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Merry Christmas
传说在很久以前,有一位农人,在 圣诞节那天遇到一位穷苦的小孩, 他热情地接待了孩子,这个小孩临 走时折下根松枝插在地上,松枝立 即变成一棵树,上面挂满了礼物, 用来答谢农人的好意。
每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念 耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。
Christmas Eve(Silent Night), December 24, is the night before Christmas Day
Christmas is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 . It commemorates(纪念) the birth of Jesus.
In the United Kingdom, Santa Claus is traditionally called Father Christmas. In households(家庭) with younger children the preparations for Father Christmas on Christmas Eve are well established.
Santa Claus Christmas tree Christmas hats Christmas Stocking Christmas cards Christmas dinner Christmas carols
Santa Claus Christmas tree Christmas hats Christmas Stocking Christmas cards Christmas dinner Christmas sled
雪橇8 天使7
Santa claus
根据英语说出汉 语意思.
Christmas ham(火腿) Christmas wood Christmas holly(冬青) Christmas mistletoe (槲寄生小枝) Christmas carols Christmas bell
Christmas symbol
The hanging of stockings by the fireplace before bedtime, to receive the presents from Father Christmas, is a much-loved tradition that is still practiced by many children and adults although stockings might now be replaced with hung in different locations such as by the child's bed.
Santa Claus
圣诞老人 bell 铃铛
colored lights 彩灯 sleigh 雪橇 reindeer 麋鹿
angBiblioteka Baidul
chimney 烟囱
fairy 仙女
仙女4 麋鹿5 烟囱6
圣诞老 人 彩灯2
3 根据汉语说出英 语单词.
Nowadays ,Christmas is celebrated by most of people by exchanging gifts and Christmas cards, preparing holiday foods, and decorating(装饰) homes and workplaces with colored lights, Christmas trees and ornaments(装饰品).
Almost of everyone enjoys Christmas Day , especially children, it is particularly enjoyed by children who get will be very excited because of the some presents they know they are going to receive .
The biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world
After presents are opened on Christmas morning, preparations are quickly underway for the Christmas lunch where the whole family will gather and eat the Christmas Crackers.
When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve , they hang a stocking at the behind of their beds . Their parents warn(提醒;警告) them not to try to look at Father Christmas , or their parents will not leave them anything . When they wake up , they find their stockings filled with presents . As a result,children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.