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推土机作为铲土运输机械中最具代表性的机种之一,是由许多部件组合起来的一个整体,其整机性能不仅取决于每个部件的品质,而且取决于各部件之间的相互协调。推土工作装置是推土机的重要部件, 其设计参数的优劣将直接影响到推土机的性能。在全面了解履带式推土机结构与工作原理的基础上,设计优化履带式推土机工作装置。文中详细叙述了履带式推土机的总体设计、推土工作装置结构设计当中各部件的铰接方案的确定以及参数的计算过程,包括推土铲的设计与计算、松土器的设计与计算、工作装置液压系统的设计、顶推梁的设计与强度校核、推土机作业阻力的计算等,完成了符合设计技术要求的履带式推土机的工作装置


Design of Work Installment on Bulldozer


Bulldozer scraping transport machinery was the representative of the types of planes which is combined many components. Its overall performance depends not only on the quality of each component, but also depend on the mutual coordination of all the parts. In blade bulldozer, working device is an important component. Its design parameters will impact on the performance of the bulldozers. Based on a comprehensive understanding of tractor structure and working principle,design tractor equipment and process simulation are intrduced. This paper describes the crawler tractor, the overall design Blade working device structure design of the various components hinged program and the calculation process. This paper also describes including the blade design and calculation, scarification of design and computation, the equipment hydraulic system design, pushing beam design and strength check, and calculates for the bulldozers resistance operations and design for process simulation system. The thesis complets with the design of the technical requirements of the crawler tractor attachments

Keywords Bulldozer;Equipment;Transport ;Machinery Scraper


摘要...................................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................... II

第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 课题背景 (1)

1.2 国内外研究状况和研究成果 (1)

1.3 对课题的研究方法 (2)

1.4 预期结果和意义 (2)

第2章履带式推土机的总体设计 (3)

2.1 推土机各部件结构型式的选择 (3)

2.1.1 传动系统 (3)

2.1.2 操纵系统 (4)

2.1.3 工作装置 (4)

2.1.4 液压系统 (5)

2.1.5 电气系统 (5)

2.1.6 驾驶室及仪表盘 (5)

2.2 推土机作业阻力的计算 (5)

2.2.1 铲刀反力的计算 (5)

2.2.2 工作阻力的计算 (6)

2.2.3 铲刀极限提升力的计算 (6)

2.3 推土机总体参数的选择与计算 (7)

2.3.1 确定有效牵引力 (7)

2.3.2 推土机行驶速度的分析 (7)

2.3.3 最大切土深度与最大提铲高度的确定 (7)

2.3.4 推土机行走系统参数的确定 (7)

2.3.5 最小离地间隙的确定 (8)

2.3.6 履带式推土机驱动桥总体结构 (9)

2.3.7 整机牵引性能分析 (9)

2.3.8 经变速器、主传动和最终传动传递的转矩转速 (9)

2.4 推土机的总体布置 (11)

2.4.1 发动机与传动系的布置 (11)

2.4.2 顶推梁与台车架的铰点位置的确定 (12)

2.4.3 驾驶室的布置 (12)
