




Chapter 1

1.Earliest settlers---Celts

2.55 B.C. TO 407 A.D. ---Roman Empire(London was founded)

3.演变Celts- Romans – Anglo-Saxon – English

4.Julius Caesar , the first general came to British

5.500A.D. THE founder of the kingdom wessex, the Celts King


His followers , who were know as the knights of the round table, fight for their kingdom against the AS invaders.

6.9th century, King Alfred , the great of Wessex lead the AS

kings to defeat the invaders by uniting their forces.

7.the Norman Conquest

1066, Duck of Normandy came from Normandy to attack England to gets the land promise to be given to him for protecting from the Danes invasion by Edward Ⅱ. And Normandy beat the Harold at the Hesting.

8.Two highlight in the development of AS literature

A. Northumrian School

○1the first AS poet ---Caedmon

The earliest English poet. According to Bede, he was an

elderly herdsman who received the power of song in a


○2Vernerable Bede, A monk write in Lain Father of English History

B. the reign of Alfred Contribution

○1translate a number of Latin books into West Saxon



○3created a style of Anglo-Saxon Prose

9. A long epic poetry 长篇叙事诗

A.the earliest heroic poetry

B.the most significant poetry

C.existed in oral form as early as the 6th century

D.Beowulf is a mixture of paganism and Christian elements

10.Difference between Old Eng poetry , later poetry is

technical structure

11.There are two poetic features of Old English poetry:

alliteration and kenning.

Chapter 2

1.流行Romance 主要写Knights

2.Duke William of Normandy. The Norman Conquest in 1066

accelerated the development of feudalism 封建主义in ENG

3.Categories of Romances: The matter of Erance ,the matter of

Rome , the matter of Britain

4.Middle ENG:

A.words that are related with enjoyment and pleasure are

usually of the French origin

B.many inflectional form of words were dropped

C.formal grammar simplified

5. Medieval Romance (Subject Matters)

A. matter of French (Charlemagne the Great, Roland, )

B. matter of Rome (Alexander the Great, The siege of Troy)

C. Britain the Arthurian Legend

By Sir Gawain, Launce lot, Marlin, the quest for Holy Grail, the Death of King Arthur.

Chapter 3 Age of Chaucer

1.The Hundreds’ Years War is an awakening of national

Consciousness in ENG,the French heroine Joan of Arc贞德

2.Geoffrey Chaucer (Buried in the Poets’ Conner in

Westminster Abbey)

A.Father of Eng poetry

B.The work of Geoffrey Chaucer

○1influenced by French literature

○2influenced by Boccaccio


The general prologue 总序is the best part of it.

3.the significances of

A.Gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time

B.The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly

commended 高度赞赏by critics

C.Geoffrey Chaucer’s humor

D.Chaucer’s contribution to ENG language

E.Perhaps the greatest work in Middle English

4.John Wycliff

A.father of ENG prose

B.one of the first figures who demanded to reform church

C.the one translate Bible into standard ENG

5.William Langland

Piers Plowman>

Chapter 4

1.main events

A.The war of the Rose ,the thirty Years War(the house of

Lancaster/Red, the house of York)

B.The discovery of American and the new sea routes

C.Reformation of church. HenryⅧ found the Anglican Church,

break away from the church of Rome.

2.Ballad: a narrative poem that tells a story

3.Characters of Ballads

A.the beginning is often abrupt

B.have strong dramatic elements

C.the story is told through dialogue and action

D.the theme is often tragic

E.the meter格律is used (contains four-line stanzas, the

odd numbered line奇数four feet, the even numbered line偶数three feet. Rhymes fall on the even numbered lines.)


A. A legendary hero living during the reign of

Richard the Lion Heated 金雀花王朝

B.By Sir Thomas Mallory prefect

the king Arthur

5.Early ENG Plays(the 14th )developed into(mystery Plays神秘

剧, miracle plays 奇迹剧)

6.The flourishing of drama

the reason: no other entertainment ,both rich and poor can go to there

Chapter 5

英国文学史上三次高潮 15th ENG Renaissance— 19th上Romantic —19th 下 Victoria

1.The Background

Queen Elizabeth , defeat the Spanish Armada 无敌舰队, mighty naval power强有力的海军.

2.Humanism 人文主义Rebirth(文艺复兴的时代精神)

Humanism Renaissance is a French word which means

“rebirth ” in ENG


According to the Humanist scholars it was against human

nature to ○1sacrifice the happiness of the life for an after life. They argued that ○2man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life. In religion they demanded the reformation of the church, In art and

literati on, instead of happiness in his life. Humanism

shattered the shackles of spiritual bondage of man’s mind by the Roman catholic church and opened his eyes to “a

brave new world” in front of him.

