



The school has implemented a new policy that____due to ____.

And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that_____. And the second one is based on the fact that_____. Therefore,s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion.

新托福口语task3解析:language table




同学提出在食堂设立专门的桌子,给foreign language同学交流,可以学习语言并且交朋友。男同学不同意:



b.学校已经有 language clubs 给同学机会去学习。男同学就

参加了Japanese club,他们每周都会有见面,还会去看电影。


The reading passage is a proposal suggesting that the school dinning hall should set up some special language tables for foreign students to practice their language skills and socializing.

The listening passage is a conver〔sat〕ion between two students on this proposal. In the conversation, the man disagrees with the proposal for the following two reasons. First, the dinning hall is usually crowded with tons of students. At peak times, theres usually not enough table, especially at dinner times. If they save up special tables just for foreign language students to make friends, it is not fair for other students who dine there.

Second, the school has language clubs for students to practice foreign languages. The man has attended the Japanese club himself, which provides a variety of activities. They meet every week and go to see a movie


That is why the man is against the proposal.






阅读:大学要在湖边安装桌子,原因 1: 可以 relax 和socialize,原因 2: 图书馆满人的时候可以学习

听力不赞成,原因 1:人多了就会很吵,还会带来很多垃圾,原因 2:大家都是晚上去湖边,七点以后,黑漆漆的没法学习新托福口语task3解析:上课时间调整




IntegratedSpeaking: Campus-related issue Students attitude.


[Reading]Schools plan: 学校决定把早上8:00的课往后挪一



1.很多同学老师太早都回feel sleepy, 这样一来可以让同学们睡眠充足,更好地听课;




1、同学如果知道了这个决定,前一天晚上就会熬夜,stay up late,和朋友出去玩,不会合理安排时间,所以这个决定是没有用的;





1. 同学不会改变生活习惯,不做晚上活动与学习的计划,爱玩的同学仍旧会玩到很晚。

2. 教授会面临交通堵塞,因为那个时候正好是一般人上班的时间,



R1: 同学疲乏,不能参加课堂互动。

R2: 不会给教授造成影响


R1: 同学不会改变生活习惯,不做晚上活动与学习的计划,爱


R2: 教授会面临交通堵塞,因为那个时候正好是一般人上班的





仍然会熬夜聊天、写作业,同学很难去决定晚上睡觉的时间。第二、延后上课会给老师带来不便,因为多数老师要drive a long distance来学校,延后上课时间正好让老师们碰到traffic jam,这个时候路上的车很多,老师会花更多的时间在路上。






Introductory science course to read beyond test book:建议阅读资料里增加一些教学课本外的学术内容。


1、可以了解up to date 的研究资料;

2、可以让学习如何locate academic resources。





2、新生只必须要打基础grounding ,高阶的同学再去看学术内容即可。


Task3、学校要求新生看专业性的论文articles on the newest magazines

男生不同意,因为已经有很多材料了,而新生必须要的仅仅是课本上的basic知识,article是很难看懂,高年级更合适,另一个因为library有workshop来帮助同学培养locate source online,是老师应该关注教学,课上已经有很多材料,新生可以在图书馆读



原因 1.可以了解 up to date 的研究资料;

2. 可以让学习如何 locate academic resources;



2.图书馆有学习小组来帮助同学培养 locate source online。


托福口语模板 托福口语模板 托福口语考试主要考察考生的口语表达能力和思维逻辑 能力。下面我将为大家介绍一些常用的托福口语模板,希望能帮助大家提高口语水平和应对考试。 Task 1 模板:个人经验 结构: 1.介绍背景信息 2.列举理由 3.总结观点 范例: Recently, I have gained a valuable experience. (1) 我最近有了一次宝贵的经历。 First and foremost, (2) 首先,....... Another reason is that (3) 另一个原因是....... Lastly, (4) 最后,. (5) 总之,……. Task 2 模板:选择观点 结构: 1.先对两种观点进行简要的描述 2.选择一个观点并解释理由 3.举例或列举优缺点 4.总结观点 范例: There are two main opinions on this topic: (1) A

