器实现以下功能: ?实时时钟 ?产生的脉冲宽度调制(脉宽调制)信号 ?看门狗检测程序失控情况。 虽然有很大的差异在不同的实现通用定时器在不同的微控制器,有许多相似在操作的原则和结构的定时器子系统。 图6.1显示了一个定时器系统总体框图,说明原则实施最单片机定时器。核心要素的定时器子系统是一个计数器,tcnt(8或16位在长度),这可能是读或写的软件(有时)。时钟tcnt 得到从系统时钟,除以一个可编程分频器,或外部时钟应用到一个单片机引脚。软件控制的计时器68使用6单片机定时器。

采用控制寄存器晶体管和信息方面的各种事件相关的计时器,可以读取状态寄存器tflg。几种工作模式是可能的计时器: 定时器溢出。在这种模式下,如果感兴趣的是当tcnt计数器达到它的最大数量和返回到零在下一个时钟脉冲。溢出信号这标志着这一事件是应用于中断控制逻辑(Ⅱ),这可能产生一个中断请求处理器。之间的时间间隔连续溢出控制通过修改输入时钟频率应用到tcnt,或以书面tcnt 一初始值的计算。 ?输入捕获。在这种经营模式,内容tcnt此刻的发生外部事件,定义边缘的一个输入信号,转移在捕获寄存器(民事),和一个中断请求可能会生成。由比较连续值捕获率,有可能确定之间的时间间隔的外部事件。 ?输出比较。在这种经营模式,内容tcnt不断比较了硬件的内容的光学字符识别(比较寄存器的输出)指数字比较器的比较。当一个寄存器的内容比赛中,一个中断请求可能会生成。或者,可以比较匹配通过编程改变现状的一个或多个输出线。 ?外部事件计数器。在这种经营模式,输入tcnt连接一个单片机输入线,和tcnt计数脉冲与外部事件。该软件是了解记录一些外部通过阅读tcnt事件。 6.3 特点鲜明的通用定时器HC 11 16位tcnt计数器HC 11可以依靠内部时钟,只有向上的。它可以读取软件,但不能被清除或书面。分频器是一个可编程的4位计数器,它将系统时钟的1,4,8,或16。有四个16位输出比较寄存器(光学字符识别),称为toc1,toc2,toc3,和toc4,三输入捕获寄存器(民事),称为tic1,tic2,和tic3,和一个额外的寄存器,可通过软件配置为五分之一 光学字符识别寄存器,笔名TOC五,或作为四分之一个输入捕获寄存器tic4。各种定时器功能相关的输入/输出线端口,如图所示在表6.1。 表6.1 替代功能的输入/输出线端口 1控制和状态寄存器的HC 11定时器虽然反tcnt,和分频器是独一无二的,在场的八民事/光学字符识别寄存器,各有不同的状态标志,相关的输入/输出线,随着可能产生不同的中断请求,


英语专业文献综述 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

Y i b i n U n i v e r s i t y 2015届本科毕业论文文献综述 题目_翻译目的论指导下的英语介词汉译策略研究 二级学院外国语学院 专业英语 学生姓名简汝梦 学号年级 2011级 指导教师徐文英职称讲师 年月日 文献综述 翻译目的论指导下的英语介词汉译策略研究 Study on the Translation Strategies of English Prepositions Based on Skopos Theory 摘要:英语介词使用频率高,搭配能力强,含义灵活,因此在翻译中属于比较难以处理的一种词类。目的论论者认为翻译是有明确的目的和意图,在译者的作用

下,以原文文本为基础的跨文化的人类交际活动。目的论以文本目的为翻译过程的第一准则,目的决定了译者需要采用何种翻译策略和方法。目的论的提出为英语介词的汉译提供了可靠的指导。本文将目的论引入到介词翻译中,认为在目的论原则的指导下,英语介词的汉译可通过加词、减词、分译、转译等策略来达到较好的翻译效果以及更好地实现翻译目的。 关键词:英语介词;翻译;目的论 导言:随着时代的发展,以及中国入世的大好形势的出现,汉语与英语在世界上似乎显得同等重要,所以将这两种语言互相转化是我们越来越重要的任务。在英语中,英语介词数量不多,但其构成的介词短语在英语中的出现频率很高,功能多样且位置灵活,对构成句子具有重要作用,因此对于英语介词的翻译策略问题一直深受广大翻译学者的关注。目的论以文本目的为翻译过程的第一准则,目的论者认为翻译是一种有目的的活动,目的决定了译者需要采用何种翻译策略和方法,即“目的决定论”。目的论的提出为英语介词汉译提供了有效的指导。因此,译者若能熟练掌握翻译目的和翻译方法,则能译出高质量的译文。鉴于此,本文先是阐述各大专家对于英语介词翻译以及翻译目的论的已有研究和探索,并结合笔者自己的观点加以评述;然后以此综述在翻译目的论指导下研究英语介词的汉译策略是个切实可行的手段;最后预测此观点的发展前景一定是光明受欢迎的。 历史发展:对于翻译目的论的发展历程,笔者在总结各前辈的资料中得出:在20世纪70年代,功能主义翻译理论兴起于德国,其四大代表性人物及其理论是: 凯瑟林娜·赖斯(Katharina Reiss)的功能主义翻译批评理论(functional category


