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Faculty of Architecture 建筑学院

Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士

Master of Housing Management 房屋学硕士

Master of Landscape Architecture 园林建筑学硕士

Master of Science in Conservation 房屋保护学理学硕士

Postgraduate Diploma in Conservation 建筑保护学研究生学位

Master of Science in Construction Project Management 建筑计划管理理学硕士

Master of Science in Real Estate 不动产学理学硕士

Master of Science in Urban Planning (Full-time) 城市规划全日理学硕士

Master of Science in Urban Planning (Part-time) 城市规划业余理学硕士

Master of Urban Design 城市设计硕士

Master of Science (Interdisciplinary Design and Management) 各学科间设计及管理学理学硕士

Faculty of Arts 文学院

Master of Arts in Chinese Historical Studies 国史研究文学硕士

Master of Arts in Chinese Language and Literature 汉语言文学文学硕士

Master of Arts in English Studies 英语研究文学硕士

Master of Arts in Linguistics 语言学文学硕士

Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies 文学文化研究文学硕士

Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics 应用语言学文学硕士

Master of Buddhist Studies 佛教学文学硕士

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing in English 英文创意写作艺术硕士Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies 英语研究研究生学位

PD Certificate in Chinese Language 汉语言研究生学历

Faculty of Business and Economics 商学院

Master of Business Administration 商务管理硕士

Master of Business Administration (EMBA Global-Asia) 高级商务管理硕士

Master of Economics 经济学硕士

Master of Finance 金融学硕士

Faculty of Dentistry 牙医学院

Master of Dental Surgery - Endodontics 牙髓学牙科硕士

Master in Dental Surgery - Implant Dentistry 牙齿植入牙科硕士

Master of Dental Surgery - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery口内与上颌科牙科硕士MDS - Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 畸齿矫正学牙科硕士

Master in Dental Surgery - Paediatric Dentistry 儿童牙科牙科硕士

Master in Dental Surgery - Periodontology 牙周病学牙科硕士

Master in Dental Surgery - Prosthodontics 假牙修复学牙科硕士

Master of Science in Dental Materials Science 牙科材料学理学硕士

Master of Science in Community Dentistry 牙科群落理学硕士

Master of Science in General Dentistry 牙科理学硕士

Master of Science in Implant Dentistry 植入牙医学理学硕士

Faculty of Education 教育学院

Master of Education 教育学硕士

Master of Science in Information T echnology in Education 信息教育学理学硕士Master of Science in Library and Information Management 图书信息管理理学硕士Postgraduate Diploma in Education 教育学研究生学位

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Educational Studies 高等教育研究生学历

Faculty of Engineering 工程学院

Master of Science in Computer Science 计算机学理学硕士

MS in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing 电子商务理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Building Services Engineering) 房屋设备工程学理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 环境工程学理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) 土木工程理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Infrastructure Project Management) 公共建设管理理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Structural Engineering) 结构工程学理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Transportation Engineering) 交通运输工程理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) 电子工程学理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Industrial Engineering) 工程管理学理学硕士

MS in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) 机械工程学理学硕士

MS in Engineering in Energy Engineering 工程学理学硕士

Faculty of Law 法学院

Master of Laws 法学硕士

Master of Laws in Chinese Law 中国法法学硕士

Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law 公司法法学硕士

Master of Laws in Human Rights 人权法法学硕士

ML in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law 信息技术知识产权法法学硕士

Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 仲裁纠纷法学硕士

Master of Common Law 不成文法硕士

Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine 医学院

Master of Chinese Medicine in the stream of Internal Medicine 中医内科学硕士
