




















































Unit 1 Auditing

PART I 《审计》科目专业词汇和词组基本情况说明





PART II 重点词汇、词组讲解

Professional Ethics 职业道德操守

1.appointment, removal and resignation of auditor* 注册会计师的任命、解聘和辞职【讲解】

(1)removal意为“移除”,在审计专业中作“解聘,解雇”讲。同义的词有fire。Fire 作动词时意为“开火”,引申为“解雇”,它的反义词为hire,意为“雇佣,租用”。HP, hire purchase,即为“租购”之意。

(2)resignation [rez?g'ne??(?)n] n. 辞职;resign [r?'za?n] v.

2.fundamental principles* 基本原则


(1)形近词辨析:principle & principal

Principle ['pr?ns?p(?)l] n. 原则

Principal ['pr?ns?p(?)l] n. (经济法)当事人,委托人;(财管)本金;校长;adj. 首要的,重要的

(2)趣味记忆:principal principle 重要的原则(两个单词同音)

3.professional ethics* 职业道德


(1)ethics ['eθ?ks] n. 道德,伦理

(2)code [k??d] n. 准则,法典 code of ethics (尤指职业的)道德规范、道德准则,职业道德操守

3-1 integrity* [?n'tegr?t?] n. 诚信



3-2 objectivity/subjectivity* [??bd?ek't?v?t?;??bd??k't?v?t?]/[?s?bd?ek'tiv?ti] n. 客观性/主观性

e.g. A CPA shall comply with fundamental principles of integrity and objectivity, maintain independence when performing audit and review engagements, as well as other assurance engagements.



(1)objective [?b'd?ekt?v] n. 目的,目标adj. 客观地。Objectivity为“客观性”之意。一个单词,既有名词词性又有形容词词性,且不同词性的释义不同;该词形容词对应的名词与形容词词义相匹配。

(2)subjective [s?b'd?ekt?v] adj. 主观的

3-3 professional competence and due care* 专业胜任能力和应有的关注


(1)competent ['k?mp?t(?)nt] adj. 胜任的,有能力的,能干的(2)competitive [k?m'pet?t?v] adj. 竞争的,竞争性的,比赛的

(3)competition [k?mp?'t??(?)n] n. 竞争,比赛

(4)compete [k?m'pi?t] v. 竞争,比赛,对抗

(5)总词根分叉记忆:compete [k?m'pi?t] v. 竞争,比赛,对抗

competent competence


competitive competition

Unit 1 Auditing

PART II 重点词汇、词组讲解

Professional Ethics 职业道德操守

3-4 confidentiality* [?k?nfi?den?i'?liti]n.保密



4.independence* [?nd?'pend(?)ns] n. 独立,独立性


(1)(反义词)dependence,通常与介词on连用,即dependence on/depend on依靠、依赖


(3)前缀in- 表示“NOT”之意,这是该前缀的含义之一。例如:inadequate,inappropriate,ineffective等等。前缀un-也有“NOT”之意,unqualified,uncover。

4-1 bias* ['ba??s] n. 偏见


【同】prejudice ['pred??d?s] n.&v. 偏见,侵害

5.safeguard* ['se?fgɑ:d] n. 防范措施

e.g. When accepting an audit or review engagement, as well as an assurance engagement, accounting firms shall apply safeguards to maintain independence of the firm and engagement teams.




(2)review engagement审阅业务

(3)engagement [?n'ge?d?m(?)nt;en-] n. 约会,诺言,婚约;在审计中意为“与客户签订的业务约定”。

6.self-interest* n. 自身利益

6-1 employment with assurance client* 与审计客户发生雇佣关系


(1)assurance [?'r(?)ns] n. 保证,确信

(2)在审计中,还意为“鉴证”,assurance service,鉴证服务。


6-2 gifts and hospitality* 礼品和款待


(1)hospitality [h?sp?'t?l?t?] n. 好客,款待,殷勤

(2)记忆联想:hospital(医院)+ ity = hospitality(象在医院对病人进行照顾一样,显得那样殷勤)

7.advocacy* ['?dv?k?s?] n. 过度推介



8.familiarity* [f?m?l?'?r?t?] n. 亲密关系


记忆联想:family,因为和家庭有关,所以很亲密。familiar [f?'m?l??] adj. 熟悉的,常见的,亲近的(也和家庭有关)be familiar with,对……熟悉

9.intimidation* [in'timi'dei??n] n. 外在压力

e.g. Compliance with the fundamental principles may potentially be threatened by a broad range of factors.The nature and significance of the treats may differ depending on the type of engagement the CPA performs. Threats fall into one or more

of the following categories: (a) self-interest; (b) self-review; (c) advocacy; (d) familiarity and (e) intimidation.



(1)【同】threat[θret] n. 威胁,恐吓

(2)【同】menace ['men?s] n.&v. 威胁,恐吓


10.conflicts of interests* 利益冲突

e.g. A CPA shall act fairly and truthfully, not to compromise their professional judgment because of bias, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others. 【译】注册会计师应当公正处事、实事求是,不得由于偏见、利益冲突或他人的不当影响而损害自己的职业判断。


(1)compromise ['k?mpr?ma?z] n.& v. 折衷,妥协,让步

(2)due adj. 到期的,应付的,适当的,应有的

(3)due to由于

11.custody of client assets 保管客户资产


custody ['k?st?d?] n. 保管,监护

legal custody 法定监护权

12.terminate* ['t?:m?ne?t] v. (使)终结;(使)结束;解雇

e.g. If safeguards cannot eliminate or reduce the threat to an acceptable level, the CPA shall decline or terminate the relevant engagement.


