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Lesson 39 Am I all right?

sb. be all right


Ste pⅠ: New Words.

Ste pⅡ: Overlook the text,俯瞰课文。


B、Retell the story.

Ste pⅢ: Intensive reading the text精读课文。

S1: While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so.

2. be ________ hospital 住院

be ____________ hospital 在医院

3. operation - operate - operated / ing - operator

__________ ______ __________ ______________________

链接: L77 A successful _____________________

常考: have an ______________________ on sb.

_________________ on sb.

an ____________________ room 手术室

adj. 操作的

典型例题: (1) The shop assistant showed me how to ________________ the digital camera. (operation)

4. successful - succeed - success - successfully

________ _____ _____ ________

链接: L31 _______________ story

九年级U3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

典型例题: (2) Failure is the mother of ____________.

(3) He succeeded ________ doing the experiment.

(4) He was _____________ _______ doing the experiment.

(5) He is a great ____________ as a teacher.

_______________ in doing sth. = ___________________________ in doing sth.

_____________ un. 成功/ cn. 成功的人或事

5. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

6. so

代词(本文) 1) 指代to tell him whether...

I hope _______.

I believe ______.

I think ________.

adv. 非常,很____________ N2 L35 修饰adj. / adv.

连词“因此" L25 I didn't know the way to my

hotel ______ I asked a porter.

"也,同样"倒装so + be / 助/ 情+ 主N1L113 _________ have I.

典型例题: (11) --David has made great progress recently.

--_______, and ________. (2011 攀枝花)

A. So he has; so have you.

B. So he has; so you have.

C. So has he; so you have

D. So has he; so have you.

典型例题: (12) --Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday?

--If I don't go, __________. (2012 随州)

A. so does he

B. so will he

C. neither does he

D. neither will he

典型例题: (13) You have to leave now _______ you can catch the early bus.

(2010 潍坊)

A. so that

B. as soon as

C. because

D. if

典型例题: (14) --You study ______ hard _____ you're sure to pass the exam.

--Thank you for saying so. (2011 福州)

A. enough; to

B. as; as

C. so; that

S2: The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone.

2. the following day 第二天= ____________________________


(1) adj. 接下来的

the following day 第二天

the ________________ week 接下来的一周

the_________________ year 来年

the following day / week / year = the __________ day / week / year

(2) adj. 下列的,下述的the ___________________ questions.

(3) v. 跟随,遵循

典型例题: (1) We were advised ______________(follow) what the old man said.

(2) The board of directors _____________already ____________ (follow) my

advice on the advertising promotion.

(3) He followed ______ on how to learn English.

A. an advice

B. a good advice

C. good advice

D. a good piece of advice.

3. ____________________ 请求,索要

4. a ______________ telephone 床头电话

S3: When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington.

2. _______________ adj. 强烈独自一人,无感情色彩

________________ adj. 指人(孤单的)感情色彩

指(地方)L29 a __________ island 孤僻的

3. _________________ n. 电话交换台;vt. 调换,交换

4. ____________________ 要求

典型例题: (1) --It seems that the old man feels ______. Let's go over and talk with him.

--You'd better let him _______, or you may get into trouble.

A. alone; lonely

B. lonely; alone