观点1 and (2) B 观点2. Personally, I am inclined to support (3) A 观点1 for the following reasons. Firstly, (4) 理由1. For example, (5) 举例1. Secondly, (6) 理由2. However, (7) B 观点2 also has its merits. For instance, (8) 举例2. To sum up, (9) 总结. Task 3 模板:阅读-听力-综合观点 结构: 1.简要介绍阅读材料内容 2.陈述听力材料内容并指出不同观点 3.解释自己的观点并支持理由 4.总结观点 范例: In the reading passage, the author talks about... (1) 在阅读材料中,作者谈到了…… However, the speaker in the listening material has a different opinion. According to the speaker,... (2) 然而,听力材料中的演讲者持有不同的观点。根据演讲者的说法,…… Personally, I agree with the speaker for the following reasons. First, (3) 理由1. For example, (4) 举例1. Second, (5) 理由2. Moreover, (6) 理由3. To sum up, (7) 总结. Task 4 模板:学校场景-例子解释 结构: 1.简要描述该场景 2.列举一个例子 3.解释例子并给出理由


托福口语60例 1. What is your favorite way to relax? 2. Describe a memorable vacation you have taken. 3. Do you prefer living in a house or an apartment? Why? 4. What is your favorite snack and why? 5. Describe your favorite season and explain why you like it. 6. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? 7. What is the most challenging thing you have done? 8. Do you prefer watching movies at home or in a theater? Why? 9. What is your favorite type of music? Why? 10. Describe a famous person you admire and explain why you admire them. 11. How do you usually spend your weekends? 12. What is your favorite outdoor activity? 13. Describe a historical event that you find interesting. 14. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? Why? 15. How do you handle stress? 16. Describe a memorable birthday celebration. 17. What is your favorite type of cuisine? Why? 18. How do you usually celebrate holidays? 19. What is your favorite sport and why? 20. Describe a place you would like to visit in the future. 21. Do you prefer taking photos or being in photos? Why? 22. How do you keep yourself motivated? 23. What is your favorite school subject and why? 24. Describe a memorable experience you had while traveling. 25. Do you prefer studying alone or in a group? Why? 26. What is your favorite hobby and why? 27. How do you handle conflicts? 28. Describe a job you would love to have in the future.


托福口语模板t3 〔托福〕口语的第三题即为综合任务的第一题,和前面2道独立任务是不一样的,其的步骤十分繁琐,牵涉到阅读与听力。下面是我为您整理的关于托福口语模板t3,希望对你有所帮助。 托福口语模板t3 The school has implemented a new policy that____due to ____. And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that_____. And the second one is based on the fact that_____. Therefore,s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion. 新托福口语task3解析:language table 托福口语考试日期: 2018年1月28日 新托福口语题目回忆版本一: 同学提出在食堂设立专门的桌子,给foreign language同学交流,可以学习语言并且交朋友。男同学不同意: a.因为食堂人多,座位不够,特别是晚饭的时候,如果再设置

专门的桌子给这些同学,对其他同学不公平; b.学校已经有 language clubs 给同学机会去学习。男同学就 参加了Japanese club,他们每周都会有见面,还会去看电影。 托福口语范文一: The reading passage is a proposal suggesting that the school dinning hall should set up some special language tables for foreign students to practice their language skills and socializing. The listening passage is a conver〔sat〕ion between two students on this proposal. In the conversation, the man disagrees with the proposal for the following two reasons. First, the dinning hall is usually crowded with tons of students. At peak times, theres usually not enough table, especially at dinner times. If they save up special tables just for foreign language students to make friends, it is not fair for other students who dine there. Second, the school has language clubs for students to practice foreign languages. The man has attended the Japanese club himself, which provides a variety of activities. They meet every week and go to see a movie