12-1 eliminate [?'l?m?ne?t] v. 消除;排除

e.g. In exercising this judgment, a CPA shall consider whether a reasonable and informed third party, weighting all the specific facts and circumstances available to the CPA at the time, would be likely to conclude that the threats would be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level by the application of the safeguards, such that compliance with the fundamental principles is not compromised. 【译】在运用判断时,注册会计师应当考虑:一个理性且掌握充分信息的第三方,在权衡注册会计师当时可获得的所有具体事实和情况后,是否很可能认为这些防范措施能够消除不利影响或将其降低至可接受的水平,以使职业道德基本原则不受损害。


(1)informed [?n'f?:md] adj. 知情的,见多识广的

(2)compliance with 遵循,遵守

(3)comply with 遵循,遵守

13.solicit* [s?'l?s?t] v. 招揽;征求

e.g. A CPA shall not solicit new work by the use of coercion, cheat, inducement or harassment.



(1)coercion [k??'?:?(?)n] n. 强迫,强制

(2)cheat [t?i:t] n. 欺骗,作弊v. 欺骗(动词同义词deceive [d?'si:v] v. 欺骗,行骗)

(3)inducement [?n'dju:sm(?)nt] n. 诱因,诱导

(4)harassment [h?'r?sm?nt] n. 骚扰

Unit 1 Auditing

PART II 重点词汇、词组讲解

Professional Ethics 职业道德操守

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4119191291.html,/doc/1b7055659.html,work* ['netw??k] n. 网络

e.g. The judgment as to whether a larger structure is a network shall be made in light of whether a reasonable and informed third party would be likely to conclude, weighting all the specific facts and circumstances, that the entities create a network.


(1)in light of 根据,鉴于

(2)weight [we?t] v. 加重量于,给予权重 n. 权重,重要性

15.public interest entities* 公众利益实体



16.financial interest* 经济利益



17.immediate family* 主要近亲属


immediate [?'mi?d??t] adj. 直接的,最接近的

18.valuation services *评估服务

18-1 taxation services* 税务服务

18-2 internal audit services* 内部审计服务

18-3 IT systems services* 信息技术系统服务

18-4 litigation support services* 诉讼支持服务


(1)litigation [l?t?'ge??(?)n] n. 诉讼,起诉

(2)appeal[?'pi?l] n. 上诉,请求,呼吁v. 将……上诉

(3)sue [s(j)u?] v. 控告,向……提起诉讼

(4)action ['?k?(?)n] n. 诉讼;诉讼权,提起诉讼之权

(5)claim [kle?m] n.&v. 索赔,索偿

18-5 legal services* 法律服务

18-6 recruiting services* 招聘服务

18-7 corporate finance services* 公司理财服务

19.overdue fee* 逾期收费


overdue [??v?'dju?] adj. 逾期的,过期的

19-1 contingent fee* 或有收费


contingent [k?n't?nd?(?)nt] adj. 或有的,偶然发生的

e.g. Unless permitted by law or regulation, a CPA shall not provide assurance services with contingent fee arrangements, that is, whether to charge or the level of fees charged shall not be determined by the outcome or result of the assurance work performed or a specific object achieved.


19-2 referral fee* 介绍费


referral [ri'f?:r?l] n. 介绍,参考,提及,被推荐的人

e.g. A CPA may also pay a referral fee to obtain a client. The payment of such a referral fee also creates a threat to objectivity and professional competence and due care.


20.actual or threatened litigation* 诉讼或诉讼威胁

21.successor auditor* 后任注册会计师

21-1 present auditor 现任注册会计师

21-2 【反】predecessor* n. 前任;前辈predecessor auditor 前任注册会计师

e.g. Before accepting an audit engagement, the successor auditor shall conduct the required communication with the predecessor auditor and evaluate the results of the communication so as to determine whether to accept the audit engagement. 【译】在接受委托前,后任注册会计师应当与前任注册会计师进行必要沟通,并对沟通结果进行评价,以确定是否接受委托。



(1)现任注册会计师,也可用existing auditor来表达。

(2)present ['prez(?)nt] n. 礼物,现在 adj. 现在的,出席的 v. 提出,介绍,呈现e.g. at present 目前,现在

Fundamentals to Audit 审计基本原理

22.audit* ['??d?t] v. & n. 审计


22-1 auditor* ['??d?t?] n. 审计师;审计人员

【说明】在考试答题中,如没有明确约定,auditor一词通常指外聘审计人员,即注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant, CPA)。外部审计人员也可表述为external auditor,与内部审计人员internal auditor相对应。

22-2 audit objective* 审计目标

e.g. The objective of an audit of financial statements is to enable the auditor to express an opinion on whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework. 【译】财务报表



audience ['??d??ns] n. 听众,观众。审计的词根源于aud-,有“听”的意思在里面。

Unit 1 Auditing

PART II 重点词汇、词组讲解

Fundamentals to Audit 审计基本原理


35-5 audit evidence['ev?d(?)ns] * 审计证据

e.g. Audit evidence is all of the information used by the auditor in arriving a t the conclusions on which the auditor’s opinion is based.



arrive at 到达某处(具体),到达某点(抽象)。在表达具体物理地点时,at后面接“小地方”;若接介词in,则后面接“大地方”。


arrive at the rail station

arrive in Beijing

35-6 audit resources[ri'z?:siz]* 审计资源

36.audit risk审计风险

36-1 inherent risk* 固有风险

36-2 control risk* 控制风险

36-3 detection risk* 检查风险

36-4 risk of material misstatements* 重大错报风险

Audit risk = Inherent risk × Control risk × Detection risk

Risk of material misstatement is made up of inherent risk and control risk.

e.g. Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated. It is a function of the risk of material misstatement (inherent risk and control risk) and the risk that auditor will not detect such misstatement (detection risk).



