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General Conditions

1 一般规定

1. General Provisions




In the Conditions of Contract ("these Conditions"), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise.


The Contract



"Contract" means the Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Specification, the Drawings, the Schedules, and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance.

“合同协议书(Contract Agreement)”指第款【合同协议】中所说明的合同协议(如有时)。

"Contract Agreement" means the contract agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause [Contract Agreement].

“中标函(Letter of Acceptance)”指雇主对投标文件签署的正式接受函,包括其后所附的备忘录(由合同各方达成并签定的协议构成)。在没有此中标函的情况下,“中标函”一词就指合同协议书,颁发或接收中标函的日期就指双方签订合同协议书的日期。

"Letter of Acceptance" means the letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression "Letter

of Acceptance" means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

“投标函(Letter of Tender)”指名称为投标函的文件,由承包商填写,包括已签字的对雇主的工程报价。

"Letter of Tender" means the document entitled letter of tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the Employer for the Works.


"Specification" means the document entitled specification, as included in the

Contract, and any additions and modifications to the specification in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the Works.


"Drawings" means the drawings of the Works, as included in the Contract, and any additional and modified drawings issued by (or on behalf of, the

Employer in accordance with the Contract.


"Schedules" means the document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract. Such document may include the Bill of Quantities, data, lists, and schedules of rates and/or prices “投标文件(Tender)”指投标函和合同中规定的承包商应随投标函提交的其它所有文件。

"Tender" means the Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract.

“投标函附录(Appendix to Tender)”指名称为投标函附录并已填写完毕的文件,附于投标函之后并构成投标函的一部分。

"Appendix to Tender" means the completed pages entitled appendix to tender which are appended to and form part of the Letter of Tender.

“工程量表(Bill of Quantities)”和“计日工计划(Daywork Schedule)”指资料表中如此命名的文件(如有时)。
