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如:work, field ,power, normal distribution
如: 技术规范词 absorb discover observe transmit 日常用词 take in find out look at pass on
suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings – this is all the work of science. Generally speaking, neither gold nor stone are soluble in water.
英文科技论文中的被动语态较多,这是因为:第 一,被动语态结构比主动语态结构更少主观色彩, 描述客观事实,进行逻辑推理,正需要这种特征; 第二,被动语态更能突出要论证、说明的对象, 把它放在句子的主语位置上,就更能引人注目; 第三,在很多情况下,被动结构比主动结构更简 短。在论文写作中,最好是主被动句式交替使用, 兼而有之,以使句型多样化。如: It is argued…; The importance of the concept is emphasized; A set of necessary and sufficient conditions is examined.
“It be +形容词(分词)+that …”句型 为了叙述方便,避免句子滞重,英文科技 论文写作中常用 it 作形式主语。如:
It is concluded that the behavior of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors, including the viscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped. It has been shown though the experiment that the charges of the nucleus and electrons are equal so that the atom is electrically neutral.
复合句多 科学技术是研究外界事物的发展变化规律 极其应用的学问。为了十分准确地反映事 物内在联系,就需要严密的逻辑思维,而 这种思维内容反映在语言的形式上,就必 然是并列关系和多种主从关系的长句。如:
An electric current which reverses its direction at regular intervals, and which is constantly changing in magnitude is called an alternating current, which is usually abbreviated to a.c. …
如:indicate, show, illustrate, demonstrate, review, report, outline, describe, explain,
verify, prove, confirm, define, determine, enumerate, compare, contrast, investigate, develop, conclude 等等。
第一部分 科学论文的语言特点
语体(Linguistic Style)
科学论文通常包括摘要、前言、观测(或 实验)、结果与分析、结论、讨论等部分 科技文体:语言表达方式具有抽象性、概 念性和高度的逻辑性 科技文体特性:语义上的准确性、非形象 性、没有明显的感情色彩和叙述的客观性
如: data transmission systems; high precision instrument;
句式结构(Sentence Structure)
陈述句多 科学论文中,在描述实验、说明现象、明确 定义、表达定理、定律和原理时,多用陈 述句,很少使用疑问句,几乎不用感叹句 如:Gathering facts, confirming them,
如: positive----negative; linear---- nonlinear; regular----irregular; connect----disconnect; divisible----indivisible; organic----inorganic; effective----ineffective; parametric---nonparametric;
As 引出的简略句
英文科技论文中常用As引出的多种主动、被动简 略形式,如:as the illustration shows; as has been stated above; as in figure 2; as follows 等待。
由于科学论文描述的主要对象是客观存在的事实、 现象或真理,其英语句中谓动词的时态主要采用 一般现在时。在有表示过去的时间状语,或叙述 过去发生过的事实这样的情况下,才使用一般过 去时。若强调过去发生的事实对现在仍有影响, 则用现在完成时。
如:self-design, cross-sectional, dust-free, water-proof, input-orientation, piece-wiselinear 利用缩略词 如:e.g., i.e., vs.(与…相对), ibid.(出处相同), etc., cit.(在上述引文中), et al.(等人), viz.(即,就是), DEA (data envelopment analysis), OLS( least-squares)
祈使句多 科学研究论文的一个重要标准,就是所述 理论的可解释性,所做实验具有可重复性, 不论谁照此去做都可以做成。因此,没有必 要指明主语。一般来说,祈使句多用于命 题、解题、顺序论证、实验指导、操作说 明、工艺介绍、文献注释等部分。如:
Now let K equal to zero, then we obtain the following equation. Fill in the tube with cold water, and heat the tube to 100℃.