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Unit 2 New Developments in medicine

Part II


A Comparison Between Western and Holistic Medicine

Western medicine

1. treating patients as a series of isolated parts

Holistic medicine

taking into account the symptoms, age, habits, emotions and lifestyle

Western medicine

2. looking at the part which isn't working well

Holistic medicine

building an overall picture

Western medicine

3. trying to remove symptoms, not the cause

Holistic medicine

treating the cause of illness

Western medicine

4. using drug and surgery

Holistic medicine

preventing illness -- balanced diet & healthy lifestyle








P: Good morning, and welcome to our program Worldly Wise. Today our attention turns to medicine and health care, and we examine a move which is becoming more and more popular, a move away from western attitudes to medicine towards what is known as the holistic approach. But what is it What does holistic mean I spoke to Dr. Henry Wilson, of the National Homeopathic Center.

W: Well, holistic means "whole", or more than that. But in terms of health care, what it means is looking at the whole body, the whole person when it comes to treating them.

P: And how does that differ from a more western approach

W: Modem medicine treats patients as a series of parts that are all isolated. It looks at the part which isn't working and tries to remove the symptoms until everything's working well again a bit like a mechanic repairing a car. The opposite of holistic is symptomatic. Too often, modem medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause of an illness. Drugs and surgery can remove the symptoms ...

P: But what's wrong with that Surely that's what a person who's ill wants, isn't it to feel better, not to have the pain any more

W: Yes, but as I said, the cause remains. If you have a backache, painkillers will take away the pain, but there's still something wrong somewhere that caused the

backache in the first place.

P: So what does the holistic approach think about illness

W: Well, it takes into account not only the symptoms, but also the age, habits, emotions and lifestyle of the individual, and tries to build an overall picture.

You see, being healthy means there is a balance, or a harmony, between your mind and your body. When you're ill, it's because there's an imbalance somewhere, and this imbalance is shown by symptoms. The symptoms themselves aren't very important.

For example, two people suffering from headaches might be given very different treatment, because the cause of the headache is not the same.

P: You mentioned treatment. If holistic medicine doesn't prescribe drugs, how does it treat illness

W: It's important to understand that what holistic medicine tries to do above all is prevent illness, and we all know that prevention is better than cure. A good diet, with lots of fresh food, not processed food with its preservatives and chemicals is essential; and a healthy lifestyle, without too much pressure and worry, and lots of exercise and rest, not too much, not too little -- these are things that will prevent illness.


1.More and more people are moving away from western medicine to holistic medicine.

2.Western medicine is good for a mechanic while repairing a car.

3.The cause of a backache is more important than the symptom itself.

4.According to the holistic approach,when one is ill,it means there is an imbalance

somewhere in him.

5.If there are two people suffering from a headache,holistic medicine will treat them

in the same way.

6.The prevention of an illness is much easier than curing it.
