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The general trend iS that the 2 1 st century iS a new era of the information—based technology,in which,as the future of the country and the hope of a family,children’S mental and physical health as well as their intellectual development is being put more and more emphsis on,especially me 0—3 year—old ones.So as aproduct to develope the potential of the children in various aspects,in an increasingly sophisticated system of industrial design,infant intellegience.inspired toys are different from those of children in other stages,which owes much to their special users and unique characteristics.China iS a key country in toy production and consumption,therefore,how to design the toy product suitable for the children of 0-3 year-old with Chinese characteristics and how to adapt to the international market is becoming a serious topic facing with the people in toy design field.In this paper,the intellegience-inspired toy design of children from 0-3 is researched.In this research,a multi.interdisciplinary research methods is adopted,at the same time combining with the theory about the infant and child psychology,methodology of product design,color psychology,bionics,materials science,semiotics,product design,modeling.In addition,field visits,research and a large number of case are studied and analysis,induction, deduction method of thinking are used to prove the research.

In this paper,the phyrsical and mental development of infants and young children are analyszed at first(including the definition of toys,development,classification,feature).On this basis,the strategy and design principles are proposed,including the design strategies broken down by age groups and the design of gender-disaggregated security strategies and principles,the principle of intellegience-inspired,the principles of participatory,non—violent principles and toys-making-full-use-of principle.Finally,thorough analysis of basic form of the toy design elements and additional form elements。And made a practice of the two-year-old child’S intellegience—inspired toy design,then,a 2-year-old child’S toy design sample is made.

Hope that the exploration carried out by this research in the field of 0-3 year—old