2020年TPO5托福口语Task3原文及参考 TPO5口语Task3题目: Passage Campus Dining Club Announced Starting this year, the university dining hall will be transformed into The Campus Dining Club for one week at the end of each semester. During the last week of each semester, the dining hall will feature special meals prepared by the university’s culina ry arts students. The school feels that this will give students who are studying cooking and food preparation valuable experience that will help them later, when they pursue careers. The university has announced that it will charge a small additional fee for these dinners in order to pay for the special gourmet food ingredients that will be required. Conversation Now listen to two students discussing the article. Woman: Did you see that article? Man:Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea. It’s reall y good for students in that program. Woman:Don’t they cook in class anyway? Man: Well, yeah, they do. But, my cousin was in the program a few years ago, and she said that it’s very different to cook for a lot of people in that kind of atmosphere than to cook for classmates.


托福口语模板 口语模板是指在托福口语考试中常用的一些结构和句式,以下是一个常用的托福口语模板: 1. 给出观点: In my opinion, I believe that... From my perspective, I think that... Personally, I feel that... 2. 陈述原因/说明观点: There are several reasons why I hold this opinion. Firstly,... One reason is that... Another reason is that... Furthermore,... 3. 举例支撑观点: For example, let me mention... To illustrate this point,... For instance,... 4. 对比观点: On the other hand, some people argue that... However, I tend to disagree with this viewpoint because... 5. 解决方案/建议: One possible solution is... An alternative approach might be... In my view, we should...

6. 总结观点并给出结论: Overall, I believe that... In conclusion,... In a nutshell,... 这个模板可以根据具体题目的要求进行修改和加减,但整体上可以帮助考生组织语言,清晰地表达个人观点,并且提供充分的理由和具体的实例来支持观点。重要的是要灵活运用这个模板,并根据具体题目要求进行调整,让自己的回答更加流畅和自然。


托福tpo口语task3 〔托福〕口语考试分为独立口语和综合口语两个个部分, Task3-6为综合口语,这部分主要考验大家的阅读功力和阅读技巧,发挥空间大,难度极高。下面是我为您整理的关于托福tpo 口语task3,希望对你有所帮助。 托福tpo口语task3阅读文本: Letter in the Centerville College News The administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The universitys poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot ling steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! Its so large, itll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use. 托福tpo口语task3听力文本:


托福口语答题万能模板 托福口语应该是托福考试中比较难的一部分内容了吧!但是大家 只要多多学习,相信也一定会取得好成绩的。下面是我为您整理的关于托福口语答题万能模板,希望对你有所帮助。 第1部分: 用于应对以下状况: 1,最美好的回忆。 2,最喜爱或最有用的一本书。 3,最喜爱或对你最重要的一样物品(说你喜爱的物品是一本书,然后就可以转成 2 )3,一次旅行。 4,最想去的地方(注意这里必须要转换时态到将来时)。 5,朋友 Well, 题目, First, It always reminds me of some sweetest memories I spent in a small town in Santa Babara. It has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. Whats more, It also reminds me of some

friends in this small town, one of them give me a book, I cherish this book as much as I cherish our friendship. 第2部分: 用于应对以下状况: 1,空闲时间去干什么。 2,周末和朋友一起去哪玩 Well, 题目,First, it has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. Whats more, It is a very free place where I can choose my favorite dishes, I can have some red, warmming wine twinkling in a beauty glasses. The aroma and flavor filling my sense. 托福口语第二题万能模板: 1.Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion. (05. 1 2.2; 07.10.17考题) Well, in my opinion, the high school should teach music and art as other basic science. First, students would have more opportunity to see different things and know more about music and art. Taking a break from study is not only beneficial for their


托福综合口语考试经典模板 托福口语考试分为独立口语和综合口语2个部分,有些考生觉得托福综合口语很难,看看这些口语模板能不能帮助你?下面就是店铺给大家整理的托福综合口语模板,希望对你有用! 托福综合口语模板 1、“The school has implemented a new policy that……due to……And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that……And the second one is based on the fact that……" 2、From the reading material, we know that (the college) is going to…… Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons.。 One reason is that…… Another is…… (万一有时间)So that‘s all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主) 3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…… (选择方案型:听选择的原因。 1.Firstly, the man/woman states that……. 2.And then he/she states that……。 (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。1.Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that…….2.On the other hand,the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she point s out that……。) 4、阅读引用部分的模版 (1) In the readingmaterial, (2) There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词)