(1)risk of material misstatements,通常缩写为RMM

(2)function ['f??(k)?(?)n] n. 函数,职能,功能

37.misstatement* [m?s'steitm?nt] n. 错报;虚假陈述




mislead 误导

miscalculation 误算

misappropriation 滥用

misrepresentation 错误表示

38.error* ['er?] n. 错误(无意识做错)

39.manual voucher 手工传票;手工凭证

39-1 【反】electric voucher电子传票;电子凭证

40.contradiction* [k?ntr?'d?k?(?)n] n. 矛盾,对立;反驳,否认

40-1 【同】inconsistent* [?nk?n's?st(?)nt] adj. 矛盾的;不一致的

40-2 【反】consistent with* 与……一致;符合



conform to 符合,遵照

coincide with 符合,与……相一致

41.acceptable* [?k'sept?b(?)l] adj. 可接受的

41-1 【反】unacceptable* [?n?k'sept?b(?)l] adj. 不可接受的

【记忆小窍门】在财经专业英语中,某些词汇根据需要,往往采用构词法中的前后缀辅以表达。我们常见的前缀之一为:un-,意为“not”,表示“否定”的意思。例如:unnecessary = un + necessary = 不必要的,无用的

unsatisfactory = un + satisfactory = 不令人满意的,不满足的uncontrollable = un + controllable = 无法控制的,难以驾驭的

42.professional skepticism * 职业怀疑精神

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4119191291.html,/doc/1b7055659.html,bined approach* 综合性方案

e.g. The auditor’s general approach to the audit may consist of either a substantive

approach, in which substantive procedures are emphasized, or a combined approach, in which both tests of controls and substantive procedures are used.



(1)substance over form 实质重于形式(substance是substantive的名词形式)(2)approach [?'pr??t?] n. 方法,接近,途径 v.接近




44.sufficient* [s?'f??(?)nt] adj. 充分的,足够的。sufficiency n. 充足,充分性

44-1 【同】adequate adj. 充足的,足够的。该词名词形式为adequacy。

45.appropriate* [?'pr??pr??t] adj. 适当的。v. 占用,拨出



46.available[?'ve?l?b(?)l] adj.可得到的;可用的

46-1 availability [??ve?l?'b?l?t?] n. 可得性;可用性;有效性

47.aggregate* ['?gr?g?t] v. 合计;集合;n.合计;总计;集合体;adj. 合计的;集合的

48.proficiency[pr?'f??(?)ns?] n. 熟练,精通

49.assertion* [?'s(?)n] n. 认定

e.g. If management has made an assertion in the financial statements to the effect that a related party transaction was conducted on terms equivalent to those prevailing in an arm’s length transaction, the auditor shall obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the assertion.



(1)related party transaction, RPT 关联方交易

(2)term (小品词)期限,条款,术语,学期

(3)in an arm’s length transaction 公平交易

49-1 rights and obligations* n. 权利和义务

49-2 valuation and allocation* 计价和分摊

49-7 classification and understandability* 分类和可理解性

49-8 cut-off* n. 截止

50.CAATs (Computer-Assisted Audit Techniques) 计算机辅助审计技术

e.g. In highly automated systems, complex audit trails and the elimination of physical source documents may mean that CAATs are the only feasible way to complete the audit in a timely manner.



audit trail 审计线索 trail [tre?l] n. 痕迹,踪迹

Unit 1 Auditing

PART II 重点词汇、词组讲解

Fundamentals to Audit 审计基本原理

53.explicit* [?k'spl?s?t; ek-] adj. 明确的;清楚的;直率的

53-1 【反】implicit* [?m'pl?s?t] adj. 暗示的;含蓄的




export [?k'sp??t; ek-; 'ek-] n.&v. 出口,输出

extract [?k'str?kt; ek-] v.&n. 提取,榨取,抽取

external [?k'st??n(?)l; ek-] adj. 外部的 n. 外部,外观

exclusion [?k'sklu??(?)n; ek-] n. 排除,排斥


ex-president 前任总统

ex-soldier 退伍军人

ex-husband 前夫


expurgate ['eksp??ge?t] v. 删除,删去,使清洁

exaggerate [?g'z?d??re?t; eg-] v.夸大

exalt [?g'z??lt; eg-] v. 提升,提拔,赞扬,使得意



impossible adj. 不可能的

impartial adj. 公平的

immoral [?'m?r(?)l] adj. 不道德的

imbalance n. 不平衡,不安定


implicit (im+plic(重叠)+it → 进入重叠→不知说→含蓄)

imprison (im+prision监狱→进入监狱→监禁)

impulse (im+pulse跳动→内部的悸动→冲动)

54.audit sampling*审计抽样

54-1 statistical sampling 统计抽样

54-2 non-statistical sampling 非统计抽样

54-3 attribute sampling 属性抽样

54-4 variable sampling 变量抽样


attribute 还有动词词性,意为“归属,把……归于”,通常与介词to连用。

55.population [p?pj?'le??(?)n]n. (抽样)总体



56.sampling risk抽样风险

56-1 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险

57.random selection随机数选样

57-1 systematic selection 系统选样

57-2 haphazard selection 随意选样

58.tolerable misstatement 可容忍错报

58-1 tolerable rate of deviation可容忍偏差率

59.stratification [?str?tifi'kei ?(?)]n.分层

60.PPS Sampling(Probability-Proportional-to-Size Sampling)概率比例规模抽样

61.materiality* [m?'ti?ri'?liti] n.重要性

61-1 material* [m?'ti?ri?l] adj.重要的;实质的

62.truth and fairness*真实公允

63.acknowledge* [?k'n?l?d?] v. 承认,认可;告知已收到

63-1 acknowledge receipt 确认收到;证实收到


acknowledgement [?k'nɑl?d?m?nt] n. 承认,确认,感谢

64.judgment* ['d??d?m?nt]n. 判断,辨别力;



65.justify* ['d??st?fa?] v. 证明……是正当的

65-1 justification [d??st?f?'ke??(?)n] n. 理由;认为有理

e.g. An auditor may disclose information which would otherwise be confidential if disclosure can be justified in the “public interest”.


