




回答示范:“广盛发”,the name means “a big, prosperous pany M , hehe, alt hough it' s not really a very big pan y. But, it' s true that the pany is quite prosperous? It specializes in exporting women1 s shoes? With only 10 employees so far the turnover last year was up to 15,000,000 RMB. I am one of the three customer service officers, with the responsibility of order taking, tracking and general customer service roles. Due to the limited number of staff, we all work more than 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in busy season.





回答示范:Yes. I would arrive at office half an hour earlier as my boss often gives me a lot of work once he es in, and I have to be ready for it. My responsibilities are mainly to assist the sales manager and representatives with order tracking, stock reporting, document preparation and translation, using Excel, Word and PowerPoint. When the reps are on a business trip, I will deal with their share. Two thirds of my work involves puters, working on tables and forms precisely and quickly. The rest of time is to take care of the

managers and reps, you know, do what they need me to.

点评:用事实说明自己是个敬业的人。在描述工作内容的时候, 有细节性描述,也有总结性描述,非常清晰。

回答75范1: To be honest, the reason I quit is that I am not pleased by my current job? My current work is in a vocational high school. Maybe I have to explain a bit more here. In China, vocational high schools are designed for the less~advanced students or the ones wanting work instead of going to university to further their education. As a result, the social status and the pay in vocational high schools are not at all satisfactory. I can never bee a professor in this school. So, although teaching makes me happy, I have to leave this job because I can, t have long- term career development here?




回答不范2: Mainly for the higher pay. I have been serving as an aountant for this joint venture for nearly 3 years and my salary increased from 1,800 to 2,300, a fair raise actually. In the last two performance evaluations, I got two Bs in a row. I can earn 3,000 only by being a director, which is almost impossible because the current one is stable and performs well; he is not likely to leave? But of course, I am not working only for money. Changing jobs is asking for

trouble? I am doing so for my career? This position is similar to my current one, and the pany is a quite large, suitable one for long-term development. So, here I am.


回答不范3: The former pany hasn' t done well in the past 2 years, they have to make some redundancy and our department is lucky enough to be one of them. What a pity.


回答不范4: Frankly speaking, I want to leave the job simply because I’ m attracted by the position you offer?Compared with my current employer, Global Market is so much more renowned, offering a secure job and a long-term development? My current employer now offers an okay salary, but the career opportunities here are very limited because the size of business is relatively smal1. I think you can understand my choice?

