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Revised final draft November 26, 2020


( D )1.Peter is good _____ playing football, so he wants to join the football club.

A. to

B. with

C. for

D. at

( A )2.--What’s your favorite subject

--_____. And I always get a good grade in the test.

A. Physics

B. Homework

C. Movie

D. Concert

( A )3.There are some differences between Tom and Jim _____ they are twin brothers.

A. though

B. if

C. until

D. so

( B )4.This is not Tina’s ruler. _____ is longer.

A. She’s

B. Hers

C. She

D. Her

( A )5.--How many children do you have, Mrs. Green

--A son and a daughter. And they are ___ students now.

A. both

B. all

C. every

D. each

( B )6.I don’t think Henry is _____than Tony.

A. much popular

B. more popular

C. popular

D. most popular

( C )7.His funny story made all of them _____.

A. laughed

B. to laugh

C. laugh

D. laughs

( D )8.My brother is _____ taller than me.

A. very

B. too

C. so

D. much

( B )9.We have many differences, but we also have some things _____.

A. in fact

B. in common

C. as for

D. as well

( C )10.--I think Holly should get the job. _____

--I think Ruth is smarter.

A. What’s the matter

B. What does she do

C. What’s your opinion

D. What’s it like

( C )11.Simon and Bruce blue eyes.

A. has

B. have both

C. both have

D. all have

( A )12.He looks thin, but he isthan before.

A. thinner

B. more thin

C. more strong

D. stronger

( C )13.Our city is getting .

A. beautiful and beautiful

B. more and more beautiful

C. more beautiful and more beautiful

D. much and much beautiful

( A )14.My brother always eats junk food, so he is very

A. unhealthy

B. healthy

C. healthier

D. serious

( C )15.Diana is notgood at sportsEmma.

A. much ... than

B. very ... as

C. so ...as

D. as ...so

( A )16.Can we finish the work withtime andpeople?

A. less, fewer

B. lesser, few

C. fewer, less

D. little, fewer

( D )17.Dennis is noisy. He talksthan his classmates.

A. a little

B. a lot

C. much

D. more

( B )18.Which story is , this one or that one?

A. much interesting

B. more interesting

C. very interesting

D. too interesting ( A )19.This box isthan that one.

A. a little heavier

B. heavy

C. little heavier

D. so heavy

( D )20.Hehis father, and he is good atbasketball.

A. like, playing

B. looks like, play

C. likes, playing the

D. is like, playing

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater

Section A


1.学习Section A单词

2.分析Section A中重点句子结构并掌握所涉及的知识点


fortable seats译:舒适的座位

comfortable的词性为形容词,意为“使人舒服的;舒适的”。其反义词为uncomfortable,副词形式为comfortably其比较级和最高级分别为more comfortable和most comfortable。


这些座位比那些舒服。The seats are more comfortable than those.

2.close to home译:离家近

close意为“(在空间、时间上)接近”,其反义词为far(远的),同义词为near。其常用短语be close to 意为“离······近”;反义短语be far from意为“离······远”。


①My home is close to the zoo.我家离动物园近。

②The bank is far from the station.银行离车站很远。



①他是我的密友。He is my close friend.

②离开前请不要忘记将窗户关上。Don’t forget to close the windows before leaving,please.

③我住得离学校近。I live close to school.

3.It has the best sound.译:它有最好的音质。



约翰是我们班最好的学生。John is the best student in our class.



①Of all the singers,Sam sang best last night.译:昨晚,在所有的歌手中萨姆唱得最好。

②—你最喜欢哪种动物?What kind of animals do you like best?



例句:I like the sound of pages turning.我喜欢翻页的声音。