66.omission* [?(?)'m??(?)n] n. 漏报

e.g. Information is generally considered to be material if its omission or

misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.


67.audit documentation审计工作底稿

e.g. The term “audit documentation” refers to the record of audit plans development, audit procedures performed, relevant audit evidence obtained, and conclusions the auditor reached.



refer to/reference to 参考,涉及,指的是,适用于

67-1【同】 working papers审计工作底稿

68.audit file审计档案

68-1 permanent audit files 永久性档案

68-2 current audit files 当期档案

69.audit procedure* 审计程序

e.g. An understanding of internal control assists the auditor in identifying types of potential misstatements and factors that affect the risks of material misstatement, and in designing the nature, extent and timing of further audit procedures.


assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事


69-1 inspection of tangible assets* 有形资产的检查

69-2 inspection of documentation or records* 文档或记录的检查

69-3 inquiry* [?n'kwa?r?] n. 询问(亦可拼写成enquiry)

e.g. Inquiry of the entity’s lawyer regarding litigation, claims


会计专业常用英语词汇 会计专业常用英语词汇 词汇是词的集合体,词汇和词的'关系是集体与个体的关系,好比树林和树的关系。在外企做会计,这些英语词汇可一定要记牢了。还在等什么,快点背下来吧。店铺带来会计专业常用英语词汇。 会计专业常用英语词汇篇1 Expenses 费用 Financial statement 财务报表 Financial activities 筹资活动 Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设 Inflation 通货膨涨 Investing activities 投资活动 Liabilities 负债 Negative cash flow 负现金流量 Operating activities 经营活动 Owners equity 所有者权益 Partnership 合伙企业 Positive cash flow 正现金流量 Retained earning 留存利润 Revenue 收入 Sole proprietorship 独资企业 Solvency 清偿能力 Stable-dollar assumption 稳定货币假设 Stockholders 股东 Stockholders equity 股东权益 Account 帐户 Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会

Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 内部审计证书Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则General-purpose information 通用目的信息Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 内部审计 Internal control structure 内部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署 Internal users 内部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会Statement of cash flow 现金流量表 Statement of financial position 财务状况表 Tax accounting 税务会计


一.会计与环境 Accounting period 会计期 Accounting process 会计程序 Accounting 会计,会计学 Accrual basis 权责发生制 Annual report 年度报告 Audit 审计 Auditing 审计,审计学 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Budgeting 预算 Cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物 Cash basis 现金收付制 Cash flow statement 现金流量表 Certified public accountant 注册会计师 Corporation 公司 Cost accounting 成本会计 Economic entity 经济实力 Financial accounting 财务会计 Forecast 预测 General purpose financial statements 通用财务报表Generally accepted accounting princip一le般s公认会计准则 Going concern 持续经营 Income statement 利润表 Internal auditing 内部审计 International Accounting Standard Bo国ar际d 会计准则理事会 Managerial (management )accounting 管理会计(monetary) unit of measurement 货币计量 Not-for-profits 非营利组织 Partnership 合伙 Performance 业绩 Prospectus 招股说明书 Sole proprietorship 独资企业 Stewardship (accountability )of management 管理当局的受托责任 二.会计概念与原则 Asset 资产 Balance between benefit a nd cost 权衡成本效益comparability 可比性 completeness 完整性 confirmatory role 确证作用 Current cost 现行成本 Equity 权益Expense 费用 Faithful representation 如实反映 Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements 编报财务报表的框架 Gain 利得 Historical cost 历史成本 Income 收益 Income tax 所得税 Inventory 存货 Liability 负债 Loss 损失 Lower of cost and net realizable value 成本与可变现净值孰低法 Materiality 重要性 Neutrality 中立性 Non-monetary assets 非货币性资产 Predictive role 预测作用 Present value 现值 Prudence (conservatism,) 谨慎 Realizable (settlement) value 可变现价值Receivable 应收帐款 Reliability 可靠性 Revenue 收入 Segment 企业分部 Substance over form 实质重于形式 Timeliness 及时性 Understandability 可理解性 三.财务报表 Account form 账户式 Account payable 应付账款 Accrued liability 应计负债 Administrative expense 管理费用 Amortization 摊销 Available-for-salesecurity 可供出售证券 Bond 债券 Borrowing 借款 Comprehensive income 综合收益 Cost of sales 销售成本 Current asset 流动资产 Current item 流动性项目 Current liability 流动负债 (capital) reserve (资本)公积 Depreciation 折旧 Direct method 直接法


注册会计师英语复习笔记-词汇 总论 一、注会财经专业英语考试趋势及规律简要总结 1.中国注册会计师考试加强对财经专业英语的考查力度已成为不可逆的大趋势。 2.相对“宽进严出”的“6+1”考试模式,作为收官之战的综合阶段考试对财经专业英语的考查力度不断加强,不但是100分以内的必答题,而且分值比重连年增加。财经专业英语已成为广大注会学员能否最终修成“正果”,如愿拿到注会证书的一大挑战。 3.财经专业英语考查形式的层次感逐渐清晰,“两极分化”趋势明显,即:专业阶段对财经专业英语的考查形式为“中文读题英文答题”,综合阶段则为“英文读题英文答题”,对读、写、译的要求更为全面。 4.从2010年至今,综合阶段财经专业英语共计考查三年,加之样题,目前可以据此总结出一些基本规律,作为我们备考的参考。这些规律主要涉及:考查形式、知识覆盖面、答题字数要求、表达方式要求、答题思路、文体要求等等。所有上述这些内容,包括历年考题在内,在稍后的针对综合阶段的《财经英语》课程中会给大家进行深入的分析讲解。 总结:我们现在需要考虑的已经不是学不学财经专业英语的问题了,而是要研究如何把财经专业英语学好的问题!学好财经专业英语具有必要性(为了拿证书)、迫切性(时间不多矣)、挑战性(学起来不容易)、技巧性(要有正确的方法论)和实用性(不光为了应对考试,以后职场竞争、教育孩子也用得到)! 二、学好注会财经专业英语,必须首先解决思想问题 “软的往往是最硬的,虚的往往是最实的!” 对于广大学员来讲,学好财经专业英语,不单单是技术问题,更是思想问题!就是愿不愿学、肯不肯学的问题! 1.人在矮檐下,不得不低头!你想拿中国注会证书,就必须遵循


