


1 got on well with each other-----never a fight, had a great time?

2 does her own housework-----you clean it up by yourself?

3 be unwise to buy another house----their present house is not too bad?

4 turn cold all of a sudden-----the weather turn so quickly?

5 restaurant--------how about ordering some vegetables and fruits?

6 did not feel any danger ------I’d go and buy things when I was 8 years old.?

7 same company------I work on the 9thfloor?

8 looking for an appointment------can I take a look at it

1 give her more information------any suggestions?

2 go without dessert-----watch my weight?

3 can speak a foreign language----but Japanese ,English is the only language I can speak.?

4 see professor Smith-----go to his office after class?

5 pass the message to the man----- leave a note, I can give it to her?

6 got emotional problems------get upset easily over little thing?

7 buy the tickets beforehand-------in advance?

8 ran into a tree------crashed into a tree

1 appeal more viewer over 40--------people over 40 might find it interesting?

2 admire her in writing----I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.?

3 save some trouble ------picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.?

4 he quit teaching in june-----not since June?

5 only part of the book-----read a few characters?

6 attend her husband-----her husband is in a car accident?

7 not far from their old one-------I don’t know exactly where it is?

8 had a hard time find a parking place-------I drove two blocks before I spotted a place.

1 overweight------a little out of shape?

2 hotel reception------had reserved a room for me?

3 having confidence in her son-------he is sure do well in the next exam?

4 have a short break------go out and get some fresh air.?

5 in perfect condition-----never felt better in my life?

6 keeps some old furniture in her new house-----just the useless pieces,?

7 forgot lending the book --------sorry not to returned it earlier.?

8 doesn’t look like a sportsman--------don’t think so either.

1 give his ankle a good rest-------stop regular activities.?

2 theater---balcony?

3 sad occasion-------attend the funeral?

4 focus on the main points of the lecture--------concentrate on?

5 spilt the coffee on man’s shirt-------have you jacket cleaned,?

6 hard to understand------complicated?

7 attending every lecture------never miss a lecture?

8 not provide anything better--------I doubt they’ll have anything different

1 lost contact with------out of touch?

2 painter---color?

3 make inquires elsewhere------have you inquired ?

4 gain some weight-----a larger waist?

5 doesn’t like abstract paintings--------haven’t acquired a taste for?

6 put notebook amid in the journals--------check the pile of…?

7 get some sleep-----up thill 3 this morning?

8 chance is slim----the other two seemed better qualified.

1 enjoyed great popularity-----she was popular even when she was a child.?

2 have a holiday--------we’ll be getting away for a whie.?

3 courageous-------I really admire his courage.?

4 buy a new machine------invest in a new model?

5 not excited about new position--------the workload has doubled?

6 offer a drive to the party------give her a ride?

7 finalizing the contract---------go over all the articles of the contract once more?

8 ordered some paper---------completed the order form on line yeaterday.

1 get some small change--------you can get it through the money changer?

2 buying a gift for a child------I’d suggest this toy train?

3 taking photographs---------do you let people know when you ‘re taking pictures of them?

4 privade little information------but I was really young at that time?

5 he knew his own limitations---------but I know I need more experiences?

6 his gym exercise has yield good results---------your effort has paid off?

7 suggestion is constructive---------that might help?

8 indifferent---------I am somewhat tired of working here.

1 his sister------two books for my sister.?

2 a job opportunity-----------junior sales manager?

3 having a break------------how abut a cup of coffee before we move on?

4 they will not do as planned incase of rain-------the whole thing will have to be canceled.?

5 it’s hard to follow the lecturer--------terrible?

6 review his lesson------------should he do that when the final exam is drawing near?

7 she doesn’t agree with jack--------most others think differently?

8 plane’s departure time remains unknown-----------flight has delayed?

9 newspaper office----------place an advertisement?

10 wants to get a new position -----------it’s worthwhile to make the efffot.

1 they are likely to have dinner together----------shall we try something Italian?

2 no longer available------------already sold?

3 mother and son-----------it’s only a crossword puzzle?

4 phoned her parents regularly at weekends-----------I called them at the weekends?

5 next bus is coming soon---------------there’ll be another one in two or three minutes?

6 plenty of time to work on this assignment--------------it isn’t due until Thursday morning?

7 they will have an appointment at 7 o’clock---------?

8 she ‘s learned a lot from the literature class?

9 fail the exam?

10 the road conditions are good
