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1.Only after the accident took place would people realize......

只有通过广泛阅读,才能掌握知识,成为竞争激烈的21世纪所需要的人才。(Only…)2.Only through reading widely can one master knowledge and become a talent that the competitive 21st century calls for.


Only when the government takes serious measures can we expect the real improvement in air quality.


Hardly had the experts sat down/ got seated/ seated themselves/ taken (their) seats when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang started.

5.直到上世纪60年代人们才实现了探月梦想。(Not until)

Not until the 60s last century did people’s dreams of moon exploration come true.

6.获悉自己被一所理想大学录取时,他才松了一口气。(Not until…)

Not until he was informed of being admitted to his dream university did he feel relieved.

7.So clever was the boy that everyone liked him.

Such a clever boy he was that everyone liked him.

1. 自食其力depend on oneself

2.对你今后的发展很不利do great damage to your future development.

3. 对地球造成很大的威胁be a great threat to the whole earth

4. 看重个性 put more emphasis on personality

5.提高效率improving the efficiency

6.赢利更多make more profits

7.提高学生们的健康意识raise students’ awareness of health

8.在上下班高峰时间during the rush hours

9.陷入交通堵塞be caught in the traffic jam

10.满足他们的需求meet their needs

11.有充分的理由相信have good reason to believe that ....

12.充分发挥自己的潜能realize my potential fully/to the full

13.采取有效的措施take effective steps/measures

14.防止真正的水资源短缺prevent a real water shortage

15.一旦公诸于众it is opened to the public

16.阴雨绵绵despite the continuous rain

17.不懂装懂pretend to know what he doesn’t know.

18. 一份薪水丰厚的工作a well-paid job

19.很多边远学校没有图书馆Libraries are not available in many remote schools

20.采取严厉措施治理环境污染take strict measures to deal with the environment pollution

21.该是做什么的时候了....It is (high) time to do sth

22.没道理做某事...there is no sense doing sth

23.改变别人对我的看法change others’ attitude(s)towards me.

24.设宴招待专家give a banquet this evening in honor of the experts

25.心甘情愿排长队去做某事 be willing to wait in a long queue to do sth

26.盼望我早日平安归来 be anxious for my safe return soon.

27.缓解高峰时期的交通压力relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours.

28.胜任are qualified for

29.上世纪60年代 the 60s last century

30.珍稀动物rare animals

31.保持生态平衡keep the balance of nature

32.克服困难的决心his determination to overcome difficulties

33.激励着年轻观众去追求自己的梦想 inspires young audience to pursue their dreams

34.鲜花一应俱全Various flowers are available in the flower shop

35.大家都认为It is generally believed that.....

36.息息相关 be closely related to......

37.对周边的一切都非常好奇 are always very curious about sth

38.给评委留下了深刻的印象 left a deep impression on the judges

39.她被有一所名校录取she was admitted into a key school/ a famous university.

40.为了纪念这位伟大的宇航员In memory of the great astronaut

41.每月盈利5千元 makes a profit of 5000 yuan

42.不愿意做某事be reluctant to do sth

43.事故涉及到几十辆车dozens of vehicles were involved in the accident

∙44.与我们预料的相反Contrary to our expectation/what we had expected

∙45.为了女儿的健康for the sake of her daughter’s health

46.不知不觉2个小时就过去了 two hours had passed/gone by before we realized it

47.生态旅游似乎正在全世界迅速发展 Eco-tourism seems to be developing quickly in the world

48.这个问题很值得讨论 the problem is well worth discussing.

49.这个问题有待讨论 the problem remain to be discussed

50.找到解决它的可行办法find a feasible solution to it

51.精通理财之道 knows a lot about money matters

52.不遗余力地完成 spare no efforts to accomplish it

53.双方在这些事务上能达成共识both the parties can agree on these issues

54.今天没来上学 be absent from school

55.染上了流感 be infected with a flu

56.无意做某事 have no intention to do sth

57.减价出售 be on sale

58.食品安全和空气质量be concerned about food safety and air quality

59.适应快节奏生活的需要adapt to a fast-paced life


3.巨大变化great changes

4.电子产品electronic / digital products

5.将计划付诸实践put our plan into practice

6.举棋不定try to make a decision whether

7.承认错误admit / confess his mistake

8.掩盖事实conceal the truth

9.引起热议arouse a heated discussion

10.学业负担academic burden.

11.丰富校园生活enriching the school life

12.校园义卖the school charity sale

13.团队合作精神team spirit

14.采取措施take measures

15.做出周密计划make / work out a careful plan
