

Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains

Section B 2a-2c

Hansel and Gretel(reading)

Step 1 Lead-in

Show three key words of a fairy tale, then ask Ss to guess what story it is.

“Beauty and the Beast”, ”The Emperor’s New Clothes. ”“Hansel and Gretel”

Step 2 Pre-reading

Ask Ss to look at the text and guess what kind of text it is: a play

Step 3 While-reading

First, ask Ss to read the text quickly and answer four questions:

How many people are there in the family?

Why did the stepmother want the children die in the forest?

What did Hansel plan to do?

Were they finally lost? What did they find?

Then, tell Ss there are four parts “the beginning”, “development”, “climax”and “the ending”

Next, divide the reading text into four parts, and lead Ss to read the four parts very carefully:

Beginning: read scene 1-3, fill in the blanks to get the answer to the question “How do Hansel and Gretel find their way home?”

Development: read scene 4-6 in groups, answer three questions.

Climax: read scene 7 –last paragraph, try to translate three sentences.

Ending: write it by themselves

Step 4 Post-reading

Think of some adjective to describe the four characters

Step 5 Production

Ss choose two scenes from the play “Hansel and Gretel” to act them out.