4.Edmund Spenser

5.The University Wits

A.Robert Greene

B.Thomas Kyd

C.Christopher Marlowe

The blank Verse无韵诗Unrhymed iambic pentameter

6.William Shakespeare


○1Early years of his apprenticeship学徒期

○2Growth and development

○3gloom and depression

○4restored serenity


○1represented the trend of history in giving write to the desires and aspiration of people

○2S’ humanism: He had firm belief in the mobility of human nature and in the power of love

○3S’ characterization, S’ characters are round 丰满的而非flatter 扁平


○5as a great poet in sonnets

○6master of the Eng language

7.Four Tragedy : Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, The Tragedy of


8.Sonnets (Italy/Petrarch’s —the first one, S’s)

A.definition A short song in the original meaning of the

word become a poet of 14 lines. Usually in iambic

pentameter抑扬格五音步 with various rhyming schemes.

B.Sonnet, 3 quatrains, 1 couplet (Shakespeare’s


9.S’s sonnets are different from Petrach’s.

Petrach’s sonnets is divided into an octave(八音) which typically rhymes abba abba , and a sestet, which may have varying rhyme schemes.

Shakespeare’s sonnets (English sonnets)consists of 3

quatrains and 1 couplet ,which typically rhyme abab cdcd efef gg .ends with a surprised conclusion or a shift of


Petrach abba abba / cde cde

Shakespeare abab cdcd efef / gg

10.Hamlet —Humanist (melancholy忧郁 procrastination优柔寡断) Chapter 6

From Age of Elizabeth to Glorious Revolution

1.Background(the ENG bourgeois revolution 资产阶级革命,农民与

贵族阶级,Anglican church 与Puritanical Church)

2.Glorious Revolution 1688

In 1688, William signed presented by Parliament, which greatly restricted the power of English King hence four ENGLAND has become a country of

constitutional monarchy.君主立宪制

3.The King James Bible of 1611

Old Testament in Hebrews

New Testament in Greek

The earliest English translations of the Bible date back to Caedmon, Bade and King Alfred.

4.Francis Bacon. Praised by Marx as “the pioneer of Eng



目的:Studies serve for delight, for ornament, for ability.

功效:History make man wise; poetry witly; mathematics

subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.

方法:Books are able to be tasked, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

6.玄学派特点(Metaphysical Poets)John Donne

Metaphysical Poets describe a school of highly intellectual poetry marked by hold and ingenious conceits (奇思妙喻)incongruous imagery. Complexity of thought, frequent use of Paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.

7.Main theme of Metaphysical Poets: love, death and religion

Main theme of Cavalier(骑士派):Carpe Diem及时行乐

8.Cavalier: Carpe diem<AValediction:forbidding mourning >

A breach, but an expansion

Like gold to airy thinness beat

If they be two, they are two so.

As stiff twin compasses are two.

THEME, 他人物质化的爱情与我柏拉图式的真爱。

9.John Milton(Puritan Writer)


https://www.360docs.net/doc/477473291.html,ton ’s master piece and one of the greatest poems in

world literate.

B.Satan, the most impressive character Better to reign in

Hell than Serve in Heaven


○1rebellion spirits叛逆精神

○2defiance of authority对权威的藐视

○3excessive pride极端自负

11.John Bunyan(Puritan) 天路历程 is

written in the old fashioned medieval form of allegory and drama.

Chapter 7

1.Glorious Revolution

2.Two Parliaments: The Tory & The Whig

3.The characters of neo-classicism


A.People emphasized reason理智rather than emotion, form

rather than content

B.As reason was stressed, most of the writings of the age

were didactic 说教性and satirical讽刺

C.As elegance 优雅性correctness正确性appropriateness 恰当

性and restraint 节制性were preferred , the poet found

closed couplet the only possible verse form for serious


D.It’s almost exclusively a “town” poetry catering to

the interests of the “society” in great cities.

E.It is entirely wanting in all these elements that are

related with the “romantic”


A.Emphasized reason rather than emotion , form rather than


B.Didactic and satirical

C.The poet found closed couplet the only for serious

D.Town poetry show no love of nature, landscape or country


https://www.360docs.net/doc/477473291.html,ck of all Romantic Elements

4. Geoffrey Chaucer, first use couplet—Pope

5. Classicisms , a drama, 3 unities: action, place, time

6. Daniel Defoe, know as a pioneer novelist of ENG

is based on a real incident.

a lowly women as the subject of literature

who for her first time has committed theft and robbery.

7. Jonathan Swift

8.Joseph Addison & Richard Steele, periodical essays期刊写作.

2 periodical 期刊(the tattler, the spectator)

9.Alexander Pope 新古代表/英雄双韵顶峰

deist view 自然神论观点

10.Samuel Johnson

11.Henry Fielding (playwright, novelist)

12.Robert Burns 抒情诗人From Scotland, write in Scottish and

in traditional of Scottish folk songs. Besides, love lyrics, most of his poems and songs are about patriotic and political Themes. Burns had a profound love for the common Scottish

people and their literature. And his poems or songs are

permeated with the Scottish natural spirit. 13.William Blake (神秘主义者)同Burns 为前期浪漫主义代表

Chapter 8 Romanticism

1.From Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798

to the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832.

2.Characters: The glorification of instinct and emotion a deep

veneration 崇拜of nature, and a flaming zeal to remark the world.

3.Rousseau 卢梭 French Philosopher . The Father of

Romanticism/ The Nobel Savage

4.Characteristic features of the romantic movement


B.Spontaneity 自发性

C.Singularity 奇特性

D.Worship of nature


F.There is a dominating note of melancholy / in the poems

of Romantic poets人道主义理想、忧郁气质

G.An age of poetry by which the poets outpoured their

feeling and emotion free verse form

5.William Wordsworth —Poet Laureate 桂冠诗人


A.Sing of harmony between things in nature and between the

nature and the poet himself

B.Personification, Simile, Metaphor

https://www.360docs.net/doc/477473291.html,ke poets (William Wordsworth, Robert Southey,Taylor

Coleridge )

8.Samuel Taylor Coleridge


9.George Gordon Byron

10. the adventure of a Spanish liberation

Byron’s fiery passion for the liberation of Greek people, and his bitter satire on the sham and hypocrisy in love, religion and the social relation of his time.

11.Percy Bysshe Shelley


12.John Keats (Last poet)

13.Charles Lamb 剧作家With his sister 写了

Shakespeare>Contribution to Familiar Essay

14.Thomas de Quincy

15.Walter Scott—Historic Novel . 1832 die , the end of

Romanticism Contribution

Chapter 9 Queen Victoria

1.Two Queens:

A.both were on a throne for a long period of time.

Elizabeth 40s, Victoria 60s.

B.Developed rapidly in both politically , economically

C.Literature flourished(E’ - SB, drama. V’-novel)

2.The reason why novel rise quickly in V’s Age

A.the growth of urban population bring a new reading in


B.the development of printing and making papers and the

price of books dropped

C.people can make a living by writing

D.a large part class who need recreation and entertainment

E.the novel provided a marvelous mechanism for all sort of

things——explorisy the conditions of poor and the

manners of society, satirizing individuals or

institution , advocating social reform and providing

diversion for people at all levels

F.the feminist movement

3.Characterized by the common features

A.plot is unfolded against a social background

B.the cause-effect sequence much more striking than in

previous novels

C.published in serial form连载

D.the spirit of Puritanism 清教主义

E.characterized by their moral purpose (hypocrisy 伪善 V’


F.critical realism 批判现实主义/ critical realistic


4.Charles Dickens

artistic technique

○1a tendency to describe ugly characters or events

○2loves to instill life into inanimate things

○3description of pathetic scenes

5.William Makepeace Thackeray“A novel without


6.Difference between Thackeray and Dickens

A.Thackeray descript a different world from Dickens (T,

descript people of upper and middle classes; D, descript the underdogs and the unprivileged )

B.T is a cynic , D is a sentimentalist 感伤主义者

C.T against affectation. D is a Romanist

7.The title Vanity Fair is taken from John Bunyan’s

Pilgrim’s Progress>

8.Lord Alfred Tennyson (Laureate Poet)

挽歌 Tennyson wrote in memory of his friend Arthur Hallam.

9.Robert Browning (the dramatic monologue戏剧独白诗)


10.The Bront? Sister

A.Charlotte Bront?—

B.Emily Bront? —

C.Anne Bront? —

11.Some critics said that the Bront? inherited their strong

emotion from their parents.

A.The Celtic blood explains their strong emotion and their

audacity in the search for spiritual integrity.

B.Another factor was the moorland which was not yet

corrupted by the evils of society.

C.The Third factor their writing career was the fact that

they were greatly influenced by Romantic Poets.

12.The works of Charlotte and Emily Bront? and different from

those of other Victorian writers in the aspects below:

A.their works are marked by strong romantic elements

B.the role of nature is very significant in their work

C.marked by a new conception of women as heroines of vital

strength and passionate feelings.


全国高等教育自学考试高级语言程序设计 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

2001年10月全国高等教育自学考试高级语言程序设计(一) 试卷 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. C语言程序编译时,程序中的注释部分【】 A. 参加编译,并会出现在目标程序中 B. 参加编译,但不会出现在目标程序中 C. 不参加编译,但会出现在目标程序中 D. 不参加编译,也不会出现在目标程序中 2. 下列表达式的值为0的是【】 A. 3﹪5 B. 3/ C. 3/5 D. 3<5 3. 正确的C语言用户自定义标识符是【】 A. print B. float C. when?

D. random﹪2 4. 设int a = 3;则表达式a<1&& - - a>1的运算结果和a的值分别是【】 A. 0和2 B. 0和3 C. 1和2 D. 1和3 5. 下列叙述中,正确的是【】 A. 引用带参的宏时,实际参数的类型应与宏定义时的形式参数类型相一致 B. 宏名必须用大写字母表示 C. 宏替换不占用运行时间,只占编译时间 D. 在程序的一行上可以出现多个有效的宏定义 6. 下列保留字中用于构成循环结构的是【】 A. if B. while C. switch D. default 7. 与语句if(a>b)if(c>d)x = 1;else x = 2;等价的是【】 A. if(a>b){if(c>d) x = 1;else x = 2;} B. if(a>b){if(c>d) x = 1;} else x = 2;


浙江省2018年1月高等教育自学考试 英国文学选读试题 课程代码:10054 Part I. Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (10%) Section A A B (1)Jonathan Swift() A. The Rainbow (2)D.H. Lawrence () B. Adam Bede (3)Emily Brontё() C. Gulliver’s Travels (4)Thomas Hardy () D. Wuthering Heights (5)George Eliot() E. Far From the Madding Crowd Section B A B (1) Middlemarch() A. Shylock (2) Jane Eyre() B. Sir Peter Teazle (3) The Merchant of Venice() C. Mr. Rochester (4) Mrs. Warren’s Profession() D. Will Ladislas (5) The School for Scandal() E. Vivie Part II. Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (5%) 1. In Paradise Lost, the author intended to expose the ways of Satan and to “justify the ways of _________ to men.” 2. As the greatest novelist of the Victorian period, Charles Dickens set out a full map, and a large -scale criticism of the _________century. 3. In Jane Austen’s novels, stories of _________ and marriage provide the major themes. 4. In the novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles, the two men Alec and _________ are both agents of the destructive force of the society. 1


2014人教版七年级下英语知识点总结 第一单元Can you play the guitar? 一、词汇拓展 1. sing(现在分词)singing 2. dance(现在分词)dancing 3. swim(现在分词)swimming 4.draw(同义词)paint 5. story(复数)stories 6. Write(同音词)right 7. drum(复数)drums 8. piano(复数)pianos 9. also(同义词)too/either 10.make(单三)makes (现在分词)making 11. Center(形容词)central 12.teach(名词)teacher 13. musician(形容词)musical 二、重点短语与句型 1. play chess下国际象棋speak English说英语play the guitar弹吉它 want to do…想做……2. be good at擅长于what club /sports什么俱乐部/运动music /swimming /sports club音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部 be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 like to do …喜欢做… What about…?…怎么样? be good at doing…擅长做… tell stories讲故事 the story telling club讲故事俱乐部 3. talk to跟…..说write stories写小说 want …for the school show为学校表演招聘…… after school放学后 do kung fu打中国功夫come and show us来给我们表演 4. play the drum敲鼓play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin拉小提琴 5. be good with善于应付(处理)…的;和某人相处很好 make friends结交朋友help sb. with sth在某方面帮助某人 on the weekend在周末help with...帮助做…… be free /busy有空/很忙call sb. at…拨打某人的……号码 need sb./sth. to do…需要某人/某物做…… English-speaking students说英语的学生join…… the club加入…俱乐部,be in=join in …成为…中的一员 三、关键句型 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. Sounds good. 4. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 5. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. ◆话题写作


考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷 考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX 考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班 I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. 1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A.The Canterbury Tales B.The Ballad of Robin Hood C.The Song of Beowulf D.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght 2._____is the most common foot in English poetry. A.The anapest B.The trochee C.The iamb D.The dactyl 3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event? A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B.England’s domestic rest C.New discovery in geography and astrology D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion 4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A.The Pilgrims Progress B.Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners C.The Life and Death of Mr.Badman D.The Holy War 5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____. A.science B.philosophy C.arts D.humanism 6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ? A.Lover. B.Time. C.Summer. D.Poetry. 7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct. A.God’s B.Satan’s C.Adam’s D.Eve’s


2017年10月全国高等教育自学考试 中国近现代史纲要真题解析 (课程代码03708) 一、本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.中国半殖民地半封建社会最主要的矛盾是( )。 A.地主阶级与农民阶级的矛盾 B.资产阶级与工人阶级的矛盾 C.帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾 D.封建主义与人民大众的矛盾 2.洋务派最早从事的洋务事业是( )。 A.兴办军用工业 B.兴办民用工 C.派遣留学生 D.创立新式学堂 3.戊戌维新时期,维新派在上海创办的影响较大的报刊是( )。 A.《国闻报》 B.《时务报》 C.《强学报》 D.《万国公报》 4.1904年至1905年,为争夺侵略权益公然在中国东北进行战争的是( )。 A.美国与俄国 B.美国与英国 C.英国与日本 D.日本与俄国 5.20世纪初,在资产阶级民主革命思想传播中发表《驳康有为论革命书》的是( )。 A.孙中山 B.邹容 C.章炳麟 D.陈天华 6.1922年1月,中国共产党领导的第一次工人运动高潮的起点是( )。 A.香港海员罢工 B.安源路矿工人罢工 C.京汉铁路工人罢工 D.省港工人罢工 7.1930年8月,邓演达领导成立的中间党派是( )。 A.中国青年党 B.中国国家社会党 C.中国******临时行动委员会 D.中国******革命委员会 8.第五次反“围剿”斗争失败后,1934年10月开始战略转移的是( )。A.红十五军团B.红一方面军C.红二方面军D.红四方面军 9.1935年,日本帝国主义为扩大对华侵略而发动的事变是( )。 A.九一八亊变 B.—·二八事变 C.华北事变 D.卢沟桥事变 10.1937年,在淞沪会战中率领“八百壮士”孤军据守四行仓库的爱国将领是( )。 A.谢晋元 B.佟麟阁 C.张自忠 D.戴安澜 11.1940年,八路军对侵华日军发动大规模进攻的战役是( )。 A.平型关战役 B.雁门关战役 C.阳明堡战役 D.百团大战 12.1945年8月至10月,国共双方举行的谈判是( )。 A.西安谈判 B.重庆谈判 C.南京谈判 D.北平谈判 13.1946年6月,******军队挑起全面内战的起点是( )。 A.大举围攻中原解放区 B.大举围攻东北解放区 C.重点进攻陕甘宁边区 D.重点进攻山东解放区 14.台湾人民为反抗******当局暴政而举行“二二八”起义的时间是( )。 A.1945年 B.1946年 C.1947年 D.1948年

英国文学选读一考试大题必备 重点题目分析(人物分析 诗歌分析 三大主义)

Hamlet is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet…s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special. Hamlet is no saint. But unlike most of the other characters (and most people today), Hamlet chooses not to compromise with evil. Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world Hamlet is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today, "Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world. 犹豫scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire. More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires (Freud concludes that Hamlet has an "Oedipal desire for his mother and the subsequent guilt [is] preventing him from murdering the man [Claudius] who has done what he unconsciously wanted to do". Robinson Crusoe is a grand hero in westerners? eyes. He survived in the deserted island and lived a meaningful life. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. But he has shortcomings, too. Sometimes he was irresolute; he was not confident; he was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good. He serves somehow as a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It?s also instructive for average people. Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th C. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. The author Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, powerful, clever, and successful man. 【Themes of Robinson Crusoe】 1. The ambivalence of mastery In short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate by overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow human Friday is more doubtful. Defoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind. 2. The necessity of Repentance Crusoe?s experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live one?s life. Crusoe?s story instruct s others in God?s wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting one?s sins. 3. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoe?s arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence and he remains conscious of himself at all times. His island existence actually deepens his self-awareness as he withdraws from the external society and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the Presbyterian doctrine that the aothor took seriously all his life. ·Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby. She is a plain-featured, small and reserved but talented, sympathetic, hard-working, honest and passionate girl. Skilled at studying, drawing, and teaching, she works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 【Themes of Jane Eyre】 1. Gender relations A particularly important theme in the novel is patriarchalism and Jane…s efforts to assert her own identity within male-dominated society. Among the three of the main male characters,


