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1. 方式副词(介绍了常用副词)

2. 介词短语(区分了by,through, in, with四个表方式的介词用法)

3. 形容词短语

4. 方式状语从句

(1)as if/as though

(2)as/like (just) as…so…表示“正如”、“像……”。

(3)(in) the way (that) 引导的方式状语从句“以…方式”

(一)方式副词,用来回答how 提出的问题。常见的此类副词主要有:angrily 生气地anxiously 焦急地badly 糟糕地

calmly 冷静地carefully 仔细地carelessly 粗心地

clearly 清晰地closely 紧密地dangerously 危险地

eagerly 热心地effectively 有效地faithfully 忠诚地

firmly 坚定地happily 高兴地nervously 紧张地

suddenly 突然地thoroughly 完全地uncomfortably 不舒适地

well 很好地widely 广泛地willingly 情愿地

方式副词,等于介词短语“in a +形容词+ way”。

例如:angrily 等于in an angry way

Some Internet words are widely used and spread.有些网络语言被广泛地使用和传播。

Volunteers always help others eagerly.志愿者们总是热心地帮助他人。

Can you speak it clearly?你能清楚地讲一下它吗?

A dog came out from behind the door suddenly.一只狗突然从门后跑了出来。

(二)介词短语,常见的有:in, by...,with..., through...等。

1. by的用法

(1)by+n/动词ing 表示“通过……方式”

The blind learn something by touching.


We get more information by reading newspaper.



e.g by bus、by ship乘船、by taxi、by train搭火车、by plane搭飞机(3)by+水陆空状态词也表示交通方式,如:

by road 公路运输;乘汽车/by land 陆地运输

by sea 海路运输;乘船/by water 水路运输;乘船

by air 航空运输;搭飞机


by letter 书信联系;以书信的方式

by express 快递

by e-mail 邮件联系

by phone 打电话;电话联系

by fax 传真


by hand 手工制作;用手



例:in Chinese 用中文

in French 用法语

How do you spell your name in English?


How to say “hello”in Spanish?



in ink


in a traditional way 以传统的方式

in his way 以他的方式

in Paul’s way 以保尔的方式

3. with 的用法


例:eat with a spoon 用勺子吃

write with a pencil 用铅笔写

cut with a knife 用刀子切

We see with our eyes, and hear with our ears. 我们用眼睛看,用耳朵听。

4. through 的用法


He succeeded through hard work.



He behaves in a respectful way. 他举止彬彬有礼。

She smiled in a friendly way. 她友好地笑了笑。

By using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 通过使用他的杂交水稻,农民的产量是以前的两倍大。

They also express their feelings by using unspoken language through keeping physical distance, actions or posture. 他们还通过使用无声的语言,及通过保持身体的距离,动作或姿势,来表达感情。

He must be able to use the foreign language through forgetting all about his own. 他必须能够通过忘记自己的语言来使用外语。

I finished the essay through her help. 我借助她的帮助完成了这篇文章。


The hare was caught alive. 兔子被活捉了。(表示被捉时的状况或方式)

He went to bed cold and hungry. 他又冷又饿地上床睡了。(表示方式或伴随)The child was lying in bed awake. 孩子醒着躺在床上。(表示方式或伴随)

He spent the entire journey asleep. 他在睡觉的状态下度过了整个旅程。(表示方式或伴随)