专题一:CPA经济法英语基础 目录 第一部分解题要点和方法 第二部分固定句式及短语 第三部分总结 第一部分解题要点和方法 一、区别普通英语与法律英语 1.法律英语的特定意义 如:accord在普通英语中一般表示与…一致,在法律英语中指和解或其协议;如reach an accord。 再如:as is意指(货物等的)现状。deliver the house as is.按照房屋的现状交付房屋。 再如:assign意指转让。assign the rights to a third party.把权利转让给第三方。 另有一些单词具有特定含义,如: prejudice指损害 counterpart指有同等效力的副本 dominion在民法中指完全所有权,在国际公法中为主权; estoppels在合同法中是不得反悔,在刑事讼诉法中是禁止翻供。 2.特定的法律专业术语 法律语言的特殊社会功能使法律语言成为表达特有法律概念的专门术语。 如:defendant(被告),cause of action(案由),damages(损失赔偿费)等,这些术语通常不会在其他语域中出现。 3.古英语词的运用。 古词语在现代英语中不再广泛应用,但它在法律英语中却不可或缺,多为一些表示语法关系的复合副词。这些副词由here,there,where词根加上一个或几个作为后缀的介词构成,用于英语法律公文,如:hereafter,hereof,thereby,therefore,thereafter,thereon,whereat,whereby 等等,以增加法律英语的神圣性、权威性和严密性。 4.外来词 英语词汇的绝大部分都来源于法语与拉丁语。当代法律英语的基础是普通法,普通法的基础是中世纪的罗马法,而罗马法是拉丁文写成和实施的,故法律英语中留下许多拉丁词不足为奇。 例如:alibi(某人不在犯罪现场的申辩或证明),bona fide(善意的)。 5.模糊性词语 法律语言的模糊性,是指某些法律条文或法律表述在语义上不能确指,它一般用于涉及法律事实的性质、范围、程度、数量等无法明确的情况。 如:Everyone has the right on arrest or detention to be informed promptly of the reasons therefore(the Constitution Act 1982)。这里采用模糊词汇promptly(迅速)对无法量定的情况进行限制,概括地规范了法律主体应当施行的法律行为,体现法律的科学性。 6.复杂性 复杂的名词结构、被动句的频繁使用是法律英语的句法特点,复合条件状语从句与高频率介词短语的使用更增加了法律语言的结构复杂度。正式的法律条规和文本中由于对中心词的限定过多,语法结构往往比较复杂,大句套小句,小句套分句。 二、英语答题方法 1.要用法律专业术语来译,而且要正确地使用专业术语。 这一点是针对法律英语中词汇具有特定含义而言的。例如:opinion按字面意思很容易被翻译


2012注会综合英语词汇总结 本词汇总结集合2012东奥张淑丽综合讲义和北注协职业能力综合测试英语附录摘选,适合英语基础差的人,多背几个单词,到时候即使不会做也多打几个单词进去,说不定就是60分了!加油 Introduction https://www.360docs.net/doc/4119191291.html,prehensive stage 综合阶段 2.auditing 审计 3.accounting 会计 4.corporate strategy and risk management 公司战略与风险管理 5.financial management and cost management 财务成本管理 6.economic laws 经济法 7.taxtion laws 税法 中国注册会计师协会新的职业道德规范 12.the partner rotation 合伙人轮换 13.Listed companies 上市公司 14. public interest entity 公众利益实体 Unit one Ethics Integrity 诚信 Independence 独立 objectivity客观和公正 professional competence and due care专业胜任能力和应有的关注confidentiality保密 professional behavior 良好职业行为 Self-interest threat 自身利益的不利影响 Self-review threat自我评价的不利影响 Advocacy threat 过度推介的不利影响 Familiarity threat密切关系的不利影响 Intimidation threat 外在压力的不利影响 Client acceptance 接受客户关系 Engagement acceptance 承接业务 Changes in a professional appointment客户变更委托 Conflicts of interest 利益冲突 Second opinions 第二次意见 Fees 收费 Marketing professional services 专业服务营销 Gifts and hospitality 礼品和招待 Custody of client assets 保管客户资产 Requirements for objectivity 对客观和公正原则的要求 Audit and review engagements审计和审阅业务 Assurance engagements 鉴证业务