The Basics of FEA Procedure有限元分析程序的基本知识 2.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the spring element, especially for the purpose of introducing various concepts involved in use of the FEA technique. 本章讨论了弹簧元件,特别是用于引入使用的有限元分析技术的各种概念的目的 A spring element is not very useful in the analysis of real engineering structures; however, it represents a structure in an ideal form for an FEA analysis. Spring element doesn’t require discretization (division into smaller elements) and follows the basic equation F = ku. 在分析实际工程结构时弹簧元件不是很有用的;然而,它代表了一个有限元分析结构在一个理想的形式分析。弹簧元件不需要离散化(分裂成更小的元素)只遵循的基本方程F = ku We will use it solely for the purpose of developing an understanding of FEA concepts and procedure. 我们将使用它的目的仅仅是为了对开发有限元分析的概念和过程的理解。 2.2 Overview概述 Finite Element Analysis (FEA), also known as finite element method (FEM) is based on the concept that a structure can be simulated by the mechanical behavior of a spring in which the applied force is proportional to the displacement of the spring and the relationship F = ku is satisfied. 有限元分析(FEA),也称为有限元法(FEM),是基于一个结构可以由一个弹簧的力学行为模拟的应用力弹簧的位移成正比,F = ku切合的关系。 In FEA, structures are modeled by a CAD program and represented by nodes and elements. The mechanical behavior of each of these elements is similar to a mechanical spring, obeying the equation, F = ku. Generally, a structure is divided into several hundred elements, generating a very large number of equations that can only be solved with the help of a computer. 在有限元分析中,结构是由CAD建模程序通过节点和元素建立。每一个元素的力学行为类似于机械弹簧,遵守方程,F =ku。一般来说,一个结构分为几百元素,生成大量的方程,只能在电脑的帮助下得到解决。 The term ‘finite element’ stems from the procedure in which a structure is divided into small but finite size elements (as opposed to an infinite size, generally used in mathematical integration).“有限元”一词源于一个结构分为小而有限大小元素的过程(而不是无限大小,通常用于数学集成) The endpoints or corner points of the element are called nodes. 元素的端点或角点称为节点。 Each element possesses its own geometric and elastic properties. 每个元素拥有自己的几何和弹性。