托福口语考试模板 托福口语考试之中,准备一些满分模板素材,以备不时之必须,实为必不可少。下面是我为您整理的关于托福口语考试模板,希望对你有所帮助。 Task 1 Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________.And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.Whatsmore, ____________________. So thats why____________________. Task 2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________.More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, thats why Ichoose____________________ for the two reasons listed


托福口语话题问答模板 1.介绍一下自己。 答:My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Age] years old. I'm from [Your Country], and I am currently studying in [Your University/College]. 2.你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么? 答:My favorite food is [It's Name], and I love it for the following reasons: [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3]. 3.你的业余爱好是什么? 答:My hobby is [It's Name], and I enjoy it because [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3]. 4.你最喜欢的一本书是什么?为什么? 答:My favorite book is [It's Name], and I love it for the following reasons: [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3]. 5.你的家乡有什么特色美食吗? 答:My hometown has many special dishes, and my favorite is [It's Name]. Why do I like it? It's because [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3]. 6.你最喜欢的一部电影是什么?为什么? 答:My favorite movie is [It's Name], and I love it for the following reasons: [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3]. 7.描述一下你最近做过的一次旅行。 答:I recently went on a trip to [It's Location], and I visited


2019年TPO12托福口语Task3原文及参考 2019年TPO12托福口语Task3原文及参考 TPO12口语Task3题目: Passage College Radio Station to Undergo Major Changes? The university is considering making major changes to the college radio station. Changes would include an expansion of the station’s broadcasting range, which would allow the radio ’s programming to reach nearby towns. One goal of the plan is to attract more students to apply its communications program. Another goal is to provide the university with an extra source of revenue. University officials expect the enhanced radio station to significantly increase the number of listeners, which will in turn encourage businesses to place commercials on the radio. Conversation Now, listen to two students discussing the article. Man: What do you think of the proposal? Woman:I think it’ll work. I mean, the range of the station now is basically limited to the campus. So it’s basically just a few programs mainly for students. Man: Yeah? Woman: Well, if this proposal goes th rough there will be more programs and it’ll give the students more professional experience as they expand the programming for a much larger, you know, real-life audience. And stuff like that will give them a better shot at getting a job after they graduate. Man: Of course. Woman: Besides, the whole university will benefit from it.


2016 年 TPO19 托福口语 Task3 原文及参考答案 TPO19 口语 Task3 题目:Passage Fee Increase for Recreation Center Use The university administration today announced a $25increase in the student fee forusing the campus recreation center.The higher fee, which all students are required to pay, will provide funds to upgrade the facility and provide newer,more modern exercise equipment at the center. “We expect the improvements to increase student use of the facility, ” explained David Smith, director of the student activities office.Mr. Smith also noted that the decision was approved because “we feel that $25 is a reasonable increase that will be affordable for individual students. ” Conversation Now listen to two students discussing the article. Man: Did you see this announcement in the newspaper? It sounds like a great idea. Woman: You really think so? Not many people even use the place. Man: I know, that’s the point, people don’t go there because the facilities are old and the exercise equipment breaks down. I think the director is right that they get more use out of it this way. Right now, the place is usually empty and that’s too bad. Students can get pretty stressed out if they don’t get some exercise. Woman: That’s a good point. But doesn’t it seem like a lot of money? Man: It’s really not all that much, if you figured a lot of people spend that kind of money on a CD or when they go out to the movies, this is just one charge for the whole year. Woman: That’s true, and instead of some little thing we get a recreation center people might actually use. Man: Right, so considering the benefits, it’s really not that much to pay. Woman: Yeah, I guess you’re right. Question The man expresses his opinion about the change described in the article.Briefly summarize the change then state his opinion about the change and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. Key Points 1. upgrade facilities 2. affordable TPO19 口语 Task3 参考答案(范文模板): The man endorses the school’s plan to increase the student fee for the recreation center. According to the school, all students must pay this fee and it will go towards upgrading the equipment in the recreation center and the man reckons it’s true, saying that people