名词术语表 Absorption costing(完全成本法):制造产品的成本报告方法,内容通常包括直接材料、直接人工和制造费用。 Accelerated depreciation method(加速折旧法):一种在资产使用的第1年产生较高的折旧费用,之后年度折旧费用逐渐下降的折旧方法。 Account(账户):用来记录财务报表项目增减变化的会计表格。 Account form(账户式):类似会计恒等式的一种资产负债表格式,它将资产项目列示在表的左边,负债和所有者权益项目列示在表的右边。 Account payable(应付账款):一项因赊购而产生的负债。 Account receivable(应收账款):采取信用方式销售产品或提供服务而应向顾客收取的款项。Accounting(会计):一个向企业利益相关者提供有关企业经营活动和状况信息的信息系统。Accounting cycle(会计循环):以分析经济业务并编制分录为起点,以结账后试算平衡表为终点的过程。 Accounting equation(会计恒等式):资产=负债+所有者权益。 Accounting period concept(会计期间概念):一种会计概念,它假定企业的经济寿命可以被划分为若干期间。 Accounting system(会计系统):企业为满足内部管理和外部信息使用者需要而对财务数据进行收集、分类、汇总和报告所采用的方法和程序。 Accounts payable subsidiary ledger(应付账款明细分类账):由各个供应商(债权人)的单个账户组成的分类账。 Accounts receivable subsidiary ledger(应收账款明细分类账):由各个顾客(债务人)的单个账户组成的分类账。 Accounts receivable turnover(应收账款周转率):销售净额与应收账款之间的关系。这一比率通过销售净额除以平均应收账款净额计算而得,用以衡量年度内应收账款收回的快慢。Accrual basis(应计制;权责发生制):在这种会计基础下,收入和费用在实际赚取的当期报告于损益表中。 Accruals(应计项目):尚未记录的收入或费用。 Accrued assets(应计资产):见accrued revenues。 Accrued expenses(应计费用):已经发生但尚未在账户中记录的费用。 Accrued liabilities(应计负债):见accrued expenses。 Accrued revenues(应计收入):已经赚取但尚未在账户中记录的收入。 Accumulated depreciation(累计折旧):用来记录固定资产折旧的资产抵减账户。Accumulated other comprehensive income(累计其他全面收益):单独在资产负债表所有者权益部分列示的其他全面收益项目的累计额。 Activity base (driver)(作业基础/动因):引起成本变动的一项作业,用于对成本性态的分析和分类中。作业基础也用来计算制造费用的分配率,作为分母把制造费用分配到成本对象。Activity-based costing (ABC)(作业成本计算法):明确引起成本发生的作业并以作业为基础将这些成本分配到产品(或其他成本对象)中去的成本分配方法。 Adjusted trial balance(调整后试算平衡表):在所有的调整分录已经过账后编制的试算平衡表。 Adjusting entries(调整分录):在会计期末所做的分录,以使账户反映最新的情况。Adjusting process(调整过程):编制财务报表时对账户进行分析和更新的过程。Administrative expenses (general expenses)(管理费用(一般费用)):在企业管理或日常经营


注会《审计》加试题英语常用词汇~ 1.audit 审计 2.attestation 鉴证 3.credibility 可信赖程度 4.audit of financial statements 财务报表审计 5.agreed-upon procedures 执行商定程序 6.high levels of assurance 高水平保证 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4119191291.html,pilation 编制 8.reliability 可靠性 9.relevance 相关性 10.professional skepticism 职业谨慎 11.objectivity 客观性 12. professional competence 专业胜任能力 13.Senior/CPA-in-charge 项目经理 14.audit engagement letter 业务约定书 15.recurring audit 连续审计 16.the client 委托人 17.change CPA更换注册会计师 18.the existing CPA现任注册会计师 19.the successor CPA后任注册会计师 20.the preceding CPA前任注册会计师 21.issue the audit report 出具审计报告 22.expert 专家 23.the board of directors 董事会 24.knowledge of the entity‘s business 了解被审计单位情况 25.assess material misstatement risks评估重大错报风险 26.detemine the nature,timing and extent of the audit procedures 确定审计程序的性质、时间和范围 27.a general knowledge of ——初步了解―――的情况 28.a more knowledge of——进一步了解的情况 29.the prior year‘s working papers 以前年度工作底稿 30.minutes of meeting 会议纪要 31.business risks 经营风险 32.appropriateness适当性 33.accounting estimate 会计估计 34.management representations 管理层声明 35.going concern assumption 持续经营假设 36.audit plan 审计计划 37.significant audit areas 重点审计领域 38.error 错误 39.fraud舞弊 40.modified or additional procedures 修改或追加审计程序 41.misappropriation of assets 侵占资产 42.transactions without substance 虚假交易 43.unusual pressures 异常压力 44.the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为 45.materialiy 重要性 46.exceed the materiality level 超过重要性水平 47.approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平 48.an acceptably low level 可接受水平 49.the overall financial statement level and in related account balances and transaction levels 财务报表层和相关账户、交易层 50.misstatements or omissions 错报或漏报 51.aggregate 总计 52.subsequent events 期后事项 53.adjust the financial statements 调整财务报表 54.perform additional audit procedures 实施追加的审计程序 55.audit risk 审计风险 56.detection risk 检查风险 57.inappropriate audit opinion 不适当的审计意见 58.material misstatement 重大的错报 59.tolerable misstatement 可容忍错报 60.the acceptable level of detection risk 可接受的检查风险 61.assessed level of material misstatement risk 重大错报风险的评估水平 62.simall business 小规模企业 63.accounting system 会计系统 64.test of control 控制测试 65.walk-through test 穿行测试 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4119191291.html,munication 沟通 67.flow chart 流程图 68.reperformance of internal control 重新执行 69.audit evidence 审计证据 70.substantive procedures 实质性程序 71.assertions 认定 72.esistence 存在 73.occurrence 发生 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4119191291.html,pleteness 完整性 75.rights and obligations 权利和义务 76.valuation and allocation 计价和分摊 77.cutoff 截止 78.accuracy 准确性 79.classification 分类 80.inspection 检查 81.supervision of counting 监盘 82.observation 观察 83.confirmation 函证 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4119191291.html,putation 计算 85.analytical procedures 分析程序 86.vouch 核对 87.trace 追查 88.audit sampling 审计抽样 89.error 误差