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一短语归纳 1.speak English/Chinese 说英语/汉语 2. what club /sports 什么俱乐部/运动 3.play the guitar/ piano/drums/ violin 弹吉它/弹钢琴/敲鼓/拉小提琴 4. play chess/ basketball/ volleyball/ soccer 下国际象棋/ 打篮球/排球/足球 5.tell stories 讲故 6. the art/chess/swimming/sports/ story telling/English club 艺术/国际象棋/游泳/体育/讲故事/英语俱乐部 7.school show 学校演出 8.sound good听起来不错 9.teach music 教音乐 10.do kung fu 练(中国) 功夫 11.make friends(with sb.)( 结交朋友) 12.on the weekend/on weekends在周末 https://www.360docs.net/doc/477473291.html,e and show us 来给我们表演 15.write stories 写故事 16.after school 放学后 17.English-speaking students说英语的学生 18.play games 做游戏

19.the Students’Sports Center学生运动中心 20.at the old people’s home在老人之家 21.be in our school music festival 参加学校音乐节 22.jion the music club加入音乐俱乐部 二用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球 2. play the +乐器弹/拉……乐器 3. be good at doing sth.擅长做某事 be good for.. 对…有好处be good /kind to …对…友好 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好; 善于应付(处理)… 5. need(sb./sth.)to do… 需要(某人/某物)做…. 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词: 一点儿…… 9. like to do sth.或like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 10.want to do…想做…… 11.What about…?…怎么样?(后面接Ving/代词/名词) 12. talk用法: talk to/with sb. 跟某人说话 talk about sth. 谈论某事 tell 用法:tell sb sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人去做某事 tell stories 讲故事


2018年自学《英国文学选读》试题及答案 1. What are Shakespeare ’s achievements? a. Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to de desires and aspirations of the people. b. Shakespeare’s humanism: more important than his historical sense of his time, Shakespeare in his plays reflects the spirit of his age. c. Shakespeare’s characterization: Shakespeare was most successful in his characterization. In his plays he described a great number of characters. d. Shakespeare’s originality: Shakespeare drew most of his materials from sources that were known to his audienc e. But his plays are original because he instilled into the old materials a new spirit that gives new life to his plays. e. Shakespeare as a great poet: Shakespeare was not only a great dramatist, but also a great poet. Apart from his sonnets and long poems, his dramas are poetry. f. Shakespeare as master of the English language. 2. What are the basic characteristics of ballads? a. The beginning is often abrupt. b. There are strong dramatic elements. c. The story is often told through dialogue and action. d. The theme is often tragic, though there are a number of comic


全国高等教育自学考 试

仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢6 全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试 高等数学(一)试题 课程代码:00020 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.下列集合中为空集的是( ) A.{x|e x =1} B.{0} C.{(x, y)|x 2+y 2=0} D.{x| x 2+1=0,x ∈R} 2.函数f(x)=2 x 与g(x)=x 表示同一函数,则它们的定义域是( ) A.(]0,∞- B.[)+∞,0 C.()+∞∞-, D.()+∞,0 3.函数f(x)==π -?? ?≥<)4(f ,1|x |,01|x ||,x sin |则( ) A.0 B.1 C. 2 2 D.-2 2 4.设函数f(x)在[-a, a](a>0)上是偶函数,则f(-x)在[-a, a]上是( ) A.奇函数 B.偶函数 C.非奇非偶函数 D.可能是奇函数,也可 能是偶函数 5.=+→) 2x (x x 2sin lim 0x ( ) A.1 B.0 C.∞ D.2 6.设2x 10 x e ) mx 1(lim =-→,则m=( )

仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢6 A.21 B.2 C.-2 D.2 1- 7.设f(x)=???=≠2x ,12 x ,x 2,则=→)x (f lim 2 x ( ) A.2 B.∞ C.1 D.4 8.设x 1e y -=是无穷大量,则x 的变化过程是( ) A. x →0+ B. x →0- C. x →+∞ D. x →-∞ 9.函数在一点附近有界是函数在该点有极限的( ) A.必要条件 B.充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.无关条件 10.定义域为[-1,1],值域为(-∞,+∞)的连续函数( ) A.存在 B.不存在 C.存在但不唯一 D.在一定条件下存在 11.下列函数中在x=0处不连续的是( ) A. f(x)=?? ? ??=≠0x ,10x ,|x |x sin B. f(x)=????? =≠0x ,00 x ,x 1sin x C. f(x)=???=≠0 x ,10 x ,e x D. f(x)=?? ??? =≠0x ,00 x ,x 1cos x 12.设f(x)=e 2+x,则当△x →0时,f(x+△x)-f(x)→( ) A.△x B.e 2+△x C.e 2 D.0 13.设函数f(x)=?????<-≥0 x ,1x 0 x ,e 2x ,则=--- →0x )0(f )x (f lim 0x ( )


做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答! 浙江省2007年10月高等教育自学考试 英国文学选读试题 课程代码:10054 Ⅰ.Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A.(10%) Section A A B (1)Daniel Defoe ( ) A. The Pilgrim’s Progress (2)Charles Dickens ( ) B. The Silver Box (3)John Bunyan ( ) C. Robinson Crusoe (4)Richard Sheridan ( ) D. A Tale of Two Cities (5)John Galsworthy ( ) E. The School for Scandal Section B A B (1) Jane Eyre( ) A. Irene (2) The Man of Property( ) B. Mr. Rochester (3) The Merchant of Venice( ) C. Satan (4) Paradise Lost( ) D. Sophia Western (5) The History of Tom Jones ( ) E. Portia Ⅱ.Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook.(5%) 1. In the era of the Renaissance, the humanists made attempts to get rid of those old ______ ideas in medieval Europe. 2. The ______ century was an age of prose. A group of excellent writers, such as Swift, Fielding were produced. 3. English ______ is generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads. 4. In the V ictorian period, the______ as a literary genre became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. 5. The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modern 1


新部编版二年级语文下册各单元知识点归纳总结 第一单元知识小结 一、易读错的字 古诗(shī)村(cūn)居化妆(zhuāng)喝醉(zuì)丝(sī)绦裁(cái)剪 遮(zhē)掩兴致(zhì)茁(zhuó)壮 花籽(zǐ)绚(xuàn)丽植(zhí)树二、易写错的字 绿:右边的“录”,下面不是“水”。 柳:右边是“卯”,不要丢掉第七笔“丿”。 格:右边是“各”,不是“名”。 局:下面不是“可”。 三、会写词语 古诗村居儿童碧绿 化妆丝带剪刀冲出 寻找姑娘吐丝柳枝 荡秋千鲜花桃花杏花 邮递员先生原来大叔 邮局东西太太做客 惊奇去年美好一堆

礼物植树格外 引人注目满意休息树苗 四、多音字 长:cháng(长处) zhǎng(长大) 似:sì(似乎) shì(似的) 冲:chōng(冲锋枪) chòng(冲着) 藏:cáng(捉迷藏) zàng(藏族) 奇:qí(奇怪) jī(奇数) 种:zhǒng(种子) zhòng(栽种) 五、形近字 村(山村)妆(化妆)冲(冲动)树(大数)壮(壮丽)种(种植)桃(桃树)姑(姑娘)车(汽车)跳(跳动)咕(咕咕)东(东西)礼(有礼)植(植物)住(居住)扎(挣扎)值(值日)注(注意) 六、近义词 丝绦—丝带裁—剪奔—跑仔细—细心寻找—寻觅懊丧—沮丧惊奇—诧异格外—特别碧空如洗—万里无云兴致勃勃—兴味盎然 七、反义词 赶紧—迟缓懊丧—兴奋惊奇—平静仔细—马虎害羞—大方探出—缩进茁壮—瘦弱笔直—弯曲

满意—不满 八、词语搭配 1. 动词搭配: (脱掉)棉袄(冲出)家门 (奔向)田野(寻找)春天 2. 形容词搭配: (害羞)的小姑娘(解冻)的小溪 (难忘)的日子(绿油油)的小柏树 (精心)地挑选(兴致勃勃)地挖着 九、词语归类 1. AABB 式的词语: 遮遮掩掩躲躲藏藏叮叮咚咚高高兴兴 快快乐乐 2. ABCC 式的词语: 兴致勃勃人才济济仪表堂堂 十、句子积累 1. 设问句、比喻句:不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。 2. 疑问句、感叹句:这是谁在我家门前种的花?真美啊! 3. 比喻句:一棵绿油油的小柏树栽好了,就像战士一样笔直地站在那里。 十一、考点提示 1. 背诵:《村居》《咏柳》《赋得古原草送别(节选)》。 2. 理解《村居》《咏柳》所描绘的春天的景象。


En glish Lite ra ture a nd the Se le cte d Re adings Developmentof EnglishLiterature 1.EarlyandMedievalEnglishliterature(- 1485)2.TheEnglishRenaissance(1550-1642?) 3.The17thCentury–ThePeriodofRevolutionandRestoration 4 . The 1 8 thCentury–T h e AgeofEnlightenm ent 5.TheRomanticPeriod(1798- 1832)6.TheVictorianAge(1832-1901) 7.Th e20t hCen t uryLit erat ure–Mod ern is man dPo st-Mod ern ism Chapter1EarlyandMedievalEnglishliterature 一.Epic (史诗) Apoemthatcelebrateintheformofacontinuousnarrativetheachievementsofone ormoreheroicpersonagesof historyortradition. AmongthegreatepicsoftheworldmaybementionedtheIliad,OdysseyandAeneidof classical. Be owulf 1.HistoricalBackground 1)) Thre e Invasions: A.The Rom a n Conq u e st ( 5 5 B. C - 4 10 A.D) B.The English Conqu e s t ( The Anglo-Sa xon Period) C.TheNormanConquest(TheAnglo-NormanPeriod) 2)) Tw o Wars: A.TheHundredYearsWar(1337-1453) B.TheWarof theRose(1455-1485) a.Anglo-SaxonPoetry: Pagan(异教的)&ChristianBeowulf /worksofCaedmonandCynewulf. b.Anglo- NormanPoetry:Romance c.Poe try in Age of Cha u cer: d..PopularBallads:BalladsofRobinHood2. 评价 1)Beowulfisanationalepic(史诗)ofEnglishpeople. 2)ItistherepresentativeworkoftheearlyEnglishliteraturewith3000lines.3) Itswriterisunknown. 4)BeowulfisafolklegendbroughttoEnglandbytheAngloSaxonfromtheirprimitiveNorthernEurope.5)Beowulfwaspasseddownfrommouthtomouth. 6) Beowulfwaswrittendowninthe10th century.3.Charactersint hestory: Beowulf:anephewofkingofGents,apeopleinDenmark.Hrothgar:kin gofDenmark. Gre nde l: a m onster. She-monster(女妖怪):Grende l’s mother.Dra go n: a fire dra gon, a m onster. 4.OutlineofTheSongofBeowulf Te u tonic(日耳曼的) h e ro Be ow u lf, the ne phe w of the king of the Ge a t la nd, he lpe d Hrothga r kill them onste r ha lf-hu m a n ,Gre nd e l a s w e ll a s his viciou s m oth e r. W ith his he roic de e ds, he w a s m a de the kingofScyldings(Sweden)for50years.


全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 财务管理学试题 课程代码:00067 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.企业内部各部门之间的财务关系,在性质上是( C )1-6、7 A.债权债务关系 B.所有权关系 C.资金结算关系 D.税收法律关系 2.在“两权三层”的财务治理结构框架中,“三层”指的是( C )1-32 A.厂部、车间和班组 B.车间、班组和个人 C.股东大会、董事会和经理层 D.股东大会、监事会和经理层 3.关于标准离差与标准离差率,下列表述正确的是( B )2-76 A.标准离差率是期望值与资产收益率的标准差之比 B.标准离差反映概率分布中各种可能结果对期望值的偏离程度 C.如果方案的期望值相同,标准离差越小,方案的风险越大 D.如果方案的期望值不同,标准离差率越小,方案的风险越大 4.下列关于先付年金现值的表达正确的是( B )2-57 A.V0=A·PVIFAi,n+1+A B.V0=A·PVIFAi,n-1+A

C.V0=A·PVIFAi,n-1-A D.V0=A·PVIFAi,n+1-A 5.下列各项中属于商业信用筹资形式的是( B )3-154 A.发行股票 B.预收账款 C.短期借款 D.长期借款 6.某公司利用长期债券筹资400万元,普通股筹资600万元,资本成本分别为6%和15%。则该筹资组合的综合资本成本是( B )3-163、164 A.10.6% B.11.4% C.12% D.12.5% 7.相对于利用银行借款购买设备而言,通过融资租赁方式取得设备的主要缺点是( D )3-150 A.限制条件多 B.取得资产慢 C.财务风险大 D.资本成本高 8.企业将资金占用在应收账款上而放弃的投资于其他方面的收益称作( D )4-203 A.管理成本 B.坏账成本 C.短缺成本 D.机会成本