托福口语模板task3介绍 Task3是新〔托福〕口语部分最有挑战性的题目。为了模拟北美大学课堂的学术气氛和同学在校园生活的方方面面,Task3从不同程度上涉及了Read/Listen/Speak三个方面。下面是我为您整理的关于托福口语模板task3介绍,希望对你有所帮助。 托福口语模板task3介绍 托福口语第三题形式:阅读+听力+应答 托福口语第三题阅读: 时间:40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题 (75至100words)(大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)。 托福口语第三题听力: 时间:60s至80s。 内容:话题同阅读,说话者会针对相关话题持鲜亮观点,观点分支持反对两种。 托福口语第三题作答: 依据阅读和听力材料说明同学的观点和同学所给出的理由,考生不必须要说明自己的观点。

视察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必定和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关,必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系; 准备时间:30s;陈述时间:60s。 托福口语第三题备考TIPS: 1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点 2、听力的部分主要记清楚主要人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由 3、结构一定要清楚,要用计时软件,多锻炼几次才干在规按时间内把要点说全说清楚。 托福口语模板task3 为了帮助大家在托福口语考试中有更好的发挥,新为大家带来托福口语Task3万能模板整理一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。 Task3 1. The man/woman endorses the schools plan to __________. According to the school, __________. The man/woman reckons its true, saying __________. The school also notes _________ and the man/woman says its worth it, cos __________. He/she adds that ___________. 2. The man/woman doesnt agree with the schools plan to __________. According to the school, __________, but the


2022年TPO4托福口语Task3原文及参考Passage Evening Computer Classes May Be Added The computer department is considering offering evening classes in the fall. The proposal to add the classes is a response to student complaints that day-time computer classes have become increasingly overcrowded and there are no longer enough computers available. The department has decided that despite some added expense, the most cost-effective way of addressing this problem is by adding computer classes in the evening. It is hoped that this change will decrease the number of students enrolled in day classes and thus guarantee individual access to computers for all students in computer classes. Conversation Now listen to two students discussing the article. Man: I just don’t think this will work. Woman: Why not? Man: Because it’s not gonna solve the problem. Students are busy at night, I mean, we have jobs, families, clubs, social events.


2022年TPO8托福口语Task3原文及参考答案Passage Music Coming to Cafeterias Mary Dixon, Director of the Student Life Committee, announced yesterday that beginning next semester, university cafeterias will broadcast classical music during mealtimes. “Music will foster a more relaxed atmosphere“, said Dixon. “Students’ lives are hectic, and mealtimes provide important opportunities to take a break and catch up with friends before moving on to the next class or assignment.” Added Dixon, “We’re hoping that, if we provide the music, students will unplug their music devices their walkmans and mp3 players or whatever and will spend more time talking to each other. When students have their headphones on, they’re not connecting with each other.” Conversation Now listen to two students discussing the university’s plan. Man: Have you read this article? Are they serious? Woman: Yeah, I think so. Why? Man: Well, first of all, a lot of kids aren’t looking for


2022年TPO13托福口语Task3原文及参考Passage New Stadium A university official announced plans to spend $2 million to build a new stadium, commenting that a new stadium would help the university achieve its goal of attracting more top students. The official also said that, additionally, building a new stadium would allow the university to strengthen its relationship with the town since a new and larger stadium would have the space to seat not only students, parents, and alumni, but members of the local community as well. Conversation Now listen to two students discussing the article. Man: So what do you think of the university’s new plan? Woman: Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s gonna work. Man: No? Woman: I mean, I can’t imagine top students being too thrilled about some of the conditions on this campus. Man: What do you mean?