中文资料原文 单片机 单片机也被称为微控制器(Microcontroller Unit),常用英文字母的缩写MCU表示单片机,它最早是被用在工业控制领域。单片机由芯片内仅有CPU的专用处理器发展而来。最早的设计理念是通过将大量外围设备和CPU集成在一个芯片中,使计算机系统更小,更容易集成进复杂的而对体积要求严格的控制设备当中。INTEL的Z80是最早按照这种思想设计出的处理器,从此以后,单片机和专用处理器的发展便分道扬镳。 早期的单片机都是8位或4位的。其中最成功的是INTEL的8031,因为简单可靠而性能不错获得了很大的好评。此后在8031上发展出了MCS51系列单片机系统。基于这一系统的单片机系统直到现在还在广泛使用。随着工业控制领域要求的提高,开始出现了16位单片机,但因为性价比不理想并未得到很广泛的应用。90年代后随着消费电子产品大发展,单片机技术得到了巨大提高。随着INTEL i960系列特别是后来的ARM系列的广泛应用,32位单片机迅速取代16位单片机的高端地位,并且进入主流市场。而传统的8位单片机的性能也得到了飞速提高,处理能力比起80年代提高了数百倍。目前,高端的32位单片机主频已经超过300MHz,性能直追90年代中期的专用处理器,而普通的型号出厂价格跌落至1美元,最高端[1]的型号也只有10美元。当代单片机系统已经不再只在裸机环境下开发和使用,大量专用的嵌入式操作系统被广泛应用在全系列的单片机上。而在作为掌上电脑和手机核心处理的高端单片机甚至可以直接使用专用的Windows和Linux操作系统。 单片机比专用处理器更适合应用于嵌入式系统,因此它得到了最多的应用。事实上单片机是世界上数量最多的计算机。现代人类生活中所用的几乎每件电子和机械产品中都会集成有单片机。手机、电话、计算器、家用电器、电子玩具、掌上电脑以及鼠标等电脑配件中都配有1-2部单片机。而个人电脑中也会有为数不少的单片机在工作。汽车上一般配备40多部单片机,复杂的工业控制系统上甚至可能有数百台单片机在同时工作!单片机的数量不仅远超过PC机和其他计算的总和,甚至比人类的数量还要多。 单片机又称单片微控制器,它不是完成某一个逻辑功能的芯片,而是把一个计算机系统集成到一个芯片上。相当于一个微型的计算机,和计算机相比,单片机只缺少了I/O设备。概括的讲:一块芯片就成了一台计算机。它的体积小、质量轻、价格便宜、为学习、应用和开发提供了便利条件。同时,学习使用单片机是了解计算机原理与结构的最佳选择。


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Journals reviewed: Detection of intelligent pension and medical care In April 28, 2011, Chinese Bureau of Statistics released the “In 2010 Sixth National Census Data (No. first)”.In the composition of age, the population aged 60 and over is 177648705,accounting for 13.26%,the population aged 65 and over is 118831709,accounting for 8.87%. Compared with the 2000 fifth national population census, the proportion of the population aged 60 and over increased by 2.93 percentage points, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over increased by 1.91 percentage points.[1] Based on the above data, we can see that China has been in the stage of population aging society, the proportion of elderly in the total population is large. Under the background of the country’s population aging, how to make the elderly live healthier lives and how to detect the body and activity for a disease of the elderly, make the life safer, avoid accidents and so on have been a problem concerned by the whole society. Nowadays, a remote monitoring and diagnosis technology based on network and human physiological parameters sensor has become hot spot of research. This technology mainly take advantage of network information technology to conduct remote data monitoring of human physiological characteristics and distinguishing diagnosis and the realization of interaction between patients and medical personnel, medical institution, medical equipment, to achieve real-time online monitoring and make evaluation to the state of the person being monitoring. Once the abnormal situation, there will be a timely alarm or informs of alerting relevant personnel for disposal. At present, the domestic research in this area is divided into three levels: (1) the intelligent research about disease diagnosis and treatment,(2) health monitoring and management based on network.(3) preliminary intelligent medical system. The study on first level is modeling or expert system to some disease diagnosis. The main process is: according to the experience of doctor and pathological knowledge and clinical data, we can make the extracted factors and characteristics closely related to the disease as the input parameters and whether suffering this disease as the output parameters, and then use the clinical data to model training and validation to discriminate whether suffer this disease for a patient with the proposed model or expert system. Some achievement of research in this area has high rate of success to the diagnosis of partial disease, and accumulate substantial knowledge and experience to the subsequent material intelligent medical treatment. For example, Liaoning University professor Wang Yanqiu guides students to discuss the symptom of abdominal pain, by using fuzzy neural network algorithm, to discriminate the kind of diseases. They study the relevant acute appendicitis, gastric cancers, acute intestinal obstruction and other 12 kinds of diseases.[2] The research include fuzzy neural network and related expert knowledge of various diseases corresponding abdominal pain. Some expert knowledge express with fuzzy neural network, and take advantage of clinical data to train, combined with other relevant information, achieve certain results in the auxiliary diagnosis and treatment of abdominal pain. A similar research is: Shen Hong[3] use BP neural networks to identify 3 kinds of ECG-the normal, inferior wall myocardial infarction and acute anterior myocardial infarction. Wang Jiaxiang[4] discusses the application value of ANN in diagnosis of liver cancer, making higher sensitivity and specificity than traditional methods. Zhao Bingrang[5] apply ANN to the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. They practice by 1200 cases and detect 300 cases, then conduct simulation of 167 cases diagnosis. The results show that the accuracy of ANN diagnosis was 91.02%, sensitivity and specificity were 92.79% and 87.05%. Wang Yijie[6] of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese
