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1.1 句子的种类


1) Is there any water in the bottle?

2) Can she sing and dance very well?

3) Has he a brother in England? Or: Does he have a brother in England?

4) Does it often rain here in summer?

5) Did you always play together at that time?

6) Who is he?

7) How many times have you been to Beijing?

8) Where do they live?

9) What does your father like very much?

10) Why did he go to school yesterday?


1)“Shall we go by bus or by train?”“Better go by train.”

2)“Are we going to have the meeting today or tomorrow?”“Tomorrow.”

3)“You are not ready, are you?”“No, I am not.”

4)We can’t take these books out, can we?”“No, we can’t”

5)Take care not to catch cold.

6)Speak a little slower. I can’t follow you.

7)Let’s not waste our time arguing about it.

8)How pretty you are in that skirt!

9)What a beautiful city Hangzhou is!

10)How I miss my parents!


1)She has not had her lunch.

2)I was too excited to say a ward.

3)None of the problems is difficult.

4)You can find this kind of mobile phone somewhere.

5)He opened the door and we all went in.

6)Put on your coat, or you will catch cold.

7)It was late, so we went home.

8)He doesn’t earn much, but he spends money freely.

9)Turn off the light before you leave the room.

10)I hope that you will enjoy your stay here.



1)SVC 2) SV 3)SVC 4) SVOC 5. SVOA 6) SVO 7) SVOC

8) SVOiOd 9) SVOC 10) SVA


1)My ink has run out. (SV)

2)My plan has changed. (SV)

3)These flowers smell very sweet. (SVC)

4)The story sounds interesting. (SVC)

5)You should look after your parents. (SVO)

6)They didn’t accept my invitation. (SVO)

7)They named the boy jack.(SVOC)

8)I saw him come in and go out. (SVOC)

9)He offered her his seat / his seat to her. (SVOiOd)

10)Jack has caused his family some trouble.(SVOiOd)

11)My uncle has sent me a present. (SVOiOd)

12)He is sitting by the window.(SAV)

13)I went there the day before yesterday. (SVA)

14)My mother wants to retire this year.

15)David likes singing in the bathroom.




1) They enjoy reading classic Chinese literature, such as the poetry by Li Bai and Du Fu.

2) When I was a little boy, I wanted to become a doctor.

3) We got to the airport in time and took the plane.

4) I booked the plane tickets and received them two days later.

5) He didn’t come yesterday because he was ill.

6) Come with me and help me do / with the work.

7) If you want to keep healthy, you should spend a little of your free / spare time

on regular physical exercise.

8) As you are too weak to travel, you should stay at home during the summer vacation.

9) Teaching, however, is not so easy as others think. It takes me much time to prepare the lesson. And I often feel a bit tense in class.

10) It is difficult to learn English. If we want to have a good command of it, we must study hard.

11) John decided to stop smoking. He did not want to die of lung cancer. Or: John

decided to stop smoking because he did not want to die of lung cancer.

12) It seemed so wonderful that she could speak so easy. But she suddenly paused

because she was usually shy.


1)tom is a student who does well in exams, attends classes, reads textbooks, and

reviews class notes.

2)The teacher told his students to read the story, to write an outline of it and

to develop the outline into a summary.

3)His speeches were either too long or too short.

4)Knowing how to study and learning how to plan time are very important for college