会计英语术语 会计Accounting 债务Obligation 债权人Creditor 会计人员Accountant 纳税申报表Tax return 审计Audit 一般公认会计准则Generally accepted accounting principle 注册会计师Certified public accountant 财务报告Financial reports 投资者investor 编制财务报表To prepare financial statements 实体单位Entity 复式记账法Double-entry accounting system 会计年度Fiscal year (有限责任)公司Corporation 月/季/年报Monthly/ quarterly/ annual financial statements 成本Cost 收入Revenue 费用Expense 资产Asset 负债liability 权责发生/现金收付制会计Accrual/ cash accounting 偿还借款/债务To pay off money/ obligations 赊购/销Purchase/ sales on account 应计费用Accrued expense 现金流量表Statement of Cash flows 资产负债表Balance sheet 损益表Income statement 匹配To match 折旧depreciation 会计等式Accounting equation 复式记账法Double-entry system 所有者权益Owners’ equity 偿还贷款To pay off loans 增加/ 减少Increase/ decrease (不)平衡In/ out of balance 余额Balance (beginning/ ending) 资本Capital 预付To prepay/ to pay in advance 应收/付账款Accounts Receivable/ Payable 普通/特殊日记账General/ special journal 摘要Description of entry 原始凭证Source documents 会计科目表Chart of accounts 租金Rent 销售/进货日记账Sales/ purchases journal 现金收入/ 支付Cash receipts/ payments 赊销/赊购Sales/ purchase on credit 录入To enter (in) 总/明细分类账General/ subsidiary ledger 会计科目表Chart of accounts 过账Posting 偿还To pay off 赊销/购Credit sales/ purchase 设备Equipment 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation 控制账户Controlling account 应收票据Notes Receivable 应付票据Notes Payable 发行普通股Issued common stock 赊购办公用品Purchased office supplies on account 提供服务收到现金Performed service for cash 购买/ 销售土地Purchased/ sold land 提供服务,未收到服务款Performed service on account 支付费用Paid expenses 用现金偿还债务Paid cash on account 收到/支出现金Collected/ paid cash 宣告并支付股利Declared and paid dividends 财政年度Fiscal year 账项调整Adjustment 权责发生制Accrual basis 收付实现制Cash basis 预付项目Prepaid items 预收项目Unearned items

注册会计师-《审计》英语基础-专题三 审计工作底稿(5页)

专题三审计工作底稿 目录 01 考情分析 02 专业词汇 03 重点、难点讲解 04 同步系统训练 一、考情分析 本部分内容往往和具体审计程序相联系,要注意工作底稿与监盘、函证等具体程序相联系的简答题,如分析工作底稿并纠错。同时需要关注识别特征、审计工作底稿归档前后的变动、归档期限与保存期限等内容。 二、专业词汇 >>审计工作底稿:Audit documentation/Audit working paper >>审计工作底稿的存在形式(纸质、电子介质、其他介质):The forms of audit documentation (paper, electronic, other forms) >>识别特征:Identification characteristics /Recognition features >>审计档案:Audit file >>归档:Filing >>审计工作底稿归档的期限:Filing Deadline of Audit Documentation >>审计工作底稿归档后的变动:The Change of Audit Documentation after Filing >>审计工作底稿的保存期限:Storage Life of Audit Documentation >>函证:Confirmation >>监盘:Supervision of inventory count 三、重点、难点讲解 Ⅰ.审计工作底稿的性质 Ⅰ.The nature of audit documentation (一)审计工作底稿的存在形式 (一)The forms of audit documentation 存在形式:纸质,电子介质,其他介质 Existence form: paper, electronic, other forms 电子或其他介质形式的应可以通过打印等方式,转换成纸质形式的审计工作底稿,并与其他纸质形式的审计工作底稿一并归档,同时,单独保存这些以电子或其他介质形式存在的审计工作底稿。 Electronic and other forms can be converted into paper audit documentation by printing, and filed with other paper documentation, meanwhile, save those electronic and other forms of documentation separately. 事务所对底稿的控制的目的: The purpose of audit firm controlling the documentation: 1.使审计工作底稿清晰地显示其生成、修改及复核的时间和人员; 1. To show the timing and staff of producing, modifying and re-checking; 2.在审计业务的所有阶段,尤其是在项目组成员共享信息或通过互联网将信息传递给其他人员时,保护信息的完整性和安全性; 2. To keep the completeness and safety of the information during any stages of the audit, especially when project members sharing the information or sharing the information to other person via internet;



第一章 Account payable 应付账款 Account receivable 应收账款 Accounting 会计 Accounting equation 会计等式 Asset 资产 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 平衡表(资产负债表) Capital 资本 Certified management accountant (CMA) 注册管理会计 Certified public accountant (CPA) 注册会计师 Corporation 公司 Entity 主体 Expense 费用 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 财务会计准则委员会Financial statements 财务报告 Generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP)公认接受会计准则Income statement 收入表(利润损益表) Liability 负债 Management accounting 管理会计 Net earnings 净收益

Net income 净收入 Net loss 净损失 Net profit 净利润 Note payable 应付票据 Note receivable 应收票据 Owner’s equity 所有者权益 Owner withdrawals 实收资本 Partnership 合伙制 Proprietorship 个体制 Revenue 收入 Shareholder 股东 Statement of cash flows 现金流量表Statement of earnings 净盈余报表Statement of financial position 财务状况报表Statement of operations 运营表 Statement of owner’s equity 所有者权益报表Stockholder 股东 Transaction 交易 第二章 Account 账簿、账户 Chart of accounts会计科目表 Credit把……记入贷方



1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作 2 acceptance procedures 接受程序 3 accountability 经管责任,问责性 4 accounting estimate 会计估计 5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款列表 6 accounts receivable 应收账款 7 accruals listing 应计项目列表 8 accruals 应计项目 9 accuracy 准确性 10 adverse opinion 否定意见 11 aged analysis 账龄分析 12 agents 代理人 13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务 14 analysis of errors 错误分析 15 anomalous error 反常的错误 16 appointment ethics 接受任命的相关职业道德考虑 17 appointment 任命 18 associated firms 关联公司 19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)英国特许注册会计师公会 20 assurance engagement 保证约定 21 assurance 保证

