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Consolidation Activities

I . Vocabulary Analysis

1. Phrase practice

1.be left with = end up with 以……而结束

e.g. The president left the whole crowd with mixed emotions. 总统给人们留下复杂的情感。

2.reach one’s peak = be most successful 到达顶峰

e.g. At what age does a man reach his peak in terms of strength and muscle? 一个人的肌肉和力


3.in business = operate 经营

e.g. The company was in business even in the Great Depression. 那家公司即使是在大萧条时期


4.with appeal= having popularity among audiences 受欢迎

e.g. In the past year, the theater put ten plays with appeals. 去年剧院上演了十部受欢迎的戏剧。

2. Word comparison


attraction: an attraction is a feature which makes something interesting or desirable

e.g.The walled city is an important attraction.

luxury: something expensive which is pleasant to have but is not necessary

e.g. I like to buy myself little luxuries from time to time.

glamour: the attractive and exciting quality of being connected with wealth and success

e.g. Forget all you read about the glamour of television.

business: the work relating to the production, buying and selling of goods or services

e.g. Tony has an impressive business background.


furniture: objects that are used in a room for sitting or lying on or for putting things on or in

e.g.Each piece of furniture in their home suited the style of the house.

furnishing:a piece of furniture which is not permanently fixed in or part of the structure of a house and which a person might be expected to take with them when they move to a new home e.g. We buy this house because its price, including furnishing and fittings , is cheap.

item: a single thing, especially one thing in a list, group, or set of things

e.g. He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.

goods: things that are made to be sold

e.g. Money can be exchanges for goods or services.


immortal: living or continuing for ever

e.g. He left behind an immortal example to all posterity.

undying:if you refer to someone’s undying feelings, you mean that the feelings are very strong and are unlikely to change

e.g. Amy declared her undying love for Bill.

deathless: lasting forever and never to be forgotten

e.g. What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person!

immoral:not within society’s standards of acceptable, honest and moral beh aviour

e.g. Behaviors harmful to others are immoral.


introduce: to bring a type of things somewhere for the first time

e.g.The grey squirrel was introduced into Britain from North American.

recommend: if someone recommends a person or thing to you, they suggest that you would find that person or thing good or useful

e.g. I recommend seafood salad.

advise: to give someone advice

e.g. I advise waiting until tomorrow.

suggest: to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go, etc.

e.g. I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way.


whatever: you use "whatever" to refer to anything or everything of a particular type

e.g.Keep calm, whatever happens.

whatsoever: used after a negative phrase to add emphasis to the idea that is being expressed

e.g. The police found no suspicious document whatsoever.

however: used when you are adding a fact or piece of information that seems surprising or seems very different from what you have just said

e.g. This is an extremely unpleasant disease which is, however, easy to treat.

no matter: it is not a problem

e.g. Day in, day out, no matter what the weather is like, she walks ten miles.


image: the opinion people have of a person, organization, product, or the way a person, organization, etc., seems to be to the public

e.g.This company is concerned about its corporate image.

impression: an idea or opinion of what something is like

e.g.I don’t tend to trust first impression.

imagination: the ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind

e.g.You don’t have to use your imagination when you are watching television.

portrait: a portrait is a painting, drawing, or photograph of a particular person

e.g. The portrait of her mother was her most prized possession.


unscrupulous: behaving in an unfair or dishonest way

e.g.He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms.

ambitious: determined to be successful, rich, powerful

e.g. An ambitious boy usually works hard.