22 audit 审计,审核,核数 23 audit acceptance 接受审计 24 audit approach 审计方法 25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组 26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书 27 audit evaluation 审计评价 28 audit evidence 审计证据 29 audit plan 审计计划 30 audit program 审计程序 31 audit report as a means of communication 作为沟通方式的审计报告 32 audit report 审计报告 33 audit risk 审计风险 34 audit sampling 审计抽样 35 audit staffing 审计工作人员调配 36 audit timing 审计时间安排 37 audit trail 审计线索 38 auditing standards 审计准则 39 auditors duty of care 审计人员的审慎职责 40 auditors report 审计报告 41 authority attached to ISAs 遵守国际审计准则 42 automated working papers 电子工作底稿

CPA 注册会计师——经济法英语手册

经济法英语手册 公司法:Company law 证券法:Security law 合同法:Contract law 企业破产法:Enterprise Bankruptcy law IPO上市公司:listed company 分公司:branch company 子公司:subsidiary company 企业法人: enterprise juridical person 董事会:board of directors 董事长: chairman of the board of directors 表决权,投票权:Voting right 定期会议:regular meeting 临时会议:temporary meeting 公司章程:articles of association 连续任期连任:consecutive term upon re-election 高级管理人员:senior managers 离职:dimission 转让:transfer 股份:share 担保:guaranty 股东大会:general meeting of shareholders 决议:resolution 破产申请书:apply 破产申请和受理:accept 清算:liquidation 破产费用和共益债务:community 保障:guarantee 合法权益:legitimate rights and interests 债务清偿:payment of debts 债权:creditor’s right 相关当事人:relevant parties 合同法:Contract law 订立合同(V+N):enter into contract;conclude contract 合同书:Memorandum of contract 合同的效力:validity of contract 合同条款:terms of contract 示范合同:model contract 移开,撤回:withdraw 要约邀请:invitation to offer 撤回:withdrawal of offer 撤销:revocation of offer 失效:extinguishment of offer 保证金,定金:deposit 侵害:infringe 优先购买权:priority right of purchasing

注册会计师-《税法》英语基础-专题一 增值税(20页)

专题一增值税 目录 1.考点一征税范围及纳税义务人 2.考点二增值税计算 3.考点三增值税抵扣&税收优惠 4.考点四增值税的纳税义务发生时间 5.同步系统训练 考情分析 增值税的考察,往往出现在计算题和综合题中。可以单独考察,也可以结合其他税种出题。本专题的内容是历年英文测试的考察重点 增值税的考察主要有以下几种方式: (一)直接问税种的应纳税额为多少,计算金额即可。 (二)针对某些事项问是否应该纳税、应该缴纳哪些税种、如何纳税、计算是否正确,或者直接问税款征收方法。 (三)需要对一些方案进行比较分析。 考点一征税范围及纳税义务人 专业词汇 增值税:Value Added Tax(VAT) 征税范围:Taxation scope 销项税:Output Tax 税率:Tax rate 纳税人:Taxpayer 一般纳税人: General taxpayer 小规模纳税人: Small-scale taxpayer 劳务:Labour service 货物进口:Importation of goods 货物出口:Exportation of goods 非增值税应税项目:Non- VAT taxable items 交通运输业:Transportation industry 电信业:Telecommunication industry 建筑业:Construction industry 现代服务业:Modern service industry 销售货物:Sales of goods 提供劳务:Provision of labour services 有形的:Tangible 加工:Processing 委托方:Consignor 受托方:Consignee 委托:Consignment 委托代销:Consignment of goods for sale 代销货物:Goods under consignment 从事:Engage in 委托加工货物:Consigned processing goods 受限制:Be subject to 金融租赁:Financial lease


该单元属于单词书:会计专业英语词汇表查看 accounting period 会计期会计年度 accoungting process:会计程序 budget n. 预算vt. 编预算,为…做预算 accounting n. 会计 accrual basis n. 权责发生制,应计制,权责发生基础,应计基础annual report n. 年度报告 audit n. 查帐,审计vt. 审计,旁听 balance sheet 决算表, 资产负债表, 资金平衡表; cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物 cash basis n. 现金制(以现金为依据的记帐法); cash flow statement 现金流量表 CPA 注册会计师Certified Public Accountant corporation n. 公司, 法人, 集团 cost accounting n.成本会计; financial accounting 财务会计; economic entity 经济实力 forecast n. 预测,预报vt. &vi. 预测; geenral purpose financial statements 通用财务报表 GAAP abbr. 一般公认会计原则(=generally accepted accounting principles) going concern 继续盈利的企业; 持续经营

income statement 收益表,损益表,利润表; internal auditing 内部审计; International Accounting Standard Board 国际会计准则理事会management accounting n. 管理会计(学), 管理计算, 簿记处理;unit of measurement 货币计量; not-for-profits 非盈利组织 partnership n. 合伙, 合股 performance n.业绩 prospectus n.招股说明书;内容说明书;(即将出版的书等的)内容介绍,简介;计划书,意见书;(讲义等的)大纲 sole proprietorship 独资; stewardship of management 管理当局的受托责任 asset n. 资产,有用的东西,优点,长处; balance between benefit and cost 权衡成本效益 comparability n. 相似性,可比较性; completeness 完整性;confirmatory role 确证作用;current cost 现行成本 equity n. 权益,产权,(无固定利息的)股票n. 公平, 公正expense n. 消费,支出; faithful representation 如实反映;framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements 编报财务报表的框架 gain 利得;
